• 2 days ago
Chicago Fire - Season 13 Episode 6


00:30when we're dead.
00:31Oh, yeah.
00:59I gotta get to work, but I can drop you home.
01:02Where are we?
01:03This is, uh...
01:04What's-her-name's place, right?
01:08From the bar.
01:12I think you'll be crushed here.
01:15Yeah, I don't exactly remember
01:17making that decision either.
01:22Damn, I thought I'd tell.
01:24Well, maybe you should come back to bed.
01:26That would be a bad move.
01:29My shift's about to start.
01:38No way.
01:44See you tomorrow.
02:11What the hell?!
02:32Why are you doing this?!
02:40It's kind of a romantic story,
02:42meeting at a stabbing scene.
02:44Flynn in his undershirt,
02:45you in your paramedic pants.
02:48Okay, so now I need full details on the date.
02:49How was he?
02:50Well, the date was fun,
02:52but if I understand your question correctly...
02:54You do.
02:55...then I don't have an answer for you.
02:56It was classic getting-to-know-each-other kind of stuff,
02:58uh, daytime, coffee shop, and a park.
03:00I don't see how any of that makes a difference.
03:02I've had sex in all of those places.
03:05You know, you can be very traditional.
03:09Hey, what's wrong, Mouch?
03:11I just got attacked.
03:12What? By who?
03:14By a deranged bird.
03:17You were attacked by a bird?
03:20What kind of bird?
03:21I don't know.
03:22What kind of bird, Cap?
03:24Probably a pigeon.
03:25Well, whatever it was,
03:27the vicious little monster just kept coming at me.
03:30Uh, according to the National Audubon Society,
03:32birds only attack humans
03:34if they're young or being threatened.
03:37This was an unprovoked assault,
03:40and any one of you could be next.
03:48Don't say you weren't warned.
04:17Where the hell is Marvin?
04:24Let's go! Come on!
04:36Sorry, Lieutenant.
04:54Squad, you're with engine 67, third floor.
05:04Truck, clear the rest of the building.
05:05Stay alert.
05:06Who knows what's inside there.
05:07Let's knock this thing down right away.
05:08Copy that.
05:0981, primary search.
05:10Let's move.
05:11Squad, grab the K-12 now.
05:12Let's move.
05:14Fire department, call out!
05:36Hey, Chief, we got several units rolling up here.
05:39Tell 67 to hurry up.
05:53Squad 3, report.
05:55We're good.
05:56See that light?
05:57Coming your way.
05:59Squad 3, engine 67, we're almost there.
06:05Don't check the other units.
06:11Squad 3, let's move.
06:13Another line in there.
06:1476, I need you coming in from the south.
06:16Secure a hydrant and stretch a hose to 3.
06:20Back up!
06:21You can't park here.
06:22I got a call from the alarm company.
06:24You work here?
06:25What happened?
06:26We don't know.
06:27Someone inside?
06:28No, we don't open for a few more hours.
06:29I'm the only one with keys.
06:31Park over here.
06:32We might need you later.
06:33All units, be advised.
06:34The business is closed and confirmed vacant.
06:36But continue primary search.
06:48All right.
06:49On 3.
06:501, 2, 3.
06:53Squad 4, all clear.
06:55Second floor, clear.
06:57Fire shoved a few units on, too, but we're on it.
06:59Kat, keep moving.
07:10On 3.
07:111, 2, 3.
07:17Tony, open all units.
07:21Kat, you stay with me.
07:22We finish our primary search.
07:24Take that way.
07:25Keep on your radio.
07:27Copy that.
07:28Fire department, call out.
07:31Fire department, call out.
07:40Fire department, call out.
07:42Over here.
07:53We got a male victim.
07:54Breathing, conscious.
07:55Pin him down the Bravo stairway.
07:57Let's get you out of here.
07:58Copy that.
08:02Come on.
08:03Watch your step.
08:04Keep your head down.
08:09I got you.
08:11Took in a lot of smoke.
08:14Let's check his oxygen levels.
08:15What's your name?
08:22What were you doing in there, Ryan?
08:24I thought the place was closed.
08:26I got evicted.
08:28I'm staying here while I figure things out.
08:30It's cheap.
08:33Let's get him to med.
08:35You know what caused the fire?
08:38Space heater?
08:39I don't know.
08:45Okay, ready?
08:46Squad, you can pick up.
