• 2 days ago
00:01Previously on Love During Lockup.
00:04You're sick!
00:05Bradley plans to dump you.
00:06I need reassurance.
00:07If Bradley's love is true, he'll wear my name in ink.
00:13Are you getting a name on you?
00:15His name.
00:16Right here.
00:17You wanna marry me?
00:19I signed him up for a right of prisoner, for him to get sugar mamas.
00:23Some of these women may have felt there was a real relationship there.
00:26I don't see it as a scam.
00:27I'm concerned that Kate might be in a relationship with a career criminal.
00:32I'm leaving to Utah to see my mom.
00:34What about your ex-husband?
00:35The last time things happened, I almost thought I was pregnant.
00:39What do you want, Ami?
00:40I'm gonna rekindle something.
00:42What are you gonna do when Willie's out and you want Ami?
00:44What if I'm just using Willie?
00:48After 10 years, it's called sexual frustration.
00:51Having sex with Rob makes me go...
00:54I can't just be around her 24-7.
00:56She has time to stand back.
00:58It's pissing me off.
00:59I should be Rob's number one priority.
01:02What's the chance that she'd make that first parole?
01:05She may not get out this time around.
01:07She's mad because he didn't make it to see her.
01:10Today is her official parole day.
01:12I don't know who the f*** you are anymore.
01:15The Sam that I know would never get over a missing.
01:27You just f***ing blew me off.
01:29You didn't give a f***.
01:30But it's not true, Crystal.
01:32I didn't blow you off.
01:33It is true.
01:34I didn't blow...
01:35Did you come?
01:36Did you come?
01:38Okay, so what do you f***ing call back?
01:43You hit my daddy and my son with a f***ing crime.
01:46I wanted to come.
01:47No, you didn't.
01:48I can't take care of you if I don't take care of myself.
01:51And there's no way.
01:53I don't think I could have done that.
01:55I don't think I could have done that trip.
01:57I've been up 30 hours running calls.
02:09This is the date that I'm officially eligible for parole.
02:12Now it's just a matter of time before I can get a hearing for the parole board.
02:17So it's making the possibility of being released real.
02:24Why didn't he come?
02:26It's unforgivable to me.
02:28I don't care.
02:29I'm sorry.
02:30Donna, I was wrong.
02:32I wish I could have done things different.
02:34It's the same bulls*** thing you do.
02:36No, I'm not.
02:37No, I'm not going to justify working and supporting us.
02:40I'm not going to justify that to you.
02:42I don't give a f***.
02:46You just finished your job before our f***ing real life.
02:50The only reason why I'm calling you now is so I can have peace.
02:54That is bulls*** of you.
02:56Because I've stood by you.
02:57I've moved here.
02:58I've been here for you.
02:59I've done everything I can for you.
03:01Just say bulls***.
03:03Look, it's not even what I—
03:04Let me get three words in.
03:09When you're a grief mop for everybody at home, at work, at home, at work,
03:14your wife, your wife's grandmother,
03:16and they just come to you so you could mop up their problems,
03:20being that thing and not getting a break makes me want to blow my top.
03:26You, your sacrifice in this relationship is your incarceration.
03:30But it needs to be more.
03:31You need to be there for me, too.
03:47And I did it for you.
03:50That's bulls*** and you know it.
03:52It's not going to be just you talking about how much you f***ing despise me overnight.
03:57I'm not sorry that I do what I have to do for our family.
04:01I'm so still sorry for you.
04:04You did not have to work that year.
04:06What the f***?
04:07We need money, Crystal.
04:10We need the f***ing money.
04:12I got this house because of your parole.
04:15I've been purchasing things for you.
04:16I've been preparing for you.
04:18I've been discussing it every living, breathing moment of my life.
04:22I don't care.
04:24Take a job, shove it up your ass.
04:27I don't give a f***.
04:30It's over.
04:32Goodbye, Pam.
04:34Have a nice life.
04:35The caller has hung up.
04:39It's like f*** your sacrifices.
04:40You don't do s***.
04:45Hi, mama.
04:47I love it.
04:48I haven't seen you for that long.
04:49It's already changed.
04:50It's already changed, baby.
04:51Oh, f***.
04:52There's a lot of ants.
04:53Are there?
04:54A lot, a lot of ants right here.
04:56You're so calm about it.
04:57I'm not.
04:58I'm not.
04:59I'm not.
05:00I'm not.
05:01I'm not.
05:02I'm not.
05:03I'm not.
05:04I'm not.
05:05I'm not.
05:06I'm not.
05:07I'm not.
05:08I'm not.
05:09I'm not.
