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Prepare to have your mind blown by unexplainable coincidences that defy logic and reason! From presidential mysteries to supernatural encounters, we're diving into the most bizarre and mind-bending coincidences that will make you question everything you know.
00:00I was in the sheriff's department in Miami County as a deputy.
00:03I was deputy sheriff for seven years.
00:06Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at ten creepy and bizarre coincidences that
00:12seemingly can't be explained through conventional means.
00:16Because all the conventional theories don't make any sense.
00:21The Curse of the Omen.
00:22This is not a human child.
00:27Make no mistake.
00:28Many horror movies are said to be cursed, but if one is actually cursed, it's the Omen.
00:33Lead actor Gregory Peck, executive producer Mace Neufeld, and writer David Seltzer were
00:38all in separate planes that were struck by lightning, and Neufeld and director Richard
00:42Donner narrowly missed bombings conducted by the IRA.
00:45But death is involved, too.
00:48When the Jews return to Zion and a comet rips the sky and the Holy Roman Empire rises, then
00:56you and I must die.
01:00Peck's son took his own life shortly before filming began.
01:03An animal trainer was mauled to death by a tiger just one day after filming the safari
01:09And maybe freakiest of all, special effects artist John Richardson was in a car crash
01:13with his assistant Liz Moore, and Moore died in the same gruesome manner as Keith, an effect
01:19that Richardson created for the film.
01:22Well, I just think it's a little unusual.
01:28Left-Handed Presidents
01:29So, what's left on this Presidents' Day, or rather, we should say, what's not left?
01:33One of the more peculiar attributes of modern presidents has been a pronounced tendency
01:36to be left-handed.
01:39There are a weird amount of left-handed presidents.
01:41It's generally believed that one in ten people are left-handed.
01:45This lines up with the rate of American presidents.
01:47Of the 45 chiefs, seven were left-handed, for a rate of 15%.
01:52But it gets weird.
01:53There have been 14 presidents since the end of World War II, and six have been left-handed,
01:58for a staggering rate of 43%.
02:00So, again, I want to thank everybody here who's done outstanding work, and I'm now going
02:06to use all these pens to sign them.
02:11I'm always happy when we pass bills.
02:15Scientists and biologists have tried explaining this phenomenon, but no one has a true answer.
02:19The leading theory is that left-handed people are right-hemisphere dominant, meaning they
02:23are more prone to creativity, holistic thinking, and emotional processing.
02:28In other words, traits typically associated with leadership.
02:31Still doesn't explain the prevalence since World War II, though.
02:34Is left-handed.
02:35No one knows why lefties are so good at grabbing the Oval Office.
02:39The miraculous recovery of the endurance.
02:42After about two weeks of searching in very difficult conditions, they found the wreck.
02:47The word endurance, as fitting a name as ever, still clearly visible on her stern.
02:54Sometimes the world gives us such dramatic coincidences that we have to chalk it up to
02:59Or, you know, some other kind of cosmic phenomenon.
03:01Endurance was the ship that Ernest Shackleton sailed into Antarctica.
03:04Unfortunately, the ship got stuck in ice and sank on November 21st, 1915.
03:10Luckily, everyone survived.
03:12Endurance was considered lost for many years, but the wreck was finally found 10,000 feet
03:16into the Weddell Sea off the northwest coast of the continent.
03:20The date was March 5th, 2022, 100 years after Shackleton died on January 5th, 1922.
03:26If the discovery was exactly two months faster, it could have been made 100 years to the day.
03:32The team leaves the wreck untouched.
03:36Endurance remains in its final resting place, a chilling monument to the singular courage
03:42of Ernest Shackleton and his men.
03:45Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.
03:47You see, there it is, even in that 2,000-year-old book of mechanical law.
03:53It is a self-evident truth that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each
04:00Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were elected to Congress exactly 100 years apart,
04:051946 and 1946.
04:08Both became president exactly 14 years later, in 1861 and 1961.
04:14Both were heavily involved in civil rights, with the Emancipation Proclamation and the
04:18Civil Rights Act of 1964.
04:20Two years ago, I proclaimed these people emancipated, then, thenceforward, and forever free.
04:29Both were assassinated on a Friday, and in the exact same manner, with a shot to the
04:33back of the head.
04:34Both were succeeded by a Southern man named Johnson, with Andrew Johnson from North Carolina
04:40and Lyndon B. Johnson from Texas.
04:42And both of these Johnsons were born exactly 100 years apart, in 1808 and 1908.
04:48Something funky is going on with the timeline here, because that is an awful lot of coincidences.
04:53Someone once told me time is a flat circle.
04:59Everything we've ever done or will do, we're going to do over and over and over again.
05:06John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
05:08That these colonies are, and of a right ought to be, free and independent states.
05:16Some more creepy presidential coincidences occur between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
05:21Both men were instrumental in drafting and signing the Declaration of Independence in
05:251776, and both later became president, with Adams as the second and Jefferson as the third.
