00:00Welcome to Trickly Pod, I'm Chris and this is week seven of our journey. I think we've
00:12got 10 more weeks to go. Is it? Yeah, 10 more weeks. And I'm Rachel and today we are joined
00:17by Natalie Glendening and Danny Heaton. Natalie is a community psychiatric nurse taken on
00:22dancing for the first time to support Highland Hospice. And Danny is a chef at Angry Seagull
00:27Fish and Chips and he is here to try something new and raise funds for Highland Hospice and
00:31Inverness Ice Centre. Let's jump in. How are you finding it so far? I'll let you go first.
00:38Ladies first. Okay. Yeah, I'm finding it really good fun. Bit of a roller coaster, but definitely
00:45more highs than lows. I'm going to keep it that way as well. So yeah, on the whole really
00:49good, but tired at times. It's full on, but yeah, just got a good dance partner and Danny.
00:57I'm not a Danny, am I? No, I'm talking to you. Yeah. So lucky with dance partner as
01:06far as I'm concerned and that's really helped as well. So yes, good. How about you, Danny?
01:11Yeah, really enjoying it. You know, a good bunch of people on the Sunday groups and obviously
01:15Natalie's already touched that I'm a good dance partner as well. So I'll definitely
01:19might say that back later on, but maybe not just now. No, I'm only joking. Natalie's a really good
01:22dance partner as well. We've had, definitely had ups and downs, a lot of tantrums from me on Quickstep
01:28which everyone finds funny apart from me. But yeah, really, really enjoying the process,
01:32you know, good bunch of people as well. And what made you sign up for it?
01:37Something different, you know, my boss Grant, he did Nesfactor. So I've seen it in the back of the
01:42brochure for Nesfactor, maybe one or two drinks I will say that I had. I thought, oh yeah,
01:48that might be a good idea. So I applied for it. And then next thing I know, I got an email saying,
01:53oh yes, come down for an interview. I was like, oh, okay. And next I got another interview saying,
01:57yeah, you've been accepted. I was like, oh, oh, so then that was me into it. So yeah,
02:02full scale attack of that one. Yeah.
02:04And what dances are you both doing? So it's Quickstep and?
02:07And how are we finding both?
02:09Quickstep is quick, challenging, fun. Roomba is fun and probably challenging.
02:18We've only had a few lessons for that one, but we're getting there more and more every time.
02:22So I think that'll be a very quick learning process very quickly.
02:26And we've talked about how you've came into it. How about yourself Natalie?
02:30Yeah. So my husband did it actually years ago. I want to say 2013, but I could be wrong.
02:38And, you know, it was great back then, but it's obviously kind of grown arms and legs over the
02:42years. And it's something that I've kind of always kind of thought, I wonder if I could do it just
02:48like, you know, I like to dance on the dance floor with a wee second in my hand, but can I actually
02:53dance? Probably no. It's actually the answer that I'm coming to now. It's different with a
02:58choreographer in front of you following moves, but I'm giving it my best shot. But yeah. So I
03:04did Croatia a couple of years ago. I was part of the Blister Sisters for the Highland Hospice
03:10and kind of being part of that and just kind of, you know, fundraising. I had kind of a year off
03:17after that, really enjoyed it. And then Strictly came back around and I kind of said at the time
03:22when I did Croatia that I'd love to do Strictly. And a few people were like, definitely, you know,
03:25that way where everybody gets behind you as soon as you start to say that you're in the slot,
03:29the remotely, but interested in it. It's like, everyone's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. You'd be
03:33amazing at that. And before I know it, here I am. So yeah.
03:37How does it compare in terms of challenging doing Croatia, part of the Blister Sisters,
03:43to this dance competition and training involved?
03:45They're both challenging. I guess this, you know, is different in the sense of that it's kind of
03:52week in, week out and yeah, different, but equally kind of challenging. They were both
03:57like fun, but yeah, very, very kind of different. Probably this has got a slight edge actually in
04:02terms of kind of having confidence. So Croatia, you're part of a team and obviously Strictly,
04:08you're part of a team, but in a partnership, but it's, it's way more, I'm going to have to
04:13kind of be quite confident, fake it till I make it on the confidence scale, I think.
