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Watch the “Tough Decision” clip from the FOX reality series Extracted Season 1 Episode 3.

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00:00Attention, a supply drop is imminent.
00:05Supply drop!
00:06All right, Lance.
00:07Come with me.
00:08Oh, boy.
00:11With the temperature dropping, there is an increased risk of hypothermia.
00:17In the supply room are items that will help your survivalists endure the cold weather.
00:23Wool socks and canisters of hot chocolate.
00:27I need a hot chocolate.
00:30There are currently 11 survivalists remaining in the game, but only enough supplies for 7 of them.
00:37Oh, God.
00:39You must all unanimously decide which survivalists will receive these critical supplies and which will not.
00:47Oh, my gosh.
00:49For every three minutes that pass, one supply package will be removed until you come to a unanimous decision.
00:56Oh, my gosh.
00:57The timer begins now.
01:01Here I go, I got it, I got it.
01:02Anybody volunteer?
01:03Anybody volunteer?
01:06Anybody volunteer?
01:07Go, go sit down, go sit down.
01:08If you volunteer, sit down.
01:09There were some people really, really struggling.
01:12So there was no doubt that we were doing the right thing.
01:15We volunteered.
01:16We're out.
01:17Ryan's thriving probably more than almost everyone else.
01:21Anybody else?
01:23We agreed pretty much right off the bat that we were going to opt out.
01:27We need one, we need one.
01:28Obviously, everybody's going to want a take for their person.
01:31So how about someone just volunteer to go sit down?
01:33I think we should consider the survival state this morning.
01:36Was anybody else in the green?
01:37Haley was, but she weighs like 90 pounds.
01:39So you two were in the green.
01:40So I think it should be a decision between you two, and that's a decision that you have to make right now.
01:44We are getting frustrated with Blake.
01:46The way he called both of us out.
01:48I truly think it should be between anybody who's in the green.
01:51We're here to advocate for Haley.
01:53She's been eating ants.
01:55I feel no guilt whatsoever.
01:57You know, like that's my girl out there, and I'm going to protect her, and I'm going to do what I have to do.
02:01I say we're mentally in the red, and she needs something to have hope.
02:04Obviously, the girls kind of need more than the guys, so.
02:07I agree, I agree.
02:08You guys don't volunteer to go sit down?
02:10You was saying, man, I'm cold, my feet wet, so I need to get some sun.
02:13I think that Jacobin is in a way better state than my dad, though.
02:16I don't agree with that.
02:17I don't agree with that.
02:18My dad hasn't drank any water.
02:19Jacobin has fire, he has beans, he's gotten food.
02:22He has plenty of water left.
02:24I think that's pretty selfish.
02:25No, it's not.
02:26Come on, guys.
02:2730 seconds.
02:28We're going to lose a box.
02:29Okay, we're about to lose a box, so who's willing to lose a box?
02:43I'm going to lose a box.
