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Today I ranked 7 loved and 7 hated fortnite seasons throughout Fortnite's history. Enjoy and let me know if you want to see something like this again! Enjoy!

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Hey everyone it’s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another fortnite battle royale vid in Fortnite Chapter 6! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible. Hope you enjoy!

#fortnite #sypherpk #chapter6
00:00Fortnite has had more than 30 seasons.
00:03Some of them have been loved and some of them
00:05have been hated, both for very good reasons.
00:09Today I'm going over Fortnite's seven most loved
00:11and seven most hated seasons to try to figure out
00:15what went right or what went wrong.
00:17So we're starting with loved season number one,
00:20chapter one, season four.
00:21And I am very much looking forward to this season
00:24when it comes back in Fortnite OG later this year
00:27because we didn't get to experience it last year.
00:29This is really when Fortnite started to get extremely
00:31popular and started peaking in terms of player count
00:34in early chapter one.
00:35It also gave us our first live event,
00:38which we will be able to re-experience once it comes back.
00:41We got a fantastic battle pass with the Omega skin.
00:45The guided missile launcher was also added,
00:47a very fun item.
00:48And they even added the first vehicle, the shopping cart.
00:52I also loved landing at Dusty Divot with the hop rocks
00:54and the map felt a lot more complete compared
00:56to the earlier seasons.
00:58But we can't forget, this was also Fortnite's
01:00first ever collaboration with Marvel.
01:02They added Thanos to the game one random morning.
01:04You could just grab the infinity gauntlet
01:05and turn it to him and drop a 30 bomb.
01:07This was really a time where you knew Fortnite
01:10was a special game because of everything
01:11that they were doing with the consistent updates
01:13and our first ever collab.
01:15And because of that, this is regarded as one
01:17of the top three seasons of all time.
01:19But now it's time to flip the script
01:20because we're gonna talk about a hated Fortnite season.
01:23Chapter four, season three, Wilds.
01:26So this was basically Primal 2.0,
01:29which yes, it's also on the list.
01:31They added a mud movement thing,
01:33but they ended up nerfing it.
01:35And the jungle biome was kind of frustrating to fight in.
01:38I actually did not like fighting in it.
01:40A lot of the trees were getting in the way.
01:42There was weird plants.
01:43There was a lot of places where you couldn't build properly.
01:45And there was just a lot of bushes
01:47and people camping in the jungle.
01:49We also can't forget that Fortnite basically broke
01:52the streak of good kinetic weapons
01:53because chapter four, season one,
01:55we had the kinetic hammer, great mobility,
01:57great item in general.
01:58Chapter four, season two,
02:00we had the kinetic blade and mega city.
02:02But then with chapter four, season three,
02:04we got the kinetic boomerang, which absolutely no one used.
02:07Like this was so bad.
02:09It was such a huge step down.
02:11I thought for sure you'd be able to throw the boomerang
02:13and then like teleport to it or something.
02:15It had no mobility and it was very terrible for damage.
02:18They also kept the augments and the augments at this point
02:20were very, very watered down.
02:22It was the wasp jar,
02:24which was one of the most useless items in Fortnite.
02:27And the only thing people really remember about this season
02:30that was really cool was the addition of the mammoth pistol.
02:33It was one of the best weapons ever added to Fortnite.
02:35And if they didn't add the mammoth pistol,
02:37this season would be even more hated.
02:39Now, before I continue this list,
02:40I wanna say some of you are gonna say
02:42some of the seasons that were hated
02:44that you actually enjoyed them.
02:45And that's perfectly fine, all right?
02:47I'm going based off of large community sentiment
02:49around seasons.
02:51And not every season is for everyone.
02:53Maybe there's a season that people loved
02:54that you didn't love.
02:55Maybe there's a season people hated
02:57that you actually enjoyed.
02:58And that's part of the beauty of Fortnite.
03:00So let's get to our second loved season,
03:02chapter one, season two.
03:03So we just got this and it's very clear
03:06why this season is loved,
03:07because it is a huge upgrade from chapter one, season one,
03:10which pretty much was a barren wasteland.
03:12We got Tilted Towers, we got minis,
03:14we got impulse grenades, we got campfires.
03:17They're not added yet in the current OG,
03:19but we got a lot of different items.
03:20We even got our first battle pass
03:22with a lot of iconic characters
03:23like Black Knight and Sparkle Specialists.
03:25This is also when they started adding emotes
03:27and dances to the game.
03:28And we got one of the most iconic LTMs ever, 50 versus 50.
03:32There's not much more to say about this season.
03:34Everyone who played it loves it.
03:36And a lot of people are enjoying it right now
03:37in Fortnite OG.
03:38But now it's time for hated season number two.
03:41Chapter three, season four.
03:43And this one pains me
03:44because my skin did come out during this season.
03:47So even though I have a lot of love towards this season
03:50and this time in Fortnite,
03:51the actual season itself was pretty mid.