05:10I'm not.
05:11I'm not.
05:12I'm not.
05:13I'm not.
05:14You're so calm about it.
05:15I would have been screaming and running.
05:18So many other things to scream and run about in life.
05:23Speaking of, how was your meeting?
05:27Meeting was good.
05:30You'll be happy to know that the lawyer agrees with us that he should cut off all contact
05:35with the right of prisoner women.
05:37You talk about Hunter?
05:40I did, yeah.
05:41And he said it's all wrapped up.
05:43The lawyer, he did say about you being released sooner.
05:47He wanted to make sure that the reason behind right of prisoner wasn't entirely financial
05:53because that could be like scamming or like fraud.
05:57So I want to make sure that there's not still anything going on with the right of prisoner
06:05sugar mama situations.
06:07Yeah, I didn't know that.
06:11There's a lot of things to be hopeful for.
06:18Speak of the devil.
06:19You may start the conversation now.
06:21Hey, baby.
06:22Hey, honey.
06:23You're on speaker with Leah.
06:24What's up, Leah?
06:25How you doing?
06:26I'm doing good, baby.
06:27Could you mind if I talk to you in private for a little bit without Leah right there?
06:35I felt the need to be completely honest.
06:40After I got in trouble with the right of prisoner, like they were all going after number one.
06:44So I was just still talking to one.
06:47I just want to let you know everything.
06:50I checked with Vince.
06:52I actually told him up here.
06:53We were a little intimate at visits.
06:56I was getting hand jiggers.
06:59You were getting intimate at visits.
07:01You're a f***ing idiot is what you are.
07:04She put hands on him.
07:06Got sexual with him.
07:07It's disgusting.
07:09And then he calls me to tell me about it so that he can feel better about himself.
07:13Like, what is he doing?
07:17You're so comfortable there.
07:19Like, why don't you stay?
07:20You love it.
07:21You're like at summer camp and you get to have like your little girlies visit you.
07:26I'm just letting you know what's going on to clear my f***ing conscience.
07:30Oh, that's great information for me to know.
07:32And awesome to stay on a recorded line where they could like listen back and you could get in more trouble.
07:38You know what, you get a gold f***ing star today.
07:45Like this is my relationship too.
07:47And like I'm waiting for you and I'm doing all these things out here to like help make your life better.
07:53When you get out earlier and your end of the bargain is to do everything that you can.
07:59This is before like we even like really jumped the gun on our relationship.
08:03So stop.
08:05I'm doing all this legwork and you need to show me that you're doing the legwork too.
08:09And the legwork on your end right now is to stop talking to the women who you've been breaking rules with.
08:18I think probably it's time for you to actually be uncomfortable there.
08:23You've had a really nice time being like fed super well and having your laundry done
08:28and doing your workouts and all this f*** because you were supported.
08:32You need to just be a man.
08:40Your word isn't very valuable right now.
08:49This is the stupidest f***ing thing ever.
08:53It takes a lot to make me angry, to make me feel betrayed.
08:57And if you betray me, I will watch you suffer.
09:03What are you going to do?
09:04Trust takes time to build and then it takes a hot second to fall apart like a house of cards.
09:11Don't f*** with me.
09:13You will pay.
09:14I will get my pound of flesh.
09:17You could do better.
09:23I do feel like tears getting cold feet.
09:25Are you really ready to take that next step?
09:27Hey, baby.
09:28I just want to ask you a question though, babe.
09:30I love you and I don't know why you don't believe me, babe.
09:34I have a hard time believing this s*** you said.
09:36Babe, you really don't believe me?
09:38The caller has hung up.
09:41Are you excited to finally meet Bradley tomorrow?
09:44It's never too late for you to back out.
09:53I wanted to tell him about the tattoo, but I still want to surprise him.
09:57He'll definitely be surprised.
09:59I think he's going to love it.
10:01He probably will in the long run.
10:07I feel like today I'm definitely the best version of myself, better than I've ever been.
10:11And I feel like that's because of him, you know?
10:14So, my little ode to Bradley.
10:18So, my little ode to Bradley.
10:21Maddie stayed at my house last night.
10:23I want her to come with me today to get my tattoo.
10:27Let's do it.
10:28All right.
10:29I really just need her to hold my hand because I'm scared.
10:32Let's go.
10:38I still don't love the idea, but it's Savannah's body, so.
10:43It is Savannah's body.
10:46I think Savannah could definitely be delusional about some things.
10:51I'm worried that she could be jumping ahead a little too much, especially with this tattoo
10:57because it is permanent and a big commitment, and you just don't really know what the future holds.
