• 2 days ago
Courtney LaPlante meets NME in London to discuss Spiritbox’s long-awaited second album, her infamous Grammys interview and why metal’s unstoppable new generation are “never letting go” of their moment


00:00Like at the point in our career where you know for a month for most bands
00:04We'd be about 10 years younger, so I think I think maybe that's one of the reasons
00:08I think all of us are a lot more like cemented in our identities, and we don't really care if someone thinks
00:14Rocks dead or I don't you know I don't care like I said we say call me whatever you want as long as you call me
00:21Hi guys you're watching NME my name is Rishi and today
00:32I'm joined by Courtney from spirit box for the latest in enemies in conversation series. How's it going Courtney all right?
00:39Oh, yeah, what do you guys say you guys say are you all right? All right?
00:44Yeah, and we always get all confused like why do I look like I'm
00:49Does it look like I'm sad what's going on, so that's what I'll say back. Are you all right?
00:53I'm so we're in London ahead of Ali Pali tomorrow big show for you guys
00:58What do you get up to when you're in London is it a place?
01:01You've been too much over the years of insurance. We like we like to often start our tour rehearsals here
01:08Because then we can like get in the groove of things and then just go on like a one-hour plane ride instead of
01:14The big you know it takes us like a 10-hour flight to get here
01:18And so we like to come here get adjusted to the time change
01:21And this is actually where we like to leave all of our stuff for that we use for Europe
01:26So it's like our little second rehearsal home. Yeah, nice little second base
01:31So tomorrow Ali Pali 10,000 people sold out months in advance. How you feeling I?
01:38Like I'm really excited
01:40I'm trying to I'm trying to not be so stressed out
01:44There's always just like I think when you're in a band, and you have all these to you at least like big moments
01:50It's really easy to just be
01:53Stressed out about it, and what's gonna go wrong, so I'm trying to like trying to change my mindset into
02:00Just being really excited about it. You know and trying to change like my anxiety about it to excitement
02:07Because I think like deep down. That's what it really is
02:10I'm just like so excited that my in my brain doesn't know what to do so I've been dreaming about this for a long time
02:18Venues like that you have to you have to
02:22Put them on hold a long time in advance. There's a lot of people that want to play there so because of this
02:28You know the countdowns been in my mind for a really long time
02:32And at first I didn't really have a lot of confidence and I
02:36Was worried like about being embarrassed if like what if you know we weren't a lot
02:40We wouldn't we weren't able to announce it just because we were playing Reading and Leeds
02:44We had to wait till that was over to announce it just like that's their radius clause
02:50And so I was really nervous because like this isn't a time other people have it on sale for a year
02:57my friend that's
02:58Playing with us and straight from the path Craig
03:01before it went on sale he was like I
03:04Bet I your guys are gonna sell it out
03:06And I was like I don't think we are if I'll tell you what if if we sell it out
03:11I'll take all of you to dinner
03:12I'll pay for it
03:13And he was like deals that's a deal and I'll do the same for you if you don't
03:17So and I have to take them to dinner is it happening if you've got the plan yet
03:21I'm just hoping that they forgot about that and then like it's maybe at some point on the tour. They'll remember yeah
03:28So I'm like right now. I'm really tired because I've just been rehearsing all day
03:33but I
03:34have that other part that I forgot about which is like the
03:38Accomplishment the sense of accomplishment part and now that things are coming together. I feel I just feel like
03:46That excitement now part now. I don't not not scary in the tummy
03:49It's just a smile, so it's been three and a half years since eternal blue
03:55Tsunami see is out next month, and you've had rotoscope on the fear of fear in that time
04:02sort of bridging the gap between
04:04Album one and two was that a thing you you ever considered with those EPS or did they just come out kind of naturally as
04:10they needed that's the cool thing about doing EPS and like
04:15having a label that at least in my
04:18experience is like
04:20less concerned with like
04:23Contractual obligations and more concerned with just like
04:28Going where the artist leaves if they feel like that's a an interesting idea, so
04:34it wasn't something that we set out to
04:37to do right after we
04:39You know put out eternal blue
04:41but it just kind of happens naturally because Michael's just always writing music and
04:46if I hear something that I really really want to sing on and I want to like
04:52You know keep working on it
04:55it's just if it just feels like repression and not just put it out, and that's what's cool about EPS because
05:02There's you know in general. There's a lot the the stakes are lower for everyone for the band for the label
05:09there's not doesn't have to be this big climactic build-up of press and
05:13Like music videos and all that like you can kind of it just feels a lot more spontaneous
05:19I enjoy when bands put out EPS because it just feels like a moment in time of where that band is at right now
05:27But yeah, both of those you know at the end. I'm like
05:30That would've been a good album. Maybe you know now now
05:33I still got to do that next album, but I thought it was cool because we have so little music out to me
05:38It like helped bridge the gap
05:42Album one and album two without us like feeling forced to put out an album and and do the whole build up
05:49Which is yeah, you know the second you'd get a song done. You just want to show everybody
05:53So when did when did it feel right to go to go with the album?
