🧡 Join Patara for another episode from Appalachia's Homestead~
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 2~25~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!
~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 2~25~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!
~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound
00:00Thank you for joining us this evening.
00:30Thank you for joining us this evening.
01:00Thank you for joining us this evening.
01:29So good afternoon guys.
01:31Welcome to Appalachian homestead.
01:32Welcome back to the channel.
01:33Happy Monday.
01:34how you doing honey okay look real quick because you may watch my hair fall
01:40straight in live action in this video if it's 10 or 12 minutes or less maybe not
01:46so much but you give it maybe 20 or 30 you'll be like wow what happened to her
01:50hair and this just in this video I know I actually did some hot rollers today
01:54haven't I don't think I've done that since like high school or something I
01:57don't know but this little setup and I thought I'm gonna do that I'm trying to
02:00if you can't tell I'm a little bit under the weather so I when I know I'm
02:07fighting something you know I don't push myself too hard but I'm like take a hot
02:11shower wash your hair try to you know straighten up a little bit make you feel
02:16a little bit better you know what I'm saying you know you know I'm talking
02:19about because I really want to feel good tomorrow and the next day because the
02:23weather here is gorgeous beautiful we are we've basically thought out finally
02:29I think we may get below freezing tonight like around 31 or something but
02:34the rest of the week we're above freezing it's gonna be like 60 degrees
02:37ish tomorrow and Wednesday partly sunny beautiful like right now so I'm working
02:42on some things on the farm really taking inventory of things I want to start
02:47doing when we're really truly honestly in a past a real weather break I'm not
02:53naive listen weird things happen here in March
02:57especially around st. Patrick's Day which by the way did you see my new flag
03:01is it not the cutest thing you've ever seen I know it's so cute I ordered that
03:06little Great Pyrenees flag I don't know about a month ago and they have
03:10different ones so I put a link to it I think on my Facebook page yes I did and
03:14you can click on it and you can see they do all kinds of different little dogs I
03:18mean all kinds and they're so adorable so I got that up and it's it's really
03:23cute so I'm straightening up a little bit but I'm planning spring and the
03:29things that we need to pick back up on finish whatever and things are gonna be
03:35different this year 2025 is a little bit different hey baby little turkeys are
03:42walking by but I hope you're doing okay thank you so much for all of your kind
03:45comments and the endless support I mean the emails and the comments and the
03:53messages and whatnot you guys are awesome you get it and I just appreciate
03:57y'all Tom so thank you for that but one of the things real quick that I have
04:01been going over I think I'm gonna get a new goat stand I the one that we have
04:09is really really old not really really old but I mean we've had it I don't know
04:14eight to ten years we've got we've got plum worn it out honey we got it up in
04:18Monterey you know if you're up on the near the Cookville area Crossville on so
04:24I got it up there from a gentleman he built it for me many years ago and we
04:28went and picked it up and helped him out it was great it's been a pretty good job
04:31but I think we need another one in a new one especially because we're about to
04:36get into a massive hoof trimming scenario lots of hooves need trimming
04:42here in the next week or two so really thinking about that so so just different
04:47things like that where how much are we gardening this year I'm adding certain
04:53things in the dogs I'm about to put a couple of does over with rip I wanted to
05:00get through this crazy weather to get us in a time period where at least we had a
05:03couple of days of decent drier not cold weather I mean 60 degrees is wonderful
05:10right so we're gonna be doing that there's that and then Eli is gonna be
05:15coming to the barn so a lot of changes and rotations and different things just
05:20thinking ahead a little bit of all the things that we're gonna be doing because
05:24some of my spots are taken by either livestock or Great Pyrenees right now so
05:29it's kind of hard to you know okay where am I gonna do this but it's working
05:32itself out so I'm struggling with my voice so I apologize to you for that but
05:38I want to talk to you real quick about something are you worried so it's
05:44interesting because I think that there's a lot of you that are gonna be
05:47kind of like me in this category I find myself a little bit more relaxed about
05:59where we are now I know what you're going to say you're gonna say well you
06:04voted for Donald Trump you're a MAGA and you're this and you're that so you got
06:07what you wanted yes I got what I wanted and so did most of America but the point
06:12is I still realize that there's a lot of things that are flipped on their
06:18heads a lot of changes or changes back and so we have a lot of different
06:24disruptions okay and so that tends to make people uneasy and obviously we're
06:32finding out that the economy isn't as great as they told have been that you've
06:37been guys you've been lied to so bad you know this you're smarter than me you've
06:41been lied to so hard over the to lie to over the last three and a half four
06:46years that it's not even funny and there's a lot of consequences that we
06:50are seeing come to fruition with that so a lot of people are antsy about
06:56obviously inflation now remember Donald Trump has only been in office what 31
07:04days no third one is what 33 days or something so where is all this inflation
07:09coming from well we understand that already so are you worried because I'm
07:14seeing all kinds of titles and people are suddenly worried about losing their
07:20job okay well that is understandable you should have already been concerned about
07:26losing your job everybody should okay I totally get that inflation are people
07:33just now realizing the consequences of inflation and all the things that are
07:40happening and then to talk about seeing where all kinds of hundreds of hundreds
