La familia Hecker que viajaba de Bahía Blanca a Mayor Buratovich fue sorprendida por una tormenta torrencial que inundó la ruta nacional número 3. En un intento desesperado por salvar a sus hijas, Pilar y Delfina, los padres las entregaron a un conductor de camioneta más alta. Sin embargo, la corriente arrastró el vehículo y ahora las niñas están desaparecidas.
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La familia Hecker que viajaba de Bahía Blanca a Mayor Buratovich fue sorprendida por una tormenta torrencial que inundó la ruta nacional número 3. En un intento desesperado por salvar a sus hijas, Pilar y Delfina, los padres las entregaron a un conductor de camioneta más alta. Sin embargo, la corriente arrastró el vehículo y ahora las niñas están desaparecidas.
👉 Seguí en #DiarioDeLaTarde
📺 a24.com/vivo
00:00Now, at this moment, going back to General Cerri,
00:03doing over and over again the path that this family chose.
00:06In this street, which I'm going to show you now, which is practically a river,
00:09which Juan Cesareta is going to show you from the water,
00:11is where they used to go up.
00:13Look at what is the entrance to Cerri at this moment.
00:17This is the street to enter there.
00:18Do you see in the background?
00:21Look at the rescue truck
00:23that is arriving to a population that no one has yet arrived.
00:28It is the first land entry
00:31of firefighters and rescuers
00:35to the center of Cerri.
00:36There is talk of a disaster.
00:38There is talk of devastated land, of houses practically destroyed.
00:44And the truth is that many people have disappeared.
00:48Well, you know that in that image that you yourself show,
00:51and surely the zoom to us gives us a hand,
00:54above the truck there are two kayaks.
00:56And that already paints us the situation
00:57with which the rescuers are going to find themselves later on.
01:03Yes, it is critical.
01:04And if we try to enter through some places,
01:07the truth is that it is temerary, it is almost impossible.
01:10And the aerial image of the red truck
01:15is made from...
01:16And sorry to correct this,
01:17because the news is coming minute by minute.
01:20It is part of what it is...
01:23In principle, you have to check that information.
01:26There is talk of a plane.
01:27It says,
01:29Pipi Marengo went flying with his plane
01:32and located the combine where one of the girls is searched.
01:37600 meters between Cerri and Route 3.
01:41It is where we were located,
01:43to the side that I showed you the water.
01:45For that place that was all flooded,
01:47it is for where...
01:49It says that 600 meters,
01:51for where the chaos of the water swept everything,
01:54it is where the truck is visualized
01:56with the wheels resting on the floor
01:59and in a vertical position.
02:01That gives hope.
02:03It gives hope.
02:05In that place, the water reached approximately 1.5 meters.
02:09Well, if they stayed on the roof, there may still be hope.
02:12The truck was dragged from Route 3,
02:15where we are now standing,
02:17towards the inside
02:19and the distance is approximately where you are seeing now
02:23rescuers working to get people out
02:26or, well, what they find in some houses
02:27that have been totally destroyed and summarized as rubble.
02:31A more than tragic, desperate situation.
02:34The hours are running
02:36and neither the two girls nor Rubén appear,
02:39this brave man who took care of them
02:41when the water dragged his parents' vehicle.
02:45We are seeing images of Ale Pueblas
02:48also working tirelessly there in the place
02:50to bring us all the information of what is happening live now
02:55in this locality
02:57which is very close to Bahía Blanca
02:59and let's remember that the Ecker family
03:01had left Bahía Blanca
03:04to go to a locality
03:07that is about 100 kilometers away.
03:09Look, this is the route they were going to take.
03:11Leaving Bahía Blanca, the center,
03:14they were going to pass through this place
03:18here, now we are going to stop a little more
03:20to get to this point
03:23where they were going to go to Mariana's house,
03:26the aunt who spoke to us earlier today.
03:29That was the planned route.
03:31But what happened?
03:32Let's go to the next map, please.
03:35When they leave Bahía Blanca,
03:37the same point that I just showed you,
03:40is this, the center of Bahía Blanca.
03:41They leave, they pass through this place,
03:46now, later I will tell you,
03:47this same place that we are marking here,
03:50the place, the cholo, the dining room,
03:53they continue, and we had thought
03:57that they had taken an internal path.
03:58No, no, they continued on route number 3.
04:00No, he dragged them, that's the incredible thing.
04:02That's incredible, a route.
04:04He dragged them, he passed the water above the route
04:07and lost the reference,
04:08and he takes you, he drags you, he puts you.
