Brodie Collins, Merridale Angus, Tennyson reflects on the stud’s autumn sale.
00:00Outstanding. I'm still a bit shocked at the way we cleared the majority of the bulls.
00:05I think there's one or two still passed in but I've sold after the sale with a really
00:10really healthy average considering the times. Hopefully that just shows our clients and
00:16the way we're going about things here that people are backing it in.
00:20Yeah really it'll be over the moon no doubt and myself yeah very wrapped. Some new
00:25genetics that work for us, some new cow lines that work for us and yeah even a couple of bulls
00:30we've bought ourselves from other properties that work well in the spring calves. Yeah some
00:37really healthy calves that are going to do a really good job for our clients.
00:41In a nutshell what was it about the top two priced bulls that stood out?
00:46Growth and shape. A data set in lot five that is rarely seen. I think you'll struggle to find
00:53and the lot four bull is a bit of a complete package. It's a calf with plenty of shape,
00:58good carcass data, good growth. He'll do a hell of a job for you in a herd there's no doubt about that.