• 2 days ago
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Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Hey Mia, the teacher smells like onions
00:04Hey, can y'all be silent over there, this is detention. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah. Oh Nico
00:09What is this teacher even old enough to be a teacher? I feel like they should retire by now. I don't write bro. He's expired
00:15Oh, nah, he can't even teach what is with y'all and talking during the tension. I said everybody be quiet
00:22I'm gonna be mad if y'all don't stop seriously. Yes, sir. We will stop you his breath smells
00:27Why is the teacher wearing a dress y'all seeing that it's kind of like a purple dress
00:31Bro, think it's dress-up day. Hey, you know what? That's it
00:34Y'all are talking way too much and it doesn't seem like I can control it
00:37So, how about I get another teacher to teach you guys? Yeah, aren't you a substitute anyway?
00:41Yeah, and sorry to say you're not really teaching us anything. This is literally detention
00:45It doesn't matter if I'm a substitute or not. I don't care detention is supposed to be a punishment and you kids
00:50Aren't taking it seriously. Okay, we'll take it seriously. We'll be silent from now on. Yeah, we will no more chances
00:55Y'all are gonna come with me and you're gonna go to a different detention now. Ah, what but we like you
01:00You're not really that strict. Oh, well, your next detention teacher will be much more strict. Are we going to solitary confinement actually?
01:06Yes, wait, what? Oh gosh
01:09That sounds like a horrible punishment. That's what y'all need. All right, here we are your new detention school
01:15Can we still convince you not to take us here? We actually really like detention back at our school. No get out of my car
01:21We got to go to a whole new location just for detention. Yes, exactly
01:25You guys will meet your teacher soon. He'll come out the front door. So good luck now. Wait, what? No, no
01:30Oh, what is this place? I don't know. This school seems really run-down and it looks kind of like a pizzeria, too
01:36It's honestly kind of cool. Maybe we can eat here while we teach. Who is that?
01:40Yo, are you the new students that have been behaving badly? I think so. Okay, perfect
01:45I'm inside my school. Follow me. Okay. No, we just trusted this dude
01:49I guess so the teacher said we should the classroom for detention is over this way. I guess this is kind of cool
01:55Oh, it's a big class a lot of tears too many tears
01:58Usually I would teach you guys something but since it's detention and it's 12 a.m
02:03You guys have to sit here in silence. And if I hear any talking then your punishment will arise. So what punishment?
02:09I don't know what he's even talking about. Just have a seat. He's probably gonna shove us in a suit
02:12I really hope not that sounds terrifying. Hey yellow boy. Why are you running all the way to the back?
02:16Sit at the front. That's cuz I'm a cool kid. You are not a cool kid. Not in this school in this school
02:21You are equal. How about you be quiet with your brown robot booty? What did you just say to me?
02:26Well, why is he singing a song? That's kind of creepy. You think you can say that stuff to me?
02:30I will stuff you in a suit and tear you apart limb by limb. I told you he's gonna do that. Okay
02:35What is he doing? I don't know Shady's just acts like that all the time. Okay, it's normal
02:39Well, I will not stand for it. All of you come group up over here. Oh, what but it was shady
02:45He was the one that was acted up. So yes, sir shady. I know you're behind that pillar get back here
02:51Stop. No, where'd he go? Am I blind? He's right there. Oh my goodness. I found you. Oh, no, I didn't know
02:58Bro, oh no, where are you?
03:01Stop running for me. Okay. Sorry. We're done messing with you. Well, I see why the teacher brought you here
03:06You're all very very annoying. Okay, that's just not true. I don't know why he said that
03:11Oh, it's rude. I don't care. You know what I do to very annoying students that don't listen to anything
03:16I say what I play a little game with them. Oh, that sounds kind of fun. I like games
03:20It's a very fun game. You guys know hide-and-seek, right? Yeah. Yes. Okay
03:24Well, we can play hide-and-seek and if I catch you I will stuff you in a suit and then I will also eat you
03:30Maybe and you'll probably die. Okay, I'm down though. No, I'm not down. I don't want to play that cash
03:34We just gotta hide in a good spot. So it doesn't fight us. That's it
03:37But he said he was gonna eat us if he finds us that's only if he finds us though
03:40No, I was going to stuff you in a suit. I told you guys it's a fun game, especially for me
03:45Maybe for you, you'll be screaming and crying but I'm going to start counting now. No, no, wait, wait
03:49You guys are just okay with this. Yeah, I'm going are you serious?