07:48of billions of dollars have just been thrown out the window not helping our
07:54people doing weird wild and strange things which ultimately ultimately where
08:02did this money end up nobody actually truly fundamentally knows so there's
08:07always that question so here's what I'm saying and I'm not trying to polarize
08:13this but take politics out why were some of these people you may be included in
08:21this I don't know why were people so worried about all of this or are so
08:26worried about all of this now but you haven't been the past three to five
08:33years now some of you are going to say I've been concerned the whole time me
08:36too but there is a there's a group a large group of people percentage of
08:42people that I'm like where have you been you know I I've seen videos over the
08:49last year nine months ago maybe where people were arguing about how great the
08:55economy is just numbers are strong and then suddenly now in the last two months
09:02everything's is horrible why you were still under the last administration two
09:10months ago in and so therefore you started worrying about it then so
09:14obviously we know where this is unfortunately going so what is the
09:19solution in this whole scenario well clearly the solution in this scenario is
09:25your preparedness I really I'm really not interested in who you voted for at
09:29this point I'm really concerned about your welfare there's gonna be a lot of
09:33changes there are a lot of changes that are happening so here is what I want to
09:37talk about with you if you are concerned which I think all of us should always be
09:42concerned what is the action that you have put in place to better your
09:48scenario to safeguard you from anything now again we've we've we've hit on this
09:55many many times you don't have to have a dollar collapse you don't have to have
09:59an economic collapse in order for you to have your own doomsday scenario so all
10:05those folks out there that let's say oh she talks about doomsday every adult or
10:10family at some point is going to hit the wall with something a car wreck job loss
10:18a health crisis those are just some of them just off the top of my head every
10:25single one of us have gone through one or some or all or in the future we could
10:31okay these things are inevitable so putting away politics putting away the
10:37economy what do you need to do to safeguard yourself and your family well
10:46if you're concerned about inflation which I think is fair at least for the
10:51near future because we're gonna have a lot of pain what what's the answer it is
10:58to do the best that you can to make sure your pantry is rotated and updated
11:03that's one of the things that here we are again it's time to do it again so
11:07have you done that how do your freezers look if you can or dehydrate food freeze
11:14dry food how is that looking so maybe you feel comfortable with a lot of
11:19things right now I would not put down my preparedness in terms of the main
11:23hitters financial so if you can continue to pay on any debt that you can erase
11:29from what's going on I don't care how big or small it is I do that we did the
11:34snowball we love Dave Ramsey's plan we've talked about this a million times
11:39worked for us I totally encourage you to do what you can even if you keep a
11:44lot of debt monthly payments say the house the car you can't get rid of
11:48necessarily your insurance I mean you're gonna say I can or I did but my point is
11:54is there's gonna be things that you pay for and there's gonna be large things
11:57that you can't pay off anytime soon that's okay if you can get the small
12:01thing on small things off of you it's gonna free up money to safeguard you
12:06with inflation it's gonna safeguard your bills it's gonna give you a cushion
12:11it's gonna give you an opportunity most likely hopefully to build a nest egg now
12:19it's a little bit better right now there's one thing that I want to
12:23mention to you and I have no I don't have a crystal ball I have no way of
12:26knowing if this is gonna happen or not and I'm kind of torn on it but I want
12:31you to think about this and some people are really excited to the idea of doge
12:37once it hits a certain threshold that it would give back money to the American
12:41taxpayers now I guess that would be per household you can correct me if I'm
12:45wrong and there's different loop there's different loopholes and stipulations on
12:50it I'm not gonna get into that let's just stick to the main topic I would not
12:57depend upon that happening I don't think it's gonna happen I just really
13:01don't I don't know if they're gonna hit what is it two trillion they I mean we
13:05all know they it's there the fraud is there the waste is there there's no
13:10denying that we were smart enough to realize we're just at the tip of the
13:14iceberg but are you going to get anything back now I personally think
13:19that I'm not I thought about it for off and on for about two days and I haven't
13:23thought about it again because I don't want to depend upon that and now here's
13:27my point though if it was an option would you take it would you take it we
13:35can go back and forth on this but I really want to hear your thoughts
13:37because a lot of people say no take that money and pay down the debt well let's
13:42make sure if that's the case let's make sure that happens now if they divide it
13:47up do 20% here or do this here or whatever is it going to be enough to
13:52make a difference for you it might I don't know but if you were to get some
13:57money back and even if now if you go and do your taxes and you get money back
14:02what are you even what are you doing with that what what are you doing with
14:05it please be smart with with that we've already filed our taxes for the year
14:10we're already done yes it was it was painful as expected because it always is
14:15and a lot of people are not getting back a lot of the money that they've gotten
14:19back over the last one to two years a lot of you've commented about that which
14:23is pretty amazing but here's what I'm saying don't depend upon anything and
14:30don't base your effort on something that most likely won't happen now like I said
14:37if you got a tax refund already or you think you're gonna get one or if you do
14:42get one what can you do with that to help you and your scenario now some of
