Short filmTranscript
00:00Previously on Love During Lockup...
00:03Hello, baby. Good morning.
00:06Hello, baby.
00:08Hunter does communicate with other women.
00:10I signed him up for a website called Right of Prisoner.
00:13I think that it's time for you to break up with the Right of Prisoner girls.
00:17If she found out how serious me and Kaylee really are,
00:21she would freak the f*** out.
00:22You want to marry me?
00:25Donnie is in prison.
00:27I'm currently incarcerated for drug trafficking, drug possession.
00:32I visited Donnie once in person.
00:34I moved so that I can visit more often.
00:36I own my own house, and I give Kima the rent money that I collect on cash out.
00:40My man's got in trouble. I might be going to the hole.
00:43What did you do?
00:44Driving out there, paying commissary.
00:47What's the cost?
00:48It's about $102,000 in four years.
00:51Good God.
00:52I love Sam, but I do not trust Sam at this point in time.
01:01I'm sometimes terrified to disappoint her.
01:05What's the plan once he's home?
01:07He has a location he's going to stay at.
01:09I know the young lady that's going to be living there.
01:11A young lady?
01:12There's things that Tia will figure out she don't even know right now.
01:15Honestly, Rob, like, the s*** is getting too much to me, bro.
01:22You know what? You can sit out here with the f***ing birds. F*** out of here.
01:41Hey, would you be able to come over tonight so I can find out what's really going on?
01:45Because it's like you telling me one thing, Rob telling me another.
01:49Because one thing I won't do is be lied to.
01:52I got you. I'll be there.
02:00Need a drink.
02:03Hey, Tia.
02:04Hi, cousin!
02:05What's going on?
02:06What's going on?
02:07I still haven't talked to Rob since the fight from last night.
02:11But he usually calls around 7, 8 o'clock at night.
02:16It's nice outside. I got the fire pit going and everything.
02:19I know, right?
02:20With Rob coming home, there's a lot of unanswered questions about this living situation.
02:27I don't feel like Tisha and Toya would lie to me.
02:32But I do feel like they won't tell me everything.
02:37I'll put a little bit of ice in there. This is rosé.
02:41But one thing I'm going to do is figure it the f*** out.
02:45You seem a little upset when you called me.
02:48Just come over here.
02:49Yeah, there's a lot to talk about.
02:51But I just want to wait until Rob calls.
02:54Do you want to briefly say a little something about what?
02:56They're going to Rob.
02:57Okay, so we'll wait.
03:01Hey, babe. I hope you had a good day.
03:07I'm okay, you know.
03:08I got Tisha and Toya over here.
03:11I just wanted to sit down and have a talk about the fight that we had.
03:16I need a solid number on how long are you considering before you move to Long Island?
03:23Meaning in-house with me.
03:26Realistically, I see three to six months.
03:29Okay, I just want to make sure because I'm literally writing notes.
03:33So if anything changes, I swear to God I'm on your ass.
03:36So question number two, who's living at the apartment?
03:41I wasn't aware there was an issue with where he was staying.
03:43Yeah, that's an issue.
03:45So what's the issue?
03:46I'm hearing different things about where you're staying.
03:52You're living there and who else?
03:56Nobody else is living there.
03:58So where was the misunderstanding between you and Tisha?
04:02Why would she say Rel and his babe mom's finna be there?
04:05That's the last I've known.
04:06If it's something different, then I don't know about that.
04:13Who has access to the apartment?
04:19She moved back to Harlem.
04:20She went to Harlem with her mother?
04:21While she was subleasing the apartment.
04:23She's in Harlem.
04:30I am definitely a jealous person.
04:32I am definitely, I have the worst trust issues.
04:37I have been cheated on in past relationships.
04:41I need therapy.
04:44For sure.
04:46She's not even gonna be there, you know?
04:48I don't want my brother no drama.
04:49I want to know what's going on too.
04:51Y'all both stressing me out.
04:52And I already got four gray hairs.
04:54Like what the ****?
04:55I don't need 17.
04:58I love Tia and I love my brother and I don't like the friction.
05:01If Tia can't trust Rob, then there's no relationship.
