• 4 days ago
FBI - Season 7 Episode 13 - Unearth - ENGLISH SUBT


00:00Come on, let's keep it moving, folks.
00:02Judge Bergen hates it when we're late.
00:04Six weeks doing this, Marshal.
00:06We know everything there is to know about Judge Bergen.
00:08Yeah, it's been a long trial.
00:10U.S. Government thanks you for your jury service.
00:12You were only sequestered to protect you
00:14from outside influence.
00:16Now let's load up!
00:18Come on, people.
00:20Let's keep it moving.
00:22Move it along. Come on.
00:24He cornered me in the hallway last night.
00:26I'd seen him hanging around.
00:28Did you say something to the Marshal?
00:30I don't know, but I'm telling you, Arnold,
00:32the guy was threatening me.
00:34You two know you shouldn't be talking
00:36outside the deliberation room.
00:38Now get on the bus.
01:10Where's your head at today, Skoller?
01:12Uh, it's just a lot on my mind.
01:14That's what this whole thing is about.
01:16You leave all that out there.
01:18What's the score?
01:20Water break.
01:22Come on, what?
01:24You gonna tell me why you all of a sudden have bricks for hands?
01:26Yeah, you don't want to hear about that.
01:29Come on, Maggie's getting some R&R. We're rolling together today.
01:32What's going on?
01:36He had dinner last night with a friend's wife.
01:40He passed a few years ago, you know, so I check up on her, see how she's doing, the kid, you know.
01:46I'm sorry to hear that.
01:48Yeah, thanks.
01:50No, he would, he'd be all over me too. He saw I was playing today.
01:56This is just a sob story to get me to stop whipping your ass up and down the court. It's not gonna work.
02:00What? Let's go.
02:03Let's go? What?
02:04Uh, your comeback is gonna have to wait.
02:08Let's go.
02:1022 years on the job, I never thought I'd see a day like this.
02:13Federal juror protection details, usually a cakewalk.
02:16Yeah, that's what I thought. This is a high-profile case.
02:19Mafia trial, and we're trained for this, but, uh...
02:22You still didn't see her coming?
02:24I should have done more.
02:26You kept ten of them alive.
02:28Can you tell us anything about our two victims?
02:30Sure I can. I was by their side every day for the past month.
02:33June Schrader, she was a doctor, always showing me pictures of her kid.
02:38And Arnold Mills, a history teacher, they were always bickering, but it was in a good-natured way.
02:45What about the shooter? Did he get a good look?
02:47Son of a bitch. He was wearing a mask.
02:49I could see his eyes. He was a white dude, maybe about 5'10".
02:54If I had to put money on it, I'd say he weighed a buck-sixty.
02:58We'll get the physical description at NYPD.
03:00ERT recovered at 12-gauge. No prints. Serial was scratched off.
03:05Yeah, that's what he used.
03:07Did you see where the shooter came from?
03:09Came from over there, and then he ran off that way.
03:12He must have been lying in wait for us.
03:14The judge calls the jury at different times each day.
03:18Are you good? I need to update my command.
03:20Yeah, we're good. Thanks, Kimmel.
03:23Okay, so we have a shooter that kills two federal jurors in a high-stakes mafia trial.
03:29On the last day of closing arguments.
03:32What are you thinking?
03:34Well, could've had beef with a couple of the jurors, but...
03:38Most likely had to do with the trial.
03:42Oh, hey. Check this out.
03:49Malchiti Sigarettes. Italian brand.
03:53Rained last night, right?
03:56These are fresh.
03:58It's good of ERT to bag them up. Maybe our lab can pull some prints.
04:03All right, folks. Look alive.
04:06We have two federal jurors gunned down outside the hotel where they were held.
04:11Outside the hotel where they were being sequestered.
04:13They were serving in a federal case against this man, Sam Ardizzone,
04:16boss of the Ardizzone crime family, on trial for murder, racketeering, or working theory.
04:21The shooting was jury intimidation.
04:23In a trial Ardizzone was about to lose, meant to keep him out of prison.
04:27DOJ is clamoring for heads. So where are we at?
04:29If our killer's plan was to cause a mistrial, he succeeded.
