• last month
La aparición de Milei en la Casa Rosada tras un tuit controversial ha generado intensas reuniones en el gobierno. Se discuten estrategias para manejar las repercusiones tanto a nivel de imagen como judicial, involucrando a asesores cercanos al presidente. La situación se complica con acusaciones de maniobras financieras cuestionables, mientras se espera una declaración oficial que defienda la legitimidad del negocio de criptomonedas.



00:00But the information is from the last moment and responds of course to the topic of the day, the topic of the weekend, the topic that will accompany us the following days.
00:10Why? Because it's time to start giving explanations. About what? About the tweet of Friday at 7 p.m.
00:19What's going on? Because it was a very hot day.
00:23My law appeared in La Casa Rosada. It was not seen too active on social networks.
00:28Remember that his president is tweeting all the time.
00:31Well, on the weekend he was quiet and today he moved his Twitter a little.
00:35But what are the repercussions in government? What are the strategies?
00:39Because, on the other hand, there were febrile meetings during the weekend with lawyers, with advisers.
00:45Because you have to defend yourself in terms of image and you also have to defend yourself in judicial terms.
00:50Here and in the United States. Diego Nicolás is at the government house. Tell us what is being said there.
00:59Rolando, fundamentally, the government seeks to maintain the agenda, not only at the legislative level for this week,
01:04which has to do with the issue of suspension of the passage, the issue of reiteration, but also the trip of Miley to the United States.
01:10They say that this is not going to alter the agenda of the government in any way.
01:15Today, Miley arrived at La Casa Rosada around 10 in the morning. He had a few meetings.
01:21Let's stop for a moment on the issue of the trip to the United States. Why?
01:24Because the FBI has already opened an investigation into the crypto-scam.
01:29And surely, at some point, they will come to wonder what role Javier Miley played as a constitutive figure of that crypto-scam.
01:39Remember that three minutes after the cryptocurrency was launched, Miley tweeted and raised the bid.
01:47So, at some point in the investigation, someone is going to wonder what role President Miley played.
01:53And there will be an investigation in the United States because there are victims in the United States who lost a lot of money.
01:59So that's why it's important to know if Miley is going to travel or not to the United States,
02:04because he may have to face some unpleasant moment, that they notify him of a lawsuit or things like that.
02:11Yesterday it was said, well, maybe Miley is not traveling, but they are telling you that they ratified the trip.
02:21Yes, both the legislative agenda here in Buenos Aires and the trip to the United States next Thursday have been ratified.
02:28And in fact, Miley himself received news from Donald Trump that Trump posted a quote from Javier Miley on his own social network.
02:37Many interpreted it here at Casa Rosada as a support from the American president himself to the Argentine president.
02:43Yes, but nothing that had to do with the cryptocurrency.
02:46He quoted a phrase from Miley.
02:48No, no, no.
02:49If printing money ends poverty, printing diplomas would end stupidity.
02:55That is the phrase that Donald Trump posted with Miley's face.
02:58It can be interpreted as a support, but it does not specifically speak about the scam of the cryptocurrency.
03:06Of course, and Miley today received, after arriving around 10 in the morning,
03:10to a Republican delegation that is here in the city of Buenos Aires.
03:14They held the meeting.
03:15Then these people from the United States retired.
03:17Miley continued with meetings, mainly with the Minister of Economy, Luis Toto Caputo.
03:22Later, he recorded a television interview that can be seen tonight.
03:26And as they say in that interview, most of that meeting talks about the Libra issue.
03:31We will see what the president says when this journalistic interview is broadcast.
03:36Well, there are a lot of questions that need answers.
03:39I think this is a demand from society.
03:41Knowing what happened, what responsibilities exist, what explanation will be given about this fact.
03:48Because I imagined, and obviously we open to our colleagues.
03:52Diego, we remain in permanent contact, knowing this that you told us, that the week or the agenda does not move.
03:57This, Javi, seems to me, is a signal.
04:00It is, let's see, this symbol that the bullet entered and that this moved the government, without a doubt.
04:06This is seen and we know that it is so.
04:09Now, is this a symbol?
04:11Maintaining the agenda, as if to say, the plan continues, whatever happens, minimize it in some way.
04:17Yes, undoubtedly they want to give a signal of total normality.
04:20Nothing happened here.
04:22What the president explained in this recorded interview, recorded on several occasions,
04:27is that he was swindled.