05:04There's no relationship.
05:05They might as well just end it now.
05:08Am I your number one girl?
05:11Am I the one priority you're coming home to?
05:18I feel like you was not considering me.
05:31And I feel like you're gonna be there every step of the way with everything I'm doing.
05:35I know Rob is the one for me.
05:38But I've been through so much and I'm taking a chance right now that I've never taken before.
05:45I really just wish I can trust Rob.
05:48But it's just something that he's gonna have to prove to me.
05:52I love you.
05:53Thank you for using Seqirus.
05:55Ugh, he had to go.
06:07Lay down.
06:08All the way down.
06:20Oh, you look pretty.
06:23Do you think these earrings look good with this?
06:25Uh, yeah, I like this with it.
06:27So, uh, how did your conversation with Hunter go yesterday?
06:30Well, recently, I mean, he's told me, he told me about this whole situation with these Raid of Prisoner girls.
06:36You know, I thought it was like four or five girls, but it was, it's eight.
06:42Is that a basketball team or a soccer team? I don't know.
06:45I feel like Hunter and I have a soul connection.
06:49But I am so confused about the Raid of Prisoner women.
06:54Maybe he didn't have to sell as deep a fantasy, as strong a fantasy.
06:59And that was all his decision.
07:03You know, he let me know recently that it was all of them breaking the rules.
07:09So, when you say all these girls were breaking the rules, were they doing...
07:13Like, exposing themselves? I don't know. He mentioned sex toys and I just kind of blacked out.
07:17Because I was like, um, I don't want to know about what you're talking about.
07:21Like, what are these girls thinking?
07:23If that was your boyfriend, he wasn't last night.
07:26Cause he was laid up with me, freaking all night.
07:29Going left to right, up and down.
07:32How are you, cuties?
07:36Hunter would like some of this.
07:38Oh, I know.
07:39Me and him have been very naughty.
07:42Hunter and I are engaged.
07:44And I just thought it would be cute and fun to surprise him with a new toy that...
07:51More replicates Hunter, if you know what I mean.
07:57These are crotchless.
07:58That's a selling point.
08:00I love that.
08:02So, I have something to tell you.
08:06I don't know how you're going to feel, but Hunter asked me to marry him.
08:10You said yes?
08:12I mean, obviously.
08:14Okay, okay.
08:15Kaylee is my best friend.
08:17But that is a little crazy.
08:20I'm a fiancé now.
08:21A fiancé.
08:24Marriage is such a big thing.
08:26And they haven't even, like, actually had a chance to know each other on, like, a physical level.
08:31So, it's like, be smarter about it.
08:37Free call from Pete.
08:39Hello, sexy mama.
08:41Oh, hello, baby.
08:43Hello, baby.
08:48How you doing?
08:49I'm with Ava right now.
08:51We are at Fascinations.
08:55Ooh, that was...
08:58I wanted to get a new toy for a new sexy little date.
09:04Yeah, we're going your size.
09:06I'm looking at one that's pretty, pretty spot on, actually.
09:13Okay, baby.
09:15By the way, I used that money for shoes earlier.
09:20I know. I'm sorry, baby.
09:22I already sent Hunter a little over $200 for the week.
09:27I typically buy a $500 text message package.
09:31And so, the past five months have been expensive, and I'm paying for everything by myself.
09:37Like, what the f***?
09:39So, you need more money for the food box?
09:43Later, yeah.
09:44F*** you, no.
09:47No, you chose to buy shoes. That's on you, then.
09:51I can't eat shoes.
09:53You should have thought about that when you bought the shoes then, huh, big boy?
09:57I had to tell you what's going on. I don't keep anything from you.
10:00Well, but you also weren't honest when you said you wanted it for food, and then you bought the shoes.
10:06So, that wasn't really a pivotal moment of honesty.
10:11I think this is why people get a little bit worried, like it's a using situation or not.
10:25Maybe don't take it for granted, buddy.
10:27I agree.
10:30Do you agree?
10:32Okay, then start acting like that.
10:36Actions speak louder than words, buddy.