05:57Do you remember what kind of sparked that did you remember feeling?
06:01Why it sort of was happening at the time it did yeah, I mean we I think the biggest thing was
06:06You know I we know what our strengths and our weaknesses are and what we need to work on and
06:12one thing that we have found that we that doesn't really make us happy is to try to force
06:20Writing and recording while we're on tour
06:23That's just at this point. I really I really appreciate people who can do that, but
06:31We still need the experience. I think to be able to pull both of those off of the scene
06:35And we had a great great problem to have we got so many cool tour opportunities that those last few years
06:40I felt like I was on tour for like a half a year every year, so I just didn't feel right to
06:46Do anything that wasn't like?
06:48casual and felt like a night just a nice innocent thing Michael just
06:54Made a cool riff, and he recorded himself and whatever happens with that
06:58We'll deal with that later
07:00And again, I think that
07:03Multitasking is great, and I really appreciate artists that can do this, but for now
07:07I really like to focus on the one thing and I think that's why a lot of people have the
07:12Sophomore slump is they blow up and they get all these incredible opportunities, and then they feel pressured to get you know that next album
07:19advance and
07:21And do it while they're so busy and so busy and so busy and so busy and so busy and so busy
07:29And do it while they're so busy with everything else. It's it's hard, so I'm really grateful
07:33I feel like I feel like we had all the time in the world
07:36And then you know classic, you know put the pressure on yourself at the end to get it all done and commit
07:41yeah, I mean just on that pressure like eternal blue was so hyped even before it came out and sort of
07:48Like you said mike mike's always writing songs and you just you know
07:51You'll like the riff you'll go with it in the moment kind of thing that's always happening
07:54How easy or difficult is it to stay in that zone and just focus on the music when there's
07:59all this kind of pressure that's nothing to do with you from the outside that I feel like that was its own thing because
08:05I mean that was so surreal and weird because
08:10not only were you know, all of us not able to to do anything we'd normally do with live music like
08:16Going and meeting fans and and doing shows and stuff. It was just so strange
08:20I'd like go clock in to work in the office like I would just be working remotely
08:25and then i'd have to like make time to do a call like for a
08:30cover story of a magazine and it was just it was just really strange and you know, we're just
08:38we just like to
08:39Show don't tell I just wanted people to hear it and I we always joke. I'm like there was like some propagandist like
08:47Going around being like that's new spirit box thing. It's gonna be the next big thing. You know, I'm like
08:53I didn't say that. I just want people to hear my songs
08:56We make breakdowns and cry over them. That's all i'm selling to you
09:00That's all I can tell you that you'll get from this. It's not the second coming
09:06Whatever metal core jesus christ. It's just us. So that was really scary to live up to but then after that
09:15That was nice, too
09:15I realized i'm like everyone's still the same no matter what no matter what people
09:20They liked it or not
09:21Like I still have a job to do and I still I got to get the music out there and I love playing it
09:27So I feel the same about this
09:29I'm a lot used to this life now in my life of just getting to focus everything on making music
09:36And it's to me it's because this is something i've always wanted to do it's a lot less complicated for me then
09:41You know when I'd have to juggle this with you know working nine to five and making sure I could make my rent or
09:48um, you know buy groceries and stuff so I like
09:51When you when you've done that for a long time and more of your life
09:55You've been struggling than then doing what makes you really happy
09:58It's I think it will take a long time for me to be like jaded about that. I'm very grateful about it now
10:03Awesome. Um, so tsunami sea is the title of the album
10:07Um, why did that sort of sum up everything that was it was going on in there?
