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00:00Herman! Long time no see! Hey, I'm no lawyer, but, uh, I'm pretty sure that's a parole violation.
00:07Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're taking a look at the 10 best Insomniac games.
00:14I mean, we're looking at the best games from Insomniac Games the developer, not games for Insomniacs.
00:21That's another topic entirely.
00:30Before we begin, we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays,
00:35and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:39Disruptor! Now, who's this, sir? That's the top of your class. Troy Alexander? He seems to know
00:45his way around the block. Throughout the mid to late 90s, the video game industry was following
00:50id Software's blueprint in Doom for first-person shooters. Insomniac was among them, as Disruptor
00:56served as their debut title. However, this wasn't just another Doom clone. Sure, it played similarly
01:03in controls, but in combat, it was totally different. Aside from your weaponry, you were
01:07given psionic powers, power-ups at your disposal whenever you needed them, assuming you had the
01:13points to spare. You could fry robots with bolts of lightning, heal yourself, block incoming fire.
01:18Whatever you need to stay on top of the fight is right there for you, and it is super satisfying
01:24to come out of the battle like a one-man army. Marvel's Spider-Man, Miles Morales.
01:45We can admit that the story here may not have been as strong as its predecessor,
01:49but Miles Morales was still one of the best games Insomniac has ever put out. The studio
01:54could have easily just given us another webhead with a few gadgets maybe different from Pete's,
01:59but instead, we got an entirely new mechanic with Venom powers that fundamentally changed the way
02:05we move around in combat. It kind of puts you in a different state of focus than the previous game,
02:10which was a bit more rhythm-based a la Batman Arkham. Plus, even though the story wasn't as
02:15well written, we will always be down for a tighter focused game than something bloated
02:20with more bells and whistles. Ratchet & Clank, Rift Apart
02:40There was quite a lot riding against Rift Apart, as this was the first original entry in the
02:45franchise we had seen since Into the Nexus in 2013. We won't lie, the launch could have been
02:51a little smoother as we experienced animation glitches, but thankfully there was nothing
02:56game-breaking. Overall though, this skyrocketed to be one of the top three games in the franchise.
03:02Rift Apart was just so creative, with its goofy weaponry as you could cause everything to explode
03:08with a single drill hound, turn enemies into 16-bit pixel art with the pixelizer,
03:13or even freeze them by turning them into topiaries. Never before had we swapped between
03:18weapons as quickly as we did here, just to cause as much havoc as the PS5 could handle.
03:28Song of the Deep
03:37When discussing the best games from Insomniac Games, many often forget about Song of the Deep.
03:42Understandable, considering how this game only released as a GameStop exclusive,
03:46which led to very, very few people ever knowing of its existence. Regardless, Song of the Deep
03:53is a wonderful bite-sized adventure that any PlayStation fan should check out. Pilot Marin's
03:59submarine as she discovers the remnants of her father's fantastical underwater tales,
04:04all while finding upgrades to explore more and more of the murky waters. Touching in its story,
04:10captivating in its world design, and exciting in its gameplay,
04:13Song of the Deep was one of the rare non-PlayStation endeavors from Insomniac
04:18that showed the studio's prowess in making smaller titles that still pack a ton of punch.
04:30Ratchet & Clank
04:32Up your arsenal
04:33Not to bring the Lombax and Warbot back up so soon after gushing over Rift Apart,
04:45but it would be a crime to leave out Up Your Arsenal. We'll have a soft spot for the first
04:50two games, but Up Your Arsenal was where the series found its perfect formula. This was where
04:55the controls were as tight as any PS2 game could make them, and the weaponry and visuals pushed the
05:00console to its absolute limits. On top of that, this was the game where we got our hilarious
05:06series antagonist, Dr. Nefarious. And do we even need to mention how fun the multiplayer component
05:12was, even with bots? Sunset Overdrive
05:31It's almost hard to believe that we got an Insomniac game as an Xbox exclusive.
05:41Unfortunately, due to the Xbox One's poor commercial performance and the poor marketing
05:46this game got, it feels as if many folks didn't give Sunset Overdrive a fair shake.
05:51The best way to describe this game is to think if Ratchet & Clank put a heavier focus on rail
05:55grinding and stunts in its gameplay over traditional platforming. You still have absurd
06:01weapons to utilize, but ultimately, the amount of fun you have playing this game is going to
06:05boil down to how well you pull off stunts and maneuvers. And trust us, when you start discovering
06:11ways to move around and make your shots look cool, Sunset Overdrive is going to keep you hooked for
06:16several hours. Spyro, Year of the Dragon
06:39Come on, you didn't think we'd forget about old Spyro, did you? We'll give credits to Spyro the
06:44Dragon for its technical innovations and Spyro 2 for its gameplay improvements, but Year of the
06:49Dragon was a beautiful blend of both aspects. First off, Insomniac provided even more detail
06:56and textures between the character models and environments while introducing more fun themes
07:00for levels. Then you have the different playable characters that offer new ways to play between
07:05vertical platforming, aerial combat, and shooter-based mechanics. And best of all,
07:11no trouble with any trolleys or dumb alchemists deliberately running into danger.
07:16Just collect, explore, and have fun. Resistance 3
07:26And of course, we'd be remiss to leave off a Resistance game, and while it may be a boring
07:31choice to some, it's hard to say any other game in the franchise is better than Resistance 3.
07:36In all honesty, there isn't much different here in gameplay compared to the previous two games,
07:40but the addition of environmental hazards and brand new weaponry were enough to keep us
07:45entertained. As for the story, man, what a hell of a story. We don't want to spoil too much despite
07:53how old this game is, but if you love FPS games with gritty stories, immersive environments,
07:58and cool as hell aliens, then you owe it to yourself to play Resistance 3.
08:04Marvel's Spider-Man
08:21When word got out that Insomniac was making a Spider-Man game,
08:25it was all over. We knew this game wasn't going to be anything less than amazing, and yeah,
08:30it wasn't amazing, it was spectacular. This wasn't just a case of Insomniac copying Rocksteady's
08:37homework with Batman Arkham like most were assuming, and most were treating the game as.
08:42This was every Spider-Man fan's wet dream as we got to swing around in our favorite suits,
08:48use a variety of fun spider gadgets, and fought against Spidey's most iconic villains
08:54throughout the campaign. And at a roughly 20-hour playtime, it was a perfect, well-paced
09:00length even with the couple instances where we were forced to play as MJ. 10 out of 10,
09:05would play again, and again, and again. Ratchet & Clank Future A Kraken Time
09:24I know, so much for clean underwear. Honestly, we don't think Insomniac Games will ever top a
09:31Kraken Time. For starters, this was perhaps the first time when a game in this franchise
09:36truly lived up to the name of Ratchet & Clank, as both of our heroes took the role
09:41of primary protagonist in their own respective stories here, each dealing with their own issues
09:47surrounding their identity, their heritage, and blending into a very touching story.
09:52Gameplay-wise, you had one half dedicated to the usual explosive action we'd come to expect
09:57from the series, while Clank's half was dedicated to unique time travel mechanics
10:02for more puzzle-based platforming. This was Insomniac at their most creative and influential,
10:07not that that ever went away, and to see this eventually get ported directly to PS5 and not
10:13tied to cloud streaming would be a godsend gift for us, for the franchise, and for Insomniac.
10:22The repercussions of leaving your home. The clock is ours.
10:28Whoa, uh, wait. Who? Tell us, what's the best Insomniac game you've played? Did it make our
10:34list? Let us know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more great videos
10:40every day.
