• last month
👉 En el exclusivo barrio de Nordelta, Argentina, un jubilado español de 84 años fue víctima de una estafa orquestada por su empleada doméstica. La mujer, junto con sus cómplices, simuló el secuestro de los hijos del hombre para extorsionarlo y robarle 20.000 dólares y 15.000 euros. El engaño incluyó una llamada falsa que llevó al anciano a entregar sus ahorros bajo la presión del supuesto rescate. La empleada, ahora detenida, aprovechó su posición de confianza para ejecutar el plan dentro de uno de los lugares más seguros del país.

👉 Seguí en #CódigoDeNoticiasA24
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00:00We start Código de Noticias with a story that will impact you with the betrayal of a domestic employee to her boss.
00:11The scenario is North Delta, one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Argentina,
00:16that neighborhood to which we all want to look to see how it is lived, what intrigues there are.
00:21We know that there are powerful people, important people, rich people,
00:26but we also know that from time to time situations related to crime appear.
00:32In this case, Sole, we are talking about a man, a retired man of Spanish origin,
00:40whom his own domestic employee deceives him, makes him fall into a trap of those that always outrage us.
00:48Sole, when they call you and tell you, your son is kidnapped,
00:54you have to put money, you have to pay a ransom, this happened inside North Delta.
01:02The man, Zeferín Braga, a man of Spanish origin, I insist, 84 years,
01:07believes in this call and being accompanied by his domestic employee,
01:13he begins to think how to make money to go and pay the ransom.
01:16Sole, they had to pay everything they had on top.
01:20This is what the alleged kidnappers demanded.
01:22How much were we talking about? How much did they have in the house?
01:2620,000 dollars, 15,000 euros.
01:29The employee ends up sweeping the safe box that this retired had in the house,
01:35leaves the house, leaves the neighborhood, goes to the North Delta shopping center,
01:41and there he delivers the money.
01:42To whom? To the kidnappers? No.
01:45To his accomplices, who had made this man fall into a cruel trick,
01:50in a trick of those who leave you in bed.
01:54This man, in fact, Sole, ended up discomposed by this situation.
01:58Discomposed, discomposed. Why? Because it is a VIP robbery, yes.
02:01Because it is a robbery, we are talking about a person who had savings in foreign currency,
02:06because he was a foreigner, but also because it is a betrayal of trust.
02:10Because the person who enters your house is a person you consider trustworthy.
02:14And suddenly he makes a call, a ghostly call, an unreal call,
02:18where he puts your children's safety at stake.
02:21And you are in an unknown country, with an extorsive call,
02:25and you give in. Now, the moment he realizes, that's when he breaks down.
02:31All this happens in one of the places, let's say, more expensive, more guarded,
02:37supposedly safer than Argentina,
02:39within what is North Delta, in one of the neighborhoods of North Delta.
02:43We are in the Los Auses neighborhood. We are seeing images,
02:45while, Sole, it is important what you are highlighting,
02:49because one assumes that in there, there is no risk of theft,
02:54there is no risk of insecurity, there is no risk of these tricks,
02:58that we have seen millions of times, outside of this type of neighborhoods,
03:02on the street. Why? Because criminals call random people,
03:06they pretend to be the victim's children, or nephew, or grandson,
03:10I'm going to send someone to get the money, you have to pay to release your relative.
03:16That happens a lot in the open neighborhoods.
03:19In North Delta, and with your employee, who is of maximum confidence,
03:23she is inside your house, as an accomplice,
03:25it is something that few times has been seen.
03:28This man almost dies of fright, Sole.
03:30This woman is now detained.
03:32The domestic employee, who is of Paraguayan origin,
03:36who has, now we are going to review his personal data,
03:39that he now has on his head, in the indictment,
03:42that has to do with the robbery and the scam.
03:46Ester Raimunda Llugra is her name.
03:48This is the woman we see with both, with both doctors,
03:51but hey, that was her uniform of work.
03:53Of course, North Delta protects you from the outside,
03:55but in this case, the enemy was inside.
