00:00During the last year, the Biden administration saw a loss of more than 110,000 manufacturing
00:10jobs or 9,000 manufacturing jobs every single month.
00:16It averaged about 9,000 a month, 110,000 manufacturing jobs.
00:20During the first full month in office, we've not only stopped that manufacturing collapse,
00:25but we've begun to rapidly reverse it and get major gains.
00:31We created 10,000 manufacturing jobs in February alone.
00:36That hasn't happened in a long time.
00:39And these aren't government jobs, which actually we cut.
00:42These are private sector manufacturing jobs.
00:46So we gained all of those jobs, 10,000 jobs, and we barely started yet.
00:52That's a very unusual number.
00:53People are surprised by it.
00:54I believe it a little surprising.
00:56On auto jobs, we created almost 9,000 new jobs in the auto production field.
01:05And the reason for that is largely they think things are happening, so they're already geared
01:11In some cases, they had rooms in their plants or they had empty plants that they were able
01:15to put into use quickly because they see because of the tariffs, they don't want to be dealing
01:20with other places and they don't want to go back and forth and around and through the
01:25borders and across Mexico border and Canada border and all over.
01:29They want to have the jobs in one location.
01:32And they've had space, and if they had space, they were able to create the jobs almost immediately.
01:36In some cases, they'll be building plants to take care of those jobs.
01:41So we created 9,000 new jobs already in the auto production, auto parts manufacturing.
01:48So we want the auto parts ideally, and I think from a simplicity standpoint, too, to be built
01:53and made in the United States.
01:56It's in a single month that all took place in a single month, 9,000 new auto jobs.
02:01You haven't heard that in a long time after auto workers lost more than 27,000 auto jobs
02:07in the final year of Biden.
02:11These are also high paying jobs.
02:13These are very prime jobs.
02:15The ISM Manufacturing Survey and the S&P Manufacturing Survey have also confirmed that our administration
02:22is presiding over a brand new domestic manufacturing boom after major collapse under Biden.
02:29It was a collapse.
02:30All he did is keep adding new government jobs, which are not the jobs you want.
02:35We're trying to shrink government and grow the private sector.
02:39That's what we've been doing under the final two years of Biden.
02:43One in every four jobs created in America was a government job.
02:47That's a tremendous percentage.
02:49But under the first full month of President Trump, which we haven't even gotten started
02:53yet, an incredible 93 percent of all job gains were in the private sector.
02:58So that's just that statistic just came out.
03:02Big gains for native born Americans for the first time in 15 months.
03:09The job gains for native born Americans, for American people, people born in America, exceeded
03:15job gains for migrant and foreign born workers.
03:19This is the first time that's happened in more than 15 months.
03:23Employment for native born workers went up by 284,000, while foreign born workers went
03:30down by 87,000.
03:31Now, you know, you've heard the same stat where foreign workers were taking up all the
03:37jobs or almost all the jobs, in some cases, literally all of the jobs.
03:43And now it's 284,000 native born jobs here.
03:49People born in our country, 284,000, while foreign born workers went down by 87,000.
03:56First time that's happened in a long time.
03:58So these are incredible numbers.
04:01And they're they're very early.
04:03I mean, you know, we're here for five weeks.
04:07But we have been talking about it since the big win in November, November 5th.
04:12So a lot of these people, they listen to speak and they say, well, I'm going to gear up and
04:17they're gearing up.
04:18And so they've been gearing up.
04:19They've had a little time.
04:20It's not just it's not just five weeks, it's five weeks plus a few months.
04:25And they are you know, they put it into effect pretty quickly.
04:28They have confidence that I'm what I'm saying is going to happen.
04:32So with that, I'd like to ask a highly respected gentleman, Kevin Hassett.
04:36He's been with us for a long time and he's been right about a lot.
04:39We had the greatest economy in history in the first term.
04:43And Kevin was a big part of it.
04:44So, Kevin, could you maybe give a little description, please?
04:47Yeah, thank you very much, Mr. Trump.
04:49I think that the three things that you emphasized during the campaign is that you wanted to
04:52create domestic, high paying manufacturing jobs, that you wanted to end wasteful government
04:57spending and reduce the unproductive government workers and in fact, unleash them into the
05:02private economy where they could be more productive and to create jobs for Americans.
05:06A lot of people said that if you deported illegals, the employment would go down because
05:11no one no Americans would take those jobs.
05:12And if you look, two hundred and eighty thousand American born folks were hired.
05:17Manufacturing jobs are going up.
05:19And this is just out of the expectation of your future policies, really, sir.
05:23It's in April when your reciprocal trade act is expected to happen.
05:25The tax cuts haven't passed yet.
05:27And so people are clearly expecting the golden age.
05:29And if you want to forecast the future numbers, everybody, just keep in mind that President
05:33Trump has already gotten us one point seven trillion in commitments of new factories.
05:38And those haven't even happened yet.
05:39Those aren't even in the numbers.
05:40And so I expect that this is going to be a glimpse of the golden age to come, sir.
05:44Thank you very much.