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#животные #милыеживотные
Уведомление об авторских правах: Данный контент используется в соответствии с положениями о «добросовестном использовании» (fair use), изложенными в Разделе 107 Закона об авторском праве 1976 года. Это позволяет использование в целях критики, комментариев, новостных отчетов, образовательных материалов, академических исследований и научной деятельности.
Если вы считаете, что любое видео* на этом канале нарушает ваши авторские права, свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте: [email protected]. Мы ответим в течение 24 часов. Видео будет либо удалено с канала, либо правильно атрибутировано в зависимости от вашего запроса.
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*История ролика является художественным вымыслом.
Copyright Notice: This content is used under the ‘fair use’ provision as outlined in Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for use in contexts such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, education, academic research, and scholarship.
If you believe that any video on this channel infringes upon your copyright, please contact us at [email protected]. We will respond within 24 hours. The video will either be removed from the channel or properly credited, depending on your preference.
If you are the copyright holder and have identified that your content is being used without authorization, or if there are other reasons you wish to request content removal, reach out to us at our designated email: [email protected].
#животные #милыеживотные
00:00In Irkutsk, a man found a strange guest in his warehouse, a little bear.
00:04He took him back to the forest, but the next morning the baby was inside again.
00:08This was repeated several times until the man realized that the bear simply did not want to leave.
00:12He decided to take care of him for at least a short time.
00:14The guest ate as if he was hungry for several days, and then trustedly allowed himself to bathe.
00:19He followed the man everywhere and quickly got used to him.
00:21Years passed, and the man realized that it was time to let the bear go into the wild, but in winter he returned.
00:26And not alone, there was another bear next to him.
00:28Afraid that they had nothing to eat, the man let them wait out the cold.
00:31The first bear was as affectionate as before and even helped the new friend get used to the person.
00:36In the spring, the man decided to send them back to the forest, but this time the animals refused to leave.
00:40They even climbed the trees just to stay.
00:42As a result, the man gave up. Now he had the most unusual family in the city.