04:30That he was also swindled.
04:32That he was also deceived.
04:36That he did not participate in the scam, he did not participate in the deception,
04:40but it was that he acted in good faith and someone deceived him.
04:44That is going to be the defensive strategy.
04:47But there are going to appear the boys themselves who set up this,
04:51both Mr. Yolian P. from Singapore and Christian Dives, who is the American,
04:57who met eight times with Karina Milley and also with Milley,
05:01because there is the photo of the blond boy who says,
05:04no, no, we were working and I must understand that they paid money to Milley's team.
05:10Yes, there are several problems.
05:13Because none of all this circuit around Milley is functional.
05:18Of course.
05:19How do they get this photo?
05:21The problem is how they get this photo.
05:23Because one of the many edges that this scandal has,
05:28is that for the first time, investors from Argentina,
05:32in this type of investment, in cryptocurrencies,
05:36warned that they asked them for money to be with Milley.
05:40They alerted this weekend from the United States, one with a name and last name,
05:46no, they asked me for money.
05:48One of those who came to an event last year where Milley spoke about cryptocurrencies.
05:52So, by property, by deduction, it means that if others were asked for money,
05:56it may be that those who got together have put money.
05:59Of course.
06:00This is what is suspected.
06:02So, the question that must be asked,
06:05does the president receive this money, as when he was not president,
06:11when he was a congressman and before being a congressman,
06:14that he charged for doing these crypto investment promotions that went wrong?
06:19This is what I say, this is something that if he charged or did not charge the money
06:24that they charged him or the intermediaries that get together,
06:27this is something that the truth is very difficult for us to know.
06:30Come on, this is something that an advisor can easily take responsibility for
06:36and we will not know.
06:38I want to go to the beginning, right?
06:41There is already this tweet.
06:43Why does the explanation that he was deceived seem insufficient?
06:48Because, Carlos, in the world of cryptocurrencies,
06:53there are things in that tweet that should, for any understanding of the matter,
06:59be a light that turns on, a signal of alert?
07:03Did that tweet make noise to you?
07:05I mean, would you have made noise to any economist?
07:08Sorry to be distracted, but I'm looking to see how much Libra is trading at the moment.
07:13Let's see, at the time of the facts, let's go to the facts, let's go to Friday.
07:19Friday at 7 p.m.
07:21The president's tweet, if you read it well,
07:24at no time does it refer to a memecoin, to a cryptocurrency, it refers to something else.
07:31It refers to a kind of NGO that is going to dedicate itself to raising money
07:37in the capital market to finance pymes that bet on change in Argentina.
07:42Almost like a social good.
07:44And that's what we read at that time.
07:47And there is a distinction.
07:48There is a difference between a premium cryptocurrency and a memecoin.
07:52What is the difference, to put it bluntly, between bringing money to a bank and bringing it to a financier?
07:57A memecoin is a thing of high volatility, a lot of money and little seriousness.
08:03Yes, and I'll add something to that, I'll add something to that.
08:06There are, per day, a lot of...
08:08I mean, if I want, I create a memecoin.
08:10Of course.
08:11I mean, it's very easy, you don't need a super equipment, it's easy to create.
08:15This was created against an email box.
08:17There are thousands that are created per day.
08:20What is the difference between any of those thousands and pounds?
08:24The support of the president.
08:26Let's see, sorry, friends of the crypto, for the metaphor that I am going to do.
08:30But Bitcoin would be the Monte Carlo casino.
08:36These memecoins would be a clandestine place in Riña de Gallo, in the Bonaerense suburb.
08:43It's called shitcoin.
08:44No, in fact, it's called shitcoin.
08:47Or memecoin.
08:48The question is, did an economist president support this?
08:51No, no.
08:52That was the question.
08:53That's the explanation.
08:54Here are two explanations.
08:55They are missing.
08:56What is missing?
08:57First, how does the president accept to promote this?
09:04Because this is a promotion.
09:06Under what title?
09:07Convinced of what?
09:09In exchange for what?
09:10Well, in exchange for what?
09:12In exchange for setting up an NGO for a PYME?
09:16Or in exchange for what else?
09:19Who is the one who leads and explains to him what all this is about?
09:25That it is not my law personally.
09:29Which of all these people and advisors of my law leads him to this?
09:33Of course, behind the gentleman from Singapore and behind the American guy,
09:37there must be Argentine advisors.
