• 2 days ago
Anggaran yang disepakati untuk PSU tersebut mencapai jumlah Rp 189 miliar dan bersumber dari APBD Provinsi Papua.


00:00The government of the province of Papua, together with the General Election Commission, the Election Supervisory Body, as well as TNI and Polri,
00:08signed a memorandum of understanding for the re-election of the Governor and the Deputy Governor of Papua.
00:18In the memorandum of understanding signed in the meeting room of the office of the Governor of Papua in Jayapura on Thursday,
00:25it was stated that the budget of the PSU amounted to Rp 189 billion.
00:31The budget was divided for the Government of Papua amounting to Rp 109 billion, Rp 982 million,
00:38for Bawaselu, Rp 42 billion, Rp 671 million,
00:43Polda Papua, Rp 22 billion, and for TNI, Rp 15 billion.
00:50Rationalization by the government of the province of Papua has been carried out on the budget,
00:55which was previously proposed to be as large as Rp 367 billion.
01:00The office of the Governor of Papua, Ramses Limbong, said that the budget of the PSU was sourced from the APBD of the province of Papua.
01:08It is optimal and agreed as before, it has been signed.
01:15What has been agreed, we will continue it later,
01:19because there is still silver in KPU and Bawaselu,
01:26so we may not continue with the previous memorandum of understanding that has been implemented to be used.
01:36Even for the APBD, the plan is that we only recruit for 3 months,
01:40the working period of the PSU is only 2 months, and the KPPS is only 1 month.
01:45So that is one of the forms of efficiency that we will do.
01:49Then there are other things, such as meetings and so on,
01:53which previously had a lot of frequency, we reduced it.
01:56The activities of DIMT, Krakow, and so on, now KPU does not do it at the hotel anymore.
02:02We do it in our office, which coincidentally is still representative for us to use,
02:07and also our service trips are limited.
02:11On February 24, the Constitutional Court ordered the General Election Commission of the PAPUA KPU
02:17to hold a re-election, or PSU, in all regencies and cities
02:23to hold the election of Governor and Deputy Governor of Papua in 180 days.
02:29This PSU does not include the candidate for Governor No. 1, Yermias Bisay,
02:35who was disqualified for committing a crime in the Domicili statement during the last election.
02:42From Jayapura, Papua, Laksama Hendra, Kentor Berita Antara reported.