04:18So it sounds like Quick Step's not your favorite, Danny.
04:20It wasn't for the last two weeks or three weeks. I think when we try to piece everything together,
04:27I was doing the steps, single it. And then I was trying to put it together with Natalie and it
04:31was just going completely Pete Tong. So I really beat myself up, but the last couple of weeks,
04:35I've kind of just tried to leave all the negativity that I've been putting on myself
04:40at the door and actually starting to really enjoy it again. And obviously Ashley and Nikki are
04:45really good coaches. They're spending like extra time with us, learning and teaching us. So yeah,
04:49it's actually more fun now because all we need to do is kind of like polish the performance
04:54and try not to fall over like I did last night.
04:56And how were you learning that process of being able to leave things at the door?
04:59Is that something you were able to do before, you know, or have you always been quite a perfectionist?
05:04I've always been hard on myself. And I think, well, Natalie was one of these ones that when
05:09she was listening to me, she's like, why are you so hard on yourself? I was like, I don't know,
05:11it's just something that I've always been. I like to make sure that I do everything correctly,
05:16properly and constantly showing how to do something when I'm like, yeah, I can do it,
05:19I can do it. And then it goes a little bit Pete Tong, I might really beat myself up. But yeah,
05:23it's trying to get that out of my mind and just think, yeah, it's a whole learning process for
05:27everyone. And that's probably one of the difficult challenges for me.
05:31Yeah. I think there's so much that people are learning about them, not just the dancing,
05:34but just learning about themselves on this journey that you wouldn't have thought,
05:38you know, has there been anything for you Natalie?
05:41Yeah. I mean, I probably can echo what Danny's been saying that like, I like to,
05:45when I do something, I like to do a good job and I like to do it well, but the quick step,
05:50it is difficult and it is a lot quicker. I know it sounds ridiculous to people that kind of watch
05:55strictly and things at home and you know, obviously the quick steps quick, but I think
05:59until you're actually doing it, I've got like so much admiration now for dancers as well,
06:03because they make it look so effortless and there's a lot of effort that goes into the moves.
06:09And I think there was the couple of weeks ago, that kind of a moment where we had a bit of a
06:13kind of low moment. And I think both of us were like, at no point were we ever going to drop out,
06:18but we both just thought like, are we going to actually be able to do this?
06:23That was probably a low point of the whole thing. And like you say,
06:26we think we both felt that as well, didn't we? Yeah.
06:28Yeah. But there has been a turning point and it's clicking. And I think when it clicks,
06:34we can see the bigger picture and we're like, right, okay, we can smash this now. We know what
06:39we're doing. We've got a lot of work to do. Don't get me wrong with all of our dances, but I think,
06:43yeah, that kind of hopes back and kind of, we're both kind of back to kind of being that kind of
06:49playful way again and having fun in the lessons as well. Whereas, yeah, there was a couple of
06:53sessions where I think we were both just kind of getting a bit kind of in our own heads about it.
06:58Putting a lot of pressure on. And I think that was quite good as they laid that out at the start.
07:02You are going to have bad weeks. You're going to have weeks where you feel like you want to give
07:05up. And I think that was quite helpful that they set that out at the start because it is
07:09mentally and physically exhausting alongside becoming an events planner. That is, I think,
07:16the harder thing for me. Well, the dancing's hard, but becoming an event planner is also,
07:21it's just a lot. How were you finding that process? Very hard. You know, it's, luckily enough,
07:27I've obviously got the van and stuff like that, which I can use as well. But some of my events
07:32aren't selling as I thought they would. And, you know, you see other people's events, unfortunately,
07:36having to cancel. You're just like, I hope that doesn't happen to me. But then you're just like,
07:39okay, maybe you just need to cancel it, dust it off or retry it again on a different day, you know?
07:44So yeah, it's a difficult process because I think there's a lot of people hitting the same people
07:49for everything. You know, you've got your ticket prices, you've got events,
07:52raffle. So I think obviously with the current climate as well, I think it's hard for everyone.