09:39Why didn't they apply guillotine to those Argentine advisors,
09:42or did they put him in a tectonic semester?
09:44They are employees.
09:46They are advisors.
09:47They are advisors.
09:48They are friends of the president and the president's sister.
09:51There we have them.
09:52Mauricio Novali, the principal, and Jeremia Walsh, founders,
09:56owners of a sort of university of trading,
10:01where the president and the advisor of the president, Agustin Laje,
10:07taught and charged for that for years.
10:12And they kept doing it.
10:13My law stopped doing it since he became president.
10:16But Mauricio Novali, above all, has registered,
10:21he is not an advisor,
10:23he has registered nine entries to the Casa Rosada
10:28and the presidential residence of Olivos.
10:32What they tell me, some people who know these things,
10:35is that he entered the Casa Rosada and Olivos more times without registration.
10:40There you have it.
10:41With Mauricio Novali.
10:43Now, who gave Noveli permission to enter Olivos and the Casa Rosada?
10:48A certain Karina Milei.
10:50So, I mean, here, clearly, I'm telling you,
10:54the guillotine is going to go through Noveli,
10:57but he is not a public official, so nothing is going to happen.
11:00What I'm saying is, in the event that it is discovered
11:03that any of those four, or add 15 more,
11:06are swindlers and deceived the president,
11:09it is still something really very questionable and very condemnable
11:15the recommendation of something that you do not,
11:18that is, I do not recommend something that I do not know perfectly.
11:22That is why it is a case that must be cleaned up.
11:24There are three levels to analyze.
11:27One is the judicial level,
11:28if there will be some kind of criminal sanction against the president.
11:32Another is the political discussion,
11:34if there may be some kind of investigative commission
11:37about the bad practice of the president.
11:39And finally, the damage to the image.
11:42Because, let's remember that Milei,
11:44that one can criticize his arrogance and what do I know,
11:47but he used to hack his economic achievements
11:50and said, well, I'm already,
11:52he was a self-proclaimed Nobel Prize in Economics.
11:55So, imagine what arrogance he will be able to make fun of
11:59other regional leaders,
12:01as he made fun of Boric or Petro,
12:03after this papelón.
12:05The two things are very uncomfortable for Milei.
12:07Recognizing him, I didn't see it, I didn't realize it,
12:10and I was deceived.
12:11And the detail is that he never apologized.
12:14Well, let's see what happens in the next few hours.
12:18I don't apologize.
12:19I think that now, today, they are going to apologize.
12:22But, stop telling me, for me,
12:26the worst thing about this free event,
12:29which is how it is called in the market,
12:31it is called like that, free event.
12:33It's not a scandal.
12:34No, no, in the market.
12:35It's a new market.
12:36Ah, in the market.
12:37Ah, event.
12:38It's an event.
12:39In the caves it's called event.
12:40Event, event.
12:41Ok, free event.
12:44At 5 p.m. on Friday,
12:48four banknotes fund the cryptocurrency,
12:52four banknotes called,
12:54this is serious,
12:55Wallet Phantom.
12:58I know, Wallet Phantom, I know they're going to screw you.
13:01Speak for yourself.
13:04Wallet Phantom.
13:05Ghost, ghost banknote.
13:07They create Libra,
13:09and they make it quote in a system,
13:14I don't want to be too technical,
13:16but in a system called Solana.
13:20These four banknotes are left with 80%?
13:23Solana is not Trump's.
13:25The percentages are important here,
13:27to see how this story ends.
13:31Four banknotes, 75%.
13:33One of those banknotes has 50%.
13:36And the operation is done with income of money,
13:40in different payments,
13:42of 250,000.
13:44In fact, four purchases of 250,000 for 50%.
13:48A Wallet Phantom.
13:51Three minutes later, the message from Miley appears.
13:54Not 250,000 dollars,
13:56they buy 250,000 units.
13:58They quoted 0.0001.
14:03until this operation of the four Wallet Phantom ends,
14:07and they get to quote 0.29.
14:10And that's where the story starts,
14:12because that's where Miley's post appears.
14:14It starts to go up.
14:16It starts to go up with Miley's post.
14:18With Miley's post.
14:19This is important.
14:20Without Miley's post, this wouldn't have happened.
14:23Without Javier Miley's post,
14:26this wouldn't have happened.
