• last month
00:00Carver hi I was watching with you yesterday the TGL I noticed the euphoria
00:08and enthusiasm the joy the fun the high-fiving the laughing the personality
00:15the interviews the chippins the putts the craziness of it all and I'm sitting
00:24here watching this going this is better than the tour this is like more exciting
00:30than the tour the fans are all drinking and getting rowdy like they were at the
00:36Phoenix you know at the the Bourbon Street open out there at the waste
00:41management in Scottsdale you know I honestly it's rowdy it's crazy it's it's
00:47lit it's a lot of celebrities are there I mean famous people are there rich
00:53owners of NFL teams are there it's it's turned into a hit it really has kind of
01:03turned into a hit you know after those the first initial weeks I think people
01:06first tuned in just to see what it was alike then they tuned in when the first
01:11time Tiger did it they wanted to see Tiger play and now it's gained a little
01:17momentum especially when you consider they had three matches yesterday and all
01:21of them were really close and down to the end down to the last hole and I
01:27think you said it perfectly what what really makes the most difference and
01:31Smiley talked about this also yesterday is that seeing the guys personalities
01:37because you never see that on Thursday through Sunday at the PGA tour I mean
01:43there you're not in a situation where you're hearing guys mic'd up talking
01:47through shots given that you know given the business to other players stuff like
01:53that you don't get any of that you know with with Nance and Emelman you know on
01:58Sunday at 430 you know you're not getting any of that stuff so I think
02:02it's cool to see these guys in that setting I think that it's still from a
02:07betting aspect it needs to start getting put in more states and also I'm still a
02:12little you know it's I think it's still a little skeptical betting on guys
02:15hitting to a screen but if we can get some better betting elements added to it
02:20as well I think that'll even get it going more and it's nice in the winter
02:24right it's just January through the end of March they play these things on
02:28Mondays and Tuesdays at night mostly and for the golf fan it's it's some more
02:33golf content which is pretty cool is it passing golf like I'm telling you
02:42there's something about it that's more appealing than watching on Saturday and
02:48Sunday I know I look I get it it's never gonna change there's not gonna be a end
02:55of the PGA Tour live couldn't do it no one can get rid of golf or pass it but
03:02honestly the it's just so much more entertaining than watching golf on the
03:08weekends you know look people first of all a lot of people don't watch on
03:13Thursday and Friday to begin with they watch the Saturday and Sunday when
03:17they're home on a weekend to see who's gonna win the golf tournament some
03:19people tune it in you know right before 60 minutes whatever to watch the end of
03:25it and the last couple holes and see who wins the money but the reality is this
03:30thing is like really cool it's like you know it reminds me of when I started in
03:35radio how they wanted me to be the king of the 18 to 34 audience they wanted
03:41that that's it right there you just hit it because that's the audience that golf
03:47doesn't really have they don't have that audience and this is a product that is
03:53done in under two hours the guys aren't taking forever you know to walk to their
03:58shots and hit their shot look at the shots they're getting right up there and
04:02they're going they're playing 15 holes in between an hour and a half and two
04:07hours it's constantly moving it's geared towards the younger fan which they don't
04:13have a lot of on the PGA Tour and I think that that's where they hit a home
04:18run is an aspect like that and I think that that's a great part of it you know
04:22so it is tough for people if you're not me and Cam and Stewie you know yeah we
04:28can sit and I'll turn on the golf and watch it for eight nine hours on Sunday
04:33I mean obviously I can't always do that with kids hitting me over the head with
04:36hammers and stuff but well I mean if I could I'd sit there and I'd watch the
04:41whole day of the golf that I am in the minority most people are not going to do
04:45that you know they will not sit there and watch hole after hole of the golf
04:49this is so fast and it's quick fast-paced guys are talking smack it's
04:54it's awesome so I think that it works