07:55It's not just them trying to be tight. It's like, they just don't have the money to give us,
07:59you know? And it's one of them. And you think, oh yeah, but it's for a good cause. It's for
08:02the hospice. But then you've got to think of people at home that are thinking, hold on a minute,
08:06I don't have X, Y, and Z to give to you, or I would. So it's just one of them that,
08:11yeah, it's a hard process to do. What are you guys planning on that front though?
08:15Well, I've just had an event at the weekend, just passed there. So I had the drag brunch
08:20and that was good. Next up for me is Botanic House are hosting a 80s neon disco. I am super
08:28excited about that. And we've got Claire Carson coming along and doing UV face painting. That'll
08:33be all lovely under the UV lights and all the classic kind of 80s hits. So we've got DJ coming
08:39to that with us as well. So yeah, myself and Danny actually are going to do a joint fancy
08:43dress fun run and that's in Torvain Park. So yeah, we've got a couple of things. I enjoy
08:50event planning. So I come alive with this kind of stuff. And to any of my friends listening to this,
08:56they'll be thinking, yeah, she's in her element with all the events because I think my job is
09:01quite serious. So having something, organizing other things, I kind of thrive off that. I'm not
09:07saying it's not difficult. I think it is really hard to fundraise. And I agree with what Danny's
09:10saying is that, you know, we're tending to have to go to the same kind of pool of people. But yeah,
09:15quite, I quite like the planning part of it. So I've got a hot wings challenge, five hot wings,
09:21loads of hot sauce, which Natalie's husband is making for me. Booker's in Van Ness is actually
09:27donating me the wings as well. So yeah, it's good. And then a shot of tequila, a shot of
09:33chilli tequila, five minutes and then a minute cool down. And then yeah, if you win it, yeah,
09:37it's like I've got like a little plaque saying you've completed the hot wings challenge. And
09:42then I've got killer pool as well, something different. Everyone's kind of doing the same
09:47thing. So I thought I'd just go a bit rogue and try a killer pool tournament as well. So yeah,
09:51I'm trying different things. It's what everyone else is doing. So yeah, it's good. My hot wings
09:55challenge is next Thursday at the Calais from half past seven. And then the pool, killer pool is the
10:02following week as well. And I also have medium night. I think that might be a good one, but that's
10:07not till April. So yeah, I think I've got some good plans ahead and we had a good chat with
10:13Ashley as well about doing other little bits and bots. So I think we're going to plan a couple
10:17together and just see what we can see, what we can make. Yeah. Does Highland Hospice resonate with
10:22you guys personally? Is there any particular reason why you've applied? I mean, I know we
10:25saw that your husband's done it in the past and your boss. Yeah, my boss did the nest factor for
10:30the hospice as well. But has there been any personal causes that's brought it to your attention?
10:35For me, there wasn't. Obviously I'm originally from Huddersfield. So I know my family's never
10:42had to use a Highland Hospice thing, but I think it's a good charity and we have sort of like a
10:46Macmillan, which is kind of the same thing. So I know when my dad passed away, he used Macmillan a lot.
10:53Yeah, for myself. So kind of nobody kind of directly personal to myself, but certainly
10:58know of people that have had family in the hospice. You know, I think everybody speaks
11:03so, so highly of the hospice. And then I actually got involved in Croatia because
11:08one of my best friends, Morag, her father, Tom had passed away in the hospice and she decided
11:13she was doing Croatia and then kind of asked me if I fancy doing it as well. So that's how we got
11:17involved in that. It's just brings so much to so many. And I also think that sadly, we never know
11:24when any of us may need the hospice. So it's such an amazing resource that we need to keep it going.
11:30And how about the ice centre is a big part of it too. I think that we, you know,
11:33give a big focus to the Highland Hospice, which is obvious we need to do in terms of
11:37being a community hub. Is that something that, I don't know, do you have family that go there or
11:41use that? I've got a few friends that play for the hockey team as well. And a few people that use the
11:46martial arts studio as well. So when it's kind of something for that as well. So it's kind of like,
11:51oh yeah, my friends use that. So that's another thing that I like to obviously help them out as
11:55much as well. So that's another reason probably why I'm doing it. I spent so many nights at ice
12:01discos every Sunday for me as a teenager was an ice disco. So I love the ice rink. Again, it's a
12:07community kind of resource, isn't it? And it's good. There's, you know, there's not that many things for
12:12families and things to do in Inverness. So one of the events did was an ice disco and that was kind
12:18of family friendly, which was really successful. And yeah, another worthy cause. Because I think
12:25not many people understand that it's a charity, do they? Most people make the mistake thinking
12:28I think it's an organisation or attached to Highlife. Yeah. So I think it always catches
12:36people by surprise that it's its own little entity that also is a charity and needs help.
