• last week
KEI and G have been together for 16 years, but their relationship has a rather unique set-up. Opening up to Love Don't Judge, Kei explained: "People judge my relationship because I feel like a dog and G feels more like a cat." G added: "I feel like I've always been like a cat from a young age, certain things about me are just very cat-like." After getting together, the pair discussed their pet identities and decided to embrace this part of them. Kei explained: "I'll bark or growl or whimper, and G can understand what I mean in those moments." Going one step further, the pair even don pet collars to complete their look. In this episode of Love Don't Judge, Kei will be trying a dog bowl for the first time and the couple will hear what Kei's sister, Mia, feels about their relationship. Kei admitted, "I'm nervous. I'm not really sure what she feels about the cat dog personas. It's not something that we've talked about." Reflecting, G said, "Just be yourself, because that's really it."
00:00Hi, my name's Kay.
00:01Hi, I'm G.
00:03My partner feels more like a dog,
00:05and I feel more like a cat.
00:07Today, I'm going to try drinking from a dog bowl
00:10for the first time.
00:11Kay, come get your water.
00:14You look so cute.
00:16I feel like we've really been judged
00:18throughout our relationship
00:20on a lot of different things,
00:21the way we live our life.
00:23We have, like, had death wishes against us.
00:26You know, people think we live a wild life,
00:28but it's just normal to me.
00:30My sister Mia has sent us a letter
00:33to tell us how she feels about our relationship.
00:36When I learned of it, my eyes grew big,
00:37and I fell silent, shocked, and alarmed.
00:42I'm Kay, and this is my partner G.
00:44People judge my relationship
00:46because I feel more like a dog,
00:47and G feels more like a cat.
00:50We basically, we met online.
00:52Yeah, and that was in 2008
00:54during our senior year of high school.
00:56These ones or these ones?
00:59I think ones.
01:01What do you think?
01:02Furry or leather fluffy?
01:04Well, I love the furry ones, you know.
01:06Well, you made them both, so...
01:07I made them both.
01:09G sent me a friend request,
01:11and I liked some pictures
01:14and was like, I like your hat.
01:16So I guess I said something first.
01:19I started socially transitioning when I was 21,
01:23like changing my name
01:25and asking people to call me by different pronouns.
01:28But physically, I started transitioning in 2018.
01:32You thirsty, Kay?
01:34You ready for some water?
01:35Today, I'm gonna try drinking from a dog bowl
01:38for the first time.
01:39Kay, come get your water.
01:46That was really fun.
01:48I definitely felt very doggy.
01:50I saw my reflection in the bowl.
01:52It was unexpected.
01:54Definitely made me feel more in touch
01:56with my dog identity.
01:58Definitely gonna be using the bowl again.
02:00You look so cute.
02:02Hey, pup.
02:04The first year we were together,
02:07we bought a collar and leash.
02:10I guess that was kind of the first time
02:12that I started to feel sort of like a dog.
02:14I love taking photos of each other and together.
02:17It really just helps me, like,
02:19be grounded in my element.
02:21I feel like I've always kind of been a cat.
02:23From a young age, I had a little cat
02:25who, like, basically grew up with me.
02:28Certain things about me are just very cat-like.
02:30We had dogs growing up and also cats,
02:33and I definitely felt more of an affinity with the dogs.
02:36Once we got together, it came out of me more
02:39because certain qualities, like,
02:41the way I feel devoted or, like,
02:43want to, like, be in service or, like,
02:45just want to be near each other
02:47in this sort of, like, companionship way.
02:49Basically, I identify as a black cat
02:51because a black cat is, like,
02:53very misunderstood in society.
02:56I'll bark or sort of, like, growl or whimper,
03:00and G can sort of understand, like,
03:03what I'm meaning in those moments.
03:06I do wear a collar often.
03:08This collar in particular is an actual dog collar.
03:11Mine says, K, my puppy love forever,
03:14and then the back says, if lost, return to G.
03:17And mine just says, G, forever by your side, my love.
03:21My sister Mia has sent us a letter
03:24to tell us how she feels about our relationship,
03:27and I'm nervous to read it.
03:30When we first got together, she was pretty hesitant.
03:34Yeah, it wasn't, like, full onboard support.
03:37I'm not really sure how she feels
03:39about the cat and dog personas.
03:41It's not something I talk to her about.
03:43K and G, at the beginning of your relationship,
03:46I remember you two being young and oh-so-in-love.
03:49K, our mother said it was just a phase,
03:52and even though I saw you happy,
03:54I think I believed that maybe you're dating G
03:57and moving out of state to be with G
03:59as soon as you both graduated high school
04:01was just a symptom of your rebel ways.