14:27It would happen what happens with all the meme coins
14:30that are created per day.
14:31There is no story of this book without Miley's post,
14:36because it was at two minutes.
14:37There is no story.
14:38So we can't make a story.
14:40It's simultaneous.
14:41It's simultaneous.
14:42At two hours,
14:44the quotation reaches 4.9.
14:49And here the data is important,
14:51because in the first minutes,
14:55five more Wallet Phantoms are added
15:00until they reach the number 9,
15:03which now holds 90% of the positions.
15:10At two hours,
15:12the nine wallets sell all at once.
15:16When the quotation was already 5 and a half.
15:21And there they sell.
15:23And in 15 minutes,
15:25it plummets to 0.9.
15:29That's where they made the deal.
15:31And that's where they made the deal.
15:32So the question is,
15:35the big question is,
15:38and then if you want,
15:39I'll tell you the end of the story,
15:41if you're prepared for stories with unhappy endings.
15:46Who are the owners of those first four Wallet Phantoms
15:52and who are the owners of the nine that they sold?
15:56Of course.
15:57Why is it important?
15:58Because the first four are founders
16:02and the five that are added to the four are people with...
16:06Qualified information.
16:07Qualified information.
16:09Now, this is in a blockchain,
16:13sorry for the terms,
16:15it's in a blockchain,
16:16in a system called Solana,
16:19which is the clandestine casino
16:22of the Buenos Aires suburb of the crypto market.
16:26Sorry for the English term.
16:28Because this Solana system
16:31does not require an obligation
16:34called Know Your Customer,
16:37which is to know your client,
16:39which is that you have to give your name
16:41or the name,
16:42be careful, it may not be a person,
16:44it may be a person, a company, or ten people.
16:48And several movements detected,
16:49Julian P., the gentleman from Singapore,
16:51are considered suspicious of money laundering.
16:57as this is done from Solana
16:59and not from another blockchain
17:01or another system that requires transparency,
17:04this one does not require it,
17:06that's why a meme coin goes here
17:09and not through another blockchain.
17:12I am almost certain
17:17that we will never know who they were.
17:20Who were the first four?
17:22And who were the nine?
17:24That's the end.
17:25Unless someone sings.
17:28Yes, I want to add one more detail
17:31that I think that also,
17:33for those who do not understand,
17:34to understand why,
17:35the support for this venture is very striking,
17:39Normally, when these crypto memes are created,
17:41there are conditions.
17:43Let's lower it,
17:45the four of us are going to put a thousand pesos each
17:49and we start doing a venture.
17:53next week they won't withdraw it,
17:55let's wait,
17:56let's wait a year,
17:58when meme coins are created,
18:01there are conditions.
18:03Not withdrawing until a year,
18:04not withdrawing until six months
18:06and then the withdrawal is staggered,
18:08it never exists that you can withdraw it
18:10after ten minutes.
18:11I add a more important condition.
18:15No, that's important.
18:16It's very important.
18:17Not withdrawing in X amount of time.
18:18Of course, conditions.
18:19But there is another,
18:20there is another,
18:21which is key in this event.
18:24it's important because if it had existed,
18:25they wouldn't have been able to withdraw the money.
18:27Well, but there is another condition,
18:28there is another condition,
18:29which is atomization.
18:32You can't,
18:33in a cryptocurrency,
18:35in its launch,
18:37any of them,
18:38no holder can have more than 0.005.
18:44Because if you have more,
18:46you can influence the price.
18:47Let's see.
18:48You handle it.
18:49In the dollar blue,
18:50what happens?
18:51Not much.
18:52Five miners can handle the market.
18:54They handle the market.
18:57in the crypto market,
18:58which is international,
19:00you need to atomize,
19:02that is,
19:03many hands have little.
19:06Because the decision of one,
19:08to sell,
19:09to buy,
19:10or to buy more,
19:11or to speculate,
19:13cannot influence the decision of the other,
19:16except for their behavior.
19:19as we said,
19:20if at five o'clock,
19:22which includes all founders,
19:25the four founders,
19:28And there,
19:29it must be said that this maneuver,
19:31which in English is called
19:33throwing the rug,
19:34rug pull,
19:35is a crime in the United States.
19:37That's why something interesting happened today.
19:40And it is that,
19:41in some way,
19:42and we will surely hear it in the interview
19:44that the president is going to give,
19:46he is going to insist that the cryptocurrency is still alive,
19:48that it is a private business.