09:00Truck, you're on overhaul with 67.
09:02Copy that, chief.
09:03Actually, chief, is it all right if we cover it?
09:06Got to tip about a space heater in one of the units.
09:08I want to poke around and see if it was the cause.
09:10You good with that?
09:12Much as I love overhaul, it is.
09:13All yours.
09:15I'm going to be with the facilities manager if anything turns up.
09:45Does Carver seem okay to you?
10:03He's dragging a little.
10:05In some kind of mood.
10:08Maybe he's just run down.
10:31That's the bird that attacked you?
10:36It's plotting another ambush.
10:38I can feel it.
10:40Maybe she just flew in here by accident this morning.
10:44It freaked you out, right?
10:46That probably freaked her out more.
10:48It could just all be a miscommunication.
10:53Well, maybe you're right.
10:55I mean, why would a bird have it out for me anyway?
10:57It makes no sense.
11:09Nothing to be afraid of.
11:19No, no, no!
11:21You see?
11:23You see it now?
11:30Man, that thing really hates you.
11:45You wanted to see me, Chief?
11:46Have a seat.
11:51It's about the status of your rig.
11:54The status?
11:56You've had Ritter on truck for a couple of shifts.
11:58I haven't gotten an update from you.
12:00Tell me how that's going.
12:01Ritter is great.
12:02The transition has been seamless.
12:04It helps that he's been on truck before, so he knows the drill.
12:07I'm not just asking about Ritter.
12:08I'm asking about the team.
12:10You added a new firefighter to the rig.
12:11You changed the whole dynamic of the group.
12:16This is the strongest team that I have had yet.
12:20Feel confident about that.
12:23Glad to hear it.
12:27That'll be all.
12:45What's up, Lieutenant?
12:47After everything that happened with Damon and Pascal having me under a microscope,
12:53there's no margin for error.
12:56For me or for you.
12:58There will be no more screw-ups.
13:08Thank hands.
13:10Danger highly flammable.
13:13Hey, Severi.
13:15I want to see this.
13:16You find that space heater?
13:18Something else.
13:35I don't think these are toys.
13:46These are 3D printed.
13:48In magazines, they can hold real bullets.
13:51There's no serial numbers.
13:57These are all ghost guns.
14:04So we don't have any footage.
14:07Looks like the security feed cut out as soon as the fire started.
14:10Thanks for your help.
14:17Why'd they send the staties?
14:24You're the CO here?
14:25Yeah, Chief Pascal.
14:27This is Lieutenant Severi.
14:28He's the one that found the locker.
14:29Captain Bishop, this is Sergeant Grayson.
14:32Any idea how the fire started, Lieutenant?
14:34We rescued a victim who says he's been living in a unit on the fire floor.
14:37Thinks that a space heater may have caused it.
14:39So it was an accident, then.
14:40Can't say until we do a proper investigation.
14:43Where's the victim now?
14:44In Chicago, Matt.
14:45He suffered burns and smoke inhalation.
14:47Give a name, description?
14:49Male, 40s, medium build, first name Ryan.
14:52Didn't catch the last name, but you can pick that up at MET.
14:56I can walk you guys up there, show you guys where-
14:58No, that's not necessary, Lieutenant.
15:00Thanks for the help, but we got it from here.
15:04Um, got to let her stand, Captain.
15:08We can't let anyone back inside.
15:10That unit you opened, it's part of a complicated, ongoing investigation.
15:15Maybe you guys haven't noticed, but we have an ongoing investigation here also.
15:18I hear you, Lieutenant.
15:20And I hate to pull rank on you fellas, but we got 18 months and a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears invested in this case.
15:25We can't risk you tainting our crime scene just to confirm one more transient fire in the city.
15:30Like I said, we don't know that it's a transient fire.
15:32Come on, Chief. We have every right to be in there and investigate this scene right now.
15:35Go ahead, try it.
15:37This is the first time I put a firefighter in bracelets.
15:39For what?
15:40Look, we all got a job to do.
15:42These scumbags are going to keep flooding our streets with untraceable firearms until we nail their asses to the wall.
15:47And we're this close.
15:51You've got my word.
15:53We'll do everything we can to get that fire scene back to you ASAP.
15:56Right, Sergeant?
15:57Yes, sir.
16:01There's no reason we can't all get what we want.
16:06Let's move out.
