welcome to this shorter chatty vlog where I get ready for my flight later that day to california!! cali vlog coming soon :)
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insta: @theavarae
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🌟last video:
TRAVEL VLOG: Palm Springs days in my life *pickleball, shopping, golf, etc*
I do not own any of the music I use
💗ps I read my comments, and dm's! :)
💌 for business only:
[email protected]
sub count: 387,982
love always,
aves ♡
🎥watch in 1080p!!!
insta: @theavarae
tiktok: @theavarae
snap: @theavaraee
🌟last video:
TRAVEL VLOG: Palm Springs days in my life *pickleball, shopping, golf, etc*
I do not own any of the music I use
💗ps I read my comments, and dm's! :)
💌 for business only:
[email protected]
sub count: 387,982
love always,
aves ♡
00:00Let's go get some coffee first a lash curl. Okay, we're ready
00:09They're moving forward. They're moving forward finally. Do I have my debit card on me? I do and I have my gourmet latte card
00:15I've been in this line for a good 12 minutes, but I'm finally up. Hi
00:19Yeah, of course. Can I get an iced 16 ounce talking latte?
00:25Thank you
00:29Thank you so much. Have a good day. You too. I gave her a dollar tip
00:32Even though I was the slowest line in my whole entire life. Hey guys, welcome back to my channel and welcome to this vlog
00:38I just got my coffee. I just got a little toffee latte. It does pass the taste test
00:43It's really good, but I am running late to my hair appointment because yeah, I'm I booked a hair appointment on the day
00:49I'm supposed to have a flight at 7 p.m
00:51Priorities am I right and I had not packed a single like when I tell you a single item
00:55I mean a single item has not entered the suitcase. I'm also just starving and coffee
01:00I heard is not the best thing to have on an empty stomach, but you know
01:04So I am keeping it long, but I just wanted to freshen up the layers and the face framing
01:09I think you'll be perfect because Cali I'm gonna be in Cali for the next week
01:13I just parked but this is my hair before pretty lengthy
01:16But I just think a little trim layer freshen up will be perfect for California
01:52Look at my hair
01:53It just really needed that trim to like it is so much better, and if you don't think it is then
02:00You're my d1 hater. I literally love it
02:02Do you see these layers and she said my hair was so healthy and it's just like it's exactly what I asked for
02:07I'm gonna go target because I forgot my cellar water and I want to take off my makeup and go to the tanning bed
02:30Okay, hey guys
02:30I'm on my new camera right now the one that like tracks my face you watched my last vlog you would know about this camera
02:35I'm freaking obsessed with that
02:36I'm a little bit ago and just touched up my hair with my Dyson and redid my makeup after the bed and we're gonna open a
02:42Few PR packages. I'm opening like the ones that seem most interesting because I'm thinking maybe there's gonna be stuff
02:47I don't want to break so time check it is 123 actually even 4 hours and 40 minutes still have not packed a single thing
02:53So let's open the box. Okay. I don't know if this lighting's good, but it's not
02:57I thought it might be fun to start incorporating five or six PR packages every blog
03:01I do instead of just doing big-ass PR hauls because I do get a ton of PR and sometimes going and saving a bunch of
03:07Stuff it's low-key a pain in the butt. Well, we're trying to move here and I have like
03:1170 boxes sitting in my garage all labeled for me. So I'm just gonna start opening a few in every single vlog
03:16We're gonna start off with this totally X Sephora one
03:20You it's their new lotion premier crew
03:25ASMR next up. We have lost yet one of my favorite places to get PR
03:29Okay, their new ultra lip arrivals. They gave me the shade flute and crest ones like a red and ones a brown
03:35Okay, sometimes all you need to do is pull your hair back. Sometimes I just can't handle hair next up
03:40My dear amazing friend Lauren Kim just came out with a little line with beginning boutique
03:44I actually did open this already a little bit and got a sneak peek
03:47But I'm gonna open it again with you guys. She came out with the prom at it
03:49So she sent me all of her favorite prom dresses and then this cutie little makeup bag, which is adorable each PR box
03:55She said came with a little jewelry box as I saw her unbox it on her page
03:58So inside is the cutest little Cartier
04:01Bracelet and then it looks like a pair of earrings that are tangled with a necklace
04:05Very cute, and then she sent me three dresses. Oh four
04:09Lauren you spoiled me. I
