Tables, Ladders, and Scares!
Match 1: Charles Crowley & Alexxis Falcon vs. Close Personal Friends
Match 2: Delphine vs. JJ Gale
Match 1: Charles Crowley & Alexxis Falcon vs. Close Personal Friends
Match 2: Delphine vs. JJ Gale
00:00I'm going to get you out of here.
00:01I'm going to get you out of here.
00:02I'm going to get you out of here.
00:03I'm going to get you out of here.
00:04I'm going to get you out of here.
00:05I'm going to get you out of here.
00:06I'm going to get you out of here.
00:07I'm going to get you out of here.
00:08I'm going to get you out of here.
00:09I'm going to get you out of here.
00:10I'm going to get you out of here.
00:11I'm going to get you out of here.
00:12I'm going to get you out of here.
00:13I'm going to get you out of here.
00:14I'm going to get you out of here.
00:15I'm going to get you out of here.
00:16I'm going to get you out of here.
00:17I'm going to get you out of here.
00:18I'm going to get you out of here.
00:37Welcome to Tables, Ladders and Scares 3.
00:44Without further ado, let's get on with it.
00:47Let's get on with our first match.
00:48It's one of Tag Team titles.
00:50Let's bring out our first Tag Team.
01:07Greetings, grapple fans, and welcome to Tables, Ladders and Scares 3.
01:36My name is Dale Jones, but right now making their way to the ring is the debuting team
01:41of Mr. Charles Crowley and Alexis Falcon.
01:46Mr. Charles Crowley we definitely know from UKW history, but let's go through some of
01:50the footage.
01:51Here are some of Charles Crowley's highlights.
02:42Shall we bring out our Tag Team champions?
02:48Let's bring out the Tag Team champions.
02:49Let's get them out here.
03:11Grapple fans, here are the UKPW Tag Team champions.
03:21We have Danny Black and just Jolando C.P.F., and we caught up with C.P.F. earlier today.
03:30Here's what they had to say.
03:32I am joined by C.P.F., who tonight have a title match against Crowley and Alexis Falcon.
03:41So, how are you feeling?
03:43Pfft, it's just Crowley and Alexis innit, we're just going to have to deal with them.
03:48I guess.
03:49Not really.
03:50I wouldn't say looking forward to it.
03:51I guess so.
03:52But, um, title match kind of feels weird for us because we've been on a bit of a losing
03:56streak to be honest.
03:57It doesn't feel like we're worthy of these at the moment.
04:00Yeah, we lose everywhere for that.
04:02But we got these last show.
04:04We proved that we can actually win.
04:06We can.
04:07And if there's a prize on the line, we can win.
04:09So maybe C.P.F. are the close personal prize fighters.
04:13C.P.P. it.
04:14No, C.P.P.
04:15That doesn't work.
04:16C.P.P. it.
04:18Anyway, let's end the promo on a good note.
04:22I wish you luck.
04:26Back to fights, guys.
04:28Grab the fans.
04:29Tag Team champions on the line.
05:10To Apple fans, the following tag team match is scheduled for one fall.
05:18One fall.
05:20With a 15 minute time limit.
05:2315 minute time limit.
05:27I did not forget.
05:29And it is for the UKPW Tag Team Championship.
05:40Introducing first, the challengers.
05:43From either side of the North and South of Ireland.
05:47The best being out of the post, it's Dean with us.
05:51Alexis Duncan.
05:59And her partner, the spectacular, trickster, Mr. Charles Crawley.
06:15Their opponents, they are.
06:18You're waiting.
06:22UKPW Tag Team Championship.
06:29With your name.
06:33And your opportunity.
06:39Well, Apple fans.
06:42There we go.
06:44The match has begun.
06:46And we have a tradition here at UKPW.
06:49The championship presentation.
06:51And Clark Andrew is joining me now.
06:54How's it going?
06:56That was a bit scary, right?