10:38Yeah, you and I will talk about it more later.
10:44Why the f*** would he do that?
10:46I don't know.
10:48I feel like he did cross a boundary.
10:51Does it make me question our relationship?
10:53A hundred percent.
10:55So, it is frustrating for me.
10:57So, in terms of Hunter, yeah, sorry, you guys gotta give me a second.
11:01Am I annoying?
11:04If you can manage it, for sure, if you can get some sugar mothers in here, it's a blessing.
11:09But, since we've been actually seriously dating, I'm not using Kaylee for financial gain.
11:15I mean, I'm concerned about him not being honest.
11:18That's a big red flag.
11:20If he's been holding back information, I was afraid to share with you.
11:25All right, mama, I love you.
11:27Okay, bye.
11:28Love you, too.
11:31It's been getting a little complicated in my head, honestly.
11:34I'm not sure who I like more.
11:36Like, I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do.
11:48When I need money, I need money.
11:50She caught me by the balls, literally.
11:56Sounds very sus.
11:57I do think that I'm gonna have to take matters into my own hands and figure it out myself.
12:03I didn't think that you were gonna take it this far.
12:20Uh-huh, Bubba.
12:21I bought you a bunch of groceries that you wanted.
12:27It will be moldy when you come home, but you could turn it into compost.
12:38I got you a hamburger helper, many varieties, Lucky Charms, Frosted Mini Wheats.
12:46On your shelves in the pantry.
12:49Crystal is seeing Pearl the first time this year, and we'll find out if she will be released.
12:55So she requests that I kind of, like a prepper, you know, prepare for her to come home.
13:02Uh, shampoo and conditioner.
13:05And one box of tampons to start you off.
13:09I believe it's partly because she wants to feel included out here.
13:13But if Crystal doesn't make parole, her projected release date is 2031, seven years from now.
13:19So her total sentence is 14 years.
13:23I talked to Rita, and she said there's a fridge.
13:29I have a fridge. It's just not the same one I originally was gonna buy, I guess.
13:37Sam lies a lot about stupid things.
13:41We spend all this time picking out a refrigerator.
13:45He told me it was delivered last week.
13:48I know. I want to get you that fridge.
13:52It just felt more reasonable at the moment to get the little one.
13:57I do have my 75-year-old grandmother keeping tabs on Sam.
14:02Because he has lied to me about so many things.
14:05Yeah, I would.
14:36You're quite juicy.
14:39What are you gonna do in the shower?
14:45I know. I understand.
14:48Crystal and I will frequently meet ahead where I start to insinuate phone sex.
14:54And it usually ends with her expressing a level of discomfort.
14:59It's extremely frustrating.
15:02Any man that tells you it's not f****** fire, period.
15:18I know Sam is very sexually frustrated. He has to be.
15:22Maybe it's a control thing on my part, but I've got somebody two feet this way,
15:28and a few feet this way, I'm not about to do that.
15:32I can't.
15:34We're in the same boat here.
15:36If you were getting something I wasn't, I'd be pissed.
15:39Have you had any girlfriends in prison?
15:46I do not consider myself a lesbian.
15:50But it's part of the full experience.
15:54I love you.
15:55I love you too, baby doll.
15:57See you later.
16:03I think he's a really good guy.
16:07Would she tell me something like this?
16:09It hurts me to my heart.
16:12What did you do?
16:14Made a mistake. I was selling drugs.
16:16It's a done deal.
16:28They better have cake or ice cream or cookies.
16:32Then what if they don't have any?
16:34I'ma scream it out. I'ma scream three times.
16:37Yeah, you're crazy.
16:39Yeah, I am.
16:48Can I have your phone?
16:50No, not right now.
16:52Why not?
16:53Because I need to have it charged just in case Donnie calls.
16:57Donnie hasn't called yet.
16:59I'm not alone.
17:01Every time when I look at my phone and Donnie hasn't called, I'm worried.
17:05The last time I talked to him was a couple of days ago.
17:08He said he got in trouble, so I don't know if he's in a hole.
17:12Like, I just moved here for you, and now you went, am I A?
17:17Like, are you ghosting me?
