• last month
En una sesión marcada por intensos debates, el Congreso argentino aprobó la ley de Ficha Limpia, que impide a personas condenadas en dos instancias ser candidatas. La medida fue rechazada por el kirchnerismo y sectores de izquierda. Durante la discusión, el diputado Mario Manrique del Partido Justicialista defendió fervientemente a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, destacando su legado peronista. La aprobación ha suscitado diversas reacciones y críticas sobre la situación política actual del país.


00:00I'm listening to Martin Menem. I saw him yesterday on Diputados TV.
00:05Did you watch Diputados TV yesterday?
00:07Oh, I missed you.
00:08Yes, I saw parts and different cuts. Pathetic.
00:14At some points, I really say, is this serious? Is this really happening or not?
00:19It's a shame.
00:20Well, Ficha Limpia was approved. You don't know who opposed it.
00:27I'll give you options.
00:28Yes, tell me.
00:29Was the Democratic-Christian Party opposed?
00:32Was the Defense of the Flowers and Fauna Party opposed?
00:38Or was the Kirchnerism opposed?
00:40The Kirchnerism.
00:41Very good.
00:42And the left.
00:43The left, of course. But the left, I already include them in the Kirchnerism.
00:48No, but you also have to remember the cause for defrauding with social plans.
00:55For example.
00:56The left.
00:57I want to tell you that there is a very good article now in Infobae, Andres Klipan,
01:01about the audit that is going to be done in the pensions for invalidity.
01:05Super interesting. I highly recommend Andres' article.
01:09It's a scandal. In 20 years, they went from 50,000 to 60,000 to 1,200,000.
01:13Do you know that there are populations where 80% is invalid?
01:17Because of Chaco, I think.
01:18Of course.
01:19Of course.
01:20No, but I don't want to deprive you.
01:22Today I want to dedicate this pass humbly to Deputy Mario Manrique, from the Justice Party.
01:28Deputy Feynman would say, nice to meet you, I don't think so.
01:31I hadn't met him until yesterday.
01:33But I saw him, and I think he deserves to be dedicated.
01:36They debated it on a clean sheet.
01:37Because of the doubts, and you know what it's about.
01:40A person convicted twice, first instance, in the Revision Chamber, cannot be a candidate.
01:47Deputy Manrique defended Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in this way.
01:51Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is my conductor.
01:55I take responsibility for everything she did, what she does, and what she will do.
02:00I will never deny her.
02:02I am an accomplice. I am an accomplice.
02:05I am an accomplice because she was the person who dignified the Argentine people the most.
02:11Like it or not,
02:14the happiest days of this nation were Peronists.
02:18And I carry all the Peronist backpacks.
02:22I carry Mene, I carry Dualde, I carry Alberto, I carry whoever they want.
02:28I carry all of them on my back.
02:31But on my chest, I carry four backpacks that keep my head up.
02:38The backpacks of Peron, the backpacks of Eva, the backpacks of Nestor, and the backpacks of Cristina.
02:44They will not be able to silence the will and the popular love for that woman and for the Peronist people.
02:53Let's go to the polls, as they said.
02:55And after the elections, we'll talk. Thank you very much.
02:59I am an accomplice.
03:00No, but they carried the country, guys.
03:04No, I was Cristina Fernández's doctor.
03:07Don't defend me anymore. I defend myself.
03:09Now, what are these guys delaying?
03:12This is a lot.
03:14I don't want to do this.
03:17No, these guys, what are they delaying?
03:22Well, but Congressman Manrique decided to do something else that we used to do.
03:27I went to the page, because I like them, I give them everything in life.
03:33You went to look for the projects of Congressman Manrique.
03:35Who is he?
03:36Because I say, I don't know him.
03:37We can see it, Max, and when you tell me, to know who he is.
03:39He is the accomplice.
03:41He is the accomplice.
03:42The one who carries everything that has to be carried.
03:44Follow him.
03:45You tell me, if I don't read it to you from here, from the phone, because I said ...
03:49Everything has its time.
03:51I'm watching.
03:53Ah, everything has its time.
03:54But that's a week's worth.
03:56No, no, no, at this time?
03:58If you want, I'll hear you from six in the morning.
04:01Well, Congressman Manrique.
04:03Here we have it.
04:04Mario Manrique, Union por la Patria, ends on the 27th.
04:07Distrito that represents Buenos Aires, mechanical profession.
04:11I decided to see, for example, the issue of jury statement.
04:16Let's see.
04:19Well, it's not there.
04:20Come on.
04:21No, they're loading it.
04:22It's in ... you see when ...
04:23But they load it here.
04:24In ...
04:28You're bad, huh?
04:29You're bad.
04:30In development.
04:31It's not there.
04:32But we trust you.
04:34Let's see the projects.
04:36Let's see the projects.
04:38For example.
04:39Declare the annulment of ...
04:40Project of law, put me.
04:41Don't put me as a declaration.
04:43Enable the executive power to appoint ambassadors, people who do not belong to the foreign service.
04:48No, but I have, I have many expressors.
04:50Express repudiation.
04:51But wait, that project, the previous one, but it's not minor either.
04:57What this does is give relevance to career ambassadors.
05:01What this gentleman is doing, yes.
05:03No, let the politicians go.
05:05Because here, what he is doing is that.
05:08There it is.
05:09Well, express repudiation.
05:11I had never seen this one.
05:13Express regret.
05:14Nothing, a tragedy, Dr. Recalde had died.
05:17But does it take a deputy to express regret?
05:20How would it be ...
05:21No, no, but I can't, it's disrespectful.
05:24Look at the three, huh?
05:26The best thing is that they publish a post in X, on Instagram.
05:31But express regret.
05:32Express regret and express rejection.
05:34Be careful, this deputy is an expressive.
05:37This must be of the dog walkers.
05:39Regime regulatory of the canine worker.
05:41Or of the dogs, because what is the canine worker?
05:44The one who walks the dogs.
