• vorgestern
Basierend auf dem gleichnamigen Video Game Franchise folgt Home Sweet Home Rebirth dem Polizisten Jake (William Moseley) der während einer Schießerei in einer alternativen Welt landet. Ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit beginnt, bei der Jake seine Frau beschützen und einen gefährlichen Okkultisten aufhalten muss, der die Tore zur Hölle öffnen will.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/home-sweet-home-rebirth


00:10You can go back to the hotel and finish your business or whatever and we don't fight
00:15It's my job Frank. We're your family
00:19Life's not a destination Jake
00:22It's what happens here in there
00:30Get back in there, hi, no, no, don't get me with us. It's gonna be okay
00:38Drop your weapon
00:41American hell is coming and you can't stop it
00:46Thank you for killing me
00:54Helped him finish the blood ritual and by doing so you have opened the gates of hell
01:00Now hell demons are free to roam in earth
01:10Do you think daddy's okay?
01:20Just want to find my family
01:23You are the gatekeeper. You're the only one with the power to close the gates of hell
01:31Are you ready Jake?
01:49Jake come on
01:57Daddy are you okay?