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00:00A game about digging a hole. Yes, that is the name of the game. That is not a description.
00:06I have no idea what I'm doing, but I mean, it's literally in the name. So I can only
00:10assume I'm digging a hole. This might be awful. It might be amazing. Here we go.
00:15What's happening here then?
00:20Okay. Oh, that noise really. Oh, I did not like that. What's he put up? Is it about,
00:28is it going to be buried treasure? House for sale. Only $10,000 with gold treasure in the garden.
00:33It is. Oh, so I assume we have to find that. Buy now and get rich. Interesting. Okay. Super
00:45mega digger 3000 ultimate 2.0 detector set. Explodes when battery.
00:52Sorry. What's this? That's to sell stuff. It's to fix stuff and not to book. I have nothing in my
01:01inventory and I can. Okay. So my only assumption is X marks the spot. So if I dig a hole,
01:20I found stone. Okay. I'm about to find another stone.
01:28I found two stones. So what do I do with stones is the question. Oh, okay. Here we go. This
01:33battery is $1 charge. So I need to find that. Right. So what happens if I don't find anything?
01:37I can sell my stones. Okay. Sell. So I have $3 now so I can charge my battery for $1.
01:46Realistically, I want that shovel for five because this is tiny. This is a trough. So I assume
01:54I win by finding the treasure stone. Coal. Ooh, $2 of coal. Sell that. We have $6.
02:04We can, a jet pack. Unlocks jet pack. Using it consumes energy. Can I buy that? Can I buy a
02:10shovel? Right. So I just made it a little bit bigger. Okay. Coal. So I need six. I mean,
02:20this has already made it way better. So I need to unlock this jet pack. $5. Need one more. Let
02:28me get one more just to, I should recharge, shouldn't I? Or stone. Okay. Sell. I have $7
02:36to my name. I'm going to go for the jet pack because it scares me a little bit. Oh, I don't
02:42like that. Do you see how much energy that used? Okay. Now I want to upgrade my, I want to upgrade
02:54my backpack because right now I can't carry anything. This is a weird game, you know. We
02:59can charge and inventory. Okay. I want to dig one side more than the other. Battery critical.
03:08Sell all of that. $6. $2 charge. Why is it $2 now? Price to fill up depending on the current
03:14battery level. That makes sense. Okay. Okay. We've got some materials. Sell all this. $8.
03:19That allows us to charge and increase the battery. Okay. Now we're moving. I have no idea
03:30how like deep I need to go, but I can only assume it's pretty deep. The whole game is about this.
03:36What's that? Iron. I need to upgrade my shovel again, don't I? Inventory full. $14. We're
03:47working. We're working. So we need to get to $30, which actually should be okay. We
03:50might be able to do this one. Right. What's that? It's like coal.
03:58I mean, as long as we can make like, we only need to make like $4 every single time
04:04and then we can charge our thing fully. Obviously we want to make more than that. Now we can sell
04:10this. $9. We go over here and charge it. That's all it was. $2. Okay. We've got coal again.
04:19$11. All right. Oh, we can upgrade. We can upgrade something. All right. Let's charge.
04:24What do we want? Shovel, battery. I think I want shovel. The shovel is just like the way to,
04:32it's the way to do more. You know, we find more the larger our shovel is.
04:35Yeah. Is that iron? Yeah. The inventory is a little bit stressful.
04:44Like that's so, it's so tiny, but I assume the further down you go, the more like we're finding
04:49more coal now. Whereas I assume when you get even further down, like you just keep finding lower,
04:57like better and better stuff. I don't really know which one we want to get now. Iron? Yeah.
05:02Yeah. This inventory is so shit. Charge that inventory. We're up to 12 slots now. I assume
05:13now we go battery. How much? My inventory is massive. What the hell? $33. Yes, please. $3
05:25charge. I mean, I'm just going to do all of them, aren't I? Like, I just need to,
05:29I just need to upgrade all of them. $30. And then once they've all upgraded $30,
05:34I can definitely find more of each. I mean, I need objects to, what?
05:44I saw it. Here. Yes.
05:52Money bag. Let's go.
06:05Okay. Why did that, why did I struggle there? Sell that. We've got 30. Jetpack. $30 strength.
06:12$6 charge. We have $20. So we need $80. We've got to find enough money to charge.