17:19I don't know. I don't know.
17:22Here, here's a token.
17:24Hey, y'all.
17:30Haven't seen you, girl. How you been?
17:33I know. Hey, boys.
17:34Wait, y'all gonna go play?
17:36Y'all about to go play?
17:37He needs a coin.
17:38Jawan, he's already out of here.
17:39He needs a ball. You put the coin in there, he get the ball.
17:42All of Donnie's family is here in Ohio except for his mom.
17:46She's in Alabama.
17:49Me and Jawan just met, so we really don't have, like, a relationship
17:52because we're all just getting to know each other,
17:54but we're comfortable, if that makes sense.
17:57How have you been?
17:59Good, girl. I'm trying to adjust, you know.
18:01I know.
18:02Moving down here.
18:03How was the move?
18:04It was cool. It was good.
18:05I'm just waiting for him to deliver my furniture,
18:07but other than that, everything's good.
18:09Have you heard from your brother?
18:11Me either, so that's why I'm like, what is going on?
18:14I'm trying to figure out if he's in a hole, like, this guy in there
18:18that he knows, like, his girl.
18:20Like, we in a group.
18:21We look out for each other.
18:23I messaged her, like, earlier.
18:27I feel like, girlfriend, you met while in jail.
18:32We're all getting used to it.
18:33It's something new, it's something different,
18:35but this girl has completely uprooted her entire life.
18:39I think the whole situation is crazy.
18:42She wrote me in.
18:45She said, the phones are back on.
18:48My dude said he is in the hole.
18:50I'll ask him tomorrow what he's in for.
18:56I'm so mad.
18:59I just need to know the reason,
19:01and I'm not going to feel content until I know.
19:03So what do you think he did?
19:05I don't know. I don't know anything, like, you know.
19:08It's, like, making me think, like,
19:10how are you getting all this money?
19:12My relationship with Donnie is very unique
19:14because I'm incarcerated.
19:16Most people are, like, asking for you to, like,
19:18hey, put, send me money, give me money, I need money.
19:21But he's not like that.
19:23Donnie actually was the one to pay for my move.
19:25It cost $1,745.
19:29He also gave me the money for gas and snacks
19:32or whatever we needed on the way,
19:34which is almost like $1,600.
19:36Now that I think about it, sounds very sus.
19:40So is that, like, going to affect what time he get out or...
19:44It could.
19:46At the end of the day, I love my brother,
19:49and I'm always just there to support him,
19:51but I do know, like, you know, you got the boys,
19:53you uprooted yourself.
19:55You willing to wait?
19:57Girl, I mean, I don't have a...
19:59I love him, so it's like...
20:04If you got the opportunity to get out early,
20:06like, and not do your full sentence,
20:08like, why would you put yourself in any predicament to...
20:12I don't get it.
20:14He was on a positive path,
20:16and, like, we had plans for when he get out.
20:18Like, we got a whole plan, a whole layout
20:20for all the things we're going to do when he get out,
20:22so this is going to mess up everything.
20:24If you are, like, pushing drugs in there,
20:27like, you're not rehabilitating yourself.
20:30Donnie, he's trying to change.
20:32He's in programs working in the kitchen,
20:34and he's reassuring me, like,
20:36I promise you I'm not going back to the streets.
20:39So Donnie going through the whole...
20:41It don't make sense. It don't make sense.
20:45What if you lying to me this whole time?
20:47What if you playing me this whole time?
20:49I don't know. He in jail, honey.
20:51He could be playing to both of us.
20:53You only gonna know what somebody tell you, so...
20:59I guess I want more from you.
21:01This is so much of an issue for you.
21:03If you need to go out there and have sex,
21:05that's your decision to make.
21:07Have you ever been able to tell Crystal
21:09I ain't gonna volunteer?
21:11He said that he was going to end those relationships.
21:13Bitch, the chick.
21:15Baby, I'm sorry.
21:17I don't want to continue to lie.
21:27I'm going to see my grandmother.
21:29This is probably one of the most stressful days
21:31I had in a very long time.
21:37It means a lot to me
21:39for my grandma to embrace him
21:41because I would want to be with him,
21:43you know?