10:11This one was the same
10:13As a lot of our stuff. I like the guys are just doing demos
10:19they'll just be sitting at a computer and we like rent an airbnb or something and
10:23Michael and and our producer dan bronstein will just be sitting there
10:27Messing around and then I just kind of like I come out and I do my presentation
10:31So there's not even usually lyrics yet or anything. Yeah, so this was at the point when they're
10:36Maybe half the songs were written and I just went out. I was like I have the album name
10:40Tsunami sea and then I wait to see what they do and they're all like, oh, yeah
10:45Instant approval. Yeah. Yeah, and it was the same thing with eternal blue
10:49and uh fear of fear, you know, I just it's like my
10:53Thesis statement is like it's called tsunami sea and now i'm going to explain
10:58Why it's called that?
11:00um, and so for this one
11:02Again, I always anyone who writes music like their dream is that the it's this kind of gets absorbed by the person listening
11:09instead of me having to say it but
11:13It's it's about a lot of stuff
11:14there's a lot of layers that take me like hours to get into so i'm trying to figure out like my elevator pitch like
11:21powerpoint for it, but
11:23it's just like
11:25You know the visual
11:27Could be literal
11:29you know the
11:31is just
11:32One of the worst things that could ever happen for anyone that lives near it
11:36and it's
11:37It makes somebody feel very small
11:40And you're powerless to stop it. It's faster than you and bigger than you and stronger than you
11:45And then it washes everything
11:48and sometimes
11:50that's how like
11:51When you're at a really bad
11:53Breaking point in your mental health. That's kind of like how
11:57How it feels it's like a like a tide pulling you in. It's almost like you have no power. You're you're just like
12:04You're just like a passenger on that voyage wherever it's going to go
12:09So there's all those parallels
12:12Of just like what it might someone who's uncomfortable explaining
12:17What why they're sad at least it's like a metaphor that
12:21I can express myself and like that's what it can feel like
12:25A lot of it's about where michael and I are from which is vancouver island in canada
12:29And you know, it's not like it's a small place
12:31It's not like it's a small place, but it's just literally remote because we can only get off it on a boat or a plane
12:39It's such a strange thing
12:44You would do anything to leave this place because you feel like it's holding you back from what you know your dreams
12:50And you feel like nobody understands you
12:54Why you're in your early 30s like trying to
12:58Make a hundred dollars a night on a tour somewhere because that is crazy. Um, and
13:05then when you leave it's it's weird because
13:09Like I long to go back to it and it's kind of like that with like depression. It's like
13:15You can really romanticize your depression in an unhealthy way and you almost like
13:21long to go back to that like
13:23mania, you can feel right before your
13:26Brain just like all the serotonin just leaves your brain and the dopamine and you just yeah on the floor
13:34Again, I really hope listening to it
13:37if you listen to it from front to back you can probably
13:40Feel I want people to feel what i'm saying
13:44Even if they don't know about the island, but a lot of it's about our about our island. It's a very special place
13:50That I again, it's weird. I miss it and I also it repels me away
13:55it's because I want to be get out of there and like
13:57Live my dreams essentially
13:59both of those kind of layers you just spoke about I think a lyric that really
14:03For me, I thought might tie into that is kind of ride the wave like a message in a bottle
14:07Would you say that as well? Yeah song that's the first song that we recorded and
14:12I was like
14:14a lot of our songs are
14:15sad, but that one like
14:19I I was like, oh man, I wonder i've never I haven't sang a song this sad in a while
14:25um, and i'm not in a great mental spot and I always wonder like what it would be like for
14:31When someone's recording something and they're sad
14:34because you're kind of like
