• vorgestern
Basierend auf den Wereworld-Büchern von Curtis Jobling folgt die Netflix-Serie Der letzte Wolf von Lyssia den Abenteuern von Drew Ferran. Dieser erfährt, dass er einer uralten Familie von Werwölfen angehört und rechtmäßiger Thronerbe ist. Nun muss er sich gegen die tyrannischen Lionlords stellen, um sein Reich zu retten.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/wereworld


00:00Each realm had its own warlord, and all the warlords pledged allegiance to the noble wolves
00:10until the lions came and destroyed them.
00:18Droo, listen to me.
00:20You have to leave tonight.
00:22You're not like the rest of us.
00:24He's over there!
00:26I never killed my mom!
00:30Something else did!
00:37Not the monster people think I am.
00:45You're a wolf.
00:47The wolf.
00:49And that makes you a monster in the eyes of the king.
00:54How can a wolf still live?
00:56If a wolf does live, it could threaten King Leopold's hold on the throne.
01:07So this is the great wolf everyone's talking about.
01:15Well, what are we waiting for?
01:19A rebellion has to start somewhere, right?
01:28You're no warlord.
01:29Nothing more than a moon rider in wolf's clothing.
01:34The wolf has returned!
01:35Stand back!
01:36The wolf has returned!
01:41The wolf has returned!
01:46The wolf has returned!
01:51The wolf has returned!
01:53The wolf has returned!
01:55The wolf has returned!
01:57Let the wolf in, Droo.