00:00will feature the warriors and the devils let's begin with player introductions for tonight's
00:09game day introducing first the away team the warriors the players salute you the fans
00:17and we are ready to begin tonight's game day
00:23and with the introductions aside and benny of the devils
00:27last time these two teams played back on the 20th
00:33catch by douglas here's the backhand from the nine
00:45robote forehand by hiro
01:00julen now from the 12 line on the right side
01:02robote that rebound off the back wall played by hiro caught by douglas that goes goes for
01:09the two all that scores two points for douglas and julen of the warriors douglas has to serve
01:15that's a great sign for douglas scoring on that two wall early on i mean moving up on
01:20a great opportunity shot it with confidence it opened up nicely take another look here
01:25up at the six line really opens wide and hiro well away from that one there in the backcourt
01:32and just a swing and a miss another life for the warriors in the opening set powerful powerful
01:38serve by douglas handled well by benny that throw was beautifully made and stopped by julen
01:47here's julen from the 11 line over the top hiro has it at the backhand
01:53kicking up julen makes the catch big backhand by julen a robote coming out
02:01difficult robote save right up the middle and he's there
02:06excellent catch by julen julen powerfully from the forehand and benny's there
02:13julen calls for the catch he's got it to 10 karam stopped by hiro on the forehand
02:18cortada stopped in the backcourt by julen benny on the catch here's the backhand
02:26catch on the forehand or julen again
02:30that ball's on the wall hiro can just make the save that shot down like a bullet douglas
02:35handled it well what a scoop by benny and tipped on the return a hard fought play point and set
02:43two high to go here set two douglas serves our second set has begun although hard serve
02:49by douglas is caught well by benny
02:57douglas on the forehand hardy inside benny robote left side little clip
03:02read well by julen he moved to the outside perfectly to make that catch crossing two walls
03:07robote saved by benny inside and julen's there powerful backhand now julen
03:16catch on the forehand of julen right up the middle scoop by benny
03:31here's julen on the backhand from the 10 line robote coming out robote forehand by hiro
03:43powerful powerful forehand robote by hiro benny on the catch from the 10 line
03:49a little lower julen will take down the bounce difficult catch made back at the 12.
03:57robote the rebound from the back wall played by douglas to the inside here's benny
04:03stop robote by douglas goes wall to wall robote forehand by hiro splitter
04:20here's the backhand by hiro not much coming out julen makes a save on the robote benny takes it
04:26on the bounce cortada light touch perfectly thrown by benny to score that is five points
04:33for hiro and benny of the devils this is possible set possible match point love this shot here by
04:40douglas by benny rather you see douglas there to the outside a little deep in the backcourt
04:46julen deep as well he crosses the wall soft span of a minute or so here and the lawyers right back
04:53in it douglas from the eight line low hard backhand low runner to the inside what a save by
04:59hiro douglas is there winding up coasty to the inside benny all alone with the robote
05:04plays it low douglas is there douglas rifles it inside scooped by benny julen that's a great catch
05:12the 12 line backhand and he will take it in the air deep in the backcourt julen from the 10
05:19backhand by julen robote coming way out to the inside
05:23catch by julen great catch by julen here's the backhand benny will let it pass robote
05:28played by hiro douglas on it splitter benny reads it stops it
05:35what a catch by julen made deep low runner to the inside tricky play for benny he makes the save
05:41to the outside and it scores points set and a straight set victory for hiro and
05:48benny of the devils taking it six four three six one a straight set victory
05:54backhand to the inside alex in position he saves the robote picked up on the bounce by
06:00kubala forehand allows able to pick this one off at the nine line
06:05lobs it up and out of reach of both devils nicholas with a chance at the robote he keeps
06:09it inside on the wall bradley right back to nicholas from the nine sends it deep
06:19a rotate forehand laid up nicholas makes a stop forehand to the inside topping low and it scores
06:28two points for nicholas and kubala they lead those low catches are difficult to make regardless of
06:33who the player is bradley tends to get down low with the ball when he reaches down like that
06:40doesn't often come up with the catch
06:46bradley handles in the middle of the court high to the inside kubala steps around it here's the
06:51backhand this one's coming out alex sees their boat a nicholas steps in forehand to the inside
06:59picked off by alex alex on a two wall nicholas great defense soft courtada he's just not seeing it
07:11powerfully to the inside nicholas saves their boat a bradley waits forward at the 11
07:17back inside there's nicholas
07:22robote coming out to nicholas in the middle of the court he fires it inside bradley makes the
07:27catch here's the forehand pumps it inside kubala makes the catch in the air
07:34bradley goes up forward in the corner oh nicholas does the same at the nine line
07:39going hard inside picked up by alex alex oh he sends that one deep will nicholas get there
07:44he tries to hit it up that would have counted that's a swing and a miss 4-4 is the score
07:51four lawyers sir
07:57bradley handles in the middle of the court fires it inside
08:01long save oh nicholas makes it right to alex though forehand low and hard crossing nicholas
08:06takes it off the wall what a catch that's coming way out up at the four line turn back up the
08:12middle kubala lets it pass nicholas off his footing makes the save here's bradley now
08:17forehand high to the inside that's a tough one
08:20nicholas another good save right on the wall bradley goes up for it
08:28nicholas sends the robote back into the corner bradley no look catch on the right side
08:32nicholas takes it off the wall backhand just above the pad bradley here's the forehand now
08:40catch by kubala kubala floats it inside that clears that's coming way out
08:45out to the seven line back up the middle kubala gets it
08:48i'm gonna cross the wall that's a tough scoop and it's missed
08:53they don't have two chances to take this set there's a backhand by julen forondas there
09:03remote a forehand drops to the inside forondas on it could not make the play
09:085-5 set point on both times he's missed the ball he was in good opportunity to
09:14kill the point and get one on the board for his team you see here korea just lays it up
09:20and he barely reaches the front wall it's floating to him on the left side and he's getting into the
09:28korea picks the serve here's the backhand thrown powerfully crb
09:32catch and return on the left side rotate forehand by korea
09:37ronda backhand wall to wall remote a coming out
09:48korea makes the forehand remote a save for ronda has it
09:51lines up cosano to all bands in and scores point and set for for ronda and crb winning the second
10:02set backhand by julen crb makes the catch backhand to the inside
10:12crb to the inside jules there here's the backhand from the 10 line
10:20julen fine catch overhead at the 11th forehand to the inside here's crb
10:25ball tipped running game for ronda and crb winning it in the third set six one