03:58An extorsive call, and this is the key,
04:00a call that, obviously, her accomplices made,
04:03where she took advantage of the fact that the two children of this retired foreigner
04:07had gone to eat, that is, they were not at home,
04:11to simulate a kidnapping and quickly ask for the rescue.
04:14The woman had already studied the entire internal movement of this house and this family.
04:21This information, which is very difficult for criminals to get,
04:25had been obtained by the woman herself, from her workplace,
04:29every day gathering information to know that in the house, among other things,
04:33there was this, Sole, inside a safe.
04:36A lot of money, 20,000 dollars and 15,000 euros.
04:40A safe that she ends up opening by force,
04:43because obviously this man first says,
04:45yes, I have this money, I put it to save my children,
04:49but then he begins to realize that here,
04:52obviously, they were all conspiring against him to rob him.
04:57How do you defend yourself from an intimate enemy?
05:01Seferin Fraga Barro, 84 years old,
05:05Spanish, retired, a man who, due to his ancestry,
05:10charged money from his country in euros.
05:14We have also seen this many times in other situations,
05:18where in non-closed neighborhoods, not as safe as Nordelta,
05:22the voice begins to run, the Italian retired, the Spanish retired,
05:25who charges the pension, who is sent from Europe, who charges in euros,
05:29and then the criminals fall to ask for precisely that loot.
05:33In this case, the one who had studied all the movements,
05:36was his employee, the woman who worked in the house for years,
05:41who was of maximum confidence,
05:44and who is going to take care of passing them to their accomplices.
05:47The right date for the moment in which they had to make the call.
05:51The children had gone to lunch, they were not there,
05:54the man was not going to be able to contact them.
05:56Then hurry Seferin to drop the money.
06:02As this had a difficulty, because he at some point began to suspect,
06:06she ends up breaking the box, takes out the money,
06:09and goes to the Nordelta shopping center to deliver the ransom.
06:14The ransom was what she obviously raised.
06:16In reality, he was giving the money,
06:19stolen from his own accomplices who escaped.
06:22Well, the neighborhood for many is an enigma.
06:24What happens in Nordelta?
06:26Is it a country within another country? Is it a walled place?
06:29We are located in Nordelta,
06:31punctually in the Los Auses neighborhood.
06:33It must be said that Nordelta is immense.
06:35And inside there are many neighborhoods.
06:38Each of those neighborhoods has a private security of the neighborhood.
06:42And entering Nordelta also has its security.
06:46But, attention, because in a little while you will understand this,
06:49not to the shopping center.
06:51Why do I separate this from you and why do I tell you about the shopping center?
06:54Because here money is exchanged.
06:57Do you understand that there is so much security
06:59that the criminals enter, put their ID to be able to pass?
07:02No. Everything happens in the shopping center.
07:04But this is Los Auses.
07:06In the Los Auses neighborhood.
07:07In one of these houses, obviously we are not going to individualize it,
07:10lives Eferin.
07:11She was with her employee.
07:13To enter the neighborhood, as Sole said,
07:15you have to pass a private guard.
07:18Then you take the common streets
07:20that all the inhabitants of the different neighborhoods of Nordelta use,
07:24which is a real city,
07:25and you get to the last door,
07:28to the last line of surveillance that Nordelta has,
07:31which is the one that blocks the entrance of strangers to the neighborhood area.
07:36From there you go to the shopping center, which is free of charge.
07:39Anyone of us can go to that shopping center.
07:42That is why the domestic employee goes out with the money and makes the delivery.
07:47And look at what this shopping center is,
07:49where many inhabitants of Nordelta go,
07:52but also people who want to go for a walk or buy there.
07:55In that place is Gabriel Prosper, and with our mobile,
07:58live information.
07:59Gaby, good afternoon.
08:02Send it to Ester Con Laguita, dad.
08:05That was the desperate message
08:07that this 84-year-old heard
08:10in the false extorsive call.
08:13Send it to Ester Con Laguita, now!
08:15Or they'll kill us.
08:16And Ester came.
08:18He came here.