04:12Wish I had time to try these on but it's color
04:18Girl these are everything. Oh, there's five actually psych
04:23Thank you so much Lauren Kim and beginning boutique like I cannot wait to wear those to some fancy event that I I don't know
04:29When I would be invited to a fancy event, but one day next up we have a tower 28
04:33I actually know what's in this too. I saw other people unbox it
04:36I think it's a bunch of lip stuff, but you know me and lip stuff
04:40So cute. Look at that. See this is why I'm happy
04:43I am boxed a little bit where I left because Valentine's Day is literally tomorrow and like I wouldn't have opened this until I got
04:49Home, but let's see what's inside
04:52Bro, you spoiled me. Our Tony is one of my favorite makeup brands. Look at the back. It has like nutrition
04:58That's so cute. I'm holding the mic upside down moving on to the box
05:03I'm actually most excited about I've been waiting or it's been sitting at my house for like two weeks Hollister
05:09Whoa Hollister X Spencer Barbosa, I've been told I look like her so many times, but she's an icon
05:18Wait, this is perfect for stagecoach, by the way, I'm going to stagecoach
05:23This is adorable. Yes. I got another octobuddy two of them actually Brazilian crush 62 sold as genera this cute little t-shirt
05:30Wait, that's so cute
05:35That is so cute
05:38They're like the perfect amount of cheeky. Okay, this is adorable
05:42I don't even know if I'm gonna be swimming over there
05:43But like I might as well bring a suit, you know what I mean?
05:46And then the matching blue bottoms Hollister swimwear is low-key underrated. It's really good
05:50I've always bought from them and then lastly in here for clothes. I think this is a cover-up
05:56So freaking cute and then there is a beach towel also in here
05:59I'm so thankful and I gotta get to packing because now we're at four hours before I have to leave. I'm just kidding
06:05I have one more package and I need to open it. It's from coastal customs
06:08It's my favorite customizable like sweats that brand sheet a little set. I'm so excited
06:14She's so cute. I'm so excited right now to see what I got since I'm flying into LAX
06:20Do I do that would be such a dead giveaway LA?
06:25This is the cutest let's say I've seen in such a long time. I'm so grateful
06:29I'm actually gonna get to packing. Otherwise, I'm not gonna make my flight
06:32So the main reason why I'm going to California is because tomorrow on Valentine's Day. I have a addictive event
06:38I got invited to so I'm going with my friend Bailey, which is who I'm staying with and
06:42basically, my whole wardrobe I'm bringing is gonna be addicted because I got
06:45$400 with the free clothes and low-key the amount of clothes I got for $400 could be my whole wardrobe for the next week
06:51I'm gonna be a walk-in sponsor and I'm not even getting paid for this
06:54I low-key think I want to wear this like little sweat set to the airport today over the LA one
06:59I'm bringing lots of comfy outfits just because I'm a comfy girl. I also picked up these new Steve Madden boots yesterday
07:06The box is kind of deep. I don't have any black boots. I think I like that like I'm not sure
07:11I'm gonna try them on a little bit with like an outfit and I got this cute purse
07:14And then I also got this leather jacket. My luggage is now already about 20 pounds
07:19I also have the cutest belt I wanted to wear and then I got like these arm cuffs
07:23I don't know when or where I wear these but I also like to bring them
07:26I'm gonna bring all these tops as well
07:29One to this tank top and then this because I desperately want photos in this like on the beach like so bad in the last
07:36Shopping place. I went shopping at was Ritzia because they were having an active wear set
07:40I got this cute skirt for golf
07:41But I'm not gonna bring it because obviously it won't be golfing but me and Bailey are both pretty active
07:46So I will be bringing workout sets. Oh, and I also got this hoodie
07:49I don't know if I should return it or not. I need to try it on really quick
07:53It's like kind of the vintage style. I got new flare leggings that were literally 50% off and they fit so good
07:59I got this great tank, but I actually bought two of them actually
08:02So I need to see if that's returnable and then the matching shorts with the gray tank
08:06And you know what? I'm gonna bring these purple shorts too because they're so comfy
08:10I don't know what material this is because all their materials confused me. All I know is I love Ritzia activewear
08:15I also got this sports bra. I'll go in it. I'm gonna stop talking and get to packing