• last month
00:00What we were all just talking about during the break and I like Lucas and Grandy you guys were in the locker room to a
00:05Degree listening to players talk about this these two ideas that are out there
00:11sounds better to you a
00:14One-on-one tournament of all-stars or a USA versus the world all-stars
00:21What sounds better to you? Oh
00:24For me oh
00:27Answer and I guess my
00:29The one thing that I need to get clarified on is are they going to try and that becomes like if they're not gonna try
00:36in either one then
00:38What are we even talking about but I get them to answer that well
00:41I do think that if there was
00:44You know for example a million dollars to the winner, and I've talked about this this WNBA
00:49It's not the WNBA, but it was a women's basketball
00:52And I it's called unrivaled
00:54I think they're doing this little three on three thing and it's kind of fun to like look up and go
00:59Oh, there's Sabrina. You know and there's angel, and there's you know women's basketball players
01:04We're starting to get to know in a full court three on three
01:07They're trying because it matters and they want the money they had a one-on-one tournament the winner got 200 K
01:14Which is more than most of them make in the WNBA so to really make this matter for like Steph
01:20You'd have to give him 80 million dollars to the win right like so let's put aside the money part of it
01:26Let's just say it's a million for the winner in a one-on-one
01:29Contest and you took the the top 32 players that you thought in the association and you had a 32 man
01:37Bracket you had like pool play or whatever your your format was I'm here for that
01:43Okay, more than I am for the USA against the world. I'm a hold. I'm a hold my answer
01:47What do you guys think Lucas Grandi and by the way y'all can weigh in on that?
01:50What sounds better to you one-on-one or USA versus the world they did eight nine five seven nine five seventy
01:55What do you guys think I think what did you hear also?
01:59Yeah, I think there were more more players that were seemingly in on the 1v1 versus
02:04International versus no one said no I will say that everyone seems like yeah that can work
02:08Which is what scares me by the way? I think I question the authenticity of their response Wow maybe go ahead
02:14maybe I think what you brought up last segment about how difficult it would be to field the team's international versus USA because you kind
02:21of have a
02:22decent like top five six or seven in international and then not much after that and then you'd have a lot of
02:27Snubs on the USA team 1v1 to me feels like it's easier to get the participation legit
02:34Participation and players going hard like imagine
02:37Imagine Kyrie out there against Kevin Durant like Kevin Durant's gonna want to try to show up so that Kyrie doesn't
02:43Put him all over the internet crossing him over and falling flat on his face. I feel like you get a little bit more
02:49Of those kind of moments there was a moment in the game last night where it was Kyrie going out of Wemba Niyama
02:55And that was one of the moments where the crowd kind of got into it and Kyrie ultimately crossed him up drove past him
03:00And missed the layup
03:01but you get those sorts of more individualized which where I think it's easier to get like spurts of effort as
03:06Opposed to hoping you get it over the course of an entire game
03:09I think it really only takes a couple guys to really try and then the rest of the group will really try like
03:14Wemba Niyama
03:16Wanted to win this all-star game
03:18He took it really
03:19Personally and when he he saw his teammate Alper and Shang-Goon just give up on that final layup to lose the championship game
03:25He was legitimately pissed like he punched the air. He was so frustrated
03:28He will care something like this Giannis will care as long as there are five six seven guys who are definitely gonna care other guys
03:36Well, they're not gonna want to get embarrassed and that's what's prevented people from taking the all-star game seriously
03:41But you're talking about one-on-one or USA versus the world
03:44I think I think they will care about both
03:47But I want to see the 1v1 because just the clash of styles like you said
03:51Grandi the Kyrie verse Kevin Durant a Giannis versus a smaller player
03:56Wenby versus anybody would be fun and it's something we don't get to see the USA verse the world at least you see
04:02USA play other teams in the Olympics
04:04I mean, it's not like that would be an all-star group of everybody else outside of the u.s
04:09It's a little bit different, but you still see the best players in the u.s. Competitively try against the rest of the I
04:14wonder about the exact opposite point when you say man only takes like one or two people to try and
04:19You got a self a tournament. I kind of look at it the opposite way. This is a one or two people did not and
04:26You're dead. You're dead in the water
04:28Like you're not like and by the way your idea million bucks for the winner
04:32Yeah, if you have a 32 player tournament, you've got to win five games if you were
04:41For a million bucks or again, these people make a half a million every time they play basketball. I
04:47Would question like I what it's probably more of a you're saying works if they do what raises hands
04:56I don't think they're gonna do this makes me think of what Steph said about the effort level yesterday
05:01He said that before they had their all-star practice on on
05:04Saturday in the locker room as they were getting ready to run out Kyrie looked at Steph and he's like so we're trying this year
05:10We're trying and he's like, yeah, and that was it. That was all that was needed and they didn't they did though
05:16I don't think they did. Yes, it was better. But no the presentation screwed it up
05:21In between not not between games in the middle of one of the games
05:25It was 11 to 1 the OG's were ahead and they took a 30-minute break. Was that 30 minutes at least 17?