14:36when you're recording you're like feeling real feelings, but you're also it's it's like you're you're
14:41Acting like in a musical like you have to convey the emotions
14:45And so i'm glad I did that one first because it made me really sad
14:50and then I also loved it because
14:53It was the first time that like me and josh like really got to sing together
14:57And really have our voices being like more
15:01level together instead of
15:03Him just supporting me and I was like wow, this is gonna be awesome
15:07This is gonna sound so cool all of us like together like this. Yeah, so I think the lyrics of that one
15:14You know, that's why that one's towards the end of the of the album
15:18Um, it really I feel it feels like someone being pulled and pushed and pulled and pushed
15:25And it's it's also a little bit spooky and we say our band's a little spooky and scary
15:30Spooky is exactly the word. I was just gonna say is this come in in its moments during during the album
15:35I thought that no no loss. No love video, you know instantly made me feel that like the waves crashing around everywhere
15:42Like it's black and white. I noticed you turned everything in your socials black and white before you were
15:47Teasing the album visually. What were you trying to I guess what story were you trying to tell that?
15:52well, i'm so happy you like that video because i'm extra proud of it because
15:57We got to do it with max moore. Who's an incredible director and he's so cool and collaborative
16:02michaels always wanted to
16:04well go back to directing our music videos because he used to
16:07Any music video you see that there isn't a credit on it. He he did it. I think I always
16:12I always was like, why did we not?
16:14say that and he would just I I think we like felt like we would look more legit and
16:19the reality was like
16:20You know michael's dad like driving down a road and him filming me like
16:23With an iphone on the back of the car like so I think we wanted to like
16:28Show people that we were just like didn't have a real band yet. And then we and we don't have any backing or anything
16:34I don't know
16:36But that was really cool. I really wanted to get back into doing that and um
16:41this uh
16:42The black and white thing that's how we started
16:46It felt cool for us because it's like eternal blue is so colorful. Yeah
16:52this is
16:53you know still
16:55It's like this big vast ocean, but it's like
16:58When you're in the depression part
17:00Of being in that ocean not the beautiful
17:05like acid trip color part
17:08It's kind of like that same feeling that we feel when we go back to our island
17:12that's where everything started and we made all of our content in
17:16Black and white because we were doing it all ourselves and we don't know how to color grade. So it's way easier just
17:23Slap a black and white you can go and you know
17:25We go on youtube and do a five minute tutorial how to do on iMovie like in black and white
17:31And same with our photos throw a black and white filter on them
17:35So that's why we chose that because that's kind of like the mission statement
17:40at the beginning of this album is that that all that ever was will ever be it's like you just can't help but go back to
17:47Where you started whether you like it or not nice last song I wanted to ask about specifically is crystal roses
17:52I really loved it on the first list. It was nothing like i've ever heard from your band before
17:57um, what kind of prompted the sounds that we hear on there whether it's like
18:01The kind of I thought it was a bit liquid drum and bassy
18:04Bit at the start or just the way your voice is produced throughout the song. I
18:08I I remember
18:10Michael was just playing this
18:13thing and it sounded very like
18:15sad like in like depeche mode and
18:18Like tears for fear sounding guitar
18:23And just had that like weird
18:25Eerie music that I love about like that kind of new wavy stuff
18:29And um
18:31you know
18:33we like
18:34We like uk house
18:36Sound and stuff and we like we like garage and stuff like just drum loops. They just
18:42Have always fascinated us any like sampling or drum loops?