06:58of hot they are absolutely buzzing for this one opening up with the tag team
07:03title this could be a main event it's gonna be incredible Clark Andrews and I
07:07mean I was not happy with the way that they just interrupted a UKPW tradition
07:11there there is no respect here we've already learned very quickly what Alexis
07:15Falcon is all about we've dealt we already know about Charles Crowley
07:17double chop oh my goodness what double team moonsault fist drop this could be it this could be it
07:25already that could have been very quickly over very quickly CPF there with
07:30the early early pinfall crowd firmly behind CPF they are definitely the crowd
07:37favorites for this one I mean they won the UKPW tag team championships here
07:42inside this building they did in a rigorous tag team tournament nearly
07:45miscommunication there oh come on oh my goodness what combo oh oh my goodness
07:51well we have just learned what Crowley and Alexis are all about that's why they
07:55call him the spectacular trickster that's right they do Clark Andrews and
07:59now it looks like Charles Crowley is slowing the pace down CPF is all about
08:03speed and execution while Crowley and Alexis are all about annoying yeah oh
08:09look at that fantastic is this professional wrestling or sports
08:16entertainment I don't even know anymore the crowd here already saying that
08:21they're not happy with Crowley oh really not the window T-boat oh nice
08:29fishing suplex beautiful suplex there by Alexis Falcon into the cover two that was
08:35a two she really is showing that she is the best thing out of hole since Dean
08:39Windhouse what an amazing statistic to have it is into the buckle into the
08:45buckle again we're gonna see a third one oh full impact you could hear that all
08:51the way here from the commentation station Wow what a leaping double leg
08:56leg drop by Crowley this could be off again there for the challenges so close
09:01again Crowley a has challenged for many championships here in UKPW but today has
09:07returned to UKPW to win the UKPW Tag Team Championships and he's gonna do it
09:14in style I mean look at the ring gear of Charles Crowley spectacular in all the
09:19ways but just Jolanda here we go this is what Crowley likes to do he likes to
09:28annoy the audience cartwheel some more sports entertainment there from Charles
09:34Crowley I mean I would argue the cartwheel added more momentum into that
09:38childish slap absolutely front face lock stopping Danny Black from getting into
09:42the ring oh did you hear that slap one was a childish slap that one was just harsh
09:47absolutely harsh now this is excellent tag team wrestling here cutting off the
09:53ring making sure that Lando cannot make the tag and this is an excellent display
09:58oh into the split oh my goodness that's that must have hurt in so many ways in
10:06so many ways this is why they're the tag team champions oh no oh come on Charles
10:13Crowley come on you're better than that you're better than that we we
10:17wrestled he was so good and Alexis nearly stole the championship incredible
10:26what are we seeing here already that was that was an incredible flurry of moves
10:30there and now the pace is slowed down again soon as the momentum speeds up
10:33we're definitely in CPF town and you can see Danny Black on the edge of the ring
10:38desperately awaiting to get his tag to get in there and Crowley now just oh no
10:42no shot there by Crowley Danny you're better than this don't let them get you
10:46don't let them get to you oh no watch Falcon watch Falcon where's she going
10:50where's she going full steam momentum
10:59maybe she should be the spectacular trickster that was a very very tricky
11:03move tricky move there absolutely Clark Andrews and now this is where I was a
11:09bit worried going into this match Crowley and Alexis are known for being
11:13as you say tricksters huge back suplex there they're brilliant wrestlers for what
11:18they've become masters of it's just antagonizing to make people make a
11:23mistake think about times when you get angry you do something stupid that's
11:27what they're trying to get CPF to do here make a mistake to lose the
11:31championships. Oh hailed it on to the tights backflip into the cutter
11:40just Jolanda with that incredible maneuver we've seen in win matches
11:44they're both down the crowd here are super hot for CPF I don't blame them
11:54the tag they're in the right positions there it is here we go Tristan Stone in
12:12the right position big forearm here comes Danny Black at house of fire off
12:16the ropes far side oh no Charles Crowley twice the size of Danny Black but Danny
12:21Black's got twice a fight in Serguri. Danny Black is pumped for this one and the crowd
12:28are definitely feeling it. European uppercut in the corner
12:31Oh switch around into the corner oh my goodness flipping heel kick
12:37incredible momentum incredible force because then he's got him in the
12:41straightjacket oh my goodness what we're about to see we've seen this before he
12:46Oh my goodness that was a close close pinfall there for the crowd firmly
12:56firmly behind our champion CPF here that was an incredible maneuver that was like
13:01a sunset flip bomb with the straitjacket an incredible move by Danny Black using
13:06momentum for his advantage oh no Charles Crowley arguably the
13:10strongest wrestler here in UKPW I mean he suplexed me and I'm like 19 stone
13:16that's incredible. Rolls through oh European uppercut in the corner
13:20rolls through incredible here comes that classic CPF double team DDT with that
13:24missile dropkick surely that's it come on guys you could get the cover there oh
13:29legal man sorry that was my fault because CPF are way better at tag wrestling than I am.
13:33This is what we're talking about we're so hot we don't even know what's gonna
13:36happen next. Oh Alexis Falcon there getting the cheap shot that was
13:40incredibly clever from Alexis Falcon oh my goodness sidekick into that spinning
13:45DDT like Tornado DDT style. We had to nearly ring that bell there Clark Andrews.
13:53We nearly had new tag team champions let's just break down what we just saw
13:56we saw an incredible flurry of moves there but what was about to happen Clark
13:59Andrews CPF were about to hit that big finishing maneuver which is that
14:02neckbreaker shooting star press and Alexis Falcon saw that ran over and
14:06interfered stopping that oh my goodness what are we about to see oh my goodness
14:11surely that's done. I thought we had new tag team champions there. That's incredible.