21:45My grandmother means everything to me.
21:47We just have a very close relationship.
21:49I don't want her to look at me like,
21:51I'm crazy.
21:53With Rob coming home
21:55and knowing that this is the man
21:57that I want to spend the rest of my life with,
21:59it's important to me
22:01that my grandmother
22:03finally gets to know
22:05about him.
22:07I'm so nervous.
22:09This is really big for me.
22:11This is a big moment,
22:13and I don't know
22:15what to do.
22:17I don't know what to do.
22:19This is a big moment,
22:23I almost can't breathe, for real.
22:25I can't breathe.
22:27Hi, Grandma!
22:33Oh, my God.
22:35How you doing?
22:37How are you?
22:39Sit down.
22:41How you doing?
22:43It's so good to see you.
22:45You look so good.
22:49My grandmother
22:51is my dad's mother.
22:53My father
22:55was not there.
22:57He left when I was a kid.
22:59My relationship with my daddy is
23:01non-existent. I don't know what that means.
23:03Bah. Ain't nothing to talk about.
23:05The one thing I do remember
23:07about my father, he made the best
23:09golden pancakes.
23:11That is one thing I remember about the man.
23:13And besides, I look just like him.
23:15You know?
23:17And it's annoying as s***.
23:19But the last time
23:21I think I seen or saw my daddy,
23:23I believe I was, like,
23:25nine years old.
23:33I gotta get Nyla to come see you.
23:35Nyla's a diva.
23:37Was I a diva?
23:39You cry all the time. But you're doing very well.
23:41I'm trying.
23:43You're doing very well.
23:45You take a lot after your grandma.
23:47I do? Yeah.
23:49So, Grandma, I have to
23:51tell you something.
23:53I'm in a relationship.
23:55With who?
23:57It's a young man. He's a nice guy?
23:59He's a very nice guy.
24:01Um, the only thing is
24:05he's incarcerated.
24:23I mean, he treats me really well.
24:25And I want you to meet him.
24:27But why he's
24:31He must have did something.
24:33For robbery.
24:35Eight years ago.
24:39I know
24:41this sounds bad,
24:43but I need you to trust me on this.
24:45Okay? I think he's a really
24:47good guy.
24:49He can show you this part of him now.
24:51Good guy.
24:53What's gonna happen later on?
24:55She had this
24:57relationship that she was in.
24:59He mistreated her a lot.
25:01And when she tell me something like this,
25:03it hurts me to the heart.
25:05You gotta be careful.
25:11I know you worry.
25:13I know you worry about me.
25:15Just don't think too much.
25:17I know, Grandma.
25:27One thing I know for sure,
25:29Rob better not play with me.
25:31Now that my grandma knows,
25:33he better come out here
25:35and do the right thing.
25:37Yeah, I lost my appetite.
25:41I know.
25:45I guess I want more from you.
25:49In my head, I'm like, this is crazy.
25:51What did you do?
25:53I was being a real bad boy.
25:55You can't be a husband and you're in the streets.
25:57I'm sorry, I love you.
25:59What up?
26:01What's going on, man?
26:03Good to see you, bud.
26:05So this is it, huh?
26:07My bachelor pad.
26:09Yes, sir.
26:13We're way back here.
26:15I know.
26:17Honestly, man, I love it down here.
26:19Since the divorce, Texas has been
26:21a healing process for me.
26:25I love it.
26:27I'm glad that you're in a better position.
26:29You got your own spot.
26:31You know what I mean?
26:33Cameron lives in Washington State.
26:35Me in here in Texas.
26:37Cameron is the first visitor
26:39I've had at my house.
26:41I'm ready to get out when you are, man.
26:43For sure.
26:45I just got to get dressed.
26:47He's my childhood friend.
26:49Cam's known me through my ex-wife,
26:51girlfriends, through my single days.
26:53He's always told me how it is.
26:55This is Tyler.
26:57County jail's right here.
26:59Oh, really?
27:01So that's where Crystal was once you got her sentenced.
27:03They took her to state prison.
27:05That's crazy.
