• last week
In the second part of our 'Tell Me Why' episode with Dr. Carla Cyrino, a dentist at Cornerstone Clinic, Maria Botros inquired about myths surrounding mouthwash and how a person’s overall health starts from the mouth.
Recent studies showed that mouth wash increased blood pressure in patients, says Dr. Carla
Dr. Carla: If you don’t floss, it means you haven’t cleaned 40% of your tooth
Gums bleed when the plaque or tartar cause inflammation, which can lead to gum diseases like gingivitis, says Dr. Carla
Dr. Carla: Bacteria from gingivitis or periodontitis can go into blood vessels and our heart which can lead to other complications
People should visit their dentist every 6-months, and every 3 months for people with bleeding gums, says Dr. Carla

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00:00My father treating his patients, and since I was a little girl I wanted to be a dentist like him, you know, and my passion is my job.
00:11And to treat my patients the best way with the modern dentistry, with the laser, with the 3D digital,
00:22and is to giving back my patient the self-esteem for me is present for me. It's everything.
00:33So we try to kind of, all these tests...
00:44What kind of toothpaste should people use? Should it have fluoride? Should it not have fluoride?
00:49What should we be looking for? I mean, I'm not talking about brands, I'm talking about maybe ingredients.
00:55What should we look for in proper toothpaste?
00:59Depends on each patient. Individually, each one, you know.
01:04For example, if the patient has sensitivity, they need a toothpaste with the sensitizer together there.
01:13If they have gum problem, they need some toothpaste as a medicine can help the bleeding gums, for example.
01:24Oh, okay.
01:25And another one has more sensitivity or anything. Depends for each patient.
01:32I don't like much with fluoride.
01:36You know, especially kids, the kids normally swallow a little bit, and this is not good for health.
01:46Of course it's a little bit, but it's every single day, like three to four times, it's too much.
01:53But for kids, I always say to moms, please, attention for the nutrition, less sugar, everything, all this, and give without fluoride.
02:03For adults, have so many types of toothpaste today.
02:08Have it with the nano-hydroxyapatite, have it with the potassium, have it with the aloe vera, tea tree.
02:16All this is going to help to take the sensitivity and help your tool structure to not have cavities.
02:25What I'd like to say as well about the many people like mouthwash.
02:32The mouthwash, I don't like.
02:35I don't like because it has so many components there.
02:41I don't believe it's good for us.
02:44And recent study, they prove only seven days for some patients, they start giving the mouthwash, the blood pressure is increased.
02:55I never do.
02:57I always give to my patients the option for essential oils.
03:03Have you heard about?
03:05Essential oils.
03:06Essential oils.
03:07I make my mouthwash.
03:11I put half glass of water and two or three drops of essential oils.
03:17You can put like a tea tree, you can put rosemary, cloves, you know.
03:23And this is going to clean.
03:26I don't do very often, but sometimes I like to feel a little bit refreshing.
03:31Then I put one drop of peppermint, essential oil.
03:34And you can do a tea.
03:37You make this jar of tea with the cinnamon, cloves, star anise, and the ginger.
03:46And let it cool and you can do this mouthwash.
03:50I'm glad you mentioned gum bleeding as well as you were speaking because I know I faced this for a while and so many people around me said the same thing.
04:00Why do people's gums bleed when they brush their teeth?
04:04I mean it happened to me for a while and then it stopped on its own.
04:07But why is that the case?
04:09Because the gum has inflammation.
04:14If it has inflammation because it probably has some plaque inside or tartar.
04:19Because this I always recommend.
04:22Visit your dentist every six months.
04:26Every six months.
04:28That was my next question.
04:29The dental hygienist.
04:30How many times?
04:31For checkup.
04:32Yeah, for checkup.
04:33Yes, it's very important.
04:35If it's bleeding, you need gum earlier because something is wrong.
04:41The gum you need floss, you need brush, but you can't bleed.
04:47Shouldn't be the case.
04:49If it's bleeding, show something is wrong there.
04:51You mentioned, you know, you go to your dental hygienist or get your teeth cleaned at least every six months.
04:58But how important is that?
05:00Like what if someone doesn't do that?
05:02What can the plaque do to your teeth?
05:04The plaque became, after all this period, it became very solid.
05:09It's tartar.
05:10The tartar has a lot of bacteria.
05:13And this going to start can destroy the surface of your teeth.
05:18You can start to have a cavity.
05:21You can have gum diseases like gingivitis.
05:24Oh, wow.
05:25Gingivitis is gum bleeding.
05:28If you don't treat the gingivitis, you're going to have periodontitis.
05:32Periodontitis is when this tartar, these bacteria go inside between the tooth and the gum.
05:40They go inside and start eating the bone of your teeth.
05:45Oh, okay.
05:46You don't know if you hear about sometimes some people, I have some tooth have to take out because it start to be moving, you know.
05:57And it's this.
05:58It's because didn't treat the gingivitis and then became periodontitis.
06:05It's a gum disease because this is important every six months.
06:09If it's bleeding, need to be earlier.
06:11If my patient has gingivitis or periodontitis, I always say you need to come every three months until I cure this disease.
06:23And then come every six months for checkup and professional clean.
06:28In terms of flossing, because I know we said brushing your teeth three to four times and you yourself brush five times.
06:35What about flossing?
06:36Is it every time you brush your teeth as well?
06:39I do in the morning and before bed time.
06:43I don't do after lunch and after breakfast as well.
06:47I do.
06:49I do after lunch because normally I'm in a clinic and rush, but I brush my teeth.
06:54But after dinner, if I brush, I going to floss as well.
06:59I've always floss and brush.
07:01If you don't floss, you don't clean your teeth 40% because the tooth has five surfaces.
07:06Two, if you don't floss, two you don't clean.