11:04This is so cute.
11:06Oh my gosh.
11:07How are you?
11:08Good, how are you?
11:10What can I help you with?
11:11I'm thinking about maybe getting my boyfriend's name.
11:14We're going to see how he reacts to the first letter and go from there.
11:18That's perfect.
11:19That's why I have this because he's locked up, so he's going to kind of be with us on the video.
11:25I mean, that's the perfect surprise.
11:26Yeah, I think so.
11:29We're all logged in.
11:30Ready to go.
11:31We're going to be over here.
11:34So, I'm thinking for his name, kind of like wrapping around.
11:39Obviously for us, they are, and the rest of it doesn't connect.
11:44So, if you wanted to stop there, you could.
11:47He thinks that getting names tattooed on you is a bad omen.
11:51The B stands for the name.
11:53So, you might as well just go for the whole thing.
11:58This is my tattoo artist.
12:07So, we talked about getting each other's names.
12:13You want to see the B?
12:16You like it?
12:21For when I slap you?
12:27Can you see it?
12:29I just don't like this.
12:30I feel like B stands for bitch.
12:33Do whatever the f*** you want.
12:34I'm just, I'm trying to figure it out.
12:36What do you want me to do?
12:37Anything I say, you're going to say it's wrong.
12:39What do you want?
12:41I want you to want me to get the name.
12:43Then get the name.
12:44I want this to be over faster.
12:46You brought this idea to me.
12:47I'm supporting you as a good, significant other.
12:49So, you want to get the name?
12:50Get the name.
12:51You have permission if that's what you were looking for.
12:54I wanted you to want me to get it.
12:57Bradley can be really harsh, argumentative at times.
13:01And it can get aggressive really quick.
13:04I don't love that.
13:05Okay, so listen.
13:06Here's what's going to happen.
13:07I'm getting your name tattooed.
13:08And it's going right here.
13:10And you really don't have to get my name tattooed on you.
13:12Because I don't believe in f***ing superstitions.
13:14And I'll walk under a ladder and f***ing kick a black cat right now.
13:17I'm just kidding.
13:18I wouldn't kick a cat.
13:21Okay then.
13:22So, you do want me to get the name?
13:28Bradley has backed out of paying for the BBL.
13:32I need you to sign that consent form.
13:35Any known allergies.
13:37Bradley's f***ed.
13:40He won't get my name tattooed on him.
13:43I don't understand why he's struggling to show his commitment.
13:47Love you. Bye.
13:50Let's do this.
13:51Let's do this.
13:52Here we go.
13:53Face me.
13:54Arm up.
13:55Yep. Mermaid pose this way.
13:59Here we go.
14:02You're doing great.
14:17You want to go check it out in the mirror?
14:24This is f***ing gorgeous.
14:26I'm all in Bradley.
14:28Next move's on you.
14:30I love it.
14:41Hey baby.
14:42What's up mama?
14:43How you doing?
14:48Get some sleep.
14:49Want me to cover you up?
14:52One of my bros want to come see me.
15:00F***ed up. You alright?
15:02Don't be mad babe.
15:03Yeah, I just want to relax.
15:04I know babe.
15:05I mean, you want to go with your boys.
15:07They be waiting for me just like you, babe.
15:10It has officially been five hours since Rob has been released now.
15:16Alright, let's go.
15:17See you later babe, alright?
15:18See you later.
15:19Nahla, be good.
15:20We're going to leave the baby with y'all.
15:23Nahla will be staying with Tisha and Toya,
15:27but I don't know if I'm ever getting any time to spend with him today.
15:32This s*** is crazy.
15:37You know what? I'm done.
15:38Go ahead. Do your thing, player.
15:40I get that you want to be with your boys,
15:42but it's the first day you're home.
15:44See you later, alright?
15:46Why don't you feel the same way?
15:49That I do.
15:50Like, I don't want to get busy.
15:52Like, I don't want to lay up.
15:56You want to take a trip to the store real fast?
15:58Yeah, there's no more questions.
15:59Alright, come on.
16:00Feel good to be back, bro.
16:01Yeah, dude.
16:02Feel good to have you back.
16:03Yeah man, definitely.
16:04For real, bro.
16:06She's starting to get a little bit possessive, you know,
16:08because she wants me to be around her like pretty much 24-7.
16:13It's got to be a balance though, because my family is here for me as well.
16:16And to be honest, it's about me right now,
16:18because my transition back to society.
16:20Like, she got to understand that.
16:23Oh my God.
16:26Yo, I'm so f****** done.
16:28Put her on speaker.
16:31Where are you?
16:32I'm right on the block.