03:53You know why I'm okay with this because look look at this what oh wait, hang on. Why isn't it working now?
03:57Oh, there we go. Oh
03:58Because there's hiding spots in this place. So it's cool
04:0021 20 19. Oh, he's still counting down. We gotta go. I'm gonna just go torment Mia. Let's see where she's at
04:06Oh true that
04:07Getting stuffed in a suit does not sound fun. That was the part where I was like, oh, no, no, no
04:11No, thank you. This is a good hiding spot though. Maybe this will keep me safe for the whole round
04:15I'm not really sure how long around last though. Five four three two one. Okay ready or not. Here I come
04:21Why are we all in the same room? Wait, what all of us are? Yeah
04:25Where is everybody hiding? Oh, hey shady. Oh, yo, you're there to Mia. No, dude. This literally my spot
04:31Okay. Okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, chill Zoe. Do not give me away right now
04:35I hear little shuffling and movements over this way. Oh guys be quiet. Stop it
04:41Who wants to be stuffed in a suit first? Not me. I hope Nico gets caught. I hope so, too. What?
04:47This room. I'm the one that's not gonna get caught of all you guys. I feel like I smell someone
04:53No, he's sniffing Zoe for real you still know I'm back. Oh, no
04:57Zoe got a lot older. No, I do. I got perfume on Zoe smells like candy all the time and perfume
05:04You see the perfume at Sephora? Yeah, I have all of them her aura
05:07It would be like purple and then Mia's would be green. Haha. Dude, my or is not great. I can see it
05:13I hear people talking over here. Yo, yo guys. I didn't know he could hear us. Yo, bro, bro. They found us come out
05:19Bah dude shady, are you serious right now? Oh, I saw you going to this room. Oh, oh, bro. They found us come out
05:24Yo, stop shady. Stop. He's gonna get here run run run. Ah
05:28Looks like nobody was in there. Thank you. Mia. No, no, no, dude. There's no way he didn't see you guys
05:33Get over here a little orange girl. Stop running from me
05:37Wait, Mia ran out. I'm leading it back to you. I'm gonna get back to you. That was a very bad decision
05:42No, Mia, don't leave her here, please
05:44Oh, did you hit me don't hit me I'll stuff you in a suit Mia. Oh my goodness. Oh, she is so cooked. Hello
05:52Hello, you didn't think I could climb ladders, huh?
05:57Yo, he was targeting her only
06:00Yes, you're going to be put in a body costume now and you're gonna help me see. Oh, no, wait, wait
06:06Wait, we gotta move. She's gonna seek. Yeah, we gotta move rooms. Oh, no. No, thank you
06:10We got a go-go and this time I'm splitting up from y'all. I got a good spot though. Okay, Mia
06:15How does the suit feel it feels kind of painful? No now there's two seekers. This is horrible
06:21Okay, you will help me find the rest of them. Yeah. Oh, yeah, let's go to the room where they were
06:25Oh, no. Okay. Good thing we left that room. We are chilling. How am I still alive? I'm just chilling out here
06:30I don't know Nico. I feel like they haven't even ran past you once yet, or maybe they just didn't realize it
06:34Looks like they left look for them. I'm just chillin now
06:38Can you guys target Nico instead of me don't target me, please I'll find all of you and rip you to pieces
06:43Oh my goodness, Mia. You sound crazy
06:46Crazy. Oh, what? Why is she laughing like that? Where are you? No, where I'm not even anywhere near you
06:52I like this little game. I love this game. I hungry. I so hungry
06:58Oh gosh, that sounds terrifying anyone in the bathrooms. Don't Nico. Can you be the bait for me or something?