05:31Their friendship later soured due to political differences, but they reconciled before their
05:35deaths on July 4th, 1826.
05:38Your mother, your mother, is dying.
05:47Yes, you heard that right.
05:49Both men died on the exact same day.
05:51And what's even weirder is that July 4th, 1826 was exactly 50 years after the signing
05:57of the Declaration of Independence.
05:58In fact, Jefferson's final words, this is the fourth, was a proud acknowledgement of
06:03that fact.
06:04Now if that's not a divinely poetic story about building a nation, we don't know what is.
06:09It's the fourth.
06:11Yes, sir.
06:14The Aztec myth turns real.
06:27Quetzalcoatl is a prominent Mesoamerican deity, a god associated with art, learning, and knowledge.
06:33There was a widespread belief in Aztec culture that Quetzalcoatl had been exiled and would
06:38one day return from the East to reclaim his land.
06:41According to some interpretations of Aztec calendars, the year One Reed was associated
06:46with Quetzalcoatl's return, and in 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes arrived
06:52in South America.
06:53As you can probably guess, 1519 was a One Reed year in the Aztec calendar, and just
06:59as the legend predicted, Cortes arrived from the East.
07:02Unfortunately, the prophecy also turned real, and the land was ravaged.
07:06Cortes brought with him disease, death, and destruction, resulting in the fall of the
07:10Aztec Empire.
07:22The Curse of Timur.
07:33Tamerlane, or Timur, was a 14th century Turko-Mongol conqueror, and his tomb in modern-day Uzbekistan
07:40is said to contain a terrible curse.
07:42In June of 1941, Soviet anthropologists opened the tomb on the orders of Joseph Stalin.
07:48In doing so, they defied some local protectors, who claimed the tomb was cursed, and that
07:53opening it would bring destruction.
07:58When they opened the tomb, the team experienced numerous technical difficulties, and just
08:03a few days later, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
08:06This scared Stalin so badly that he ordered Timur be reburied in his tomb.
08:11He was returned in November 1942, and five weeks later, the Soviets won the Battle of
08:16Stalingrad, a pivotal victory that prevented Germany's invasion.
08:28The Gyms.
08:42The story of The Gym Twins is a fascinating tale of coincidence that has been studied
08:46by psychologists.
08:47That's how creepy it is.
08:49So, identical twins Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were separated at birth, and didn't meet
08:55until they were 39 years old.
09:03When they did, they found that both had childhood dogs named Toy.
09:07Both had been married twice, first to women named Linda, and then to women named Betty.
09:12Both had a son, and both sons were named James Allen.
09:16Both were heavy smokers, drove the same Chevrolet, worked in security, and vacationed at the
09:22same Florida beach.
09:23The story greatly influenced studies of nature versus nurture and genetics, but we're chalking
09:28this one up to a glitch in the matrix.
09:36Shanti Devi.
09:42Let us introduce you to Shanti Devi.
09:45The young Delhi girl claimed that she was reincarnated, that she came from the city
09:49of Mathura, that she was married to a man named Kedarnath, and that she had died ten
09:54days after giving birth.
09:56When interviewed, she even used the Mathura dialect, which she should not have known.
10:16A man named Kedarnath was found living in Mathura, and he had lost his wife ten days
10:21after she gave birth.
10:22Nath was brought to Delhi under a guise, but Devi instantly recognized him, and even knew
10:27intimate personal details about his life.
10:29And when Devi went to Mathura with Nath, she recognized her old family members.
10:33Now just what in the heck is going on here?!
11:00A Cosmic Coincidence
11:01And we just happen to be in the right place at the right time.
11:06And by that, we mean it in a cosmic sense.
11:09In fact, the American Astronomical Society calls our eclipses a cosmic coincidence.
11:15The next time you're lucky enough to see a total solar eclipse, just take a minute and
11:19think about what an insane phenomenon it actually is.
11:22The moon, the sun, and the earth all combine to create the perfect conditions for a total
11:27eclipse, thanks to some startling near-divine astronomy.
11:31Its exact size is such that it gives us total eclipses.
11:36Its disk exactly covers the sun.
11:40And the chances of that occurring are so literally astronomically small, it's very disturbing.
11:49The moon is about 400 times smaller than the sun.
11:52So how can it completely obscure it during an eclipse?
11:55Because the moon is also 400 times closer to earth than the sun is.
11:59This amazing and precise coincidence makes the orbs nearly exactly the same size in the
12:06Even astronomers and scientists are befuddled by this, chalking it up to mere cosmic chance.
12:11It's just perfectly in that orbit to eclipse our sun.
12:15The odds of the moon being in that orbit accidentally are a zillion to one.
12:21Do you think you have the answers?
12:23Let us know in the comments below.
12:24This can't be just coincidence, it can't be.
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