The Bold and the Beautiful 3-6-25 (6th March 2025) 3-6-2025
00:00It's really you.
00:02I can't believe it.
00:05All my life, I've been waiting for this moment,
00:07and finally it's happening.
00:09Being held by my father.
00:18Finn's just as shocked as we are.
00:19Of course he's shocked.
00:20He didn't expect to be someone's father.
00:22Well, Poppy denied it.
00:23She swore that her baby wasn't his.
00:25I don't want to believe it either, Ridge, but...
00:27But this is it, huh?
00:29Luna's Finn's kid.
00:34You're really leaving?
00:35I can't stay.
00:37You said Carter knows you're going.
00:39Does he know why?
00:41Is this about him?
00:43Daphne, you can tell me.
00:45Is Carter the reason you want to leave Los Angeles?
00:52Hope, I'm not hiding anything from you.
00:55I wouldn't.
00:57I wouldn't.
01:03Because I was right outside the door.
01:07I'm sorry you had to see that.
01:10I'm sure it was horrible, but if you let me explain...
01:12Oh, please, yes.
01:14I would love an explanation
01:16as to why you and Daphne were kissing.
01:31I don't have time to answer questions.
01:33I have to go.
01:35What about the fragrance line?
01:37I can handle it from Paris.
01:39Daphne, I don't understand.
01:41What is so urgent?
01:43Listen, I'm asking as a friend.
01:45You're obviously upset about something.
01:48Is it Carter?
02:01I put my trust in you, Carter.
02:04And you still can.
02:06That kiss, it shocked me, too.
02:08Hope, look, today has been intense and emotional,
02:12and I understand I've been a little all over the place,
02:14but the last thing I expect was for Daphne to kiss me.
02:22Are you blaming this on her?
02:28I know how much you love Finn,
02:30how devoted he is to you and the kids.
02:33But you want me to leave him?
02:35I want you to be safe.
02:37I-I-I'm worried about you.
02:38Finn's-Finn's not gonna hurt us.
02:40No, of course he's not.
02:42Everyone related to him is.
02:44Sheila Carter is his birth mother,
02:45and now Luna Nozawa's his daughter.
02:48These are dangerous people who are intimately connected to him.
02:51I get that you love him,
02:53but you have to get away from here.
02:56You have to get away from Finn as fast as you can.
03:07Luna, look, if I would have known that I had a child,
03:10that you were my child,
03:13I-I would have stepped up.
03:16I would have.
03:17But, hey, please, don't cry, okay?
03:19No, I can't help it.
03:21The way you're looking at me.
03:23Your eyes.
03:24My eyes?
03:26I don't know.
03:27I always thought that they were so kind and compassionate.
03:31My Aunt Lee always looked down on my mom and me,
03:34but-but not you.
03:37I could see how much you cared.
03:40And now I know.
03:42I'm looking into the eyes of my father.
03:57I don't get it, Daphne.
03:59Why are you leaving? Why now?
04:01Can be helped.
04:02The line just launched.
04:04A-And it's taking off. It's a hit.
04:06Have you seen the blind buys?
04:08It's all very good. Oui.
04:10And I'll do my best to support it, but from Paris.
04:15What about Steffi's plan?
04:17I know you feel the same way we do.
04:20Hope and Carter stole this company from my family.
04:24Every day they're in charge.
04:25It's bad for everyone, I agree.
04:27But you won't do anything to help it.
04:30It's already changing, Zende.
04:33Carter's coming around.
04:35He knows what he did was wrong.
04:37I'm not blaming Daphne.
04:39I'm just saying I-I didn't see this coming.
04:41Oh! Okay, so you did nothing at all.
04:43I mean, nothing to maybe make her think that.
04:46Like, later on? No, Hope, I didn't do that.
04:48I don't know.
04:49You've been spending a lot of time working together behind closed doors.
04:53Preparing for the drop.
04:55Nothing happened before the kiss.
04:58Hope, nothing happened.
05:02We talked.
05:04We talked about the takeover, my relationship to the Forresters.
05:11So you were sharing your feelings.
05:15She understood.
05:19Well, I would hope that she would understand that you are in a committed relationship to me.
05:27Hope, look at me, please. Please.
05:30You know I would never hurt you.
05:33And I get that I did, and I am sorry.
05:35I've been trying to do the right thing, be the kind of man you need,
05:37and I understand I let you down, and I'm sorry.
05:42I believed in you.
05:45Your vision. I mean, not only for the company,
05:48but for us.
05:50And you told me that you would look out for me,
05:53that you would have my back,
05:55that it wasn't just empty promises
05:59and empty words, and that you were different,
06:03that you weren't like those other men in my life.
06:10So then you can...
06:12Can you tell me why I am standing here with that same bitter taste of betrayal in my mouth?
06:28Finn's a doctor. He relies on evidence and facts.
06:32There is no doubt that Luna is Finn's daughter.
06:35Same Luna that killed two people and tried to kill you.
06:38That's his kid.
06:39Well, now she's paying the price, Dad. Finn shouldn't have to.
06:43He saved me from Luna.
06:45Yeah, from Luna. From Sheila.
06:47How could you put in jeopardy? Thank God you survived.
06:49Because of him, Mom.
06:51Yeah, and we are grateful to him for that.
06:53But he's also the reason that your life was in danger,
06:56and because of his connection to Luna, you could be put there again.
07:01Your mom is right.
07:03Just grab a few things, we'll get the kids, and you stay with us at the estate.
07:06Leave my husband? No, I...
07:08I can't do that.
07:09Luna is a threat.
07:11She's in jail, Mom.
07:12She's Finn's child.
07:14Wherever she is, she will always have a place in his heart.