27:07Have you ever been able to tell Crystal
27:09about all those wild times we had back then?
27:11Man, with the ladies, you used to be getting them.
27:13I ain't going to volunteer.
27:15I feel that.
27:17Just answer when asked.
27:19That's what I do.
27:21And that's another way I'm tested
27:23and I don't get it.
27:25Crystal can't really do sex talk on the phone
27:27because there's girls all over the place.
27:31How long has it been?
27:33The last time was my ex-wife.
27:35What? No way.
27:37That's not possible.
27:39Sam, he's been celibate for four years now.
27:41Not to say that sex is the priority
27:43or that's the most important thing,
27:45but it's crazy.
27:47This is it, my man.
27:49Crystal, she's locked down.
27:51We can be another seven years?
27:53That's crazy. That's wild.
27:55All right, man. See you tonight.
27:57There you go.
27:59Let's play pool.
28:03That's you. You keep going.
28:05Finish your shot.
28:07I needed that.
28:09Being out?
28:11Yeah, man.
28:13That's probably her actually calling me.
28:15Hi, baby.
28:17Yeah, I'm just here
28:19with Cameron playing pool.
28:23I'm betting my whole check on this pool game.
28:25No, I'm with you.
28:31Within the past couple months,
28:33Sam has been slacking
28:35when it comes to the money department.
28:37I used to not have to ask him,
28:39but I've had to start,
28:41you know, reminding him
28:43when I need money, I need money.
28:49I bought you a pair of Reeboks.
28:51I like spoiling you.
28:53The money I spend on you
28:55is because I want you to have
28:57what those other bitches don't.
28:59The new Nikes, you know.
29:01She got Nikes?
29:15Yeah, I know.
29:18I do.
29:25I've got Cameron to bring home.
29:27That's all I need.
29:29Get a few drinks in him, loosen him up.
29:35Well, you know, Crystal,
29:37how sexually frustrated I am.
29:39And I know
29:41it feels like I'm pressuring you at times,
29:43but I guess I want more from you,
29:45whether it's, you know,
29:47just taking your tablet into the shower
29:49or something, I don't know.
29:51That's part
29:53of the frustration.
30:09It's so frustrating.
30:11What the...
30:13I can't call her back and leave an angry voicemail
30:15or something. She got me by the balls
30:17when it comes to the phone and a lot of things.
30:21In my head, I'm like,
30:23this is...crazy.
30:25Right. I can tell that you really love her,
30:27but do you ever feel like
30:29maybe she's just using you?
30:31It's crossed my mind, man.
30:33Like, to know, like,
30:35since I've met her, it's been 100K.
30:37What? That's a lot
30:39I know.
30:41I made my blood sacrifice
30:43to this machine,
30:45so I'm all in.
30:47She's my wife,
30:49and I don't want my wife to be asking
30:51some bitch for a...pack of noodles.
31:01Hi, ladies.
31:05Oh, my God.
31:07Oh, my goodness.
31:09Oh, my God.
31:11I'm ready to drink, drink.
31:13Yes, cheers. Cheers.
31:19Thank you. Of course. Enjoy.
31:21Thank you for coming.
31:23I'm so happy that you guys are both here.
31:27just got a lot going on, so I wanted
31:29to get my girls together so that we could
31:31whine about it.
31:33Always down to whine, baby.
31:35Hunter is getting out soon,
31:37so trying to, like,
31:39prepare my life for that.
31:41Tell me what this fairytale picture is.
31:45He comes home, and I chain him to the radiator.
31:49You know, he's brought me so much joy,
31:51and I want to build a partnership
31:53with this man. Like, I want to
31:55do the great adventure
31:57that is life.
31:59How do you feel, though?
32:01Um, there's, like,
32:03a little complication.
32:05Tell us, Kaden.
32:07When he went in so that
32:09I'm not the one financially supporting him,
32:11I signed him up for
32:13this website called Raid a Prisoner
32:15so that he could get some pen pals
32:17and some sugar mama.
32:19Are you tapping the man?
32:21I mean,
32:23I mean, my jam.
32:25My jam. Okay.