04:32DOJ will have to retry Ardizzone's case.
04:34The other jurors are in protective custody.
04:36All right, so let's talk about this crew.
04:38Anywhere our killer could go to ground, organized crime. I'm looking at you.
04:42The Ardizzone family is a minor player in La Cosa Nostra,
04:45an offshoot of one of the five major families.
04:47LCN was decimated by regal prosecutions in the 70s and 80s.
04:50All the old-timers are in prison.
04:52Or dead.
04:53That, too.
04:54Sam's crew is making a name for themselves.
04:56Loan sharking, illegal sports book, and they diversified into crypto scams,
04:59only fans extortion, prostitution.
05:01These are not nice men.
05:02We're checking up on associates and hangouts, but so far no chatter about the shooting.
05:06All right, keep digging.
05:07I want leads, all right?
05:08Are we getting anything from the crime scene?
05:10We didn't get a print match on the cigarette package, but check this.
05:14Malkitti cigarettes are only sold in Italy.
05:16That tracks.
05:17Sicilian Mafia sends their members over here with their American cousins to toughen them up.
05:21So it's possible we're looking for a Sicilian shooter.
05:23Ian, anything?
05:25No recent Sicilian travelers through JFK La Guardia or Newark who pin on Interpol.
05:29Could be this guy isn't on law enforcement's radar yet.
05:32Hey, I just got off with Maine Justice.
05:34The deputy AG wants this buttoned up now.
05:38Maybe he's been here for a while.
05:39Ian, let's scrub back, maybe 18 months.
05:42See that?
05:45All right, here we go.
05:47Giovanni De Falco, 31, native of Palermo, Sicily.
05:51Cleared customs at JFK in August.
05:53And get this, he's a distant cousin to Artisone.
05:56He is.
05:57And this is his girlfriend, looks like.
06:01Facial wreck popped on her social media.
06:04You got a location for her?
06:06Yeah, an apartment in Bensonhurst.
06:08Maybe she knows where Giovanni is.
06:10Be nice and talk to him.
06:25FBI, open up.
06:27Open the door, we're gonna open it for you.
06:31You want him?
06:32Take him.
06:35Falco, don't run.
06:38All right, go around.
06:45Pursuing the suspect on the 28th street.
06:55We said don't run.
06:58See that?
07:00Now you gotta come with us.
07:04Two federal jurors were gunned down outside of a hotel in Queens this morning, Mr. De Falco.
07:08Bad news is we matched your prints to a pack of Malkiti cigarettes found at the crime scene.
07:12You wanna tell us why you were there?
07:14I don't know what you're talking about.
07:16Look at that.
07:18That's you, threatening one of the jurors last night.
07:21And we know you got a motive.
07:23We know that you work for Sam Martazzoni.
07:25The USA hangs these murders on you.
07:27You are looking at life in prison or worse.
07:29You have the wrong man.
07:31Well, the evidence says otherwise.
07:33And with your criminal connections, we won't have trouble making these charges stick.
07:40I was at the hotel.
07:43They sent me, Sam Muscayis did.
07:45But only to scare the jurors, never kill them.
07:48Yeah, I'm having a hard time believing that.
07:51The job was to secure a not-guilty verdict through intimidation.
07:56A mistrial doesn't help my cousin.
07:58Now he has even more charges.
08:00Que casino.
08:02Excuse me?
08:04Ah, you met a guy and say, what a mess.
08:08Then why'd you run?
08:10You think Sam will take lightly to the situation?
08:12He'll blame me.
08:14I wasn't running from the FBI.
08:16I was running from the police.
08:18I wasn't running from the FBI.
08:20I was running from him.
08:22We're just supposed to take at your word on that, then, huh?
08:25I was at a cafe getting an espresso at the time of the shooting.
08:29I'm sure there's video.
08:31You love tracking your citizens, no?
08:36Hey, where are we with the shooter?
08:38Security footage confirmed DeFalco's alibi.
08:40He was not at the hotel at the time the jury was attacked.
08:42So we are back to square one.
08:44Maybe not yet.
08:47During his interview, the city's underworld had eyes on Artizoni's trial.
08:50We cross-referenced traffic cam footage with the jurors' transport during the trial.
