• last month
00:00Milan, who shows up immediately, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris, the cross, nice, second ball, header, goal line, he scored again, Santi, Santiago, Santiago Gimenez, Santiago Gimenez, Santiago Gimenez.
00:23Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, serves Joao, Joao, the save, Theo, outside post and out. Malik, Malik, again from there, amazing ball distributor, throws precise balls, Malik, Theo, penalty area, Theo, he's in the hole, ball that stays away from Feyenoord.
00:48Leao, limit of the area, Younus, the right wide, Kyle, Kyle, the shot, the save, and then Benley Reuters saves on Chris Paul, Ezek Milan, twice, close to 2-0, Joao, Joao makes him run for Rafa, Rafa against Guevara, there's Theo, there's Theo, there's Theo, there's Theo, there's Theo, here's Theo, and Theo finishes on the ground.
01:09Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo, Theo
01:39Full head shot by Reynalds
01:42João tries, soft ball
01:45Head shot, away from them, shot, nothing
01:49No angle unfortunately, no angle