16:34We're actually coming right back.
16:35We just took a lap around the block.
16:36We just took a walk.
16:37We took a walk to the store.
16:38And now we're on our way back.
16:40You just told me you was going to be back in a while.
16:43I know.
16:44And now all of a sudden you're doing all of this extracurricular activities.
16:47Like, what the f*** is wrong with you?
16:48What's extra?
16:49What am I going to do?
16:50What's extra?
16:51I went to the store.
16:52What are you talking about extracurricular activities?
16:53What are you talking about?
16:54I just told you I just wanted to lay it down,
16:55and just for us to be together.
16:58We can do that.
16:59Like, I'm on my way back.
17:00We're just going to take a lap to the store.
17:01This is crazy.
17:02You just do whatever the f*** you want to do tonight.
17:04You just want to hang out.
17:05You need to stop, Mama.
17:06For real.
17:07You've been doing too much.
17:08Mama, you need to stop.
17:09For real.
17:10Alright, Mama, I got to go.
17:11I'm going to see you in a minute, alright?
17:12I feel like this is a terrible first start.
17:15You know what I'm saying?
17:16This is happening on the first day.
17:17Like, what else is to come?
17:18You know what I'm saying?
17:19So, like, it's not a good look.
17:23Who is it?
17:27Can I come in?
17:29I was about to say.
17:31Oh, f***.
17:32Oh, f***.
17:33Have a good one.
17:34Have a good one.
17:35What's up with you?
17:36You alright?
17:39What happened?
17:40Why are you sitting like that?
17:41What are you doing?
17:44What you got going on?
17:47Because everything always changes.
17:48It changes all day.
17:49Hold on.
17:50Let me take a seat, first of all.
17:51What you mean everything's always changing?
17:53What is this changing?
17:54I took a lap around the block.
17:57I feel like you just doing whatever you want today.
17:59You don't have any type of regard for me.
18:01Like, I keep asking to spend time with you,
18:03and you just ignore me.
18:05I don't mean to make you feel that way,
18:06but that's not what's going on here, you know?
18:08Like, we had a long day.
18:09You know, I had the family over,
18:10and we're going to spend time.
18:11We're going to get time, man.
18:12I waited for you for a year.
18:20Are you dead assing me?
18:21Yo, listen to what you're saying.
18:22Put the phone down.
18:24How disrespectful can you be?
18:25I'm done.
18:26You think f*** is a joke,
18:27and you laughing while I'm trying to talk to you.
18:30It's crazy.
18:32He's literally brushing me off.
18:34He's giving me a feeling
18:36that I might really be getting played right now.
18:40I'm talking to you,
18:42you're laughing in my face,
18:43you think f*** is sweet,
18:44you think f*** is funny.
18:45I'm not laughing in your face, though.
18:46I'm really upset.
18:47You just laughed in my face.
18:49What are you talking about?
18:50Yo, first of all, lower your tone,
18:51because I'm like...
18:52For what?
18:53For what?
18:54Yeah, all that.
18:55I can get loud and aggressive with you, too.
18:57Yeah, alright.
18:58I ain't wait 10 years for my freedom,
19:00for me to be an issue with me walking around the block.
19:02Like, I have more freedom in jail.
19:04I can walk around and take a jib.
19:05I laugh around the gym
19:06without the officers saying anything.
19:08You know what I'm saying?
19:09I don't want to feel like I'm locked up.
19:10But at least you're on my neck.
19:11We're not going to do that.
19:12That's not going to work.
19:14What the f*** did I do?
19:16This s*** is not...
19:18I'm not doing this s***.
19:20I'm really not.
19:28Be honest with me,
19:29are you still sleeping with Ami?
19:32This is a new chapter in my life,
19:33and this is what I want.
19:34Come on, I'll take you home.
19:35Okay, let's go.
19:36So where do you think you and Bradley are headed?
19:40Are you comfortable with him staying here?
19:42Are you f***ing kidding me right now?
19:45F*** you.
19:46F*** you, dude.
19:47Get the f*** out of my way.
19:48Out of my way.
19:49Wait, Kayleigh.
20:03I'm packing.
20:05I'm packing.
20:06I'm going back to San Francisco.
20:08Ami calls me,
20:09and he says he's coming over.
20:11I'm going to follow my heart,
20:12and I'm going to do what makes me happy.
20:21Like all this stressing
20:22and all this B.S.
20:24I was going through coming out here,
20:26I'm over it.
20:33Hi, baby.
20:36I don't even know how this meeting with me
20:38and Ami is going to go.
20:39I just need to face him head on.