08:54One car kept showing up.
08:58Okay. Can we get the ID off the plates?
09:00No dice. It's a moto car.
09:02Peer-to-peer rental, like Airbnb for cars.
09:04You can't figure out who rented it?
09:06Renters spoofed their ID, paid with a gift card. They're anonymous.
09:09All right, can we track the car through the city?
09:11Yep, already on it.
09:13Here it is at the courthouse.
09:15Hotel. And check this, it went to the same address repeatedly over the last week.
09:19Who lives there?
09:21Uh, Brad Kimble.
09:24The U.S. Marshal.
09:26Get a team over to Kimble's house. Now.
09:28We're missing something.
09:32Door's open.
09:35We found Kimble. He's dead.
09:37I need ERT and an ME down here now.
09:45Jurors were never the target.
09:47Kimble was.
10:05Okay, so it's knock-knock.
10:07Kimble answers the door. Boom.
10:09Bursts one to the chest.
10:11Drags him back into the house.
10:13Killer follows him in.
10:15Bumps him three more times.
10:17Okay, so first shot kills him.
10:19What, the next three are for insurance?
10:21You had to make a point.
10:23I talked to the neighbor. I didn't hear anything.
10:25But they did say that NYPD raided this house six days ago.
10:28That would explain the massive dent in the front of the door.
10:31Oh, you think that's...
10:33Damage from a battering ram.
10:35And then we got scorch marks here from a flashbang.
10:37Wow, so...
10:39What the hell is Kimble up to?
10:41He gets raided, then murdered in the same week.
10:43That can't be a coincidence.
10:47All I know is we got a shooter on the run.
10:49Let me make a call to the Fugitive Task Force.
10:52Whoever your killer is is scared and spinning out.
10:54Their plan to kill the marshal this morning went sideways,
10:56and they had to finish the job ad hoc.
10:58With the Fugitive Task Force, we find that most offenders
11:00will trip themselves up eventually.
11:02They leave a trail a mile wide,
11:04making it easy for us to hunt them down, sniff them out.
11:06We just have to be ready when they do.
11:08Thank you, Agent Chase, for riding along with us on this one.
11:10Okay, so tell me about the perp.
11:12Yeah, what do we know?
11:14I just got footage of the raid on Kimble's home.
11:16What the hell?
11:18What's going on?
11:20Get down on the ground now!
11:22What are you guys doing?
11:24Where's the boy?
11:26What boy?
11:28Where is he?
11:30I don't know.
11:32What's going on?
11:34What's going on?
11:36What's going on?
11:39Did the report say who this boy is?
11:41No, just that Kimble was allegedly
11:43sexually assaulting him at gunpoint.
11:45The call was ruled a prank.
11:47Swatting is hardly a prank.
11:49At best, it's harassment.
11:51At worst, second-degree murder, death by cop.
11:53Yeah, but it speaks to a level of premeditation.
11:55Our perp has been planning this for weeks, maybe months.
11:57Hey, found the call.
11:59911, what's your emergency?
12:01Hurry, he's armed.
12:03I can hear the little boy screaming.
12:05Yeah, so not only was there no minor
12:07found in Kimble's home, his service weapon
12:09was found locked in a safe in his bedroom.
12:11Right, but that woman on the phone
12:13definitely wanted the NYPD to believe otherwise.
12:15Uh, we do not know that it was a woman.
12:17Spectral analysis confirms that voice
12:19was generated using an AI program called karaoke.
12:21It masks the caller's real voice.
12:23Okay, what about the number that made the call?
12:25Can we track that?
12:27Afraid not. Caller used a VoIP number.
12:29Disposable internet burner only exists
12:31during the time of the call.
12:33Okay, so much for mile-wide.
12:36We're digging into these digital forensics,
12:38and we're still scrubbing streetcams around the hotel?
12:42Got something? Someone used a credit card for that voice cover.
12:44The karaoke account that made that call
12:46is tied to a Grant Warren.
12:48All right, eyes up, folks.
12:50Grant Warren,
12:5233, married,
12:54father of one, software engineer,
12:56doesn't really scream, homicidal maniac.
12:58Can we connect him to our U.S. marshal?