05:34But yes, it felt like that no one tried because they were they've been sitting out there
05:42Understand what was going because we were hosting the show game to 11. I thought yeah, I'm like is it oh
05:47Did they get Scott?
05:47I had a two-year-old in the bath and you know, you try not to leave her in the bath for too long unsupervised
05:53But I kept going back and forth in the bedroom five steps away. And finally, I'm like forget you game
05:58I'm gonna sit here and stare at my daughter and you know
06:01Try and do bath time because this thing was so stupid and even worse the international team who played the first game the first
06:07Semi-final they had to sit through the entire second semi-final where the OG's beat the rising stars
06:13And then they played like a minute of the next game. It had to sit for another 20 minutes
06:17They hadn't played basketball in like over an hour and wasn't a short thing in between the games as well
06:22Yes, so it was they played too short and in company and then you played about two minutes
06:29They played the first game between the rising stars and international in the international squad, correct?
06:34They played and order. Sorry, it was the young stars and international
06:39After that was the I believe that was the Dame and
06:45Yep, and then the
06:48OG's played the rising stars after that game was the performance
06:53Yeah, yep on at the on the court and then they played like two minutes of the next game, right?
06:58And then they shut it down for 20 minutes NT. Yeah
07:01so it was about 90 minutes of actual time where they played two minutes of basketball and you expect them to come out and
07:08Play hard when they've been sitting cold
07:11Yeah, I guess kind of what I'm getting out like I'm not gonna like it did it looked better than last year
07:16But that's a such a low bar. Like if if if you came away from yesterday going they tried I
07:23Would argue that no they didn't I think they came out to try in this beginning of the championship game
07:28And you could tell in the first semi-final they were they were trying like guys were really guarding in that first game
07:34I'm convinced that the effort level was much better than we say. Okay, I would like for you to go watch
07:40the final basket of
07:43Chuck's team beating Kenny's team
07:46Final bucket. You've got about a five-point game and
07:50They're up against it. They got 38 or 39 points. Yeah, and I forget which guard it was
07:56He literally drives down the middle. It is a parting of the seas
08:01Darius Garland and someone else stare at someone fly right by them and dunk and the ball game is over SGA
08:08Yeah, yeah, and I'm looking at it right now and you know, he makes a great move at the perimeter mark and it's you know
08:15I was sitting there going and I didn't even mad at him cuz I'm like, you know me I told you guys last week
08:21I'm like Chuck's team is playing Shaq's team for the champion. This is what this is how it's all set up
08:26Yeah, they're not gonna let one of those like they want Chuck versus Shaq
08:31They want LeBron KD and Steph to go against Jokic SGA and Wembley
08:36It was to me the script was clear. So when that happened, I'm like, yeah
08:42Yeah, so like and I'm not saying some sort of fix was in because who cares right?