03:53The chrome idea was kind of cool,
03:56but it ended up just being a little bit annoying
03:58of a mechanic and there was a lot of glitches
04:00and bugs with it.
04:01And then even the chrome weapons was a really cool idea.
04:04You'd grab a weapon and the more damage you did,
04:06it would upgrade by itself.
04:08That's a cool idea if the guns didn't actually suck.
04:11The chrome assault rifle, the chrome shotguns,
04:13they were all really bad.
04:14And we can't forget how bad the live event was.
04:17This is one of the worst live events we've ever had.
04:21It was just a cut scene.
04:22The entire island exploded.
04:23And then afterwards,
04:24we did some UEFN quest simulator for 45 minutes.
04:28Everyone was so confused.
04:30Overall, it was a very mid season,
04:32but because of how bad the live event was,
04:34people really hated it.
04:35But they didn't hate loved season number three.
04:38Chapter three, season one.
04:40This was a great start to a Fortnite chapter.
04:43We went from the chapter two map,
04:45which not a lot of people liked,
04:46to a very fresh, almost OG feeling chapter three map.
04:50On top of that, we finally got the Spider-Man collab
04:53and they added the Spider-Man mythic glove,
04:56which worked fantastically.
04:57You actually felt like you were playing a Spider-Man game
05:00when you were using it.
05:00They added a bunch of new features like the tents,
05:03the victory crowns, the MK7,
05:05our first like first person gun in Fortnite.
05:08And overall, this season was just very well received
05:11with a solid battle pass
05:12and a lot of people coming back to the game.
05:14And now we move on to hated season number three.
05:17Chapter five, season three, Wrecked.
05:20So I appreciate that Fortnite took a big risk
05:23with changing the gameplay
05:25and focusing on these new vehicles and items.
05:27But of course the risk did not pay off.
05:30We saw an all time low player count
05:32shortly after the season launched.
05:34There was a lot of people complaining on stream,
05:37on social media.
05:39The cars were very powerful.
05:40The season for me was fun for the first 10 to 15 days.
05:44But after that, it got very repetitive
05:46and I was kind of overwhelmed
05:48by the amount of overpowered items
05:49from the explosive bow to the nitro
05:52in its earliest form was absolutely ridiculous.
05:54And the nitro fists as well caused a lot of rage.
05:57It was just a very unbalanced season
05:59and it had a decent battle pass to be fair.
06:03And it was a good attempt
06:05at changing up the pace of Fortnite.
06:07They definitely changed the pace, but for the worse.
06:09And I'm not gonna blame Epic for trying things
06:11because they very, very quickly pivoted back
06:13to what actually worked.
06:14So let's talk about something that actually worked.
06:16Chapter Fortnite OG.
06:18This was Fortnite OG when it first came back.
06:21They broke records.
06:23They had 6 million average players every single day.
06:26The announcement was super hype.
06:27It caught a lot of people off guard.
06:30And overall that entire month was just packed with content.
06:33We went from season five to season X in just four weeks
06:37with constant updates, constant new items,
06:39constant map changes.
06:40And a lot of our old friends came back
06:43to play Fortnite again.
06:45Honestly, this season should have lasted two months
06:47instead of chapter one, season one.
06:49And I think most people wouldn't have complained
06:51if that was the case.
06:52People were actually sad when this season ended
06:54with the black hole, but they were very happy
06:57when the next season ended with a black hole
06:59because the hated season number four is chapter one,
07:02season X.
07:04This was a very controversial season.
07:05It was the first season where a lot of people
07:07actually were upset with Fortnite
07:09and there was the trend and hashtags going on
07:12for Fortnite to fix the game.
07:13Fortnite added mechs and mechs were a way
07:15for players to get easy and free wins.
07:18They were very powerful.
07:19They did a lot of damage
07:20and they killed people in an instant.
07:22They also went a little crazy with some of the POIs.
07:25They had the taco Tuesday at Greasy Grove
07:29where you just started dancing every minute.
07:32They had zombies at Retail Row.
07:35They had the prop mechanic at Moisty.
07:37So the whole map was unstable.
07:40They had a bunch of crazy overpowered things
07:43like the mechs and crazy overpowered items.
07:45Every POI was just kind of like had a weird quirk to it
07:48and people were not happy.
07:51So when the black hole eventually consumed the season,
07:53people were very, very happy to kind of reset
07:56and start from scratch.
07:57And this is more of a personal thing,
07:59but I'm not a big fan of the battle pass for this season
08:01because it is just like remixed battle passes
08:04from previous chapter one seasons.
08:05And I'd rather just like they have made fresh
08:08or newer items and I don't really see people
08:10rocking this stuff, but that's just my opinion.
08:12But now we're gonna talk about loved season number five,
08:14chapter two, season four, our first full Marvel season.
08:18We had a bunch of awesome Marvel mythics,
08:20a full Marvel battle pass.
08:22They brought back the pump shotgun.
08:24The Stark rifles were great.
08:25This was a great time in gaming.
08:27And even in the competitive scene,
08:28people were having a good time with the trio FNCS.