13:00Yes. 20 years ago, Warren was a student
13:02at an elite boarding school upstate,
13:04called Military Academy.
13:06Kimball was a drill instructor there.
13:08Didn't Skola go there?
13:10Yeah, he did.
13:12Where's Warren now?
13:14FBI, open up.
13:16Not funny, Otto.
13:18Oh, I'm sorry.
13:20I thought you were the kid down the hall.
13:22Is your husband home, Mrs. Warren?
13:24What do you want with Grant?
13:26Hey, Grant, we...
13:28Hey! Hey!
13:30Grant, stop!
13:32No, no, no, no, no!
13:36All right.
13:38You're under arrest.
13:40Let's go.
13:42Dad? Dad, where are they taking him?
13:44I don't know, sweetie.
13:46Do you remember anything from your time at Cornwall
13:48that could have motivated something like this?
13:50Warren was class of 08.
13:52I was 10 years ahead of him.
13:54What about Kimball? Did you ever cross paths?
13:56No, I think he must have been a D.I.
13:58after I graduated.
14:00I don't know much.
14:02Look, were the drill instructors hard-asses?
14:04Sure they were.
14:06My parents sent me there to try and punish me,
14:08but it ended up being some of the best years of my life.
14:10Everybody loved Cornwall.
14:12So what set this guy off after all these years?
14:14I'm wondering the same thing myself.
14:20All right, Grant.
14:22You want to tell us what you were trying to erase
14:24when we picked you up?
14:26Look, I've already got you
14:28making a false report to 911.
14:30That's a criminal act.
14:32Then you sent a SWAT team
14:34to the house of Marshal Brad Kimball.
14:36But that wasn't enough, was it?
14:40You went back,
14:42finished the job.
14:52Kimball's dead?
14:54Yeah, you don't exactly seem surprised.
14:56I didn't do this.
14:58I swear, you could check my phone data,
15:00check whatever.
15:02I didn't kill anyone, but...
15:04But what?
15:06He got what he deserved.
15:08Oh, yeah? Why's that?
15:12What'd he do, Grant?
15:16Grant, I went to Cornwall.
15:18Class of 98.
15:22I mean, Kimball was way after my time.
15:24But I know what it's like
15:26when a drill instructor is hard on you.
15:28You don't understand.
15:32I was their favorite.
15:46If something happened...
15:48If something happened...
15:52The FBI can help you.
15:56But you need to talk to us.
16:00And right now...
16:02It's looking like you did this.
16:08Help us understand.
16:10After lights out,
16:12Kimball would take me out of my dorm
16:14to a back room.
16:16He'd strip me down.
16:18And then him
16:20and two other staff members,
16:22they'd take turns.
16:28I was a kid.
16:32You tell anybody about it,
16:34they'll kill you.
16:36You tell anybody about it,
16:38Kimball said he'd kill my mom
16:40if I said anything.
16:44Okay, so the school never found out?
16:48I started acting out over break.
16:50My parents knew something was wrong.
16:56I told them.
16:58At some point. Not everything.
17:00Just, you know,
17:04I'm from a third generation Cornwall family.
17:06My dad didn't believe me,
17:08or couldn't.
17:10And even if he had
17:12confronted the school,
17:14Cornwall would have just protected his reputation.
17:18So there was never an investigation?
17:20No. The world moved on,
17:22and so did I.
17:24Until you decided to send a SWAT team
17:26to Kimball's house.
17:28So something changed.
17:30What was it?
17:34A few months ago,
17:36after a Mets game,
17:38I saw him.
17:40On the subway.
17:42He was older, but it was him.
17:44He looked me right in the eye.
17:46And I could tell he had no idea
17:48who I was.
17:50After everything I'd done,
17:52he was the man.
17:54He had no idea who I was.
17:56After everything
17:58he'd done to me.
18:00It just
18:02dug up a pain
18:04I thought I'd buried.
18:06And that was when we decided
18:08to get revenge.
18:12Who's we?
18:18Granted, Kimball hurt somebody else.
18:20Another student.
18:22Is that who killed him?
18:24I've got nothing more to say to you.
18:26You said that there were two other staff members
18:28present during the attacks.
18:30Grant, we need to find them, okay?
18:32I need some names here.
