• last month
Dura la conmoción en La Plata por el brutal asesintao de Kim Gómez, la nena de 7 años que fue ferozmente arrastrada por dos menores de 14 y 17 años cuando escapaban con el auto de la madre de la menor. “Que se haga justicia”, pidió el padre ante la prensa en tanto trascendieron los videos de la cámara de seguridad del terrible momento del hecho.

“Me la arrebataron”, amplió el padre de la víctima entre lágrimas y contó: “Nos destrozaron ,era mi hija, al poco tiempo de matarla estaban como si nada, ojalá sufran un poco como lo estoy haciendo yo. Espero que la fiscal se porte bien”.


00:00Hello, Marcos, this is Kim's dad. We're listening.
00:06What did they create? A 7-year-old girl? How can she defend herself? What can she do?
00:12In those 15 blocks, she would have asked for help, she would have screamed or something.
00:15They would have reported it and they didn't care about anything.
00:17The girl was screaming, the girl was screaming.
00:19Everything they saw, they heard it.
00:22Florencia left immediately after, in a car taken by the neighbor, to look for them, to hunt them.
00:28Something like that, something like that.
00:30The family of one of the criminals, 17 years old, apologized, apologized for Marcos' death.
00:36I want to know what you need, what my children need from you.
00:42Are you going to take those apologies?
00:45The truth is that I'm going to take them, I'm going to take them, dad.
00:48I'm going to take them.
00:49Each one is responsible for his actions.
00:51But I want to know why he's not here, why he's not coming here.
00:58Did he communicate with you?
00:59No, he didn't communicate with me.
01:00I would like that if my son, at some point in his life, makes a mistake,
01:05I, as a father, will go out and answer for my son.
01:08And I would like the same.
01:09He turned him in.
01:11I would like the same.
01:12As much as they are minors, do you want the hardest punishment for them?
01:16Let's be honest.
01:18Are you all parents?
01:20Are most of us parents?
01:22Put a second aside for me.
01:25I'm destroyed, man.
01:27I had the perfect daughter.
01:30The daughter with the person who always took her from me.
01:35I dreamed of that daughter.
01:37She was my daughter, mine.
01:40They destroyed us, man.
01:42These kids didn't care.
01:44We understood that at some point, after they ran away, they were like nothing.
01:50Then you realize what kind of people they are.
01:52How are they not going to deserve the worst?
01:54What information do you have about what they did after killing your daughter?
01:56They were like nothing.
01:57They were like nothing when they were caught.
01:59They were like nothing.
02:00And what could you tell them?
02:04The truth is that I would like them to suffer.
02:08To suffer a little.
02:09A little of what I'm suffering.
02:14I wish.
02:15I wish.
02:17All the people who were with me.
02:19My friends.
02:21The police.
02:23The girls.
02:24All of them.
02:25The minister.
02:26All of those who were here.
02:27They were all excellent.
02:28The truth is that the people, the Forensics.
02:29They all behaved very well.
02:30I hope the same for the prosecutor who deals with the case.
02:35I was wondering what Kim was like.
02:37Because you remember her as the perfect daughter.
02:39And I would like to know how that girl was.
02:43Seven years.
02:45Super organized.
02:46Full of friends.
02:48She did activities.
02:50We took her there.
02:52To the gym.
02:55Because she liked it.
02:56For the area.
02:57To grow up with a different environment.
02:58To sleep.
03:03They destroyed us.
03:05They destroyed us.
03:07Many times, Marcos.
03:08In the family scene.
03:09They talk about insecurity.
03:11How would you react to an episode of this nature?
03:14Did you talk about something like that?
03:16Obviously not with this outcome.
03:18Or this that could happen.
03:21The truth is not.
03:22The truth is not.
03:23Clearly, if it had been me.
03:26I don't know how it would have been.
03:30Maybe they would have killed us all.
03:31I have no idea.
03:33One of the 17-year-old defendants.
03:34They had also arrested him.
03:36Or they had delayed him.
03:37For a car theft.
03:39At the beginning of the month.
03:40They released him.
03:41What do you think?
03:42I don't understand those things.
03:43I don't understand those things.
03:46Why does it have to be like this?
03:48When are we going to change the laws?
03:50The things, man.
03:52Because you know what happens?
03:54Today that happened.
03:55Tomorrow it will happen again.
03:56It will happen again.
03:57And it will happen again.
03:59It seems to me.
04:01Are you afraid they will release him?
04:03No, the truth is not.
04:04The truth is that I'm not afraid.
04:08I'm not even a little afraid.
04:09This supposedly because they are minors.
04:13If we have at some point a little justice.
04:16That they pay everything they have to pay.
04:18Forever, right?
04:19Do you think it will be justice?
04:20Because this pain that I am going to have.
04:23It will be forever.
04:24You are the only daughter, right?
04:26I have two children.
04:27Do you have two children?
04:28One of heart.
04:29His name is Ciro.
04:31And Kim, who is the youngest.
04:33And Florencia is a mother.
04:36How is she?
04:37Was she with you?
04:38She is bad, Florencia.
04:39She is bad.
04:40She is destroyed.
04:42She is with the family.
04:43They are holding her.
04:46I'm just going to ask you that.
04:48I give myself here at this moment for you.
04:50But stay there.
04:52Stay there.
04:53Thanks for being the same.