12:40And they've definitely been hit by like rising energy costs over the last couple of years. So
12:45and it is and I held an ice skating party disco as well two weeks ago. And before it was
12:51just so packed out with like hockey team. I just didn't realise how busy it was. Like I had heard it
12:56but to see it that it is utilised by so many people and families and it's a great resource.
13:03So we're seven weeks in on this journey. Has there been anything that's really stuck with you guys?
13:07Personal moments or like, you know, things that you're doing that you'd never thought you'd be
13:11doing? Well, for me, it's the friendship, the friendships that we're making along the way as
13:16well. You know, you don't realise how close you can get to people. Like, you know, you're just
13:21having a laugh with them and joking with them. And then, you know, you're dancing with them. And,
13:25you know, it's just it's just the friendships that you can make going along the way.
13:29It's a very tight knit community, isn't it? It just happens overnight, but everyone's sort of
13:34stuck with one another. It's quite nice. You know, when you like when we did the meeting,
13:38the original one back in January, was it? Yeah. You know, the amount of people that it was
13:42getting messages from or speaking to about and stuff like that. So you just straight away that
13:47you're making new friends potentially for life. You know, it's not like on the 18th of May, like,
13:53I'll see you later. Bye bye. You know, I'm not going to speak to you all again because you know
13:56that you are because you've gone through this such long process together that you will still
14:01talk to people at the end of it because, you know, you've been your buddies, your friends,
14:04your enemies, your teammates, everything. And I mean, I think we probably bond so closely so
14:10quickly because we're all in the same bag and it's hard to tell anyone else what it feels like.
14:15Yeah. But, you know, someone else doing it with you gets it. And I think that's probably where
14:19it comes from. Has there been any moment so far that's made you really proud of yourself?
14:23You know, I know everybody says it's pushing, you know, out of your comfort zone. And I
14:27agree with that. It is pushing me out of my comfort zone. I mean, I'm one of these people
14:32that won't let my husband lift me. I don't like the thought of that just because I just get a bit
14:36like, ooh. But obviously having to do different moves with Danny, I'll not give any spoilers,
14:42but there's some certain moves out there that, yeah, I mean, Danny has been the perfect partner
14:48for me because he makes me feel very comfortable and relaxed. I think we got really comfortable
14:53around each other quite quickly. I trust him and, you know, he's not going to drop me.
14:59No, absolutely not.
15:00So I'm proud of that. I'm proud of just like getting over myself almost and having a word
15:06of myself and just, yeah, there's more to come. Yeah.
15:09Yeah. It's like Rob Knightley said, you kind of get used to it. And then when you watch the videos,
15:14I think you guys will probably be the same when you watch your videos from the first couple of
15:18classes and you go one way and your partner goes the other way and you're thinking, oh great,
15:21here we go. But then you look at your videos, what you're doing now, and you're thinking,
15:25hold on a minute, that was me seven weeks ago going completely the opposite way. And now we're
15:30just like doing potentially the whole of his dance. Yeah, there's a few hiccups is, you know,
15:35me falling over a few times, but it's still really an enjoyable moment when you look at yourself
15:41seven weeks ago thinking, oh, hold on a minute, I can't do that. And you look at your videos now
15:44and you're thinking, wow, we've just done the whole thing. You've still done the whole routine
15:49and you're thinking, yeah, that's a pretty proud moment. You know, it's good fun.
15:53It's good fun. And how do you relax after a day of work and dancing?
16:00Yeah, so I've got family. So my eldest daughter doesn't live with us, but I've got the young one.