19:51Because if it is no longer a maneuver
19:54of having thrown the rug,
19:56it can be criticized,
19:58but it is no longer a crime.
20:00That was explained by Adrian Saki,
20:01we can ask him again.
20:02I'm going to ask him again at some point.
20:04Because there is no ...
20:06One thing is a maneuver called
20:08give it pump and dump,
20:10that is, give it a machine
20:11and then drop it
20:12to one of these cryptocurrencies.
20:14And another thing is to take everything.
20:16Adrian Saki,
20:17I don't know if you are listening to us.
20:21Yes, how are you?
20:22I'm listening carefully.
20:23I'm repeating what you explained to me yesterday.
20:26Yes, yes, yes, yes.
20:27And perfectly.
20:28But I think we all discovered
20:30the complexity of this world,
20:32of cryptocurrencies,
20:33which is like studying physics.
20:34You saw that you gave the partial
20:36and after a week you forgot,
20:38more or less.
20:39But within this complexity,
20:41precisely here,
20:43what they are trying to explain
20:45here in the United States,
20:46in what they are focusing
20:48on the Milei case,
20:50beyond the political earthquake
20:52in Argentina,
20:53as described by practically all the media,
20:55is precisely ...
20:57Yes, there are two things they want to know.
20:59One is whether there is or there is
21:01a rug pull.
21:02Whether there is or there is
21:04a rug pull.
21:05Because that changes absolutely everything.
21:07That is a federal crime
21:09that has a very young
21:11correspondence, right?
21:12Since 2003,
21:13when the first sentences were issued
21:17with sentences of up to 20 years in prison.
21:22Until now,
21:23there are four convicts
21:25who have those sentences.
21:28And well, it is also a federal crime,
21:31which makes it much more serious.
21:33In fact, there is an investigation
21:35by the FBI for the Libra cryptocurrency.
21:39Yes, there is an investigation
21:41and for that the first step has already been taken.
21:45A report has been presented
21:48of criminal operations
21:50or suspicious operations,
21:52which has not yet passed,
21:54in reality, by the entrance table
21:56of the FBI or the Department of Justice
21:58of the United States,
21:59because today is a holiday.
22:00Today is President's Day.
22:02We will have to wait until tomorrow.
22:04And tomorrow we have to be very attentive
22:06because many complaints may arrive.
22:08Sure, but does that mean
22:10that technically the United States
22:12is going to investigate President Milley?
22:17It means that there is a first step
22:19to see if there is interest in denouncing him.
22:22Because the report of criminal operations
22:24is a detail, a x-ray of what happened.
22:29What happened, like a synoptic picture,
22:31let's say, is what has been presented.
22:33There are some things.
22:34First, it must be said that the victims
22:36are not only Argentines.
22:38That is why there is an interest
22:40that this also happens in the United States.
22:42But from what you are telling us,
22:45can there be a problem
22:47on his trip on Thursday?
22:49If I understand correctly, is it to Washington?
22:52Yes, yes, it is to Washington.
22:54And supposedly the objective
22:56of the Milley administration
22:59is to meet with Donald Trump
23:02in the White House,
23:04even if it takes half an hour
23:06and the best possible treatment.
23:08Being here in American territory,
23:11many things can happen,
23:13but the possibility
23:15that they do have an investigation
23:17exists, it is latent.
23:20So that could be done.
23:23Yes, or at least that a justice officer
23:25is presented and notified.
23:27Tell him, sir,
23:29there is this lawsuit against you.
23:33Yes, there may be a notification.
23:35It is necessary to see in which figure
23:37it would be framed in case
23:39the Attorney General
23:41of here in the United States
23:43or who also takes it.
23:45That is very important.
23:47And well, in that case,
23:49what here, at least
23:51from a journalistic point of view,
23:53is more interesting
23:55is to know if Milley,
23:57like Trump, received money,
23:59received a payment
24:01to make this promotion
24:03of this platform.
24:05As you explained,
24:07it was not promoted directly
24:09to cryptocurrency,
24:11but to a project
24:13to achieve development,
24:15to stimulate the development
24:17of Argentine work.
24:19Well, something similar was done by Trump.
24:21And precisely,
24:23there are those who want to know
24:25about this,
24:27who are asking for explanations
24:29to the Stock Exchange,
24:31not to justice,
24:33which is none other than Paul Singer.