14:48you are gonna say I need that money right now just to pay bills I understand
14:52there's a lot of people right now hurting financially this is why we've
14:56been pushing and pushing and pushing so hard for you all and you're here I know
15:01I know you get it but this is why we continue to say do the best that you can
15:05to be as financially squared away as you can be the best person on your job put
15:12things away like you know a little squirrel and keep up with it you've
15:16saved a lot of money by your preparations you do realize that don't
15:20you because if you bought a can of green beans two years ago unless you find a
15:24crazy sale today which do happen but it's not as common you could have
15:29stocked up on green beans two and three years ago I know in 2021 into before
15:332022 really slammed us you might have been able to stock up on something and
15:37got it you know three for a dollar or two for a dollar nowadays they're 98
15:42cents so here's my point because you save that money hopefully you put that
15:48money towards debt this is what I'm saying even if you get a refund even if
15:52you get $5,000 let's just pretend you need to take a portion of that out for
16:00savings now again I'm a bit I love the Dave Ramsey plan and he will even tell
16:06you and I laugh at especially now thousand dollars I think you need more
16:11than that as far as your your first little security blanket but you do what
16:14you can okay but my point is if you get any money back whether it's taxes or
16:21doge or whatever please take us take a portion of that and put it away for a
16:27rainy day fund okay that's what it's called take a section of that even if
16:31it's just 50 bucks and go get some staples and put them away in your in
16:35your pantry okay do the essentials then look at your debt okay you need to pay
16:41you first you need to pay your assets which is to me your your little your
16:46little pantry is an asset for you it's a safeguard for you beef it up do what you
16:52can with that and then with what you have left over if you can please apply
17:00it to debt if you can wipe out a small credit card if you can like discover
17:05Lowe's or Home Depot or you know I'm saying JCPenney do you have a JCPenney
17:10credit card I never had JCPenney no when I was my first credit card as a
17:16young girl was a it doesn't even exist anymore profits and it had a hundred
17:22dollar limit and my mother she opened that for me and she said if you go the
17:27mall and you buy anything you have to you have to pay the bill I'm gonna teach
17:31you how to pay off your bills so I had a check a little checking account and I
17:34had one little credit card and had it had a limit of $100 and boy you learn to
17:41be super frugal and picky when you're the one charging it right you're the one
17:46paying it off because she would make me pay it off so I didn't just go because I
17:51knew I was like oh my gosh where'd my money go see lesson learned there very
17:55early so here's my point if you're concerned about inflation if you're
18:01concerned about the dollar if you're concerned about gas prices okay I kindly
18:06say to you where have you been and then number two what can you do because I
18:11know you can do something so anyway tell me your thoughts tell me what you think
18:23about are we gonna get the five thousand I told you my thoughts I I'm just not
18:28even thinking about it I'm not how do I feel about all the things that are going
18:32on it's what I expected it's what I voted for we want to better the country
18:38we have to save ourselves but there's gonna come pain with it who didn't know
18:43that I think everybody that I know knew that everybody that I know today would
18:50say yep it's that it's looking exactly like I thought it would could get worse
18:55there's gonna be some pain but there's a lot of feeling like it's Christmas
18:59morning too so none of us are shocked by anything it's just going the way we
19:03thought but I think most importantly the people that have tried their best over
19:09the last three to five ten years to do the things to put their situation first
19:16and there's nothing wrong with that okay taking care of your family taking care
19:20of your finances taking care of your health we're really working on that then
19:25I think they're sleeping just a little bit better if something bad's coming are
19:33we gonna be able to stop it that's the whole point of the preparation movement
19:36is we're in X amount of debt who is stopping the spending why are we
19:42spending so and then when you stop that freight train and you try to pull the
19:48reins back yeah there's a lot of sparks coming off of the wheels aren't there I
19:53know but think about yourself and your family and again I don't care who you
19:59are I don't care who you voted for I mean I care fundamentally yeah I mean but
20:03the end of the day guys we're still in this together okay and even if you don't
20:11agree with some things I say even if you vote different than me if you live
20:16across the country I want you safe I want you fed I want you doing well we
20:22got it we got to go through this unfortunately together whatever it is
20:26because a lot of people are very uneasy right now I'm planning spring stuff
20:33because I'm doing the best that I can so the question is number one do you think
20:39you're gonna get the doge money let's pretend what would you do with it if you
20:44did if you want you can be generic you don't have to answer the question and
20:47number two what are you doing about everything in general how can we help
20:55each other and ourselves so that we can be a little bit better at being
21:00productive because a lot of times when people are scared or fearful they go
21:06into a state of paralysis and we have to be the workhorse taking a deep breath
21:13and pushing forward right because we look out for each other like subscribe
21:17and share pray prep and be peaceful thanks for hanging with me with this
21:20horrible horrible like welcome to the jungle voice here okay I don't know
21:26hopefully tomorrow or the next day it'll all be back to normal so I hope you have
21:31a great night I love you guys I missed you yesterday I sort of rested a little
21:34bit because I had all this going on you think I definitely sounded like Barry
21:38White yesterday I can't get enough of your love babe but I love you love you
21:42love you see you in the next video