32:27This is my favorite part. Continue.
32:29He has a roster
32:31of these women who are
32:33having, like, romantic relationships with him.
32:35Uh-huh. But he got in trouble
32:39when he was on a video call, video
32:41visit with one of the girls, she exposed
32:43herself to him. Uh-huh.
32:45And it's affecting his release date.
32:47And so he said that he was
32:49going to end those relationships.
32:59I have a prepaid call from
33:07Um, I guess.
33:13I think, honestly, I'm a little
33:15annoyed with you about the whole...
33:27It's just not
33:29cool for you to just
33:31be like, oh, well,
33:33I'ma do me, and she's got me.
33:35I've always
33:37worn my heart on my sleeve.
33:39I have a lot of love to give,
33:41and I feel like I love to share
33:43that, but I am
33:45your wife-to-be, and you can't
33:47just do whatever
33:49you want.
33:51I feel like there's already
33:53concerns from
33:55friends and family
33:57about, like, being used.
34:05You know, I love you,
34:07and I appreciate you apologizing
34:09and hearing me out.
34:15And you just
34:17kick back for a little while?
34:19F*** you.
34:21Hunter has
34:23made some promises for when
34:25he does get out, and that would be,
34:27you know, grinding,
34:29getting a job, making money.
34:31So I'm not worried that he's
34:33using me for money.
34:35He's impulsive, but I
34:37love him so much. I am willing
34:39to do whatever I can for him
34:41because I know that when he comes out,
34:43he's gonna give me that, and probably
34:49Say it again.
35:22She's a little bit more mature.
35:35If he wants a different life,
35:37the number, like, why is this
35:39such a hard thing for him to break this off?
35:41Oh, that's the number one red flag.
35:43Excuse me? You're the one that has been emotionally
35:45supporting me this entire time, and, like,
35:47okay, so you didn't have him pay you
35:49for your time, but they are, so, like,
35:51who is really more important here?
35:53You ain't.
35:57I mean...
35:59I don't mind that.
36:01I don't mind that.
36:03It's the most absurd thing I have ever heard.
36:05And why you would even want to tempt the lion?
36:07I'm not sure her expectations of this
36:09are realistic.
36:11My concern is, he is using you.
36:13I mean, I just, like,
36:15I'm taking in these...
36:17I have to take this.
36:19Ditch the chicks.
36:21I don't feel
36:23like my relationship with Hunter is
36:25an exchange. We have
36:27emotional intimacy because we want that.
36:31Hey, baby.
36:33What are you doing?
36:35I'm having drinks with my
36:41And they are feeling very
36:43skeptical about everything.
36:47I know I told you
36:49everything was cut off with these chicks.
36:53I don't want to continue to lie about it.
37:13Nice seeing you.
37:15I'm doing great.
37:17Nice to see you. I miss you.
37:19Yeah, I miss you, too, but, um,
37:21where you been?
37:23Been in the hood.
37:29I'm still on the internet, so
37:31I don't even know what's going on.
37:33Like, I mean, I didn't do nothing wrong,
37:35so I feel like there's nothing
37:37that they got on me, so I really don't even
37:39know what's going on.
37:41That's very strange, very weird.
37:43Nobody knows what's going on, and you're a butcher
37:45in the hood.
37:47I guess.
37:49I guess.
37:51Even though Donnie's in the hood, he does get a
37:53video visit to reach out to the family
37:55once a week. Donnie doesn't
37:57know why he's in the hood. I don't
37:59believe it, but you can't lie to me.
38:01You can't get anything past me.
38:03Um, he calls me
38:05Inspector Gadget because I'm
38:07always going to figure it out and
38:09find out.
38:13um, I told the
38:15twins that you were in prison.
38:17I told them that you were, I finally told them
38:19that you were in prison. I did.
38:21Donnie is in prison?
38:25We're not gonna talk about that
38:27right now. Why, how do you feel?
38:29Sad. Why are you sad?
38:31Because he's in prison.
38:33Are you still gonna love him the same, or
38:35are you mad? You still gonna
38:37love him the same?
38:39That's crazy. I really didn't want the kids to know.