16:07Hey, I'll be in touch.
16:17That bird is definitely targeting Mouch.
16:19And I have to say, it seems personal.
16:22Well, if she wants war, she'll get war.
16:25What do you mean by that?
16:27I'm calling animal control.
16:28Don't do it, Mouch. If they take down the nest, she'll abandon her clutch.
16:32Believe me, Tony, I am doing the city a favor.
16:35That unholy freak of nature should not be allowed to reproduce.
16:39Why not try a peace offering first?
16:41Lay some breadcrumbs out.
16:42Make friends with it.
16:43Bread's terrible for birds.
16:45I have some birdseed in my car, though.
16:47Why do you have birdseed in your car, Tony?
16:49I do a little birding now and then.
16:52I'll bring in my binoculars next shift for you, Mouch.
16:54Yeah, hi.
16:55I am calling to report a vicious animal.
16:58Oh, I would definitely say it's an imminent threat to humans.
17:01I'm sorry, Tony, but I have a line.
17:03And that bird crossed it.
17:05Yeah, I'll hold.
17:10You want to see me?
17:11Have a seat.
17:19You got pretty short with those stadies on scene.
17:21One of whom is a higher rank than you.
17:24Fire investigations are hard enough as it is.
17:26Putting a hold on it can make it almost impossible.
17:28And that's your thing? Fire investigations?
17:31Yes, sir.
17:32Went through the ATF's arson program.
17:34Did a bunch of federal cases.
17:35And your dad specialized in arson.
17:37Yeah, he did.
17:39You knew Benny?
17:40I knew of him.
17:41Next time there's a jurisdictional issue like that, if I'm there, just let me handle it.
17:47Yes, Chief.
17:48Law enforcement does like to think they rule every scene.
17:51When I was in Miami, PD handcuffed one of my guys because they didn't like where we parked the brig.
17:56I've found that it's easier, if possible, just to not piss him off.
18:04Chief Pascal.
18:10Appreciate it, Captain. Thank you.
18:15Bishop just released the scene.
18:17What do you know? A man of his word.
18:22Head over there. Check it out. Keep me posted.
18:24Copy that, Chief.
18:31Never had pineapple and mayo before.
18:34You're gonna love it.
18:38Look at you.
18:40Yeah, Flynn is just fun.
18:42He's not afraid to be kind of a goofball, you know?
18:45And added bonus, he's on a first responder.
18:47He has been planning this secret date for us, and I am racking my brain trying to figure out where it is.
18:53I love secret stuff.
18:54Well, he has been taunting me with emoji clues all day.
18:59A castle.
19:01Ooh, I hope it's not some sort of Renaissance dinner thing.
19:04Ooh, I would not be entirely opposed to that.
19:08Hey, Carver. You want a sandwich?
19:11No, thanks.
19:15He didn't even ask what kind.
19:16Yeah, and he hasn't made eye contact with me all shift.
19:31There's our space heater.
19:43This didn't start the fire.
19:46This thing melted from the outside in.
19:51What the hell?
19:53What is it?
19:54Well, everything else here is either burnt, melted, or covered in soot.
19:58But this...
20:00This is clean.
20:04There was something here.
20:06State he's taken?
20:07No one else would have gotten in.
20:09Didn't say anything about removing any evidence from this unit.
20:13What the hell are those troopers up to?
20:21Afternoon, Captain.
20:23Oh, this is a surprise.
20:26How can I help you guys?
20:28My lieutenant just got back from the fire scene at the storage facility.
20:32Glad you were able to get in so quickly.
20:35And we appreciate that there is an issue.
20:37We're missing some evidence from a storage facility.
20:39We believe the fire may have started,
20:41which isn't the same as the unit where your ghost guns were located.
20:46I didn't hear anything about that.
20:50We just want to be able to do a clean investigation.
20:53And if we knew what went missing from the ignition area,
20:57that would help.
20:59I'll look into it.
21:01Just give me a day or two.
21:03I got a couple of rookies.
21:05Just give me a day or two.
21:07I got a couple of rookies.
21:09One of them probably got a little too enthusiastic.
21:14Things do happen that are out of our control.
21:16They do.
21:21You know, I'm surprised we haven't met before, Pascal.
21:24I know all the fire chiefs in my area.
21:27I just got back to Chicago.
21:28I've been in Miami about ten years.
21:31I'm a big fan of that city, huh?