06:18Okay. So there's little money, money stashes around. That's good to know. I just want to make
06:22this easier to get out though. Sell that. $35. How much does it charge? $6. Okay. So as long
06:28as we're making $6, every time we go down, we're making profit. There's one. This is a very weird
06:33game, but I like it. Do I go for, that should easily be enough. $32. Okay. So we've got $110.
06:40$7 charge. We've got $10. We've got $10. We've got $10. We've got $10. We've got $10. We've got
06:47$10 charge. I'm going to go for, I'm just going to go for shovel. Now we make like, we make,
06:55we make ground. I actually think I could play this game for like
06:59hours and hours and hours. Why not? You know, dynamite for a hundred.
07:07That's full damage. Well, that's good. I wish I knew that. I was kind of thinking to myself when
07:11I fell down, I was like, I wonder if I'm going to get hurt by this. I thought, you know what?
07:16It doesn't seem like the kind of game that would have it. Copper.
07:19We're at seven meters. I assume people go to like a stupid depth.
07:25Do I have to, can I buy health? I can. Okay. Good to know. Let's get some serious,
07:32serious depth now. I don't know how much we get for copper, but actually I need to look next time.
07:37We've got $51. So stone guess is one, coal two, iron five, copper 10. Inventory, I guess. Like,
07:43I want to be able to go down here. How was that? What the hell is that? Why is there like a hole
07:48in the, in the hole? I'm scared. I might just buy a lamp now because I know I'm going to need it.
07:53Oh, you have to place them. So what is this area? I mean, I want to try and make it clean
07:59enough that I can kind of fall through it if I want to. What's that? What the hell is this?
08:07Okay. That's, it's scaring me. This is scaring me a little bit. What did I just find? Silver.
08:11How much is silver? 20. Okay. We take that. I am going to buy a lamp. Uh,
08:16battery, I guess. I need to place a lamp here, don't I? Money.
08:24I got a key. What's a key for? It doesn't say opening things because that's obvious.
08:27Like this. I want to make sure I can literally just fly straight up if I want to.
08:32I could do dynamite. Dynamite is just going to destroy all the ore though, right?
08:38Are you taking the piss? Is that just the edge? I'm going to just assume that's the edge.
08:44We're going to carry on going down. I think we can find more. I want to find more silver.
08:51Like that. What's this? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what this is.
08:57I think we can find more. I want to find more silver. Like that. What's this? Sorry. I don't
09:03want to destroy the light. Okay. That gets me out pretty quick. 165. How much is it for the next
09:10thing? 300. You know what? I'll buy another lamp just in case. What the hell am I doing with this?
09:16Is this just going to be something I have to just go round? Is that it? I'm determined to
09:19find out. I'm not giving up until I find out. What is that? Wait, what's that?
09:23What the hell is that? Oh my god. What is that? I found a cave. There's a lot of silver here.
09:32Uh, let me just put that there. So we can upgrade our inventory. So when I go,
09:40are you? This game, man. This is a vast chasm. I think we've got quite a bit of silver in this.
09:47Okay. Inventory full. Like, I think this could be worth a decent chunk.
09:56$230. Yeah. I mean, it is $300 is the only thing. It's saying down, right? So do I just,
10:01do I just keep going down? So I think I might be directly above it.
10:07And the more it beeps, the closer I am. But I should have enough. I need to buy another
10:11lamp as well. Okay. We're earning money now. Buy another lamp. Battery. Yeah. Battery will work.
10:21Can I like clear out this? What is this monstrosity? I wonder if you can, like,
10:27is there an end to this game? I guess so. Once you find the treasure, right? That's the end.
10:32I think I'm going to spend well over 10,000 on it. What is the port? I'm confused. Maybe
10:36that thing is just there to, it'll just basically hold me up the whole time.
10:42Okay. Charge. Jetpack full. So we're going for $600 now.
10:50Are you taking the, I should go around here so I can, my light can shine more.
10:55Shine, light, shine. Let the cave be illuminated. You know what?
11:09I'm finding the end of this. So how far does this go this way?
11:18Are you serious? I'm really confused by this. 205. Upgrade to drill. Oh,
11:23I would not say no to a drill. Right. Let's get this here. Yeah. Look,
11:29it's gone to two circles now. I feel like I'm not doing this the most efficient way,
11:35but I'm scared. Okay. 600. We can do it. Do that. I'm gonna do that. I am shovel.