08:31We had a lot of iconic clips from Mongrel,
08:34Benji Fishy, Mr. Savage, and to top it off,
08:36we were building up hype for the Galactus live event.
08:39And even though the event was a little bit underwhelming
08:42in terms of like how quickly
08:43we were able to take down Galactus,
08:4516 million people attended that event,
08:47making it the most attended event in Fortnite history,
08:51making it one of the most beloved seasons ever
08:54and one of the best seasons of chapter two,
08:56but not all chapter two seasons were loved
08:59because we need to talk about eight of season number five,
09:01chapter two, season one.
09:03This was right after season X.
09:05We had a brand new map, but Epic took it a step back,
09:09a little bit too far back.
09:10They removed almost everything.
09:12We went back to our basics, just the pump shotgun,
09:14the AR, some minis, some big pots, and some grenades.
09:18But the issue was we were okay going back
09:20if there was gonna be some updates,
09:22but this season took four months long.
09:24And the only update we got was the harpoon
09:27being added to the game and a Star Wars collab,
09:30which was more of an advertisement.
09:31It was just way too bare bones
09:33and people lost interest very quickly.
09:36That mixed with some delays
09:37and a lot of people that I personally knew
09:39stopped playing during this season
09:41and moved on to other games.
09:43But now let's talk about loved season number six,
09:46chapter one, season five.
09:49This was an iconic season.
09:50This was the season we went back to in Fortnite OG.
09:52We added the new desert biome with Paradise Palms,
09:55which is a fantastic POI.
09:57They even added it to their new reload map.
09:59Lazy Links and ATKs were introduced.
10:01Kevin the Cube spawned on the map
10:03in the middle of a tournament,
10:04and we started getting a lot more of the Fortnite lore.
10:07A lot of the items and guns that we love today
10:08got introduced during this season,
10:11like shockwaves, grapplers, and the heavy sniper.
10:14They also added toys,
10:15which was a fun new mechanic to the battle pass.
10:17And we had our first comp events with the summer skirmish
10:20where a lot of your top streamers and creators
10:22competed for the first time.
10:24Overall, it was a fantastic chapter one season.
10:26So now it's time for hated season number six,
10:29chapter three, season three, Vibin.
10:31So this was a Vibin season.
10:33I don't remember much from it
10:35besides the little plants that you put down.
10:37You can get loot from them,
10:38and they would save from match to match.
10:41The POIs, like the reality tree, were pretty to look at,
10:44but not that fun to fight at.
10:46They vaulted the MK7,
10:47which people actually really liked the MK7.
10:49We also had the two-shot shotgun,
10:51which was just a really bad shotgun.
10:53And we had the charge SMG,
10:56which was just one of the worst SMGs or guns, period,
10:59that they've ever added.
11:00The only redeeming factor this season
11:02was that we finally got the Dragon Ball Z collab,
11:05which was one of the biggest collabs in the game.
11:06And we had Darth Vader in the battle pass.
11:08And if you're a Star Wars fan, that's a big deal.
11:10Other than that, it was a pretty mid season.
11:12But now let's talk about loved season number seven,
11:15chapter two, season two.
11:17We finally got the mythic weapons.
11:19We have the mythic bosses.
11:21They added a bunch of new POIs.
11:23The agency, the shark, the grotto, the yacht.
11:26It was a really good time.
11:28We had a very good collaboration with Deadpool.
11:30And the live event with Midas
11:31at the end of the season was amazing.
11:33We got to see Jonesy in his office.
11:35We got the huge tsunami storm
11:37for the last few days of the season
11:38before going on to chapter two, season three.
11:40And we had an iconic battle pass
11:42with characters that people still love to this day.
11:45It was so good that Epic decided
11:46to give us a chapter two remix season.
11:48And the numbers did perform well,
11:50even though it wasn't as hype as the chapter one OG season,
11:53it still had over 4 million average players.
11:55But now for the final hated season on this list,
11:58hated season number seven, chapter two,
12:01season six, Primal.
12:03Now the thing is,
12:04some people swear they love this season and that's fine.
12:06But for me, the new POIs absolutely sucked.
12:09They weren't made for building.
12:11And back then there was no zero build.
12:13The whole map was like orange.
12:15The makeshift weapons were extremely bad.
12:18And the Primal weapons were either really bad
12:20or really overpowered, like the Primal shotgun.
12:22They added these new mythic boots
12:24that you had to do a whole side story mission to get.
12:27And once you got them, they were very useless.
12:29You had to jump like three times just to redeploy.
12:31I personally wasn't a fan of the bows.
12:33Some people liked them,
12:34but to me they were just very finicky.
12:36And I remember a lot of people were complaining
12:38about this season on social.
12:40So if people want to rewrite history
12:41about some of these seasons, that's fine.
12:43I remember I was there.
12:45Let me know if you agree or disagree with this list.
12:47Again, this is just my opinion.
12:49Thank you guys so much for watching.
12:50Don't forget to like and subscribe.
12:52I'll see you next time.