07:03You think you could just like run outside so I can find a better spot
07:05I have like the easiest spot to find ever. Oh gosh. Oh, I feel like there's a little candy girl somewhere near me
07:12Not near him. Mia looked me right in the eyes. So you're in one of the stalls
07:16Here I come. No, okay, Bonnie. Make sure you kill her and stuff her in a suit when you find her
07:23Okay, I'm looking I don't even see her in here. Oh, no Freddy's coming in here. I don't like this
07:27Where is everybody is somebody in this arcade room? No, yo animatronics. I got some good Intel
07:34What is the Intel? Oh
07:38Zoe got caught. I
07:41Smell someone in here. Oh the storage we go. Are you above me? No. Oh gosh Freddy. Yo chill
07:49Yo, yo, yo, yo, I need to jump down. Come on down. No, he broke the ladder. Yes, you're getting put in a suit now
07:54We have two more seekers. Yes, let's go. Okay fine. Okay, how does the suit feel? It feels pretty good
08:01I actually really like these robotic arms. Now. I feel much stronger. Ah good. No, you're still weak. No, he's a great Foxy
08:08Don't say that about him Bonnie
08:10Yeah, you know that I will kill you with my hook if you mess with me don't do that
08:14You know, I have a strong jaw. We have more people to fight
08:17I was accused for the bite of 87 for like 20 years. Yo, can you guys be quiet? He's downstairs
08:22He wants us to be quiet. I think he wants to be eaten who agrees. I agree
08:27I want to find Nico and Shady. Both of them are hiding in good spots. Have you guys seriously not found me yet?
08:32I'm just chillin in a corner. Well, I will find you now that I'm the seeker. I don't know how pirates laugh
08:37I need to learn that still
08:40Yeah, I'll give you guys a handout in one of the farthest realms, oh he said for this room
08:45We must disperse and find the farthest rooms. I'll give y'all a hint. I'm the highest in the room
08:49But that makes sense find him. He's the highest in the room, which means he's very up top on the ceiling
08:54I think somewhere there. Yeah, I don't see him up there
08:57I don't see him either shady always has the most obscure spots, but I will figure it out this time
09:03It doesn't matter to me. We must not check the sewers if he's highest in the room
09:07That means he's probably on the second floor. There is no second floor. Oh, okay. I'll check the scars
09:13Bro, that there was gonna be a second floor. Come on now. I sorry I'm looking around. I'm not seeing you
09:17I'm the furthest in the room
09:19How much time do we have to find these guys well, I usually don't give myself a time limit
09:25I just give myself all night so that I can eat them when I find them
09:29Okay, holy smokes. Make sure the next person we find gets put in the balloon boy costume and the last person will be golden Freddy
09:36Okay, there's a golden Freddy. Is that not just a yellow version of you?
09:39Yes, but he's more powerful and he kind of mogs me but it does not matter because I'm original Freddy
09:45Oh, it sounds like you're a little jealous
09:50I got Nico
09:52I believe Nico has been found
09:55Good job, Zoey Chica. Let's go put him inside the balloon boy costume. He will help us find shady as the last one
10:01I can't wait for balloon boy. Y'all ain't finding me. It's fitting that shady is golden Freddy because he wears yellow
10:07Where are you bro? He's somewhere around here. I know he is
10:10I've looked at every tall spot every well, you're not looking hard enough Mia Bonnie. I'm trying
10:17You up here so no, hello balloon boy, welcome to the seeking team. Hello. Where is shady?
10:23That is not how balloon boy speaks. I don't know how to sound like blue boy
10:26You need a higher pitch voice. You need to work on it
10:30Yes, that's perfect. I like it
10:33We'll find him he's somewhere around here where guys get up here I cannot fit we need to get shady
10:39But I believe shady is in this painting what how you find that spot how I'm trying to get him help me get him
10:46I'm running around. No, I want to eat this guy now. Where does it lead?