04:03With you, I often process things
04:05in terms of trying to protect you,
04:07doing whatever I can to help you be safe and well.
04:10G, it took a while for us to meet,
04:12but when we finally did, it didn't take long
04:14for me to discover that K had found someone special.
04:17I don't know if you know this,
04:18but I was suspicious of your introversion at first.
04:21Over time, I've learned that it's part of your beauty
04:24and part of your reflective, observant, and sensitive ways.
04:27Although I have an unwavering lens of love
04:30and support for y'all, I'd be lying if I didn't say
04:32that some of your changes have thrown me for a loop.
04:35We started making adult films 12 years ago.
04:39Sometimes being, like, in these personas
04:42is included in our adult content, but not always.
04:46When you started producing adult content,
04:48I had mixed feelings.
04:50Nevertheless, it has been interesting to see
04:52how that side of your life has evolved through your films,
04:55which I have not seen,
04:56but I'm proud of y'all for producing.
04:58When I learned of it, my eyes grew big,
05:00and I fell silent, shocked, and alarmed.
05:03While it doesn't ever arise in my daily conversation,
05:06I'd likely feel a bit awkward if it did.
05:09I tend to click away if I see any risque imagery
05:12or footage on your socials,
05:14and that is pretty much my philosophy.
05:16I feel like we've really been judged
05:18throughout our relationship on a lot of different things,
05:21the way we live our life.
05:23You know, people think we live a wild life,
05:25but it's just normal to me.
05:27People have judged us for just wanting to show
05:30something that people think should be private in the public.
05:33I feel like a lot of people have said things like,
05:36Why do you want to put that out there?
05:38Aren't you ashamed to show yourself in this way?
05:41We do have, like, people who will report our posts
05:44and who will be, like, constantly, like, hating on us,
05:47but most of our network is, like, very supportive of us.
05:50We have, like, had death wishes against us.
05:54That doesn't necessarily feel as much about, like, the judgment,
05:58but there was a level of just, like,
06:01an intense hatred toward us, like,
06:04that was unwarranted.
06:06Being judged by others has definitely motivated me
06:10to just be more of myself and put myself out there,
06:13and, like, for every hater,
06:15we have, like, more than one person showing us support.
06:18When people say hateful things
06:20about something they don't understand,
06:22it is an expression of their own ignorance and fear.
06:25We're going to go to the local dog park today
06:28to run around.
06:30When we've gone for walks,
06:32and that's, like, without the ears,
06:34without the mask, just the leash,
06:36we've definitely gotten people staring at us.
06:39I remember one time a family with a baby in a stroller,
06:42like, shielded their child's eyes from looking at us.
06:46People will ask, like,
06:48can I get on the leash, too?
06:50People will honk their horns.
06:52We usually just laugh.
06:54Regarding the cat-dog persona,
06:56that is probably the least processed thing for me.
06:59I don't think I really understand it.
07:01I don't know much about it
07:03and tend not to want to see anything
07:05that would suggest sexy time with y'all.
07:08As two creatives, I see your expression of yourselves
07:11and your love as part of the long unfolding
07:13of your relationship.
07:15It is unique, like you both are,
07:17and as long as you are happy and feeling whole in who you are,
07:20I am happy for you.
07:22Your resilience, forgiving natures,
07:24and commitment to caring for one another
07:26while honoring yourselves leads me to believe
07:28you both will stay together as long as you both desire,
07:30which I'm under the impression is for the long haul.
07:33With love, Mia.
07:35Yay. Good job.
07:39It definitely made me feel emotional.
07:41It's really touching to, like, receive these words.
07:44It's beautiful to reflect on, like,
07:46not just how, like, much we've grown,
07:48but, like, how much also she's grown.
07:50I feel, like, really, like, touched, you know?
07:53She's so sweet and, like,
07:55it just felt good to be, like, seen
07:58and just, like, held.
08:00I think our relationship works
08:02because we really complement each other.
08:04What I love most about G is
08:06how G is just creative and passionate.
08:10There's a certain level of, like, confidence
08:13and just, like, determination
08:15that I just really respect.
08:17What I love about K is
08:20I can be myself with you,
08:22that you also just make other people
08:24feel comfortable to be themselves.
08:26I think that that's a superpower for sure.
08:29And you're a healer.
08:31You help to heal me.
08:33You help to heal the world.
08:35That's so needed.
08:37What I would say to people
08:39who judge our relationship is
08:41focus on your own self.
08:43If you're gonna focus on me, then that's fine.
08:46You can be a hater.
08:47Like, I welcome it, you know?
08:49But all I'm doing is spreading love.
08:51And I would just hope that you would do the same.
08:55Like, just try to spread love
08:57instead of being hateful.
09:00And just be yourself
09:02because that's really it.