08:19Supposedly the place coordinated
08:22with the alleged kidnappers
08:25of the children of this retiree.
08:28Look at the parking lot,
08:30the shopping center.
08:32In the background, the buildings with the departments
08:35in one of the neighborhoods of Nordelta.
08:38An absolutely crowded area.
08:40Look at you.
08:41There are no cameras there.
08:43So that you tell us while you are describing,
08:46because one imagines that in this investigation,
08:49you do not imagine what the investigators are saying,
08:52there is a surveillance of security cameras
08:54to try to identify those who took the money,
08:56those who are with that employee.
09:00If the car was here,
09:02as the investigators believe,
09:04in the parking lot,
09:05surely it will be easily identified,
09:08unless the patent was covered or blurred.
09:14There is the camera.
09:15Precisely these cameras that are here,
09:17they could identify them immediately.
09:20But of course, the woman arrested speaks.
09:23The investigators already know
09:25who are the accomplices
09:27who have in their power the 20,000 dollars
09:29and the 15,000 euros.
09:30They already know in which car they were going,
09:33or at least they were here with the woman
09:36to agree, in quotation marks,
09:38the delivery of that false rescue.
09:41Obviously, they are already close.
09:44In the next few hours, Rolando, Sole,
09:46we will have news about these subjects.
09:49They would not be far away,
09:51at least that is what the investigators believe.
09:54But I reiterate,
09:55the chosen scene, if you want, is ideal.
09:59Look at the number of cars there are.
10:01I reiterate, they enter, leave,
10:04park next to each other,
10:07the movement of the shopping center,
10:10but of course, cameras everywhere.
10:13And the countdown for an announced arrest,
10:16because these subjects do not have much more time in freedom.
10:20Ceci, you have more information to add on this,
10:22because there is an investigation that is in full swing,
10:26that is advancing, right?
10:28Yes, this woman, Esther,
10:30spoke against the investigators,
10:32but before the prosecutor she refused to testify.
10:35We already know that it is the first instance of defense.
10:38Now they are looking for these accomplices
10:40and they are checking the security cameras.
10:43It is a very risky robbery.
10:45If they come in a very large boat,
10:47as you say, it is full of cameras.
10:49So it's a matter of hours,
10:51maybe minutes, for them to be arrested.
10:53Ceci, how many people are looking for the arrested employee?
10:57How many accomplices do you think there were?
10:59At least there were two accomplices.
11:00There may be more,
11:01but they think there were several people
11:03with whom she met in this shopping center.
11:06Let's see, if one thinks, what was the criminal plan?
11:09The criminal plan was that the robbery was never linked to the employee.
11:12The employee answered the phone,
11:14kidnapped the boys,
11:16boss, give me the money,
11:17well, I make the sacrifice and deliver it.
11:19And so far it was not linked.
11:21The issue is when this goes wrong.
11:23And now, obviously,
11:24from that employee there must be data in the house,
11:27there must be a copy of the ID,
11:29a copy of the address.
11:31This is a plan that ends and that went wrong.
11:34Of course, she made a great simulation that went wrong.
11:37We have to see what is, let's say,
11:39the mistake she makes,
11:41that they discover it, because they discover it quite quickly.
11:44This robbery happened yesterday afternoon
11:47and she is already arrested.
11:48There was a mistake that allowed the investigators to know
11:52that she was the author of this great simulation.
11:55That she was not a victim anymore, Ceci,
11:57that she was part of the plan.
11:59We are seeing the dome.
12:01You were saying, Cecilia,
12:02that the investigators are asking for the images of the mall.
12:06They are checking them,
12:07they must have the exact time at which the payment was made,
12:09because the employee had to have left a record of all this.
12:14And what we are seeing is the slave.
12:16Of course, and this is all monitored.
12:18I would tell you that from this robbery
12:19we will see a great brother in the next few days,
12:22because surely the whole sequence is registered.
12:24Javi Díaz, you have more information.
12:26Yes, let's see,
12:27what Serafín has reported in the first instance,
12:30who is this man, the victim, of 88 years,
12:33is that she tells him that, as you mentioned,
12:37she had received a call from the granddaughter
12:41saying that they had had problems at the bank
12:44and that she gave him permission to break the safe
12:46to get the money and take it somewhere.