10:49We have to put him in a golden Freddy costume. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I'm stuck
10:53I will stick him in the golden Freddy costume and I will eat you. Hey, I got him. I got out. Yes good
10:59Now we will take him to the back and he will be the next seeker for the next round
11:02It's not even the kitchen bloody. Oh, Ronnie. Okay, good
11:05Now that shady is in that costume all of us will turn back to normal. Okay. Oh much better now
11:10It's not straining on my voice anymore to talk. I feel great. Yes, I feel good, too
11:15Oh Freddy you look a little different. Yeah, this is me underneath my suit. You like it
11:20What just happened that started the countdown for him seeking we only have 30 seconds
11:25Wait, what shady got out of the golden Freddy costume that quick? Yes, that means the new round is starting
11:29So we need to run wait, so you're running too. Yeah, I'm going to find a spot. Oh gosh
11:33Well that noise was terrifying and if we only have 30 seconds and I don't know if I could find a great spot for this
11:38But I guess I'll try my best. Uh, maybe this room would be good
11:41I just need to find a spot that he can't get to okay
11:44I found the most go-to spot of all time do you wait? I think I might have as well. Hold on
11:47I'm just following me go. Wait. I don't know if this is a good spot actually
11:52No, do not follow me. Do not fall. Oh, I think I found a good spot. I found a good spot
11:57Wait, what?
11:59We must hide from him guys. Oh, this is a terrible spot. I think my spots good
12:05You know, I say that until he is actually gonna find me, but I'm just hoping that doesn't happen
12:08It will probably find you first and you will be put in the Bonnie costume. That's not true. Yes, it's true
12:13I hope I don't get the chica costume. I don't like that one. He gets to be Freddy for this round
12:17Yeah, I guess he kind of stole your identity, huh? Oh, no, he's actually Toy Freddy. So I'm the OG Freddy
12:22He is a bad one. Oh, no. No, I'm not and I'm not Toy Freddy anymore because I changed my identity
12:28No, well, you are still a fake. No, you are bloody. No bloody. I'm not a fake. I'm the original
12:33I gave you that costume
12:35You are going to see what I am and you are going to be very scared when you see me
12:38You are going to pee your little animatronic butt. I see him glowing. I'm not gonna pee myself. I don't even pee
12:43You are going to be when you see me because you know, I'm scary. No you pee. No, why are they fighting?
12:47No, you pee bloody and you also poop. You probably poop your pants. How about you spell I cup? Okay, that's so easy
12:53I see you pee. Oh
12:55You are gross
12:57You tricked me on purpose. You are gross. You are gross. You're the one who said it. No, no, no
13:03Oh God, oh surprise. I climbed the wall
13:07How did he climb the wall? Oh, I got you little bloody now. You have to see with me
13:11I see. I said you were gonna be caught first cash. You're gonna be Bonnie now. Oh gosh
13:16Okay. Now we will make Chica Freddy. Oh, geez. No, you will not bloody
13:21I'm Bonnie. Hello. Yes. Why are you still in that stance though? Why are you looking like that when you walk?
13:27Why you look like that when you walk? I am very handsome. I have you know, here's not handsome
13:32Hood irony. Oh, yeah. No, he has a weird stance going. He doesn't even walk normally. Look I can do this one, too
13:38Oh, wait, that's actually kind of cool. He's like floating. Where are you?
13:41Well, it doesn't matter if you guys are floating neither of you will find me. Oh, yes, we will. Yeah
13:45No, you will not you will maybe find your friends because they are bonds. You are my next target to be honest
13:51Okay. Well, good luck finding me. I want to kill you
13:53You are a bad seeker a bad one not good one. Then tell me how I found cash in like one minute
13:59That is because cash is bad at hide-and-seek, okay, he's very not good and I don't like him
14:03Did you hear that? You're really gonna let him say that we need to kill him. Yeah, I know we need a killer
14:07I'm gonna find him. Neither of you will find me stop trying. Just look for your other friends
14:11No, I will literally kill you and rip you to pieces buddy. You're not going to kill me. I will eat you alive
14:16I will literally tear you apart. No, you stink. No, you stink
14:19You are literally a puny human and you probably poop and stuff. No, you poop. No, you poop stop. I don't poop
14:25Is that why I'm finding you right now what surprise mr. Brother no, no, no
14:30Oh my goodness, you are literally cheating. You know that no
14:33No, and now I'm gonna put you in the chica costume because you are baby. Oh shady chica. You found him. Yes
14:39I did. Oh nice. You want to see him little puny Freddy?