07:10And there stay the plaque.
07:13The plaque, again, has make this acid going to have decay and going to have gum disease.
07:22Why so many people start to decay between the tooth?
07:27Because don't floss.
07:29They're not flossing.
07:30But I actually, I want to ask you, like for instance, someone that's neglected their dental health or their oral health altogether and their hygiene.
07:38Can that have an effect on the rest of their body?
07:41Can it develop other diseases?
07:45Because the bacteria attack the gums, became gingivitis or periodontitis.
07:56These bacteria is terrible because they can go to the blood vessels and stop in your heart.
08:05You can have a heart problem.
08:07Oh, wow.
08:08You can have a stroke and you can have a heart attack.
08:13It's very serious because this I always say, your health is starting your mouth.
08:21Again, it goes back to my intro.
08:23I was just saying a lot of people neglect their dental health.
08:28They think many people, what I hear from some patients coming to me first time and I see is bleeding.
08:36I say, but how long is bleeding?
08:38For more than 10 years.
08:41I say, how you live like this?
08:44And nobody said nothing.
08:46And then I treat them.
08:49I clean.
08:50I do a deep clean.
08:52Many times I need to do a deep pocket clean and I do it laser now.
08:57I use very modern dentistry to avoid the pain for my patients.
09:04They don't have pain.
09:05They don't have discomfort in my chair.
09:07And then I treat it in home.
09:10I give all the, I suggest many things and I treat it holistically with coconut oil.
09:18I love that.
09:19I'm going to try that actually from now on.
09:21I'm going to write a list of the steps that you take in the morning because I think.
09:25I have a few cases now with chronic gingivitis.
09:32For years when they floss, when they brush has the bleeding, you know.
09:38And they didn't pay attention and it became chronic.
09:41Be chronic and then now they don't have nothing.
09:45Even the plaque, even the tartar, now they come every three months still.
09:51I don't see no tartar there because they are doing the coconut oil.
09:56They brush more properly, you know.
10:01And it's cured.
10:02Bleeding gums, all these problems, gum disease give bad breath.
10:06Who won't have.
10:08It's the plaque.
10:09It's the gingivitis.
10:12Could it also be the nutrition and the cavities?
10:15The nutrition, some foods like onion, of course, onion, garlic, spices can cause this.
10:22But you can neutralize this if you drink a lot of water.
10:27It's very important to drink a lot of water to clean, to wash down this.
10:35I recommend like 35 millimeters for one kilo.
10:42If a person has 60 kilos, they need to drink two liters and 100 milliliters for water.
10:52The quantity of water for us, for our body, is going to help our mouth, oral health, and overall health.
11:05It's a balance.
11:07Everyone said everything is interconnected.
11:09Your mental health is connected to your body.
11:12Your body is connected to each other.
11:14When you have a lapse or a fall in one area, it affects everything else in your body.
11:19And as you said, everything starts with your mouth.
11:21I mean, everything you eat goes through your mouth first.
11:25A bit more technical now.
11:27What's your input or what's your opinion on teeth whitening and Invisalign, like the Invisalign solutions that people have today?
11:38Well, Invisalign, you know, I'm an orthodontist as well for over 20 years.
11:45Classic orthodontist.
11:47But after I used Invisalign years ago, I changed my mind.
11:56Invisalign, for me, is the best solution you can have to fix your teeth, to put in the correct place, to give the correct occlusion is the bite.
12:09And it's amazing.
12:11And it's invisible.
12:14That's what I love about it.
12:15It's amazing.
12:17It's invisible.
12:18You can take it out.
12:19You can still floss.
12:21You can brush properly your teeth.
12:24And you can eat anything because with the metal ones, you can't eat popcorn.
12:29You can't eat many things.
12:31And you can't clean properly.
12:35You can't floss.
12:36Is it a solution for adults only, though?
12:38Because I feel like, or can kids also opt for it?
12:41No, for everyone.
12:43So then why are people still putting braces?
12:45Does it depend on the case, maybe?
12:47Or is it?
12:48Every case now can treat with Invisalign.
12:52I have patients, kids.
12:54I have teens.
12:56I have adults.
12:57And Invisalign can correct.
13:00You know, the correct bite is class one.
13:04It's perfect bite.
13:06Class two is when the team's inside, you know?
13:11Invisalign can do a mandibular advancement.
13:15So it can correct the bite.
13:17Correct the jaw as well.
13:19And class three is under bite.
13:21When the team is more pronounced.
13:24And it can correct crown.
13:26It can correct space.
13:27It can correct posterior cross bite, open bite.
13:32Correct everything faster than fixed braces.
13:37And what about teeth whitening?
13:39Well, I do whitening.
13:43On my teeth for more than 30 years.
13:45It doesn't affect it in any way or anything?
13:49It needs to be the correct gel.
13:52I like to use the correct gel to not damage the surface of the teeth.
13:59And I use home whitening and I use in-office whitening.
14:04For me, they are the best gel.
14:07And I know them for many years and never damage the surface of my teeth.
14:14So for my patients and mine, I use it.
14:17No problem at all.
14:18What's your advice for people when it comes to dental health?
14:22Especially parents because, again, it starts from when you're a child.
14:27Your dental health and the habits, the good habits that you develop,
14:31start from when you are younger.
14:33So what's your advice?
14:34Always let the kids brush the teeth.
14:40Small head, especially toothpaste for the kids for the age.
14:45They can't use the adult one.
14:48And let them brush, and then the parents need to brush on top of them.
14:55So let them start first.
14:57And they start.
14:59When they are little, it's a game, you know?
15:03Let everyone brush their teeth together and brush.
15:09But then when the kids finish, the mom or the father going to brush again, you know?
15:15I did this for my son until he's nearly 9.