20:41Like I can't just keep playing these games with him.
20:44Can I get a hug?
20:48I think my Uber is almost here.
20:53I really want to see what his intentions are.
20:56How you been?
20:57I've been good.
20:58Still alive.
20:59You miss me?
21:02I miss you.
21:03Can you please sit down?
21:04Let's sit down.
21:05Let's talk.
21:06Let's be some adults and talk.
21:09I'm really happy to see you.
21:12So you want to rekindle the relationship?
21:15I think we can fix this relationship.
21:16Honestly, I'm trying to be honest with you.
21:18No bull crap, nothing.
21:21I need my wife back.
21:25I'm already in a relationship right now.
21:27You happy with him?
21:28Do I look happy?
21:29No, you look miserable.
21:30Oh my gosh.
21:31You look miserable.
21:32You look happy now.
21:33You look happy.
21:34You look happy now because I'm here.
21:35You're so full of bull s***.
21:37I want to be another guy in my shoes.
21:38I want to be the guy in the shoes.
21:40You want to be the guy in the shoes?
21:42Walking away with you.
21:45What are you trying to do?
21:46Manipulate me into getting inside my pants or something?
21:52I don't believe you.
21:53You say a lot of things on me, but then you don't keep your word for it.
21:56So, I don't believe you.
22:00What do you want me to do?
22:01I'm going to close the chapter of our life that I thought was happening.
22:05I thought you've been closing it.
22:07No, no, no, no.
22:08You keep opening it.
22:09I kept opening it. You're right.
22:10I'm not even going to lie.
22:11I kept opening it.
22:12I kept giving you all these chances.
22:13If you keep opening it, you're going to keep opening it.
22:16We're going to just stop bull s*** around.
22:18You don't want to be in a relationship.
22:20I know you don't.
22:21I do.
22:22You know that.
22:23No, no, stop lying.
22:25Ami knows how to get to me because we've been married for 13 years.
22:28But that marriage, I felt unappreciated.
22:31I felt like I wanted the life that he didn't want.
22:34Ami kind of loved the drinking, the partying.
22:37But we do have some kind of chemistry.
22:40I don't even know if I still have feelings for Ami.
22:47That's my Uber right there.
22:48You're not going to get in that Uber.
22:50Because I'm going to tell her to go.
22:52No, you're not.
22:53I am.
22:55Okay, I'll be there in a minute.
22:57I'll be there in a minute.
22:58You can go.
22:59No, I'll be there in a minute.
23:02Thank you for coming.
23:03Do you want me to get up and get in the Uber or do you want to get up and get in the truck?
23:06I'll let we both get in the truck.
23:19Love you.
23:20Love you.
23:21So who is this client that we're waiting for?
23:24It's my best friend, Melissa.
23:26I've known her since like freshman year of high school.
23:30How are you?
23:31I'm pretty good.
23:32How are you?
23:33Good to see you.
23:34I'm good.
23:35Good to see you too.
23:40Look at you, Miss Bob.
23:41What are we doing?
23:42Wash and then style.
23:46I'm just going to wash her really quick and then you can hang out with me.
23:53Yeah, you'll need to sit up on it a little bit more.
23:57So I went to see a lawyer to talk about Hunter's case.
24:02Her retainer fee, $15,000.
24:05You would do the most to do it too.
24:08Shut up.
24:09It ain't true.
24:12Kaylee should definitely not spend any money on a lawyer.
24:17Hunter and Kaylee might be moving a little too fast.
24:22I get anxious that he's possibly using her.
24:26One more roll.
24:27It was nice to meet you.
24:28Nice to meet you too.
24:29I'll ring the bell if I need you.
24:33You think I'm crazy?
24:35I think that all relationships have risk and I feel like you're putting a lot of extra risk on yourself.
24:43Hold the swoops.
24:45You may start the conversation now.
24:48Hey, baby.
24:49What's going on?
24:50Oh, I'm just at the salon.
24:51I'm doing Alyssa's hair.
24:54You know, I've got to chat about my visit at the lawyer's office.
24:57I've got to stop you.
24:58I've got to stop you.
25:00I'm sorry.
25:01What's going on?
25:03You don't have to worry about that stuff anymore.
25:06I'm going to tell you I've got to get some stuff off my chest.
25:11I've been holding it for a little bit.
25:14I'm shaking a little bit.
25:15Sorry, I can't admit it.
25:18What the **** is going on?
25:21Yeah, so...
25:23I'm just going to blurt it out.
25:26I haven't just been talking to you for the last couple months.
25:30I'm sorry.
25:33Yeah, so...
25:35An ex popped up.