18:46and um
18:47that just felt good over that and then
18:50That's something that that is my my
18:53Propaganda is like i'm always in the back being like it'd be really cool
18:57To do a song inspired by sophie
19:01Because i'm a huge fan of sophie
19:05I love um, I love like the formant thing. I love
19:10even back in the day like bands like the knife like
19:13She would always be singing and then they would have her like her voice
19:18Drop down an octave or up an octave
19:22and kendrick lamar actually does that a lot like with his
19:26like vocals dax, they'll be like they'll go around but
19:28I was really obsessed with uh
19:31Obviously a beyonce song from a couple years ago called all up in your mind on renaissance
19:37And I didn't I didn't know what they were doing because i've never heard anyone's voice like pitch shift
19:42While they're singing down to other notes and then circle back and so that goes through the song and she starts sounding like more
19:50High pitched and then low and just reminded me something that like sophie would do so
19:55Finally, I was like, this is my time
19:58And so I was like, I want to go in there and i'm not going to do a bunch of takes
20:02I'm going to do i'm going to do the vocal and then i'm going to do a couple
20:10And then let's like while i'm tracking it
20:14You know, like, you know
20:15Like slap the autotune so hard and then like you put the use the formant thing and twist my vocals as i'm going
20:23So that way, you know, like how dan was feeling it should be
20:26And I thought that was so fun. I loved I was like, this is what it's like to be like spontaneous and like
20:33Be like partying in the studio and having fun because normally i'm just like I gotta get through this next song
20:39so I love that and I
20:41I just wanted we wanted to make a song that I that I could like dance to I want to
20:46Dance, yeah, it's very danceable. Absolutely
20:49Um, awesome. So you're coming back to the uk this summer, um for download and the lincoln park day, which is very very exciting
20:56I just want to um bring up something that andy copping the download boss said to us a couple of months ago
21:01He said no question. I see spirit box as a headliner in the future. Those are his exact words
21:07I just wondered what thank you. Andy how that um how that is to hear from the man who runs the festival himself
21:13All I can do
21:15Is ho all I can do is just be the best that I can so when that opportunity comes
21:22it's there's no excuse like
21:25We don't have a crew yet and we don't have a someone helping us with the creative direction like
21:31We have to get all those people that we care about on our team ready to for go time
21:38so for me
21:39That would be like the super bowl
21:41you know, so
21:42Like if you want to we're trying to do this this year. We're like don't get ready like stay ready
21:48but the cool thing about that is
21:50All these opportunities we have this year to you know, be like direct support
21:55Uh, or a stadium and stuff like that
21:58It's all gonna be stuff that i'm gonna pick something from each band and learn and I think that I
22:05Like I said, i'm trying to be i've been saying this to everyone i'm trying to be less self-deprecating this year
22:10I'm, very uncomfortable with all this
22:13I feel like someone's pulling a prank on me and i'm gonna walk out there tomorrow at alley pally and you guys are all gonna be
22:18Like ha
22:20Psych you dummy. You thought we were all coming here
22:23we're just here for the pizza and then
22:26And then i'm gonna like, you know
22:27The cane's gonna like pull me off stage and and i'm gonna have to go home and go to bed. So like i'm trying
22:34to be like no the
22:36You're here talking to me because something cool is going on and you're giving me your time
22:41So I can't just sit here being like, oh, I don't i'm i'm a piece of shit. It's fine. Um, no, I
22:48Someone's saying like that. It's like a challenge to me. Yeah, I want to meet again. Yeah, I want to meet like
22:54I'm i'm ready to meet that challenge. So I like it it like
22:57It like as we would say it lights a fire under our ass
23:01We have a lot to learn but I think that we can learn it and I think we could put on
23:05An awesome like the show of our dreams. I really do see it
23:09I mean you've been at download once before I recall 2022 overflowing tent
23:13As it was one of the bands that headlined this year that year was kiss
23:17And um, gene simmons has been quite outspoken even as recently as last month going, you know, rock's dead. There's no
23:23There's nothing exciting at the minute blah blah blah, etc, etc
23:27I just think in the last few years, especially rock and metal had such a explosion of acts pushing it into places
23:33That it's never gone before you guys bad omen sleep token is more obvious examples i'd say for example
23:39Um, I just wondered what do you what do you feel?