08:47But I I just if that's the bar of trying I would like to set the bar higher
08:54But on the other end I like I want to make clear this is not
08:59Like the acts I'm trying to grind with over here
09:02I don't think they're ever going to try and those of us who are yelling about that
09:07I don't actually think that we want that no, but I do think we're one injury away from completely changing this conversation
09:13I guess and Lucas's wasn't
09:15Referring the other game and I talked about it before where the rising stars took on Steph's team
09:21Shaq's ogs and in that game, there was actually a lot of trying that was taking place because
09:27Shaq's ogs didn't want to get shown up by the youngsters and the youngsters wanted that bag
09:31And so until the the Shaq's ogs finally kind of got over and got in control
09:37Then you got back into okay, you're gonna lose and and I'm looking at the Gilgis Alexander play here
09:43Where he wins on the perimeter. They're up seven. They just need one point
09:47So, are you gonna slide over and try to foul him at the rim? He's gonna hit a free throw
09:52I'm gonna lose anyway, there's no free throws. Yeah, there were no they didn't do free throws
09:56They didn't the final one, but like what they were doing for the majority of it
10:00If there was a foul, they would just like like you get to you get the ball out. Oh, that's what they did early
10:06I don't know if they changed it. It got confusing. But yeah early on there were no free throws. Yeah
10:11They just gave him the ball out of the bounds. It was almost like everything was a non-shooting foul
10:15Yeah, I mean you're you're mostly I'm sure you're right
10:19I'm just looking at the play-by-play and I'm looking at the global stars in that game and it's layup three layup layup
10:28layup right right layup right dunk right dunk
10:33Three layup layup layup dunk dunk three dunk
10:38But that's you and that's the ball game. They tried
10:43Okay, I'm referring to the other game where they I know I know you know, I know
10:48Thousands. Yes for a minute. They did you listen to 95 said in the game KGM Z and HD 1
10:53I KGM Z FM in HD 1 San Francisco and Odyssey Sports Station always live in the free Odyssey app
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11:05The dealer we keep going on the phones. I just again like I don't I don't care that they didn't try
11:12But they didn't try it was a better look than the year before
11:16I just think that if what you're waiting for is today's NBA star to try
11:22You're gonna be waiting for a long time. You're gonna be in for a real tough battle here
11:27I think you got to work with them a little bit more
11:29I think a lot of fans who are yelling that they want people to try you actually don't want that
11:33I mean just just imagine for a second if you're a warrior fan how you'd feel today if Steph Curry got hurt
11:40Like I
11:41would be
11:42Beside myself. I
11:44Mean you want to talk about sitting in front of the TV with a bucket of ice cream
11:49While you're supposed to be on a diet
11:51Like good God do not ruin the whole damn thing so you can have one fun night
11:58You know, I mean Steph Curry gets gets hurt the all-star game. That's like cheating on your spouse
12:03Don't ruin the whole flippin thing for one good night. Wow, like good Lord. What are we doing?
12:09What are we doing? So how good was the one night?
12:14Not good enough. Okay, not good enough. You know what?
12:17Let me forget the whole damn thing that's not you know, that's that's what I'm at
12:22And you know what Steph no more playing in the celebrity golf events where you make a hole-in-one and you run down the fairway
12:29Going to the hole to try to celebrate that's dangerous. No, it's he can run. That's dangerous. No, it's not
12:36Defense like a trip over anybody you trip over a sprinkler head
12:40No more playing catch with cannon because he might throw it back to you hard and you might sprain your pinky an overreaction
12:47You know
12:48No, that doesn't work. No, you know what it is
12:50It's me doing what I do because let's just bubble wrap everybody. No more anything. Just have fun
12:57Just have fun do some things that are compelling to what a the younger audience
13:03watches right now
13:06Stop yelling at these players to try they're not going to and we don't want them to
13:10Hunter in New York on weather than Debs. Hi hunter. What's up?
13:18How you doing? What's going on?
13:22By saying like I think that you know, the whole thing overall was was more competitive than than in the past years
13:32Agree with what you were saying though, obviously like I think that the whole thing about the nostalgia and people misremembering
13:39You know, the game has always been not really
13:43Competitive like you were saying it's always more of a fun thing and it's like
13:48the people who are on
13:50Social media always trashing it are like the casual fans who are tuning into this expecting some
13:57Grand, you know stage match up that you know
14:01There's real fans
14:02You know like me who watch every single Warriors game and we look forward to all-star weekend every single year
14:09Just because it's a it's a celebration of basketball. That's what we love
14:14it's a celebration for the players and I just appreciate the fact that they they tried to do something that
14:22Makes things more competitive instead of just, you know going with the same thing each and every single year and
14:30You know, I think that
14:32I've been in the YouTube chat all day. I saw people saying that like there should be like a
14:38horse competition or
14:41You know something more fun like that if they're gonna lean into it being more of a fun thing
14:45They should fully lean into it. You know, they should have
14:48skills challenges
14:50Your horse competitions, maybe the 1v1 tournament you were saying I don't think that's actually gonna realistically happen though, but who knows I
