00:00concerned about him, you paid the $250.
00:03I'm still waiting.
00:04Well, the thing is, if anything,
00:06why would I pay her the $1,200
00:09after she was done with the cases?
00:11I have to ask you this question.
00:13You paid her the 250.
00:16He never paid you a penny towards the 250.
00:18You are correct.
00:20And so after he never paid you a penny from the 250,
00:23because he's somebody that lives in a townhouse
00:26for which he pays $60 a month, who doesn't work.
00:30Who was going to get a job through his friend,
00:33making $35 an hour.
00:35Right, he hadn't worked in five years.
00:37So based on history, both his history
00:41of not working for five years
00:42and your history with him together,
00:44for the months that you lived together, he never worked.
00:46I was never aware that he never worked.
00:50He had told me that he owned his own auto shop
00:54and that he was working every day.
00:56M&M Automotive, which is.