16:05She's only eight, Sophia. So yeah, a lot of my time is spent with Sophia. And yeah, she's been
16:13quite kind of excited. She's like my number one fan, really. So she's kind of been involved as
16:19much as the fundraising and things as she can be. So yeah, spending time with her kind of
16:24reminds me of why I'm doing it. And yeah, just kind of chill with her. And she's always kind of
16:29drawing or playing or pottering about. That's the mum side of me. The other side just goes
16:34home and has a nice glass of wine at times as well. So let's just keep it real.
16:41Well, there's loads of things. If I'm going from after the dancing, I like just to go home and
16:45relax on the sofa, chill out with the dogs after work or play the Xbox and just chat to the
16:51wife for a couple of hours and see how her day's been. And then just relaxing on the sofa,
16:56watching films. You do need that moment of just doing nothing on the couch with a glass of wine
17:02or playing Xbox. Yeah, just to unwind yourself. Because it is so full on. I say this every week.
17:08But it is though, you know, as soon as you get to your dancing at your dance class or even on a
17:11Sunday afternoon when you're doing group, as soon as you get there, you're like, oh, yeah,
17:15you catch up with people for like five seconds. And then it's like, whack, you're straight into
17:19it for an hour solid of dance, dance, dance. OK, from the top, dance, dance, dance. Right, no,
17:24start again. And you know, it's you just constantly just an hour of just running around.
17:29And then you have for us, it's we've got 10 minutes sometimes, maybe even five.
17:33And then we go straight into rumba. OK, yeah. So you have like five minutes to unwind.
17:39Emila comes in and she's like, right, guys, let's go, go, go, go. And we're just like,
17:43you're out of breath, but you still enjoy it because you've got the buzz and the adrenaline
17:47that's still pumping through you. That's actually quite a tough day for you if it's like that,
17:52because I mean, Sundays are now just picking up. I mean, we saw on last Sunday, we've now got lifts
17:58involved and stuff. Spoiler. But, you know, that's only going to get worse, better. But, you know,
18:04it's only we're only going to get more exercise. We're only going to get what's the word I'm
18:09looking for? Busier. Yeah, it's going to get more challenging. It's just getting more challenging
18:14each week. That's that's what I was trying to say. Hopefully our stamina will increase as we're kind
18:19of going as well. But the rumba is so different that the rumba is quite intense and it's all
18:25kind of in the hips and it's quite slow movement, really. So it's not like it's kind of high
18:30intensity, but there's not really room for error with the rumba as well. It's a weird one, isn't
18:35it? It's like from a quick step, it's like quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. And then the rumba is
18:40like a slow, smooth. Yeah, it's just finding that central middle ground. How are you finding the hip
18:47movement? I have hips and a bum and I'm not scared to use them. Yeah, for me. Yeah, it's difficult.
18:54And, you know, Natalie's getting really good at the rumba and sometimes I feel like,
18:58yeah, I'm not as good as what I should be, but I'm, you know, it's one of them learning curves.
19:04Do you know what I did? I had this problem. My hips and legs were just detached. I couldn't
19:09I couldn't move one without moving the other. Then I bought a hula hoop. A hula hoop, right.
19:12I might have to buy one. A hula hoop has worked. Magic. I've got a bum and a hip.
19:23So how do you keep going like persevere through those moments? You know, what is
19:27something that's kind of drawing you on or is there something within you when you're having
19:30a rough day? Like what makes you just get on and do it? Is it just sheer stubbornness?
19:37Stubbornness for me. And I don't want to let Natalie down because she's trying her hardest
19:41as well. And it's just like I'm trying my hardest. But, you know, Natalie's like,
19:45come on, get out of your head. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. But she's trying to get me back to my
19:50happy, laughy, jokey self. But for me, it's just like, nah, I'm going to take a huff or throw a
19:56wobble a bit. Yeah, Natalie does push me out of that as well. And she does help me get back to
20:02my happy, jokey, laughy, jumping around self, which is obviously which is good for everyone
20:06because everybody likes a happy, jokey person rather than a grumpy person.
20:11I believe you described yourself as a legend.
20:13Yes, absolutely. Yes, I think I did describe myself as a legend as well. I'm going to stick
20:17to that comment. I do find myself, I try to be a legend, put it that way.
20:21And how about yourself, Natalie?