25:38Yeah, we kind of got a lot closer over these last few months.
25:43Few months?
25:44Few months?
25:46Few months, yeah.
25:48Few months?
25:49Like, we're talking more than, like, three, four, five...
25:52How long?
25:54Like, three months.
25:59It's just gone too far at this point.
26:02Kaylee's lawyer said that I should probably stop it.
26:04I don't want to break Kaylee's heart, but it is what it is.
26:07I've got to put myself first.
26:10So, what the **** are you telling me right now?
26:15I'm saying we can't do this anymore.
26:18Are you **** kidding me right now?
26:25I watched young people go through, like, 12 months of rehab then.
26:29These women would be on the street giving **** jobs for $2.
26:34$2 was a lot back then.
26:37I'm over it. I'm done with that chapter.
26:38It's closed. I'm not going to open it.
26:40What's left behind, you need to stay behind.
26:53What's up, young lady?
27:03I just wanted to come and tell you, I don't want you to feel like I don't want to spend no time with you.
27:07And, like, my day don't consist of you, or you're not a part of my plans.
27:10You're all a part of my plans, mama.
27:11Like, if you made me feel any type of way, and I don't want you to feel any type of way, I apologize, mama.
27:21If I say I'm upset and I want to talk to you, put your **** phone down.
27:26Got you. I'm sorry, mama.
27:30I love you.
27:31I love you, too.
27:35We ready to go inside?
27:41My coochie hurts. I can't walk.
27:44Give me a wheelchair.
27:47Me and Ron had a great night, but it has been a while since I actually been with a man.
27:54So, um, just give me some time.
28:03Babe, you ready to eat now?
28:06Oh, you gotta get yourself together.
28:07I'm gonna get myself together.
28:08Okay, all right, babe.
28:10You all right?
28:11I'm all right.
28:14It ain't been that easy adjusting, you know, being in a relationship after lockup.
28:19I gotta get ready to go, too, babe.
28:25I'll be at 930. Hold on, hold on.
28:26How long it's gonna take to get there?
28:28I'll see you later, okay?
28:30Love you.
28:31All right, love you.
28:32When I wake up on my first two mornings as a free man, it's a priority I gotta get the parole.
28:40Sia is not coming with me to parole.
28:42It may feel a little uneasy. I do want her with me, but I gotta get there on time.
28:47You know what I'm saying?
28:48So, because that's very important.
28:49I gotta build a healthy relationship with my P.O.
28:53What's up, mama?
28:55You ready? We gotta go.
28:56You got my message, right?
28:57I'm a little panicky because it's already 830.
28:59What's going on here?
29:00What's up?
29:03Man, we should get there in due time.
29:06This is the borderline between my freedom and going back to jail every time I step through that gate.
29:11So, after you go see your P.O. and everything, what's good with you and Tia?
29:14What y'all gonna do?
29:16I'm probably headed back to Brooklyn, and Tia's gonna be going to Long Island.
29:19No, bro, you know Tia's not gonna be with none of that.
29:21She don't wanna be under you 24-7.
29:23You're just getting home, you know what I mean?
29:25That's true.
29:26That's true.
29:27She's gonna have to, like, fall in line to what's going on in my program, my schedule, because I'm on parole.
29:32Yeah, why don't you just say, **** this Brooklyn department, y'all?
29:34Just move with Tia.
29:36Talk to your P.O. today, like your ****.
29:38You know what I mean?
29:39That's a good idea, so.
29:41That's true.
29:42You know what I'm saying?
29:45Hey, baby, what's up?
29:46Hey, baby.
29:47I just wanna ask you a question, though, babe.
29:51So, um, if I was to tell my parole officer today I'm gonna get my parole switch to Long Island, what would you feel about that?
29:59I think, I think soon.
30:01But just right now, I can't do it.
30:05You know what I'm saying?
30:06Like, just because of, you know, where I live.
30:13All right, my money.
30:14Well, I got your answer.
30:15And that's what I was asking.
30:17Love you.
30:18We'll see you when I get back, all right?
30:20Talk to you later.
30:22Yeah, so.
30:23You seem like she don't really want you there right now, though.
30:25Yeah, I see.
30:26You know.
30:27I feel like she just want all my time for her right now.
30:29Well, are you really ready to take that next step?
30:32I do feel like Tia's getting cold feet.
30:34I think she's a little nervous right now.
30:36And I'm kind of unsure about what's going on as far as where our relationship go.
30:41Let me go inside, yeah.
30:42All right, bro.
30:43I'll be out here waiting for you, bro, all right?
30:45Just hit me up when you're done.