18:34I want to talk to my lawyer now, please.
18:44All right, so Grant Warren
18:46was a student at Cornwall Academy 20 years ago.
18:48According to him, he was sexually abused
18:50by a ring of three Cornwall staff members.
18:52Brad Kimball was
18:54one of the alleged abusers.
18:56He is dead now. Where are we with Warren's alibi?
18:58Jack's out. He used his metro card
19:00at a subway station in Midtown at 8.17 a.m.,
19:02same time as the jury attack,
19:04and security cameras got him, too.
19:06And he was badged in for work at the time of Kimball's murder.
19:08Okay, but when Skoll was talking to Warren,
19:10he all but admitted he had a partner,
19:12another student,
19:14someone who had also likely been abused.
19:16So let's narrow that down.
19:1831,000 fans at Citi Field that night
19:20were analyzing footage, but...
19:22That'll take two years. What about the school?
19:24Uh, well, there's 300 students that overlapped
19:26with Warren at Cornwall. I'm combing through
19:28his phone records, socials, looking for a connection.
19:30Nothing. This would go faster if he gave up a name.
19:32Well, Warren has lawyered up.
19:34He is not talking, so keep digging.
19:36Hey. Hey.
19:38We lost Nina. She got pulled into an apprehension in the Bronx.
19:40I'll check in with her later. Where are we here?
19:42I'm kind of hitting a brick wall.
19:44There were zero sexual assault charges filed
19:46during the time Warren attended the academy.
19:48Well, Skoll at Cornwall would likely be able
19:50to put a lid on all of it.
19:52But how do we find our next target?
19:56Warren said there were two other staff members
19:58who were abusing the boys.
20:00ERT found a yearbook at Warren's home.
20:02There were 17 other staff members
20:04at Cornwall during his years there.
20:06Yeah, great, great. Let's dig into these.
20:08We need to figure out who they're gonna hit next.
20:10Yeah, their employee files could point us
20:12to who we're looking for. Problem is,
20:14they're public.
20:16Meaning they're still at Cornwall.
20:18Good work. Let's get Skoll there now.
20:22Always a pleasure to have one of our brightest
20:24back on campus, Stuart.
20:26Look how far you've come.
20:28Thank you, Colonel. This place has a lot to do with that.
20:30You didn't make it easy on us.
20:32Angley kid with a smart-ass mouth to match.
20:34You seem to remember a prank going awry
20:36in the field house involving a drill instructor's car?
20:38That friend of yours?
20:40Always tagging along?
20:42Well, teenage pranks have fallen by the wayside.
20:46Still got the mouth, though.
20:50So, what brings you back to campus, Agent Skoller?
20:52I assume this isn't a social call.
20:54No, uh, I'm afraid not.
20:56So some former Cornwall instructors
20:58came up in our investigation.
21:00I'm afraid that...
21:02it involves claims
21:04of sexual abuse
21:06by former staff.
21:08You're sure of this?
21:10This was all decades ago,
21:12well before your time as director at the academy.
21:14Cornwall has upheld
21:16a reputation for excellence
21:18for almost 100 years
21:20of turning boys into competent young men.
21:22A stain on its reputation is a stain on us all.
21:24Agent Skoller,
21:26these are serious allegations.
21:28And that's why I'm here.
21:30I mean, you're the dean of the students.
21:32Not one kid ever came forward?
21:34Of course not. If we had,
21:36we would have approached the authorities.
21:38I'd like to look at the faculty and staff files
21:402004 to 2010.
21:42With the appropriate subpoena.
21:46There are legal ramifications at play.
21:48The board of trustees...
21:50We're happy to help the FBI.
21:52My aide will bring them down right away.
21:54Thanks, Carl.
21:56We are late for a meeting, Steven.
22:08Let's go.
22:37Alright, so where are we with Cornwall's personnel records?
22:39Working through most our squeaky clean.
22:41Take Colonel Lewis.
22:43Came to the academy after an honorable discharge
22:45from the army.
22:47Started off as commandant of the cadet corps.
22:49Stellar performance reviews.
22:51Trustees eventually select him to head the school.
22:53He's respected.
22:55Okay, any bad apples?
22:57I got one that raised the flag.