23:42Um beyond yourself within your band and within your peers. It's kind of the appetite for for pushing
23:49Heavy music into places. It's never been before
23:54Maybe something that we all have in common. Um
23:58is that
24:00when we've all
24:02Gotten to the next level
24:04We weren't little
24:0718 year old kids like being like, oh sick free beer and let's crash hotel rooms
24:14I I I think that we all
24:18Just toiled and toiled and put every dollar as grown-ups into our dreams
24:24and never gave up and now we all finally have like
24:28the second chance
24:30To do this how we want
24:33and then now
24:36However, all of us had it happen whether slowly
24:39or really fast
24:41we're all
24:43Like at the point in our career where you know for a month for most bands we'd be about 10 years younger
24:49So I think I think maybe that's one of the reasons I think all of us are a lot more like cemented in our identities
24:55And we don't really care if someone thinks
24:58Rock's dead or I don't you know, I I don't care like
25:01I said we say call me whatever you want as long as you call me. I don't I don't care what
25:06What genre it is? I just we all we all feel it. It's heavy music and we all love rock music
25:12So I think that the the next generation
25:17You know, maybe we'll never any of us will get to the point where there's any nostalgia about us
25:22But I certainly think that we can get to the point where maybe the next generation's influenced by us and then they're the big acts
25:29I um, but I see it happening. I think and I said I think it's because
25:34All of us are more confident in who we are
25:36Then if we had all gotten a little bit bigger 10 years ago when we were dumb kids like think about
25:42I I don't know how old you are
25:43But when I was like 18 19, I was stupid and I and I sounded horrible and I made horrible music
25:50So like I think we all probably feel similar to that and now we're like we're grown
25:55So maybe that's like one of the reasons. Yeah, we're all like coming together and that that might sound boring to some people
26:01we all probably like
26:03Have tea in our bed and go to bed rest our voices rather than coffee. Yeah, my decaf coffee, but
26:09I think it's because we
26:11we all we almost thought we were all gonna like
26:13Lose out on this once and now that we all have it like we're never letting go of this
26:18We're gonna work our hardest. Um, I have to quickly touch on the grammys last week. Did you expect the the poppy thing to no?
26:25That was so funny
26:27I feel bad because in our world
26:30everyone's like
26:32Oh, how dare that lady not know who you are. I was like, do you guys know where we are?
26:38No one here knows who we are they are holding a card
26:42and they just interviewed like
26:44Sabrina carpenter and then they're like and
26:48These people and they're just being they're
26:51They're they're our publicist is getting hooked up by these people. They don't
26:55know who we are so i'm sure all that happened is
26:58Well, actually, I don't know because I heard them be like spirit box now
27:02And I was just worried because it was actually like a global outlet thing
27:04There was like a hundred people on a zoom call all getting to ask me stuff and I was like
27:09What if no one asks me anything and then I just go, okay
27:13It was really great. Bye and
27:16And then the lady's like, all right, we're here with rock royalty
27:19and and I was about to be like
27:21That's silly. I'm not poppy and I was like
27:25And and I was just like
27:27That's really funny. Actually
27:29Let's just roll with this and I know I am so passionate
27:33about knocked loose and poppy's success
27:36That I am very well versed in everything that every incredible thing they accomplished last year
27:43So I I think I was like, I feel like I could answer every single question that I'm that they asked me
27:48And so I did and then on I the guys were like, how was it?
27:51I was like I I did the interview as poppy and they went along with it
27:56and uh
27:57It was so I was like, I think this is going to be a very funny
28:00thing and that will um
28:03Be infamous I could yeah, that's so that I thought that was funny and then of course, you know, we we all
28:11All all of us would have liked to have won, but we all were rooting for gojira
28:15and we were standing in line with all of them and they're so humble and nice like
28:19Whenever I do an impression of them, I go like this and they're like no you're going to win
28:24What fuck us we're not going to win and I was like we were just like guys
28:29You opened the olympic ceremony
28:32on on a castle
28:34With blood raining down. Yeah, you're winning this grammy and you know what?