07:16No. No, Finn and I promised nothing would come between us.
07:19I can't.
07:21Can we just take him in to reset?
07:23Come with us and we'll keep you safe.
07:29This is surreal.
07:33Yeah, for a lot of reasons.
07:37I've been so worried.
07:39If... what it'd be like to...
07:41to see you again, I don't know what I'd say to you.
07:45Look, we don't need to say anything.
07:47This is very new, and there is a lot to process.
07:54I've always loved you, you know?
07:58And now to know that you're my father, I mean, this is more than I could have ever wished for.
08:10But you can't feel the same way about me after what I did.
08:16Attacking Steffi.
08:19Locking her up.
08:21Your wife.
08:23My stepmother.
08:26But you're here now, and you found me.
08:32Will you ever be able to love and embrace me as your daughter?
08:45Are you seeing the plan worked?
08:47Carter's a man of conscience, Zende.
08:49He's having second thoughts.
08:51Oui, for a while.
08:53Do you think that he could stop the takeover on his own?
08:56C'est possible.
08:57And you think this because you've gotten to know him better?
09:02He's shown me something these last few weeks.
09:05Beneath his ambition, there's integrity.
09:12Look, I don't want to overstep, but you're jumping ship, going back to Paris.
09:17You won't say why.
09:19I may be way off base here, but the way you're talking about Carter.
09:25Daphne, do you have feelings for him?
09:34You said I was the only one for you.
09:38But then I see Daphne's lips on yours.
09:42Hope, you are the only one for me. Nothing has changed.
09:46You were right to be disappointed. I'm disappointed in myself, in the whole situation.
09:50Oh, right. The situation that just took you completely by surprise?
09:55Okay, then imagine how shocked I am.
09:59I was so excited to celebrate today's achievements with you.
10:04And, hell, I told an entire room full of people how proud I was of you.
10:11Of your leadership, of your commitment, of what we were building here together.
10:16That is what today was supposed to be about.
10:20Only now it's not.
10:26Because now I don't know what to believe.
10:42I love you both so much.
10:45And thank you for the concern and support.
10:48But what I have with Finn is my whole world.
10:52I'm not going to walk away from it or let anything pull us apart.
10:57We'll be fine. Luna can't hurt us.
11:01She's locked up for the rest of her life.
11:05What do you see when you look at me?
11:07Do you see your flesh and blood? Your daughter?
11:12Or do you see the woman who lost control?
11:17That hurt so many people, including your wife.
11:24I'm sorry, Finn. I'm so, so, so sorry.
11:27I can't even imagine everything that you're going through right now.
11:30There must be so many conflicting emotions.
11:37I'm sorry. I still can't believe that this is happening.
11:42All I know is that my father is here now.
11:47After a lifetime of wondering, I finally have a dad.
11:51And I couldn't have picked a more loving, caring dad than you, Finn.
12:12I need to go home and talk to Stephanie.
12:22Finn, thank you for telling me the truth.
12:27You could have lied like my mom, but you didn't.
12:31And I love you for that, Dad.
12:41I love you, too.
13:12When I first came to Forrester, knowing there was a coup in progress,
13:16I thought I'd meet a traitor in you.
13:18But I was wrong.
13:22You're a good man.
13:24With a good heart.
13:36Leave me alone.
13:41Wait, bad timing. I must get back to Paris. I'm leaving today.
13:46And why is that, Daphne?
13:49Is it because you're falling for Carter?
14:01I really thought we were getting through to her.
14:03I'll try it again.
14:05Stephanie and the kids need to be here. With us. It's safer.
14:09Yep. At least until they sort this out.
14:11There's nothing to sort out.
14:13That's why I'm so worried.
14:15This situation can't be changed. Luna's paternity is an undeniable fact.
14:21Well, he needs to, I don't know, set up some boundaries.
14:24Luna's his daughter, Rich.
14:26You've seen him with Kelly and Hayes, how devoted he is.
14:29It's not the same thing.
14:33Kelly and Hayes, they're kids. And Luna, she's an adult.
14:38She's a very dangerous and troubled adult.
14:40Who tried to end our daughter's life.
14:42Where are they?
14:43She's Sheila Carter's granddaughter.
14:45Okay, so we're just gonna keep trying. We won't give up on her.
14:49I mean, she loves the man.
14:51He's been so good to her and the kids. I can't deny any of that.
14:54And telling her to leave is extreme.
14:58Here's the good news.
15:00We're gonna talk about Sheila.
15:02Luna is in prison. She can't get to the kids.
15:06Can't get to Steffi.
15:09Bring her in.
15:23My father.
15:26That is my father.
15:38You did it.
15:40You killed Tom and Hollis.
15:50What are you doing to me? You let me out of here.
15:53Let me out!
15:55Take this!
16:29You okay?
16:31Yeah, no, I, uh, my parents were just here.
16:37You tell them about Luna?
16:41My mom told me to take the kids and leave.
16:52She's afraid for me, Finn. Especially Kelly and Hayes.
16:54Versus Sheila and now Luna.
16:59I understand why they'd be so concerned.
17:05But I told them no.
17:10I told them I love you and I'm not going anywhere.
17:15We're gonna get through this.
17:18We're gonna face this together.
17:21But Luna can't hurt us anymore.
17:24I guess.
17:25She's locked up.
17:27She's in prison and we never have to think or talk about her ever again.
17:42I love you.
17:46I love you so much.
17:47I love you so much.
17:49The most important thing in the world to me are you and the kids.
17:56Your safety and your well-being, it'll always come first.
18:00I know that.
18:04No, but you don't know everything.
18:09There's something else that you need to know about Luna.
18:17I love you.
18:47I love you.