22:59Hank Bouchard joined Cornwall as a drill instructor in 2002.
23:01Oh, that was during Marshall Kimball's era, yeah.
23:03Grant Warren was one of his students.
23:05Here's the thing.
23:07Hank Bouchard abruptly left the academy in 2009.
23:09Middle of the semester.
23:11No explanation in the employee file.
23:13Okay, but how about his personal life?
23:15Any explanation there? Changes?
23:17Did he move? Get married?
23:19No. Same wife, same address.
23:21He took a job at another boys' school in Connecticut
23:23that fall of 09.
23:25Was fired two years later after claims of harassment.
23:27Hard-ass drill instructor harassment,
23:29or are we talking euphemistically?
23:31I have a subpoena in the works for that school's files
23:33for more intel.
23:35Hey, hey.
23:37Orange County SWAT responded to a false 911 call
23:39six days ago at Bouchard's home,
23:41same time frame as Kimball's swatting incident.
23:43All right, that matches our killer's pattern.
23:45Was Grant Warren's credit card used to make that call?
23:47Yes. Yeah? Okay.
23:49See, if any other drill instructors have been swatted,
23:51I'm gonna get an OA and scroll over to Bouchard's.
23:53He's our next target.
23:55So how was it,
23:57being back at your alma mater?
23:59It was bittersweet, as always, you know.
24:01My buddy who passed, David Murray,
24:03we went to Cornwall together,
24:07I actually have
24:09our 1998 varsity cross-country team picture up.
24:15Yes, four years ago he passed.
24:17Still tough.
24:21He was so young.
24:25If you don't mind me asking, how'd he go?
24:31That Bouchard?
24:33That's wrong.
24:35Hey, Bouchard.
24:39Come on, you gotta be kidding me.
24:41I've been swatted before.
24:43Somebody call 911 and send you here again?
24:45No. Nobody called us, Mr. Bouchard.
24:47Maybe they should have.
24:49We need to talk.
24:51You got someplace private we can do that?
24:53Sure. Come on inside.
25:00I'm good.
25:02Shots fired from inside the house.
25:04FBI! Drop your weapon!
25:06Damn it.
25:15Drop your weapon!
25:24Suspect's heading west
25:26on Hillside Road in the blue Subaru.
25:34This just in.
25:36Our suspect broke into Hank Bouchard's home in Floral Park,
25:38waited for him to return, and then shot him
25:40before our agents had a chance to secure Bouchard's safety.
25:42This guy's on a killing spree,
25:44and we know there's a third target.
25:46So let's get an ID on him and put a stop to this
25:48before it does any more damage.
25:50Yeah. Leon, get local PD to put a bull alarm on that blue Crosstrek.
25:52Check traffic cams and tolls
25:54in the 30-mile radius of Bouchard's.
25:56State police just found an empty vehicle
25:58matching that description near downtown Cornwall.
26:00All right, get ERT down there to wipe for prints and DNA.
26:02We get anything for Bouchard's?
26:04ERT pulled lots of prints and DNA.
26:06It'll take a while to process, but I got this.
26:08That blue Crosstrek, it was found abandoned
26:10in Cornwall's commercial district.
26:12Meaning we can scrub security footage and ID our killer?
26:14Yup, and about a dozen folks passed by the near-security camera
26:16around the same time frame that the car was abandoned.
26:18And you cross-referenced them against the Cornwall graduates?
26:20Yup, and we found one.
26:22Thackerty, 33, born and raised in Tuckahoe,
26:24graduate of Cornwall Academy, class of 09.
26:26Can we track his phone?
26:28Negative. His cell is off. He is flying dark.
26:30Hey, Cornwall's holding their annual fundraiser today
26:32at Royce Hall. Thackerty RSVP'd this morning.
26:34No, tell Cornwall to cancel that event.
26:36OA and Scola are nearby.
26:38Get them down there now.
26:40Orange County Sheriff and SWAT need at least 20 minutes.
26:42You heard the SAC people. Let's go.
26:44Fundraiser started 20 minutes ago.
26:46Thackerty has already killed four people today,
26:48two of them being innocent bystanders.
26:50What are you looking into?