11:41What does that mean? Oh my God.
11:48Okay. That's pretty sick. I was just doing that to see what it was. Can I use this on it?
11:53No. Yo.
12:00I'm not even seeing oars now. This is crazy. What's that? Through here. Okay. We're very
12:05close to whatever that is. It had three circles. 230. Easy. Like I'm not even seeing the oar when
12:10I do it. I just, I just hit. See, I like it. I'm trying to make it so I can literally just jump
12:16through. I'm trying to make it like a perfect tube so that I can just jump down and I don't
12:20have to stress. 600. Charge that. All right. Inventory. Yeah. Okay. So let's make this
12:32a little bit more accessible and then we can go.
12:44Oh my God. I did not notice my battery was low.
12:50Okay. I wasn't, that one wasn't great. $200. It's okay. I can, I can easily.
12:58Yeah. Uh, we still got one more. Okay. So I need to get, I need 600. What is in here?
13:06That's the question.
13:11Silver. What's that? Is that it? Wait, don't tell me that's gold. Silver.
13:18Okay. So there was no real point in that. Okay. It was just that dynamite though. I'm not gonna
13:32lie. I low key thought I was going to be the end of the game. So I think these things are
13:35meant to be blown up. Don't know if I did that right. Uh, but I, I'll be honest. I got scared.
13:45Used to destroy rocks and lava rocks. What are lava rocks? Okay. Next time we come up,
13:52we'll be able to upgrade our battery. Gold. Let's go. I don't know how much gold gets us,
13:56but it has to be a decent chunk, right? Now I've destroyed this. I've created this like
14:01straight line. Yeah. Like that. Love that. Okay. Let's upgrade our battery. I should have looked
14:08how much gold earns us. I'm very scared of just opening up a cave. I'll be honest. Yeah. That's
14:13what I was scared of. I think I'm not going to actually destroy this. I might use this as the,
14:18like, my ledge. 440. Let's freaking go. Oh, a briefcase. 108. We take that.
14:30I'm even more annoyed that I bought a lamp now. I make most of my like
14:35debts when I find a cave. What the hell is that?
14:44It said molten rocks, right? So I got rid of the molten rock.
14:52Okay. 535. I'm going to buy the jet pack because I feel like I should.
15:03I'll buy one dynamite. Okay. So we need a thousand, which actually doesn't take that long.
15:07Oh. That's what we wanted to see.
15:21What's in here? What's in here? Oh, more dynamite. 500. Holy crap. Okay. How is there
15:28an entrance there when it's that like, there's a giant hole. You know, I might just go fully
15:35charge up my, uh, oh, gold. Gold. I might just go charge up my, uh, actually.
15:46It's not even a hole. I'm an idiot. I'm such an idiot.
15:50Platinum. Okay. If gold's going for that much. Oh, the stupid rock, man. You know what?
15:57I'm going to just go upgrade it now. We could have stayed down there longer, but you know what?
16:10What? 1300. Platinum sells for a hundred. All right. Two grand.
16:16Boom. Fully upgraded. I am shuffled. Let's see what it does.
16:20Holy crap. Oh, this is the way. Surely I've got, surely that was like a stupid amount of money.
16:321000. Oh my days. If I hadn't bought the other, I could have actually upgraded it. You know what?
16:39Now we can store even more. We only have $3 to our name. Holy cow. So there is actually
16:46an edge of this game. Ah, the inner like nerd in me is wanting to literally empty the whole cave.
16:54Like I want to get rid of every single thing in here. Like, look at this cave
16:57I've now discovered over here. I've created a whole new area. Oh shit.
17:03That was a complete mind blank there. I just wasn't even paying attention.
17:151600. Okay. So my batch, so I literally need 1500 more and then I've upgraded everything.
17:21So money doesn't really mean anything. So I guess the only other thing to do is actually find the,
17:27the ending. Like it's become so easy to actually get rid of stuff now. Look at this.
17:34But because of how easy it is, I now want to actually get rid of it all.