20:23Yeah, I think that we're both, we're both very supportive of each other,
20:27like what Danny's just said. And I think that, you know, like anything in a partnership,
20:33you have kind of strong, you know, one of you can feel sort of stronger in a moment and the
20:38other can feel kind of not as strong. So it's, you know, it's up to us to kind of balance that out.
20:45And I think that on Sunday, for example, there was just a certain move that it was
20:51the most straightforwardest move ever, but I just could not get it into my head. And Danny,
20:57because you were getting it, you're just like, it's okay, just chill, just don't relax. You know,
21:02so we're kind of, yeah, kind of yin and yanging it, I suppose, and trying to do that as much as
21:07we can. And yeah, I don't know how you guys are finding it, but that is one thing I've noticed,
21:14is that all of a sudden you forget to do, like somebody says to you, click your fingers and
21:19like move in a certain direction. I'm like, I don't know how to do that anymore. And it's just
21:23like, I think you do, you can get into your head about it. And then even the simplest of moves can
21:28seem kind of more complicated than what they are. Well, do you remember when, as a team Friday,
21:34we've, as part of our group dance, this isn't really giving anything away. We've just got to
21:37walk. Right. But then Suzanne said, like, we just, you need to walk in a particular way. And then we
21:42all over thought it. And we all set off on the same arm and leg. Yeah. And it's just like, we
21:47know how to walk. And then we just got in our own heads about trying to do it. I think it is that
21:52overthinking thing. It was a walking thing as well they got us to do. And we had somebody covering
21:56our class one week and they're like, okay, show me. Now do it slower, quieter. And I'm tipping
22:01it around like a burglar. Like that's what I end up doing, which is not what I wanted to do. But
22:06I was doing it right before. But as soon as you think about it, you get so in. But I definitely
22:11think if I'm thinking, if there's too much going on and a few weeks ago, there was just a max point
22:15in life. And I think I did team dance practice and I was just like, I can't. Your brain is just
22:21cool sometimes. And it's kind of hard. Then you just need, it's that taking stock and being like,
22:25it's okay. Just keep coming back. I feel like emotional. Does anyone else feel like,
22:29see when I listen to it, if I'm in the car and I'll like put it on. And so I can like,
22:32in my head, kind of practice the moves, start getting a bit like emotional about it. Just
22:36thinking about like how it will be like on the night and things. And I think it's a shame in
22:42a sense as well. Obviously it's the way that they have to do it, but the people that we're all
22:46bonding with on the Friday ultimately are the people that you're then kind of dancing against
22:50on the Friday as well, which is, you know, we're all there, you know, to cheer each other on.
22:58What level of support do you guys have? I mean, is there going to be a bigger audience for you
23:01both turning up on the night? So far I've got a table. So yeah, obviously like most of my family
23:07is in Huddersfield. So my auntie and my uncle are actually coming up for it, which is cool. So
23:12they'll do their yearly visit. Obviously my sponsors, the Angry Seagull, Grant and Magda,
23:17they're coming to it as well. And then I've just got a few other pals come in and then
23:22if you guys know Hal the Pottinger, he's coming as well. Them two did Ness Factor. So
23:26hopefully we can get a few more people on my table, but I think Natalie's probably going to
23:30steal one of my tables as well, because yeah, I don't have a mass, a mass people amount of
23:36coming anyway, for sure. Yeah, I feel quite overwhelmed with the amount of support that
23:41I've got. Just friends and family and, you know, they were all wanting to come, which is great.
23:47And yeah, if we can have our, we're kind of aiming to have our tables, our supporters,
23:53because that kind of makes sense. So yeah, Danny's kindly offered me to have some of his.
23:58I wouldn't say I offered, it was more like, I'm taking one of your tables or else.
24:03Oh yeah, it's team Danny, that.
24:08Get the votes in. And I think people can vote from home too, though, on,
24:12from the day before people can vote for us. Oh, I did not know that.
24:15And they can vote on YouTube because. Yeah, it's streamed on YouTube and Facebook,
24:18isn't it? It is.