21:33You know, the beaches, cigars.
21:38Well, if you were Miami Fire and Rescue, then you must know Chief Hendricks.
21:42I do know Hendricks.
21:44Solid guy. Small world.
21:49You and me, we gotta have a meal sometime, Chief Pascal.
21:54Sounds like we run in the same circles.
21:56Sounds like we do.
22:04I hope he gets back to us about that evidence.
22:07Any reason to think he won't?
22:09I think...
22:11He was pretty quick to dismiss missing evidence as no big deal.
22:14Well, if we don't hear back, we'll stay on him.
22:17Well, I'm gonna go talk to the victim of that fire.
22:19He's probably still at med.
22:20That space heater is not what started it.
22:22Maybe he can give us some insight.
22:24Let me know what you hear.
22:27Okay, I thought for sure the pencil emoji would give it away, no?
22:31I definitely did not see mini-golf coming.
22:36Okay, if you think you're hiding the disdain in your voice, you think wrong.
22:39Oh, no disdain.
22:40This is a really fun idea in theory, but Flynn,
22:43I'm gonna let you in on a little secret about women.
22:47I feel like my life is about to change.
22:50We don't like mini-golf.
22:52This is a guy's thing.
22:53I think you're afraid of getting your ass kicked.
22:57It's like you're looking into my soul.
22:59I'm happy to get the handicap.
23:01Oh, you seriously think I'm gonna lose?
23:03Have you ever played?
23:04No, but I have excellence to perfect hand-eye coordination, Flynn.
23:10You are a very charming person.
23:18So are you.
23:20So are you.
23:23Okay, so what kind of handicap are we talking about?
23:25I'll go left-handed.
23:28And I'll give you a stroke at every hole.
23:33And yes, I realize how that sounds, but those are actual golf terms.
23:38If you say so.
23:42You and I got different definitions of a night out.
23:44This won't take long.
23:45Hey, Ryan, the victim that we brought in last shift, do you know what room he's in?
23:49Oh, I do remember your medics bringing him in, but once they left, he refused treatment.
23:54Left against doctor's orders.
23:56Did you get his last name?
23:57He didn't check in.
23:59You know how it is.
24:00Someone's uninsured, can't pay the bills.
24:03Any police stop by looking for him?
24:04State troopers?
24:07That I would have heard about.
24:10Sorry I don't have anything clear.
24:11That I would have heard about.
24:14Sorry I don't have anything for you.
24:17Okay, thanks for the info.
24:22If this guy was a witness at their crime scene, why wouldn't the stadius want to talk to him?
24:29No surprise.
24:30Turns out I'm amazing.
24:31I'm in a golf and I beat Flynn so badly, he just stopped keeping score.
24:34Let me guess, he hasn't returned your calls or texts since.
24:37As a matter of fact, he asked me to surprise him and choose the location of our next date.
24:42And still no action?
24:43Still no action.
24:47Hey, what's up, Mouch?
24:48That bird still bothering you?
24:50Yeah, what happened with animal control?
24:52Well, they refused to take action.
24:54Some kind of policy against disturbing a brooding female?
24:58Wish we had that at 51.
25:00Apparently the inmates are now running the asylum.
25:02And you wonder why this city is descending further into lawlessness every day.
25:07So, what are you going to do about it?
25:09Well, it is time for me to take matters into my own...
25:47Is this the right place?
25:49I am not sure.
25:51Hey, Ambo 61 to Maine, you got any more information on...
25:54Oh, nope, never mind.
25:56We got him.
25:58Did you call for a medic, ma'am?
25:59Yes, it's for my husband. He's...
26:01It's okay, Larry. Show them.
26:13How did this happen, Larry?
26:15He recently had abdominal surgery?
26:18I've been cooped up. I needed to get outside.
26:21I have allergies and something tickled my nose and I kept sneezing and sneezing.
26:26And he burst his stitches?
26:28Okay, let's start an IV.
26:30Larry, we're going to give you something for the pain.
26:31I want to make sure you're comfortable before we get you over to the ambulance.
26:34Do you have any allergies to medications?
26:35I don't think so.
26:37But a surgeon gave him hydrocodone.
26:38Good to know.
26:40I'm going to give you a low dose of fentanyl, all right?
26:41All right.
26:45Here we go.
26:47Pushing fentanyl.
26:50This will help.