17:40Oh, okay. That's quite an interesting tactic. Just hold drill as I go up and I've done it. Wait,
17:46have I done it? Done. Okay. So now it's just by dynamite and blow it all up. If I just,
17:55no, okay. I don't. I thought I might fall through the speed. I'm going to make, ow.
17:59So it does hurt. What the fuck? I must not have stepped on it yet. So I can literally just
18:03do this now, do that. And then I can go
18:12eight dynamites. I wish the dynamite did a little bit more damage. Cause like,
18:16I wish I could use them to actually make distance. Right. Let me chuck one here.
18:22I'm going to guess that you're meant to do this way quicker than I've done it. I've taken so long
18:26that I've upgraded everything well before I was meant to. Diamond. Oh, this is a big area.
18:34Not that money means much, but you know, there's no way this isn't a stupid amount.
18:37Four thousand. Holy shit. That's a lot of money.
18:45I feel like my only thing left to do is find the end, you know, I'm not going to be able to
18:57empty the whole cave. We made it to 74 meters underground. I can't tell, like,
19:03I'm definitely going slow. Right. Do I think that it's just going to be like a hundred would just
19:11make sense. Right. I basically got, I've got 10,000. Why do I like, why am I, why am I,
19:20this makes no sense. Why am I going for $10,000? I have $10,000. We're really near the end. I think
19:25I don't care about $10,000 right now because I literally have that. We're 85. For fuck's sake.
19:32These are literally everywhere. 93, 95. I'm saying this as if I know it's going to be a
19:39hundred. I'm kind of using this as a, what the fuck? What the fuck? So that,
19:44why does that work? And that doesn't. Yeah. It's a, it has to be a hundred.
19:50The fact that, um, it doesn't work there. Ain't no way. So why is that not working?
19:54What am I about to fall? I feel like I'm about to fall into something. Oh yeah. There it is.
19:59I don't know what it is, but there's a gap. Let me guess. I can't put a light here. Can I?
20:04Yeah. I've actually kind of low-key like low-key cheated by getting that light there.
20:13What is that? Why is, oh, it's a big gap. This game has not been a horror game at all. So I
20:21assume it wouldn't be, but at the same time, why does the light not work? I'm going to get
20:25my last bit of health and get rid of this inventory just in case there's a bunch to
20:31pick up or something. 30K. Let's find out what's down there. Okay. So we just, we go down.
20:37What the fuck was that? The fuck was that?
20:45Ow. Hello?
20:54Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off.
20:57Fuck off. What am I going to do? I can't use dynamite.
21:16Okay. I only made it to there. So it isn't,
21:20it's not super fast. Okay. It's not the fastest. I think I can outrun it. I'm going to save my
21:26game just in case it's annoying. Cause there's, there's a key somewhere else. Like I noticed
21:30there's the, there's the chest in the garage and I have one key. Right? Here we go. Fuck it.
21:45Okay. I'm going through that door.
21:57I think I made it. I think I made it. There's another, there's another, I can hear another.
22:09Oh my God. Did I just, did I just make it through? I don't know if this is the right
22:13way, but I saw a doorway and I sprinted. Oh my God. Don't be another. Don't be another. Don't
22:17be another. Don't be another. Don't be another. Don't be another. Don't be another. Don't be
22:19another. Please, please, please. Where am I going? Yes. It's the money. I found the money.
22:28I've done it. Ladies and gentlemen, I beat the moles. I've completed the game. You see that?
22:35Give me my money. Give me my 10 K. I'd have to make it out. Do I like, you know, don't make me
22:40run past them again. There's no money. Don't make me run out. Don't make me run out. Don't make me
22:45run out. Don't make me... Fuck off. Fuck off. Yeah. Brilliant. This whole game set me up for
22:55that. You think it appears? Oh, it's a loop. Right. That's what they were ticking off.
23:08Yeah. Bastards. The game got me. So the guy in here.
23:17Mole people. It's mole man from the Simpsons. Okay. You know what? Well, I'm happy I've
23:21completed it. That's how I see it. Oh, that's so frustrating though. This whole game just to
23:26be killed by a mole. Thank you guys for watching. Uh, if you know any more games like this, let me
23:29know. Fun game. I enjoyed it. I'd actually love to be able to just get rid of every single bit
23:34of rock and dirt. I don't know why. I just, I, that's just, yeah. Thanks for watching. Peace.
