• 2 days ago
Tim the Yowie Man investigates the myth behind the old flooded quarry near Smith's Gap on Bungendore Road in New South Wales.


00:00On some hot days, more locals flock to this flooded quarry at Smith's Gap than to the local Bungendore Pool.
00:08People come here to fish, swim and just float around.
00:12But what really lurks in the murky depths of the quarry,
00:16gravel from which was used for much of the 20th century on local roads?
00:21Well, there's a well-known local myth that a bulldozer was inadvertently left behind when the quarry closed,
00:29with it slowly disappearing underwater, flowing into the pit from a nearby drainage line.
00:40Cave diver Bruce Stewart thought he'd find out what was really at the bottom of the quarry,
00:45so one afternoon he donned his scuba gear and dived in.
00:50On his 35-minute exploratory dive over the entirety of the 8-10 metre deep quarry,
00:55Bruce found several items including a rusting bicycle,
01:00twisted pieces of metal,
01:03old drums
01:05and discarded signs.
01:14But most definitely, no bulldozer.
01:18So I think we can safely say the myth of the submerged bulldozer here at the Smith's Gap quarry is busted.