38:41That's one thing that I kind of try to
38:43keep from the kids.
38:45Can I talk to him?
38:47Yes, you can.
38:49My kids really, really, really love him,
38:51and he really, really loves them.
38:53They're always gonna be his son, and
38:55when he gets out, he's always going to
38:57come pick them up and, you know,
38:59be their dad.
39:03Donnie's on the phone!
39:05Yeah! Yay!
39:07I'm gonna talk to him.
39:09Hey, Donnie.
39:11Hey, twins.
39:13What's up? Did you guys' teeth fall out?
39:17So how do y'all feel about
39:19me being in prison?
39:21What did you do?
39:25I was being a real bad boy.
39:27I was in the streets.
39:29I was selling drugs, which is not
39:31the way to live.
39:33Something I'm never gonna do again.
39:35Because I don't want to leave y'all.
39:37When I come home, I want to come home and be home with y'all.
39:39When we're 10,
39:41are you gonna get out?
39:43Yeah, I'll be
39:45there when you're 10.
39:49you don't deserve to be there.
39:53Did you just call me dad?
39:59My kid's dad went to prison when I was
40:01three months pregnant.
40:03I was reaching out, like, sending
40:05ultrasounds, like, anytime I
40:07go to the doctor, but no one ever responded.
40:09I just end up struggling.
40:11Like, I have first-time mom, no help
40:13of twins.
40:15Oh, I love
40:19I love y'all so much.
40:21I love you, too.
40:23After this is over with, I'm never
40:25leaving y'all's sight.
40:27I feel like people come in your life
40:29for a lesson or a blessing.
40:31Donnie, he cares for my kids so much.
40:33He loves them to death.
40:35And the fact that he took them in while incarcerated
40:37and he helps me take care
40:39of them while incarcerated means
40:41a lot.
40:43Tell Donnie goodnight.
40:45Goodnight, Dad.
40:47Goodnight. Love y'all.
40:49Donnie does have
40:51a lot of good qualities about him.
40:53He's a great man. He's a great father.
40:55I love you. Say your prayers.
40:57You have one minute
40:59remaining. I'm pretty sure
41:01he'll be great for them
41:03as long as he's not,
41:05he doesn't get out pushing drugs.
41:07If so, it's a done deal.
41:11I'm gonna make sure I stay out of trouble, okay?
41:13So that way I can get home to you, okay? Yeah, maybe you're
41:15hanging around the wrong crowd and
41:17you just need to stay to yourself.
41:19Like, my kids love you to death, and that's
41:21one thing I don't play about. I don't play about my
41:23kids. Like, they have a bond with you.
41:25They are attached to you. Like, they're calling you Dad.
41:27So you need to get it
41:31I promise you I am, okay?
41:33How long are you in the hole for?
41:35Um, I really don't
41:37know. I'm gonna try to figure it out, but, uh,
41:39I might be moving prisons.
41:41What you mean
41:43you moving prisons? Where?
41:45Chill. Don't freak out.
41:47I gotta go, babe. I'm gonna explain later, okay?
41:49No! Babe, I'm sorry.
41:51I love you.
41:55I hope
41:57Donnie does know better to
41:59push drugs in prison.
42:01You can't be a husband and you're in the streets.
42:03I'm sorry.
42:05I just feel so defeated
42:07right now. Like, you're in the hole. I just
42:09moved here. I can't talk to you.
42:11And now you're possibly being moved.
42:13We don't know where, if it's gonna be closer
42:15or further away. I just
42:17don't know what to do. Like, I'm angry
42:19but I'm hurt also.
42:21I feel like
42:23he's withholding information.
42:25Like, he's hiding things from me.
42:27Because how do you not know anything?
42:29I do think that I'm gonna have to take matters
42:31into my own hands and figure it out myself.
42:37Next time on
42:39Love During Lockup.
42:41I don't know if you are coming home to me.
42:45My name is tied to the
42:47drug charge. You know what?
42:49What you just did
42:51is one of the dirtiest things that's
42:53ever been done to me. You will not step foot
42:55in this house. Bradley plans to dump you.
42:57Like, I can't.