26:56No back.
26:58I think there is way too much of a serration to manually reduce,
27:01so I say we just wrap him up and get him to med.
27:06Here. Here, Cots.
27:08Try pushing your tongue to the front of your teeth.
27:12Okay, wet seropads right away.
27:15Larry, I'm going to give you some dysenhydramine to stop the sneezing.
27:25It's going to burn going in, but only just for a moment, all right?
27:36All right.
27:37You got him?
27:39Larry, lean up for us real quick.
27:43It's okay.
27:45All right, almost there, Larry.
27:46Here we go.
27:49Let's get you into the stair chair.
27:55All right, Larry.
27:57Here we go.
28:14You owe me.
28:15I know it.
28:16What's so important about this thing, anyway?
28:18Kid's been on my case since I slept through the bells,
28:20so if she noticed that I forgot it, things would go south fast.
28:24I don't know how you stand it here.
28:26The way everybody's always upping each other's business.
28:28It's fine.
28:29I can manage.
28:30I know you can.
28:31I just don't know why you'd want to.
28:34Wouldn't it be nice to work someplace where you actually feel appreciated
28:36instead of judged all the time for every little thing?
28:40You know, any firehouse in Austin would kill for a guy like you.
28:44Right now, I just need to get through the rest of this shift
28:46so we can hit off for a drink and relax.
28:49Sounds like a plan.
29:13Let's go.
29:32What's going on, Match?
29:33You got a crazy look in your eyes.
29:35This ends now.
29:38Come on, leave the poor thing alone, would you?
29:43Come on.
30:14Is that an egg?
30:16It must have fallen out of the nest and landed in these bags.
30:22It's a miracle it didn't break.
30:24No, no, don't touch it.
30:25If you get your scent on it, the mother might reject it.
30:27I can't just leave it here.
30:28It'll get stepped on or run over.
30:30Oh, so now you care.
30:32Of course I care.
30:34I'm not a monster, Cap.
30:35I'm a human being.
30:37Well, I guess there's only one option then.
30:39Yeah, you're right.
30:41Just gotta hope for the best, I suppose.
30:44Don't worry, it's not so hard taking care of a hatchling.
30:46I'm not taking care of a hatchling, Tony.
30:53I'm gonna leave it in Mother Nature's hands.
31:11Are you sure you don't want a beer?
31:12I'm buying.
31:13No, I'm still on shift.
31:19We made our arrest in the ghost gun case today.
31:21Took down the whole ring.
31:23It's a major bust.
31:25Big thanks to your team for knocking down that fire
31:27before the storage unit got destroyed.
31:29You're welcome.
31:31I'm glad you're here.
31:32I'm glad you're here.
31:33I'm glad you're here.
31:34I'm glad you're here.
31:35I'm glad you're here.
31:36I'm glad you're here.
31:37I'm glad you're here.
31:38I'm glad you're here.
31:39Target got destroyed.
31:41Well, just doing our job.
31:44The Fire House 51 is in my neighborhood,
31:46so if I ever fall asleep with a lit cigar,
31:48you better be doing your job that day.
31:54So where are we at with the evidence from our fire scene?
31:59I wanted to give it back, trust me.
32:01But when I asked the D.A., she looked at me like I had two heads.
32:05She needs it to put the criminals away.