14:42He got lucky because he literally cheated and so this game is sucks. It's so bad. I don't know
14:47I think shit is very good. Ah, do I have to do a chica voice now? Are you serious? Yes do it
14:52Okay, I am chica. Is this good enough? Yeah, that's whatever fine. I think that sounds pretty good. Okay. Well, let's go
15:00Find the other friends, please. Yeah, true. I will find the other friends too. Where are the bloody are they?
15:05I don't know but they are probably in the same spot if we have not found them yet. Yep, same spot
15:09No, I will split up and I will find them. Okay, nobody in here. I am NOT seeing any I will find one of them
15:16Oh, I believe I found Mia. What do you mean? What you did?
15:19Yes, she has a very good spot, but it's bunched because I found it
15:23Yeah, well now you have to get me. So that means Mia will go on the foxy costume because she's next. Haha. Very good
15:30Yes, I will go stuff her in there. Now. We need to go find those little two-star cross lovers. Wait, wait a second
15:36Why does this bush look a little off? There's blue and purple in it. Oh
15:41My goodness, I found them. I found them. We have to get the purple one. Yes catch her. Where are you gonna go?
15:46Oh, yeah. Yep. Yep. Nice try
15:49We found them I believe me go very good. I put the Mia girl in the foxy costume you see?
15:55Yes. Yes. I see. I will go put this blue boy in a Golden Freddy suit. Oh
16:00Zoe's balloon boy. I kind of want to hear her voice though. Yeah, let me hear your voice. Oh
16:07That is so funny and adorable. It's a little balloon boy. Oh, okay. Nico's in the Golden Freddy costume over here
16:13Oh, we can change no. Oh, yeah. Thank goodness. Thank goodness
16:17Finally Nico, how you feeling in there? I will find you guys and eliminate you. Oh, nah
16:22Yeah, we probably should run before he turns into Freddy and we get caught. I want to hide
16:28This time I'm gonna find the greatest spot of all time and no one's gonna see it. I'm counting from 30
16:32Don't follow me kid. Get out of here. Ah, what? Okay, fine, whatever. He's kind of mean
16:37I'm gonna find a different spot and it'll be not here
16:40I need to find a spot that nobody's ever seen before nobody. Nobody. Huh? Is there any way I can get up there?
16:45I see a little gap in the ceiling. Oh
16:47This is a secret. I found it and wait, I could probably make it across. I just gotta be very careful
16:53If I just go here and yeah, there we go. I make it across I can park or up this way. Oh, yeah
16:58Nico's totally not finding me here. Good job. You found the best spot server. Oh, well cool. I guess I found the best spot
17:04All right. I'm coming for you guys. Oh and now it looks like Nico's seeking
17:08You will not find me because now I have a better spot that will never be caught. Okay, Freddy. Yeah, we get it
17:13Your spots are good. Yeah. No, I just wanted to make sure you knew that I highly doubt it
17:17Shady found it pretty quickly last round. No, what he cheated. So I don't care. Okay, whatever you say someone in here
17:23Oh wait, I see Nico glowing. That's his outline and it shows where he is on the map. Okay dubs
17:28Hello, come out wherever you are. Never. I think I just found someone
17:33Did you find Zoey?
17:37See I told you guys I'm not the first one found I'm good. Okay, Freddy we get it. Okay fine. Geez
17:42Nico, did you get Zoey? Zoey is going in a bunny costume. Oh
17:48Bonnie time
17:50Well now that Zoe's a seeker we have double trouble we got to watch out for two people instead of one
17:55Where are you? It doesn't matter if there's one seeker or five. I still have the best spot probably out of everyone here
18:02Yeah, yeah. Yeah, whatever. Okay. What about you Mia? Did you find a good spot this round?