04:54You talk to us because you are a respectful person.
04:56But also because you have something to say.
04:58What is there to say?
04:59What is it that you want?
05:00What message do you want to get to someone?
05:02I don't know if to these people, to the government, to someone.
05:04To reach the eyes of the crowd.
05:07To the ears.
05:10I would like justice to be done.
05:12That they pay.
05:13Nothing more than that.
05:14I'm going to be fine with that.
05:16And I would like the family of these people.
05:18The family.
05:19To be present.
05:20To be in the face.
05:21To have the balls that I am having right now.
05:22Do you expect them to come?
05:23I want them to come.
05:24Obviously I'm going to receive it.
05:25Obviously I'm going to receive it.
05:26And I want them with me.
05:27And I want them with me.
05:28To make it clear.
05:29How is everything going to be?
05:30Who else is going to be there?
05:31Is there going to be a prosecution?
05:32Is there not?
05:42There are things that this father can't even answer.
05:47He talks to the media to also decompress the logical interest of the press.
05:52But, let's see, of all this that he said, let's go over it now in a while.
05:58Let's see, one thinks, what admiration that father.
06:01What interest.
06:02You can't even imagine what you could say in that place.
06:05The sun is coming out of the cemetery.
06:07I mean, to put a little in perspective of what we are talking about.
06:11We are in the area of the cemetery.
06:15It is the farewell.
06:17The farewell, the context of all this, it is very difficult to stand up and speak in front of a camera.
06:25And this man has, from what one hears, a decision.
06:30To make sure that the people who did this never leave prison again.
06:35And that eventually, what all the families of minors are asking for,
06:40the laws are reformed, that there is a change in justice, because we always collide with the same reality.
06:45That they pay for what they did.
06:48There we see Marcos, who is being embraced and contained by his environment.
06:52Let's see, some things to say about what we just heard.
06:56It refers, in two or three opportunities, to the family of the criminals.
07:01As a father speaks to that father.
07:04Take charge, put your face for what your son did.
07:08Come talk to me, apologize.
07:10I would apologize for being that father and for my son doing something like that.
07:14Let's be very clear with this.
07:18Today we had the opportunity to speak with a relative of T.
07:24Tobias, the oldest, the 17-year-old.
07:27Sorry, the youngest, but the oldest of the two.
07:30What you are going to hear from this brother-in-law is very strong.
07:33Because he is talking about his own relative, but he is talking as a father.
07:38And he puts himself in the place of the victim.
07:40And he says, it's very strong, but listen.
08:11If you want information, the police will give it to you.
08:15And here, you don't have to bother us, because we don't want anything.
08:19What do you ask for this boy?
08:21What do we ask?
08:23Death penalty, we ask.
08:25Ask for the death penalty for the 14-year-old boy.
08:28For both.
08:30Exactly, ma'am.
08:32Strong, because you are a relative.
08:34What do you think?
08:36You have a 5-year-old niece.
08:38Can you imagine?
08:40She thought of that creature.
08:42I swear I get goosebumps.
08:44Everything you are telling me is impressive.
08:46She thought of that creature.
08:48A 5-year-old niece.
08:50With what she did.
08:52Without need.
08:54The father gave her everything.
08:56She never lacked anything.
09:00And that's how she paid the father.
09:02Was the father the one who gave her?
09:04The father was the one who gave her.
09:07And the boy went to school?
09:09What did he do in his life?
09:11He worked when he felt like it.
09:13And what did he do?
09:15He helped the father.
09:17What does the father do?
09:19The father runs a hardware store.
09:21And the other boy?
09:23The one who was with him?
09:25I have no idea.
09:27He used to go to meetings, strange things, drugs.
09:30Can you imagine what they did?
09:32They didn't go the right way.
09:33They didn't go the right way.
09:35What we are listening to is an audio from an interview
09:38that our colleague Mercedes Ninsi did for Radio Mitre.
09:42A shocking note.
09:46Because one would expect this testimony from Kim's family.
09:49From the father, who didn't talk about the death penalty.
09:52He said never to come out again.
09:54But here we are listening to the family of the criminals.
09:56We are going to talk and analyze among all
09:59the subject of who the criminals are.
10:01But we meet again with a problem.
10:03What is it?
10:05Minors who commit crimes.
10:07Once, twice, three times.
10:09Justice releases them once, twice, three times.
10:12And it is always death that stops them.
10:15Their own death or the death they cause.
10:18But the result is always death.
10:20The laws we have are not in line with the reality we are living.
10:25And this is what this person conveys.
10:28I am not saying that there is a death penalty.
10:29What I am saying is, look how far we are in the legal order
10:33of what the family of a criminal says.
10:36And it breaks a paradigm for you.
10:38Because the truth is that it is a family that empathizes with justice.
10:42Because everyone says, no, well, look, imagine the father who must have.
10:46Not a father, a worker.
10:48He works in a hardware store.
10:50And a brother-in-law who has a five-year-old daughter.
10:52Almost the age of the little girl who was dragged 15 blocks.
10:55And instead of saying, well, no, justify it, he says no.
10:57Let's see, I think that little girl could have been my daughter.
11:01Death penalty.
11:03That is, in a good family, with a father who gave him everything,
11:06this brother-in-law said in the note with Ninsi,
11:08the boy still did a similar barbarity.