32:09Yeah, it's interesting. My understanding was the evidence was in a separate unit from the cons
32:15Well, maybe things got moved around or in a fire. I've seen it happen before
32:22Do you know what that evidence actually was even that information could help
32:30Now I'll get those details for you, that'd be great
32:39What are the odds we both know chief Hendricks
32:42Yeah, yeah, yeah, we go way back Hendricks and me
32:45I used to go to him with questions my case involved fire and he'd come to me for help with his investigations
32:54The teamwork like that can really come in handy when departments work together
32:59Couldn't agree more
33:01You and I keep working together. We'll get a clean conviction on our gun case win like that'll save countless lives
33:08That's the goal
33:12I'm glad you feel that way Dom
33:15Cuz the thing is
33:17You guys have right
33:20He doesn't seem to understand the situation like we do
33:25You could explain the whole teamwork idea to him
33:29That may be the grossest thing I've ever heard yeah, I love that about the job though, it's
33:35Something new every day. I'm still I'm not gonna be eating dinner tonight
33:44You have any idea what's going on with Carver? I know he had the blow-up with the girlfriend at your party. Mm-hmm
33:52I don't know what he's up to
33:54He had the blow-up with the girlfriend at your party. Mm-hmm. No, I'm I'm not exactly sure
34:01I've decided to stay out of it, which seems to be what he wants. Yeah, it's not just you it's
34:07It's like he's gone cold
34:09Yeah, I see even
34:16Hey, have you picked a place to take Flynn yet? Oh
34:20No, and I'm actually starting to panic about it Wow, I am taking this conversation
34:26Let's let's brainstorm. Okay. Okay, Kelly and I had a great dinner the other night. Okay, go on
34:37You never returned my call put it in I stopped by med to talk with Ryan from the storage fire
34:43He's in the wind. It's no trace of him anywhere. Can you really tell us anything? We don't already know
34:48He's our only witness to that fire at best he could tell something that helps us solve the case at worst
34:53He's an arsonist. We need to loop in van meter and get an OFI case started. No one was seriously hurt
34:58Property that was damaged is insured. I know you want to get to the bottom of every case
35:01But I'm not feeling like this is a top priority
35:05We're gonna put in the back burner for now
35:07I'm not letting this fall to the bottom of the pile. I wasn't asking I mean we need to hold someone accountable
35:13It's never I'm starting to get the feeling that you got a problem with authority or is it just me either chief
35:18I just don't understand why you suddenly want this case buried on a separate. I said back off
35:24That is an order
35:37Asked how completely bulldoze my investigation right after his dinner with Bishop
35:41I don't know what this bitch you guys up to but he's covering something and now Pascal is helping him do it
35:47We still don't know much about the chief do we know?
35:50But if he's getting to something shady, I'm not just gonna stand on the sidelines
36:44Hey Carver
36:46You got a sec?
36:48Not really. I was gonna try and grab a shower for the next call. Okay. Yeah, I'll make it quick
36:53The levels in your SCBA tank
36:56You didn't change it out after the last call. Of course I did and who told you to go second-guessing my work
37:04Our lieutenant
37:06She asked me to check all the equipment and instead of taking it to her. I came right to you
37:13You know as a friend
37:23Lieutenant I am sure home carver
37:27What I will call a floater to finish out the rest of shift
37:31And don't plan on coming back unless you get yourself together
37:52You're a little bit early our next date isn't for another
37:5713 hours. Here's morning. I know the thing is I have to cancel
38:01Oh, I got assigned to a new case. I have a feeling it's gonna be a late night. I
38:07Wanted to tell you in person because with text it's so hard to tell the time, you know
38:11And I didn't want you to think I was blowing things off
38:15Cuz I really like hanging out with you
38:19Well, this is perfect actually because this gives me more time to plan something as cool as mini
38:42Not a good time so Brian this won't take long
38:48You started acting differently once Bishop brought up Hendricks name like switch got flipped I couldn't figure out why
38:57Then I did some digging
39:04Wasn't easy to track down kept his name out of the press
39:08Nate Hendricks was a fire chief in Miami before he got busted for his involvement in a drug trafficking ring
39:15If Bishop and Hendricks are the type of guys are used to running with a firehouse is not the place for you
39:38Bishop is dirty, right?
39:40Thought it was a little off when they got to that fire scene so fast then he brought up Hendricks
39:45That's the real tell
39:47So why'd you steamroll my arson investigation? You think Bishop was gonna stand by and let you dig through his dirty laundry?
39:52He wasn't he made that perfectly clear
39:56You were already on it
39:57He's been feeling me out for days trying to see if I was cut from the same cloth as Hendricks
40:02I went to his internal affairs department and tell you what, they already have a file on Bishop just no hard evidence yet
40:09And you're helping him get it
40:14So, what do we do next oh, there is none no we here lieutenant you think I'm gonna sit on the sidelines
40:21Tell me what I know
40:27Can't breathe a word of this to anyone
40:32According to their IA Bishop doesn't shy away from violence and he does not make empty threats. I'm in
40:50Looks like he set the place on fire arson is pretty much impossible to prove
40:56He's trying to intimidate us let us know he can get the people we love
41:02Chicago fire new next Wednesday on NBC and Peacock
41:05Next test is a ride-along. If you pass you get to be a shiny new detective who use leverage either
41:11She cooperates or we take her kid
41:13This is your only shot. It doesn't mean there still isn't a better