28:38I think that they are so humble like they sat so far in the back
28:42We were like go down there and they were like no we want to sit with our family
28:46I was like, all right. Well, you're gonna maybe miss your speech and sure enough they won and they had to like sprint down
28:52And they almost missed it they took the grammy away and they were like no no
28:57And I thought it was really cool because they used that time
29:00um to be like you need to support smaller bands and support your local bands and
29:05You need to do that or like bands like us aren't gonna be up here. So I thought that was really cool. Yeah
29:12but I never thought that the
29:15Poppy interview would be the thing that
29:17That it would walk away from but we both think it's really funny
29:21Collab's got to be coming at some point. The soft spine video is just the teaser. Surely I have to I
29:26I always that's like my joke with all these awesome people i've met i'm like go ahead and figure out a way to
29:32Pay you to hang out with me. So maybe that maybe we have to go on tour together
29:37Maybe I have to get you to do some songs with me
29:39But like you're hanging out with me whether it's a contractual obligation or not because I think I think she's really cool
29:45Yeah, she is final one. Um really quickly
29:47I know you did a day with jordan fish in the studio last year and it was so much was made of it all this
29:52Speculation a spirit box working with jordan fish. Nothing and um, jordan told us that you just guys did a day
29:58I think it was last january. Um, what was that day?
30:00Like what were the first five to ten minutes of that like two meetings of such?
30:04Creative minds because I know you might have met before but working together for that short space. Yeah
30:09How does that introductory bit go I just really i'm, you know, we've only ever had one person ever produce our stuff
30:16When we've just had like little I call them like playdates with other people
30:19like i'm just so fascinated on how they work and I can see like
30:23Them and being kind of fascinated by how like michael does stuff because everybody does stuff a little bit different
30:29and so
30:30I had a really fun time. Um, jordan has like a lot of very
30:35He just has like a really unique way of making music because I feel like he's really confident and he doesn't second-guess his first instinct
30:43which is really nice for michael and I we could spend
30:47an hour thinking about like
30:49the tempo of something
30:51and working with someone like him
30:55He just moves along quickly. He's got other stuff to do and he trusts his he trusts himself. He knows that's good
31:02there's no reason to
31:03Just sit there and go does it sound like this? Does it sound like that? Do I need to change it?
31:08You know, he's like I made a cool thing. Let's move on
31:10um, but that we made fun of michael for a really long time about that because
31:16Michael all michael did was just like post a picture
31:19Being like in the studio with jordan just to be like what i'm doing today. And the next day he was like
31:24Why did I do that?
31:26Why is everyone freaking out and I was like michael jordan's famous
31:31Don't do that. He's famous people care what he does. And so
31:34We we just make fun of him about it
31:37We're like you have to learn how to deal with your famous friends. You can't just
31:41You can't just willy-nilly go off saying what they're doing
31:44but i'm I think that there there's always going to be some way that we work with jordan because
31:49There I think that both of us really like collabs
31:52And so, you know, he might be coming up with a collab with this artist and maybe he'd like michael and I to help
31:58Help him. Maybe it's not our song. But like we help him with another artist. So
32:03Um, he's really cool. I really I just like hanging out with him and I like watching how he works wicked
32:08Yeah, you gotta take michael's instagram. Yeah. No. Yeah, we were banning from it
32:13I just remember michael just like sending him
32:15Like articles and he's like i'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so and jordan's like
32:20I'm, it's all right. I'm just here to to click on the computer
32:24Courtney thanks so much for your time. Appreciate it tsunami. See spirit box out march the 7th
32:30And uh, all the best good luck tomorrow. Thank you. I'm gonna need the luck. I hope you guys like it