30:50I'm telling you right now, if you play me, we're done.
30:52I'm not calling you no more.
30:53I'm not worried about it.
30:55I'm over it.
30:56I'm done with that chapter.
30:57So what about all this money that I've spent?
31:00I don't want you to feel used, because that's not what it was.
31:02So you're choosing someone else.
31:04That's what you're telling me.
31:05What the ****?
31:19Bradley's coming home tomorrow.
31:21This countdown has been going on for a long time.
31:24And to see my phone say one day left is crazy.
31:34Got his phone.
31:38He hasn't been home for like two or three birthdays.
31:41But I have still got him gifts.
31:44So he doesn't feel like everyone forgot about him.
31:46So this year for his birthday,
31:48I think he's going to think it's the most **** ridiculous thing he's ever seen.
31:51And it's hilarious because, like, of course that's my face.
31:57I'll be there in two seconds.
32:04You ready for breakfast?
32:06That looks good.
32:08My grandma came from a trailer park.
32:11And she made it out.
32:12Are you excited to finally meet Bradley tomorrow?
32:15Yeah, I am.
32:16You are?
32:18In college, she met a man.
32:20They got married and they had my mom.
32:22Frank was a raging alcoholic.
32:24And my grandmother got divorced when my mom was 10.
32:28I want you to remember one thing.
32:30It's never too late for you to change your mind or back out.
32:34She got a job working for the state.
32:36And it was there that she met her next husband.
32:40He started a company.
32:41And they ended up selling software development program to the FBI.
32:44And it's the money from that company that built this house.
32:48I was in a bad relationship.
32:51And with a man that I still loved.
32:53Which is the really hard part.
32:56I have experienced living with an addict a couple of times.
33:03My first and then your mom.
33:05And me.
33:06And you.
33:0728 years ago, my mom was addicted to meth.
33:10Her first husband was using it.
33:13And so she tried it.
33:14And there went the Chenoa that everyone loved and knew.
33:19She went away for a little while.
33:22A huge part of me getting sober was finally dealing with all of the generational trauma and addiction.
33:31Your mom got sober and never went back.
33:35But I watched young people go through like 12 months of rehab with your mom.
33:41And they would get out and relapse.
33:44And these women would be on the street giving **** jobs for $2.
33:49$2 was a lot back then.
33:51So I'll give them that.
33:52Give them a break.
33:54But it happens though.
33:57It happens for a lot of people.
33:59There's still a lot of work to put in after.
34:02And that's what's really the hard part.
34:04Well, that's where the two of you are going to really have to work together.
34:09When Savannah used, she was a different person.
34:13There was a time that she borrowed my car and never brought it back.
34:17When she was actually staying in my house, she brought a bunch of her druggie friends in with her.
34:23And I called the cops and had her removed.
34:26She was not herself.
34:29So where do you think that you and Bradley are headed?
34:34Well, ideally we will be living in our own place.
34:39And be in a position to be able to own our own place.
34:42Maybe we'll be talking about kids.
34:46And in the meantime, he'll be living at his dad's.
34:50And I will be living here.
34:53Are you comfortable with him staying the night here?
34:56Yeah. Yeah.
34:58Can I give him a key?
35:00He really doesn't need one.
35:02I didn't give Savannah a key when she moved in.
35:05I thought if she earns my trust back, she'll have a key.
35:09And she does now.
35:10You're okay with him coming over even if I'm not home, right?
35:15Because I don't want him walking in if I don't know he's coming.
35:18Even under the best of circumstances, couples don't last.
35:23And to change the locks on this house cost me $400.
35:27I think y'all are going to be besties, honestly.
35:33That's my Uber right there.
35:35You want me to get up and get in the Uber
35:37or you want to get up and get in the truck?
35:39How about we both get in the truck?
35:47So you're Uber to go. Let's go eat.
35:50No, I don't think so.
35:51I think I'm going to hop in the Uber and go.
35:53I'll take you to the airport.
35:55Why can't we just be cool?
35:56Why do you keep trying to be cool?
36:00Why can't we just be cool?
36:01Why do you keep trying to lead me on?
36:03I'm trying to fix this.
36:04I know, but this is not how you fix it.
36:16Okay, let's go.
36:18I love him, but I'm so confused.
36:21I'm just going to go home.
36:22I don't even want to deal with this.
36:24I don't want to deal with what's going on.
36:29That is f***ing necessary.
36:33The whole feelings for Ami
36:34and the whole games that Ami's trying to play,
36:37I need to put that away and just move on.
36:40Let's go. Come on.
36:41No, it's okay.
36:42Come on.
36:43No, can you stop?