26:52Well, it's the who's who of alumni,
26:54former staff, right?
26:56200 lubricated guests in cocktail attire
26:58all crammed into a lobby with limited exits.
27:00So basically the last place you'd want a shootout to happen.
27:10Colonel Lewis.
27:12Agent Scola, you came.
27:14We have reason to believe that our suspect is here
27:16targeting someone at this event.
27:18Shut down now?
27:20You confirmed he's on site.
27:22We haven't spotted him yet. The Sheriff's and SWAT are 15 minutes out,
27:24so we need to start our search now.
27:26Meaning you don't actually know.
27:28Colonel, please. Some of our biggest donors are here.
27:30We do not want to shut this down or cry wolf.
27:32Not now.
27:34No, you're not listening.
27:36These people are all in danger.
27:38Sorry, gentlemen. We'll alert our own security.
27:40Feel free to conduct a search.
27:42But this event, it's too big to shut down based on a hunch.
27:44He'll excuse us.
27:46All right, people.
27:48Noah Thackerty has an axe to grind
27:50with someone at Cornwall's annual fundraiser.
27:52We need to know who.
27:54Scanning his socials, nothing indicating a grudge
27:56against the school, past or present.
27:58We'll keep looking.
28:00Okay, we need eyes inside that event.
28:02Working on it.
28:04Who's going in and out? Do they belong there?
28:06Do any of them tie back to Noah?
28:08Hatching at the Cornwall security cameras now.
28:12I want IDs on everyone in attendance.
28:14Yeah, guests, staff, I mean, ice sculptures.
28:16If they have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth,
28:18they go through facial rec, no exceptions.
28:20Anybody got eyes on Thackerty?
28:22We know that he's here.
28:24Where is he hiding?
28:26Negative. Nothing yet.
28:28Give me something, folks.
28:30We have innocents in the line of fire.
28:32Still scanning.
28:40I got someone matching Thackerty's description.
28:42He's got a duffel. Could be a weapon in there.
28:44Hey, where?
28:46Nice and mean level.
28:48West side of the building.
28:52Hands up.
28:54Put it down.
28:56Don't move.
29:00False alarm. She's a videographer.
29:02We're flying blind here, people.
29:04I need eyes on him.
29:06Wait. Check this guy out.
29:10Who's that?
29:12Can we get facial rec?
29:14Got him.
29:16That's him.
29:18Yeah, yeah. All teams, Thackerty's on the north side of the building.
29:20First floor. Who's closest?
29:22Scola. Scola, that's you.
29:28I'm in this hallway. I got no sign of Thackerty.
29:46He went that way.
29:50Jubal, we lost him.
29:52Okay, but we know where he's headed.
29:54His target has to be at the ceremony.
29:56Thank you all for coming
29:58on such an august occasion.
30:00Okay, if Thackerty's gonna make his move,
30:02he's gonna have to do it in front of all these people.
30:04Could be how he wants it.
30:06The stewardship
30:08of Cornwall Military Academy
30:10and its cadets
30:12is not a responsibility I take lightly.
30:14And as we move into
30:16our 95th
30:20our academy motto remains as relevant
30:22as ever.
30:24Acta non verba.
30:26Deeds, not words.
30:28For it is the actions
30:30we take
30:32that define who we are.
30:40Move! Get down!
30:42Down! Down!
30:44Everybody down!
30:46We got shots fired from the main staircase.
30:48Get everybody out of here.
30:50This way!
30:56Down! Down! Everybody down!
31:00Go! Go! Go!
31:04I'm on it. Covering!
31:08O-8s, watch
31:10hustling to your location now.
31:30And it... it's you?
31:36He was coming
31:38for you.
31:44I... I gotta move you.
31:46You're too exposed out here.
31:48Come on. Let's go.
31:50Ah! Easy.
31:52O-8, I got Lewis. I'm moving him to a more
31:54secure location. Come on.
31:56This way. This way.
32:02So we ID'd the shooter as Noah Thackerty.
32:04He went after his third target at the fundraiser.
32:06O-8s go around the ground.
32:08Does anybody have eyes on Thackerty, please?
32:10Lost him in the melee.
32:12Scanning. Still scanning.
32:14Let's go, people.