18:05Yeah, me and shady have matching spots. Do we have like the best spot ever? Wait, so that means you guys will probably be caught together
18:11Okay, it's kind of risky hiding near someone else
18:14Although if it's only one seeker, then they can't get both of you and you can make a run for it
18:17So sometimes it's good to have a little distraction. Yeah, true, but there's two secret now, so don't matter
18:22Why did I just get a notification that cash's coordinates are negative 616 78 and 237? What? What are you talking about?
18:29I mean, I don't know. That's just the coordinates I got. Oh
18:32He got exposed little loser shady. Why would you say that out loud impulse? It's okay
18:37I don't think they'll even be able to track that down. They probably forgot what coordinates you even said
18:40Yeah, true. I'll just say him again real quick though. Is that cool? Wait, no, no, no, don't okay. Okay. Thank you
18:45Oh negative. No, I might have to leave this spot shady. Just expose me. I couldn't make a run for it if I want
18:50You know what? I'll try although low-key. I don't even think they paid attention. Where are you guys?
18:55Yeah, no, I honestly don't even think they listen to the coordinates even though shady said it twice
18:59I don't know how to use coordinates. Oh, okay. Well, that's good. He's buns then
19:04Bonnie did you find someone I found him? I believe she found the room where shady and Mia are hiding
19:11Oh, nah, can't get us
19:14And I want to see where their spot is. Come here. Can't get us little animatronic
19:18Stay on that side Bonnie. What's that little zesty Freddy?
19:25Hey, I want to be a part of the action, oh wait, did they get caught you're being boring
19:29So you're not a part of the action
19:34I'll get this one. Don't worry Freddy. I'll get this guy. Yo, yo what I'm a servant
19:38No shady stop chasing me down. Stop it. I'm basically animatronic now. No get off me. You get caught first
19:43You get caught first. Stop crouching. No, stop crouching get off of me. Oh
19:47No, no get shady. Get shady. Yes. Hey, you got me. Oh, thank goodness
19:51Ha ha ha shady got caught and Mia got caught and while they get put in suits
19:55I can make a run for it. Yes, you're done for wait. What? Oh, no, I'm making a run for it
19:59I need to find a new spot
20:05Are you serious? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, put him in the balloon boy costume. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No Freddy. Stop joining in on this
20:12No, it's funny. Yeah, get in there. Oh gosh
20:17I'm not Mickey. I'm a little boy. Party. No, let's go find a Freddy. Oh, I see him
20:24Put me down you dumb chicken. Okay, Freddy, you gotta go in the golden Freddy costume. Yeah, I'm doing it
20:30I know but just so you know, I was the last one caught so that means I'm the best at the game
20:33Okay. Yeah, whatever. Okay. Yeah, just go in the golden Freddy. Just go in here real quick. Okay, good
20:38Good everyone come over here. Okay. Okay. Well Freddy's counting. What if we just leave this place? It's kind of weird
20:43That'll be a great idea. I think yeah, I'm kind of tired. I think everyone was thinking the same thing. Yeah, let me just
20:49Okay, perfect. Nah, bro. Got a bush on. Oh gosh
20:5415 14 13. Oh gosh. Let's get out of here. We're not playing another round with this, dude
20:59This is the weirdest detention center. I've ever been to why the lights do that. What what are you talking about?
21:03I hear a sound wait what there's an exit. Oh gosh. I can't see no, no, no, no run
21:10Hello, I can't see
21:15Yeah, he's definitely mad yeah, I'm out I'm out of there but come on out if you want to kill us yeah Freddy
21:20Oh, I see him. He's really slow. Look everybody. Come back here now before. Oh, oh, stop it. Stop it
21:26Shady, you know, I only hated you because you're annoying and you do that, you know, really dude
21:31Yeah, I said what I said now get over it
21:35We don't even need a run anymore, thank goodness
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21:43Bye guys