12:49She says she takes that money somewhere
12:51near the Puma station, which is there.
12:53There we are seeing it, yes.
12:54Exactly, near that station, and there she gives him the money.
12:58And this is what, obviously, opens the suspicion of,
13:00in this case, the owner of the house,
13:03who rents it, the Spaniard,
13:05that it was actually a lie,
13:07a deception towards her or towards him as well.
13:10So, she makes the corresponding complaint
13:12and everything that she already told about this is told.
13:15Let's see, sleeping or living with the enemy is common
13:18in this type of circumstances.
13:19Javi, the issue of the robbery of the safe
13:21is what appears as the darkest in this whole story,
13:24because it gives the feeling that there is a set up plan
13:27that is well thought out,
13:28obviously, from a criminal point of view,
13:30which has to do with making the owner of the house,
13:32this pensioner, fall into a trap,
13:34into a deception of having relatives in trouble,
13:37they are in trouble.
13:38Now, the woman ends up breaking the safe.
13:40Yes, yes.
13:41There is an issue that, I think,
13:43this man will have to clarify when he can recover,
13:46because we know that he was rewarded, that he was at risk.
13:48There is something that failed in this plan, Javi.
13:50Of course.
13:51Sorry, Javi, but there is also a question
13:53that has to do with the scams and the uncle's story, right?
13:56She could have said,
13:57no, actually, they called me, but it wasn't,
14:00I was wrong, I fell into a trap.
14:02It's like falling into the scam of the scam.
14:04But well, the plan went wrong.
14:06In addition, he had to cut this safe with an iron cutter.
14:09Of course.
14:10In a very violent way.
14:11What happened there?
14:12What happened there?
14:13Let's see, he trusted first, he fell into the trap,
14:15but at a certain point he said,
14:17no, I don't open the safe, obviously.
14:19And there is the employee who decides to open it with a bar.
14:22How is that sequence?
14:23How does the bar get in?
14:25Because if the man was there,
14:26surely the man had the key.
14:28She gave him access, let's say, to what was the room,
14:30and also with this mess he set up,
14:33what he did was...
14:36But she broke it.
14:37To be able to trust, right?
14:38She broke the safe.
14:39To enter the room.
14:40Because what she says is,
14:41they tell me that they will give me the authorization
14:44to break the safe,
14:45to withdraw the money and take it to them,
14:47who were in trouble,
14:48with a problem they had in the bank.
14:50Or the code.
14:51She didn't talk about kidnapping or anything like that.
14:53I say, the boss had a problem in the bank,
14:56the granddaughter tells me,
14:58or she pretended to be the granddaughter,
14:59in this lie, right?
15:00And that's why she told me,
15:02break the safe,
15:03withdraw the money and bring it to me.
15:05And where does this come from,
15:06that she took advantage of the fact
15:07that the children went to have lunch
15:08and pretended to be kidnapped?
15:09Let's see, this was a first version,
15:11because the children were not at home.
15:13And this was what she took advantage of,
15:15this absence, let's say.
15:16It was the moment she found
15:18when the man was more vulnerable.
15:20Of course.
15:21But let's say, what she says is,
15:23they told me that they,
15:25the man, Serafín and his daughter,
15:27who had gone to the bank,
15:28were in trouble in the bank.
15:30I don't know why.
15:31And they needed the money fast.
15:33That's what she argues
15:35for the purpose of this.
15:36The cause is guaranteed as theft.
15:37Of course.
15:38Because as there was violence in things,
15:41in this case in the safe,
15:42and then they brought the money,
15:43and then, as Cecilia said,
15:45well, beyond the fact that she refused to declare,
15:47the cause continues.
15:48At least there are two,
15:49as I said, two suspects,
15:51who participated together with this woman.