24:35Do you remember Paul Singer?
24:37Do you remember the name of this vulture?
24:39Well, one is Paul Singer
24:41and the other is Anthony Scaramucci,
24:43who is a member of Trump,
24:45who became a pawn in his own game.
24:47He has several pawns in his own game.
24:49They say there is a very strong
24:51conflict of interest
24:53in which a president
24:55is promoting cryptocurrency.
24:57Sure, well, here,
24:59surely, the criminal figure,
25:01the first criminal figure
25:03that they are going to indulge
25:05President Milley is
25:07negotiations incompatible
25:09with public function.
25:11And this is precisely
25:13behind what is
25:15the investigation
25:17that they want to start,
25:19especially in the Department of Justice.
25:21The FBI would be in charge
25:23above all of the internal investigation
25:25of those responsible
25:27for having
25:29perpetrated this
25:31garbage coin.
25:33Well, they said shitcoin,
25:35I laugh, but it really is like that,
25:37because it has no other term.
25:39In any case, this is very important
25:41as a necessary participant
25:43of what has happened.
25:45So we have to be attentive
25:47to what is happening in the United States
25:49for two reasons. First,
25:51if Milley says he will continue to travel,
25:53as Diego Nicolás has just said,
25:55he will maintain the trip.
25:57When he travels, two things can happen.
25:59That they notify him,
26:01that they tell him, sir, you have here
26:03an open trial, appoint a defense lawyer,
26:05and then we have to see
26:07what happens in that trial.
26:09But it is a criminal trial in that case,
26:11a federal criminal trial.
26:13Yes, yes, yes.
26:15It would be a federal criminal trial
26:17in case it materializes.
26:19Let's remember that these reports
26:21presented to the FBI, to the Department of Justice,
26:23are still very preliminary.
26:25It's like they're at the front desk
26:27waiting to be sent
26:29to see what happens.
26:31But beyond the criminal consequence,
26:33an image and political consequence
26:35Milley would become
26:37an Argentinean president
26:39impeached in the United States
26:41for a federal crime.
26:43Yes, yes, yes. Definitely,
26:45the poster is there, although we have seen
26:47what matters, what matters to them,
26:49especially to the supporters of Donald Trump,
26:51who have voted for him,
26:53who are already condemned.
26:55They have the picture of the front desk, they have everything.
26:57Adrián, we already fired you,
26:59but today a tweet was known,
27:01a phrase that he quotes from Milley,
27:03and Milley himself quotes it.
27:05Is it a support?
27:07Do you also read it in the United States
27:09as a support for the president?
27:11Look, I would take away the importance.
27:13It was not published on Twitter,
27:15it was published on Truth,
27:17which is Donald Trump's own social network,
27:19which can only be seen here in the United States.
27:21I passed it to production
27:23to see what context it was in.
27:25That's why it was quoted here.
27:27Of course, but it's a meme.
27:29Look, talking about memes and memes,
27:31it's a meme that Trump had saved,
27:33it's an old meme that already existed
27:35and that he put it as he put
27:37a million memes that he has.
27:39And what answer does that have?
27:41More memes from users.
27:43Truth users don't write that much,
27:45they write little. The one who writes the most is Trump.
27:47The rest post memes.
27:49You see, when you sent cartoons
27:51to children's programs on television.
27:53You answer with emoticons,
27:55but let's see, he puts it,
27:57it seems that beyond being a meme,
27:59it's a meme where he knows
28:01it's a tremendous day for Javier Milei.
28:03I mean, it's a sign of support.
28:05Don't you read it like that?
28:07I ask you, is it a sign of support or not?
28:09How do you read it in the United States?
28:11Look, if you ask me,
28:13I would tell you no.
28:15He posted it as he posted other times,
28:17other things about Milei at other times.
28:19Because, for example, he had also tweeted,
28:21this time he did tweet,
28:23last Thursday, he said that the one who defeated,
28:25I don't remember what it was,
28:27inflation is above the law.
28:29Well, nobody interpreted it
28:31as a support for Milei.
28:33He can do whatever he wants.
28:35I don't remember the phrase.
28:37But nobody here, everyone said
28:39it was a Napoleonic phrase.
28:41No media related it to Milei
28:43and some there in Argentina did relate it to Milei.
28:45Thank you, Adrián.