36:44Because the Uber's right here.
36:45All right.
36:47So you're going to block me from now on?
36:50All right.
36:51I promise.
37:00I want to move forward.
37:03This is a new chapter in my life,
37:05and this is what I want,
37:06and the chapter that I have with Ami
37:08has officially been closed.
37:14Oh, Will's calling. Will's calling.
37:18Yeah, babe.
37:21Babe, I'm freaking busy right now.
37:33I know. I heard you.
37:35I swear to God I'm not.
37:42I know I'm not.
37:43Don't say that because I'm not.
37:49I am not. Shut up.
37:51Don't say that.
37:55I'm not worried about it
37:56because I know I'm not doing the things that I'm here for.
37:58Oh, I'm over that s***.
38:02I don't even care what he's planning on doing.
38:06He just wants me to himself,
38:08and he wants me to sit around and wait for him.
38:12Oh, he called back.
38:19Hold on. Give me a second.
38:20You keep saying,
38:21Ami, Ami, Ami,
38:22but I'm telling you,
38:23like, babe, I really want to be with you.
38:25Like, I don't want to be with Ami.
38:26I don't want Ami in the picture.
38:28Like, I want to be with you.
38:29I love you, and I don't know why...
38:32You don't believe me, babe.
38:35Babe, you really don't believe me?
38:38Do you not...
38:39Do you really not believe me?
38:40Do you really not believe that I don't want to f*** Ami?
38:47Will has every right to question it
38:49because I had a past with Ami,
38:52but then, again,
38:53it's because he's scared to lose me.
38:56Dude, I got to re-curl my hair.
39:01I don't want to be with Ami.
39:02Everybody keeps saying,
39:03Ami, Ami, Ami, Ami.
39:04I don't want to be with Ami.
39:05Like, no.
39:06I'm over it.
39:07I'm done with that chapter.
39:08It's closed.
39:09I'm not going to open it.
39:10I'm never going to talk to Ami again.
39:12I'm happy that I took this trip.
39:14Just being here helped me
39:17heal emotionally and mentally.
39:21Um, drop me off over there.
39:23I'm just going to continue working on me and Will.
39:26Start a life with him.
39:28He's getting out in a month.
39:42What's left behind needs to stay behind.
39:54So, an ex popped up and can't do this anymore.
40:00Are you f***ing kidding me right now?
40:08After everything that I've done for you
40:10and all the s*** that I've had to f*** you,
40:12I literally went to a f***ing lawyer's office
40:14and asked for a divorce.
40:15And I'm like,
40:16I don't want to do this anymore.
40:17I don't want to do this anymore.
40:18I don't want to do this anymore.
40:19I don't want to do this anymore.
40:20I don't want to do this anymore.
40:21I don't want to do this anymore.
40:22I went to a f***ing lawyer's office today.
40:25And you're telling me that your f***ing heart
40:26is somewhere else?
40:28I don't...
40:32Are you kidding me right now?
40:40Genuinely a nice f***ing person.
40:42That's how you're going to let me down?
40:43I'm genuinely a nice f***ing person?
40:48So, what about all this money that I've spent?
40:50All the things that I've done for you?
40:51Has this f***ing b***h been doing the same s***?
40:57Oh, that's definitely what the f*** it was.
40:59What's going on?
41:00He's talking to some other b***h.
41:01Oh my God.
41:06What else was it then?
41:08You love me and you want to be with me
41:09and you want to f***ing marry me?
41:14Oh, but you've been saying it to me no problem
41:16for the last f***ing however many months.
41:19Oh my God.
41:20So, you're choosing someone else,
41:21that's what you're telling me?
41:29I am honestly completely blindsided.
41:35The amount of betrayal that I feel right now
41:38is honestly just really overwhelming.
41:48How could you?
41:51How do you even have the audacity
41:55to do that to me?
41:59You told me that you wanted to f***ing marry me.
42:00A f***ing ring doesn't mean f***ing s***.
42:05You're a piece of s***.
42:07I have been defending you
42:09this whole f***ing time against my f***ing friends
42:11because they're concerned about me.
42:17That's all you have to say?
42:23Get the f*** out of my way.
42:24Out of my way.
42:25Get out of my way.
42:37Next on the season finale of Love During Lockdown.
42:40Bradley's going to be getting released.
42:42Oh my God.
42:44What can you prove?
42:45Why are you going in there?
42:48I have not heard from Crystal.
42:49I need to get out.
42:51You heard me.
42:55He in prison.
42:57I'm gonna cry.
42:58He wants to f*** with me.
42:59It'll be the last thing he f***ing does.