15:54The case, Javier, Ceci,
15:56reminds me a lot of that of Roberto Wolfensohn,
15:59Pilar's engineer,
16:01from the neighborhood La Delfina,
16:03who in February of last year,
16:05there we are watching the video
16:07of the entrance of this exclusive neighborhood
16:09from another area, Pilar,
16:11we are talking about,
16:12electronic engineer,
16:14Roberto Wolfensohn, 71 years old,
16:16who appears dead in his own house,
16:20inside the country.
16:21And in the room.
16:22In the room.
16:23There it is.
16:24That room that we are seeing.
16:25At first, what they say is,
16:28he dies of a heart attack.
16:30For this, it was immediate news.
16:34Because a first foreman of the police says,
16:36he died of a heart attack.
16:38They send him to the autopsy operation
16:41and discover that they had actually strangled him,
16:44that they had passed him a thread,
16:46a string around his neck and had killed him.
16:48That's where all the speculations began
16:50about what had happened.
16:52They started talking about a robbery, Javi,
16:54while I'm telling people.
16:55We are seeing the entrance cameras
16:57of the day of the event,
16:59where what is seen,
17:00and this generated the first suspicion
17:02of the investigators,
17:03is the domestic employee of Wolfensohn,
17:06Rosana Paniagua,
17:08who comes out loaded with a backpack,
17:12to which she is later filmed
17:14at the Dercky train station,
17:16sending messages.
17:17No, wanting to sell the phone.
17:18With a phone.
17:19At this moment, she wants to sell the phone
17:21to that blonde woman.
17:22She takes out the phone, sends messages,
17:24offers another phone for sale,
17:26stays sending messages.
17:28With all this, they begin to reconstruct the situation.
17:31Rosana Paniagua,
17:32the investigators say,
17:34is hiding something.
17:36This woman is interrogated.
17:37The woman says,
17:38no, the truth is that I was at home
17:40and the man, Alberto Wolfensohn,
17:43had a hidden homosexual relationship.
17:46He was in a relationship with a woman.
17:47With a neighbor.
17:48I saw them kissing.
17:50They got angry.
17:51There was a whole violent situation.
17:53The crime ended up happening
17:55and I was scared.
17:56Look how he's manipulating the phone.
17:58Then the investigators
17:59meet these images
18:01and say, no, this woman lied.
18:03This woman, actually,
18:05what she did
18:06was to steal from her boss.
18:08She was an intimate enemy
18:10who ended up
18:11looting everything in that house.
18:13The phone,
18:14a candelabra,
18:16a speaker,
18:17to escape with the loot
18:19and then try to sell it.
18:20You know that, in this case,
18:21how do they discover the fact?
18:22Because this could have happened
18:24for a long time,
18:25like a sudden death
18:26or a heart attack,
18:27and nothing else.
18:28Because the first expert who arrives,
18:30observes the scene,
18:31observes the body,
18:32says, no,
18:33everything denotes, precisely,
18:35a heart attack,
18:36a health problem.
18:38a forensic doctor
18:40who arrives later,
18:41tells the prosecutor,
18:42look, doctor,
18:43let us take a sample
18:45of the body
18:46and take it,
18:47because it has some marks
18:48that raise my suspicions.
18:50That's when they take the body,
18:52do the examination,
18:53on a Saturday,
18:55and when they finish
18:56doing the first examination,
18:58they say, doctor,
18:59this man was hanged.
19:00And that's when everything
19:01becomes clear.
19:02How dangerous it is to fall, right?
19:03How dangerous it is to fall
19:04and see the body.
19:06For one, it was, no,
19:07a little more,
19:08he died,
19:09it was a natural death.
19:10That doctor
19:11ended up being prosecuted.
19:12He had a history
19:13of errors,
19:14so to speak.
19:16An oligarch doctor.
19:17Yes, an oligarch doctor
19:18from the San Isidro
19:19Judicial Department.
19:20But what we wanted to show you
19:21is this modality
19:22of the intimate enemy
19:23with a retiree
19:24as a target
19:25is being repeated.
19:26Before it was Pilar,
19:27now Nordelta,
19:28and there are more
19:31of a violence
19:32that usually
19:34when one
19:35sees it,
19:36observe images.