32:26Help! Help!
32:36Get in! Get in!
32:44Everybody go!
32:46Move! Out! Out! Now!
32:48Colonel, no.
32:50We gotta get you someplace more secure.
32:52We'll pick you off out here. Go. Come on.
32:54There. There.
32:56He's headed right for them.
33:06Oh, my God.
33:10Get to the kitchen on the ground floor.
33:12Copy that. On the way.
33:14Skola, the shooter is in the kitchen.
33:16I repeat, the shooter is in the kitchen. Do you read me?
33:18Skola, do you copy?
33:20Um, building stone walls
33:22must be blocking the signal.
33:24A Skolan being in the basement, is it helping?
33:26Oh, come on.
33:40Right here.
33:44Here. Just keep it elevated.
33:52Where is he?
34:00You know, I, um...
34:02A dear friend of mine
34:04I graduated from Cornwall with.
34:06I'm sure you remember him.
34:08I, uh...
34:10David Murray?
34:18That's funny.
34:22You always called him
34:24one of your favorites.
34:32He met a great gal,
34:36summer after graduation.
34:38And they, uh, they got married.
34:42He had a beautiful daughter.
34:46And then one day,
34:48out of nowhere,
34:52he shot himself.
34:58I couldn't
35:06Is that what happens to your favorites, Colonel?
35:12I know you abused David Murray.
35:14We gave you boys
35:16the instruction you needed.
35:18No. You took everything from him
35:20and he never recovered.
35:22You hear this.
35:24I will do everything in my power
35:26to make sure that you pay
35:28for what you did to every single one of them.
35:32Jubal, there he is again.
35:40No, no, no, no, no, no.
35:43Jubal, go again.
35:45You broke up.
35:50Jubal, not sure if you can hear me.
35:52We're in a pantry.
35:54Underneath the stairs, off the kitchen.
35:56I'm with the third target.
36:00He is right outside your doors, Colonel.
36:02Come on. We gotta move.
36:06No, no, no, no, no.
36:12That door's not gonna hold.
36:14Stay down!
36:26Drop the weapon, Noah.
36:28Put it down. Now.
36:34That man in there's a monster.
36:36He deserves everything that's coming to him.
36:38And we can figure that out
36:40after you put the gun down.
36:42Do you know what he did to me?
36:44What he did to...
36:50He did to the...
36:52Who knows...
36:54How many boys?
36:56Don't make me shoot you.
37:00You know, when we tried to take this to the police,
37:02they told us that, um,
37:04the statute of limitations had passed.
37:10He has a child like this.
37:12Listen to me. You are a victim.
37:14We can still put Lewis away on federal charges.
37:16He will not walk, but you have to put the gun down now.
37:20Put it down!
37:26On the wall!
37:34You got any more weapons on you?
37:36Suspect's in custody.
37:38Great work. What about Skola?
37:42We're okay.
37:44Coming out.
37:46Okay. Okay.
38:08Come on.
38:16How are you? Are you okay?
38:18Just a little banged up is all.
38:20I'm just glad you're okay.
38:22I will have a giant glass of scotch waiting for you
38:24when you get home, okay?
38:28Yeah, just gonna take a couple minutes
38:30and get my head right.
38:32Yeah, of course.
38:34Take your time.
38:36I love you.
38:38I love you, too.
38:42Just talked to Jubal.
38:44Since the news of the colonel's arrest broke,
38:46the tip lines have been flooded.
38:48Wow. Other Cornwall students?
38:50Yeah, his list of alleged victims
38:52is growing, dating back decades.
38:54He's gonna pay for what he did.
38:58What about the academy?
39:00They'll pay, too.
39:06This place is just such a huge part
39:08of who I am.
39:10I'm grateful for that.
39:14But I got lucky, O.A.
39:18It could have happened
39:20to any one of us.
39:22Like your friend?
39:24Yeah, I never understood
39:26why David did it.
39:32He was so loved.
39:34He had so much
39:36ahead of him.
39:42It just made me feel like
39:44I never really knew him.
39:48You can't know what he didn't tell you.
39:52Yeah, I just wanted him to know
39:54that he could have.
40:00And now I understand.
40:04I miss him.
40:34I miss him.