24:19Because there's a few people when I'm doing the rounds in the van, they're like, oh, what's it
24:22going to be on? I was like, well, I think it's going to be on Facebook and YouTube. It's like,
24:25don't you worry, we'll be watching you. And that's like people from Gellark and
24:28Lock Inver and Bournemouth Bridge, the places where we go all the time. Oh, don't you worry,
24:32we'll, we'll be watching you. I'm like, yeah, great. I'm like, great. I'm going to find out
24:37if I've messed up here the day after when I go back out on the van. So yeah, it's fun. It's
24:41going to be fun. You and I think have the same problem then, because I mean, I moved up from
24:45London. So all my pals are from, I haven't got the biggest network of friends, I'll be honest.
24:50And so I'm like, okay, I think I can get rid of a table. Yeah. And now I'm like, okay,
24:55you can probably have my other dude because she's got a huge network of friends. So it does,
25:01I'd rather her get it. And then it goes to team Chris and Alicia. Absolutely.
25:05You know, it makes sense, doesn't it? Because they're supporting you as much as they're
25:08supporting Alicia. Yeah. Can we, I just think we need to have a moment though for Ian's baking,
25:14can we? Because I'm still thinking about my scone from Sunday. That is true. So I don't think team
25:20Thursday get this. No, we've got team Alien. Ian, I've not had any of his baking because I
25:27kind of obviously just described what I have for my lunch anyway. But when he comes around,
25:32he comes around with scones or caramel bites or was it the other day? Crunchy bites or something
25:38like that that he made. And I'm just like, I really wish I could eat some of this.
25:41It's becoming its own thing now. So every Sunday after the group dance,
25:45the bakes get brought out. So Ian does one. Ian's ones are great.
25:50Michaela's does some. Gavin has sweets for us. So it's just like, this is so good for the diet.
25:56We need to step up on our Thursday. We have, we get cookies sometimes. We get boxed cookies
26:02and we've had a birthday cake. Right. Wheel of Torture. Indeed. I need to stop calling it that,
26:08but that's the only name that's come to mind. Similar to last week's episode, you've got the
26:12Wheel of Torture, which has seven different categories on it, all correlating to a card in
26:17front of you, which you get to ask the person opposite. So Natalie, do you want to take a spin?
26:23I think you should get a jingle for the Wheel of Torture.
26:25Well, I think we need a jingle. That wasn't much of a spin. Come on.
26:29Right. Wheel of Torture. Surprise. Pick a red card.
26:36Is there a side of me you never anticipated seeing and how has it influenced our teamwork?
26:43Wow. Well, deep. Yeah, it is. I think it's the side where when I'm having a bad dance
26:51and you just kind of tell me to get out of my own head, like we've touched on,
26:55that you kind of boost me back up. Not saying you wasn't that sort of person anyway, but it's nice
26:59to have known her for seven weeks, six, seven, maybe eight weeks altogether. It's nice to know
27:04that she's still there to kind of boost you and make you happy and not Mr. Grumpy all the time.
27:10Now your turn to spin.
27:12Let's see if I can do this without knocking everything over.
27:17Unexpected observation.
27:20What's something about the way I approach training that surprises you every time?
27:25I think we, oh, you know, I think we've touched on this quite a bit, but we're here to just be
27:34real, aren't we? And I think like, despite the fact that you did get frustrated, like you keep
27:40going, you are really determined, you turn up every week, you know, we're both very committed to it.
27:46And yeah, I mean, it doesn't surprise me that you're like that. I think it's good that you're
27:51like that. And I think, yeah, we're both, we're both doing it for the right reasons
27:57and we're here to support each other. What a soppy pair.
28:01I know, right?
28:03No, that's lovely. I think that's all lovely.
28:05I think that's us done.
28:06Yeah, point to end. Thank you so much for both coming in.
28:09Well, thank you for having us.
28:10Thank you for having us, yeah.
28:11Where can people find you if they want to sponsor you or donate?
28:16Yeah, I guess mine's like social media. Is that kind of for normal?
28:22So like my Facebook and things has got my link and things on it.
28:26Yeah, probably the same. Like I say, I do have a, we've got a poster up in the van. So if you
28:31check the Anglo-Seagull out, where we're going, we do have a poster where we can, the QR code.
28:36And then I'd obviously do have my money tin as well. So I'll probably use it where you can find
28:41Perfect. Thanks for asking us guys.