04:11This is an area of refrigerators.
04:13The aunt told Karina Gurovich,
04:16our executive producer,
04:18between refrigerators is where they lose the girls.
04:22Between refrigerators is here.
04:24There is one in this sector,
04:25a little higher, and another one here.
04:27In this place, they didn't even get to General Cerri,
04:32they didn't even get to the locality.
04:35At this height, the water drags them.
04:39And I think we had, is there a third map,
04:41or is this one, we're going to keep the last one.
04:44Look, there it is, perfect.
04:46Look at this,
04:48the center of Bahia Blanca, the same,
04:50they go out, they pass through the dining room,
04:54the cholo,
04:55and here is Villa Olga, what I was just telling you.
04:58At this height,
05:00it is when the water passes over them.
05:02Well, look, they are close to the bay,
05:04from the water, from the natural course,
05:06to where the water runs and to where they are dragged.
05:09Imagine that the water takes you 30 blocks,
05:11just so you have an idea,
05:13take dimension of what happened.
05:14It drags you 30 blocks.
05:16While we see images again of what was happening,
05:19there was a personal experience,
05:20it is never good to be self-referential,
05:22but I have a concrete idea of what can happen to you
05:25in a flood that happened in Trelew
05:27and that I covered at the time for another channel.
05:29And we were going to broadcast to Rawson.
05:32And on the way, the water began to rise.
05:36And we were in the car,
05:37and the water first began to rise to the height of the wheels,
05:40then to the height of the grill,
05:42then to the height of the hood,
05:44and when we wanted to remember,
05:45the water was at the height of the car roof,
05:47and we got off,
05:48and the car was below us.
05:50At the height of the chest, and the current begins to run.
05:53The sunset grabs you,
05:54and you don't see the route.
05:56It's like being in the middle of the field,
05:58like being in the middle of a lagoon.
05:59That's the real situation.
06:01It's not like you imagine it,
06:03that water passes over the route.
06:05It's like being in the middle of a lagoon.
06:07It's a desperate situation, Carlos.
06:09And I add one more fact,
06:11that always, if you follow us, you see me,
06:13I always tell it.
06:14An islander used to say a long time ago,
06:17you can always try to put out the fire.
06:20A tragedy with fire,
06:21you can always try to fight it by putting it out.
06:25When the water comes,
06:26there is nothing to do.
06:28Because, as Guillermo just said,
06:29you are in the middle of a lagoon.
06:31It has a lot of force.
06:32A lot of force, and you have nothing to do.
06:35The inclemency of the water
06:36is the strongest of all nature.
06:39We just showed you at this height of Route 3,
06:42it passes over the water,
06:43so that you try to
06:46have a magnitude of this misfortune.
06:49The water separates the family.
06:52Mom and Dad end up dragged by the water.
06:54We still don't have the whereabouts of Salazar,
06:57the man in the truck, and the two girls.
06:59But think about this.
07:01Mom, from here,
07:05almost three kilometers,
07:07is dragged to this point.
07:10This is the point that the aunt was telling us about.
07:13It is the El Cholo diner.
07:15It is a well-known place and a service station
07:18for many trucks.
07:19Our production is processing a video
07:22of a driver who recorded the moment
07:26when he passed through this place,
07:28full of trucks.
07:30There are a lot of people who stop
07:32to continue on Route 3.
07:35Well, those three kilometers
07:38were the ones that dragged the mother of these girls.
07:43Carlos, let's put the images back
07:45and we'll go with Ale Pueblas.
07:46Ale Pueblas is now in Serri,
07:48in the place where the events took place,
07:50where the two girls disappeared.
07:52These are the two faces that must be kept in mind,
07:55especially if you are in the Bahía Blanca area,
07:58in case they got to your hands,
07:59in case they got to your place
08:00and you couldn't let them know yet.
08:02There is a desperate search
08:04for a four-year-old Pilar
08:05and a one-year-old Delfina.
08:06We already told you the story,
08:07we just told it to you.
08:08From the hands of Andrés and Marina,
08:11their parents passed to Rubén Salazar,
08:13who drove a truck
08:14from a postal service company
08:16that was dragged.
08:18It was dragged.
08:18We already know that it was dragged
08:20because there is an aerial image
08:22of a plane, Ale Pueblas just confirmed,
08:26that could show that it was not
08:29in an accessible area,
08:31but at least it is located.
08:33The truck was dragged by the water,
08:35we can certify that.
08:37And the rest is a great mystery.
08:40So far, 13 are the fatal victims,
08:4411 of them have been identified.