15:00Enjoyed the weekend overall as a whole though as a real fan of basketball and I agree that you know
15:07if this is the bar, it definitely needs to be higher, but I think we're heading in the right direction and
15:13especially with guys like Victor women Yama, you know coming out saying things like I'm not here to make friends and
15:20Playing to the level that he did. I think that is gonna trend in an upward direction
15:24I hope so players like that. Yeah hunter. Thanks. I hope so. It might be just that Victor's 20 and
15:32Victor doesn't have any hair on his chest yet
15:34And and when he gets there and he's at his eighth all-star game eight years from now
15:39Is he still gonna feel that way but I'll buy what hunter is saying look at a minimum this
15:44Yes, it was better than last year and yes, it tried something different and I give them an a for
15:52effort sure
15:54however effort is only gonna take you so far if last year was a 1 out of 10 in terms of
16:01Entertainment and what we would want from an actual game was this year on to know a three
16:093.1. Yeah, you know we're in there. Yeah, someone that was definitely
16:14Less annoying than last year. Yeah, and I'm not gonna call last year like I don't know
16:21Embarrassing is not the right word. It's not too strong. No, it's not the right word for me
16:26I just like I don't know man. I get it. I get it
16:30You don't want to get hurt and that is the way the world is now and we can continue to yell at that
16:36But that is that's what we're doing here analytics are here. They're not going away. I get it. We all use them
16:42There's load management and and I don't want them to get hurt either
16:46So I understand all of that stuff, and I'm not mad at it
16:50But as a consumer
16:52I do have a right to sit down and turn the TV on and tell you if this holds my attention and joy at all
17:00Last year not even the slightest. Yeah this year a little bit. Yeah, not enough
17:06You mentioned the 1988 all-star game just as a random year. Yeah, you just threw it out
17:11And so I thought you know what that's a good check it out marker
17:15Okay, I was 20 and you were probably 14 at the time. I'm 88 yeah 13
17:211988 all-star game
17:23the final is 138 133 and
17:27I was looking at the game and a couple things stood out one the East took six threes
17:33Danny Ainge took four of them who the West donor the West took five threes Mark Aguirre took three of them
17:40Okay, so beyond that the field goal percentages were kind of normal the East was
17:4654 of 104 52 percent better than a normal team the West struggled they shot
17:5342.6, but what really stood out as I looked into it the East committed
17:5929 fouls interesting the West committed 27 fouls
18:0456 fouls in an all-star game now that doesn't necessarily mean that that makes it more watchable you had
18:1077 free throws taken in the game
18:12I don't know if that's what we want, but then I looked at last year
18:15Do you know how many total fouls were committed by the East I mean I would argue not one
18:21Okay, one foul Trey Young committed the one foul the West committed two fouls and there were
18:28And I'm looking at it right now. There were
18:33Three pointers taken yeah, so if you want to go from 88 to
18:382024 in 88 did they play harder it seems like it based on the amount of fouls
18:43I don't know if they were just like clutching and grabbing
18:46But it seemed like there was a lot fewer freebies last year's game there were a hundred and sixty eight
18:53Three pointers taken it's it's it's listen
18:55I'm not saying it's the exact same by any stretch, but also what are the numbers get to you got a hundred forty points with?
19:01No threes essentially basically the East hit the East at three threes. Yeah, and so I said one it was 138
19:08133 yeah like again
19:10It was a lot of up and down and like my point is is is tuck it into whatever time of the world it was
19:17It was it was softball
19:20Version of it at that time like I need to go back and watch this game and see how the East committed 29 fouls
19:27When I worked in LA the NHL all-star game came to Staples Center. I remember attending this game
19:33Yeah, and so today's this day where they're like
19:36NHL they fight well the game. I went to was like 16 to 14, and they changed it in the NHL right right so yes
19:44It's always been a much
19:47Softer version of whatever we're watching on a night-in-the-night-out basis. Yeah, Grandy. What's up?
19:52I know we got a break in a minute, but I might be in the minority here in fact
19:55I might be one of the only people that feel this way
19:57I if we're talking about just the all-star game the game itself
20:01I think I liked last year's more than this really there was so little actual basketball
20:06And I know like okay, you can say I sure was
20:09It was essentially a game to 120. Yeah, it which is a normal score in an in a competitive
20:16Sure, but in an all-star that that game's over at like halftime like we had half of a game of real basketball
20:21and one-third of that half of a game of real basketball featured a
20:26Rising Stars squad that I care
20:28I don't care about at all like the current NBA all-star game last year's iteration
20:33Essentially becomes a three-point shootout and a slam-dunk contest and considering what the slam-dunk contest is now
20:39I kind of like that give me a long enough game to where I can see some crazy dunks and alley-oops
20:45And crazy dribble moves, and yeah, maybe you get some ugly misses from half-court, but Steph's gonna hit one
20:50Luca's gonna hit one I like to see that kind of stuff, and we didn't get to see that much. Oh, that's fair
20:55I mean I hated last year, but if you like that even better
20:58I don't think it's I don't think it's a blowout in either direction. I think both of them could be very very different