14:19Danny Black the kid with no fear and he is how did he kick out of that one that's
14:25an incredible that's got to go in the highlight reel that was incredible that
14:28was amazing tag team work there from Falcon and Crowley. No wonder they were
14:33the odds on the bookies favorite for this match. CPF don't count them out we're
14:38in the wheelbarrow. Oh twisting neckbreaker that's almost like a if I'm
14:43honest that's like a 40 mile per hour car crash. Shooting star! How did he do that?
14:50He used a shooting star press to break up the count. I can't get my head
14:57around that Clark Andrews. I can't get my head around that. Incredible incredible scenes here at the
15:01Falconwood Community Center. I'd like to apologize to our audio man I think I
15:04just blew out the audio because I could not believe what I've just seen. That's a
15:07clothesline into the corner backflip are we gonna see that catch again no
15:10Alexis Falcon was ready for that one up front face lock Falcon arrow that's it
15:17it's got to be done. Falcon arrow at the Falconwood Community Center. By Alexis Falcon. Oh my
15:22goodness we're making our jokes but here comes Danny Black with a black buster
15:26there it is again he's won championships with that match with that move sorry
15:30ducks that clothesline big scoop oh my goodness oh all the momentum by Charles
15:36Crowley that is an incredible slam oh my god what did German soap legs into the
15:40corner. We're seeing all the moves here I can't keep up with it. We've still got six
15:45more matches and this match hasn't even finished. The crowd's finally behind CPF
15:50We've got the set up. Here comes the neck breaker. Oh my goodness. That's how they want the tag champions.
15:56This is it. One, two.
16:03What a match. We have just seen grapple fans. Incredible.
16:08Grapple fans, your winners and still UKPW Tag Team Champions, Joe Leto, Danny Black, CPF.
16:39Well grapple fans, what an incredible championship defense. Commiserations to Charles Crowley and Alexis Falcon.
16:48Let's have a look at those highlights. What an incredible showing of manoeuvres.
16:53We saw incredible intensity from both Alexis Falcon and then we saw some incredible double team manoeuvres.
16:59What a combo. However, they could not defeat the UKPW Tag Team Champions, CPF, with their
17:06incredible double team finishing manoeuvre and still UKPW Tag Team Champions, the kid without fear, Danny Black,
17:13just Joe Lando, CPF. Let's go to Jessie backstage with some words.
17:23I am joined with Delphine who, as I remember, the last show you won a match. So you are on a winning streak.
17:31How are you feeling?
17:32I feel fantastic. I feel natural, baby, because this is just how it is. You see, I have been telling you for ages
17:39that Delphine was a winner and everybody laughed at me. But you see, last time you saw me, what happened?
17:44I beat Jay Alexander. And what do I get as a reward? I get JJ Gale. Fine. Give me all the J's, UKPW management.
17:54I can do them. JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ. I can beat all the alphabets, baby, because I'm a winner.
18:03And that's what winners do. In 2024, I've got a plan. Because 2024, I will cement myself as the biggest winner in all of UKPW.
18:24Yes, Delphine. Thank you.
18:29Can we find out who Delphine's wrestling?
18:33Can we find out who Delphine is wrestling?
18:38Let's bring them out.
18:55What a start.
18:57Weighing in at 85 British kilos, from Greenport, Norfolk, by way of Southampton, he is your Break Stuff winner and the heart and soul of British wrestling.
19:23JJ GALE!
19:30Thank you, Clark Andrews, for that incredible introduction to the heart and soul of British wrestling, JJ Gale.
19:35Let's be honest, there's tons of things you can say, but let's actually show you what JJ Gale can do.
19:41He made an impressive debut at our last Falconwood event, Break Stuff, where he won the Break Stuff match with these incredible manoeuvres.
19:50I mean, I still get shivers watching that clip of JJ Gale doing that incredible senton bomb from the top of the ladder, clinching his victory.
19:59And let's be clear, JJ Gale can challenge for any, absolutely any UKPW Championship he chooses.
20:07And I believe we're going to find out later today.
20:10Welcome back, Clark Andrews.
20:11Welcome back, Clark Andrews.
20:12Hello, hello, hello.
20:14We've got a good one here, I think.
20:16Delphine, JJ Gale, USA versus the UK.
20:23Let's see how this one goes.
20:24I mean, this is a preview, Clark Andrews, for a bit later in the day.
20:27We've got a six-man tag, but right now we've got JJ Gale against Delphine.
20:35Proud here, heart for JJ Gale.
20:42Go, JJ, go!
20:49Delphine, are you ready?
20:51Take it!
20:53Ring the bell!
20:59Here we go, grappler fans.
21:01This is a match.
21:03I'm going to call this the wrestler's wrestling match.
21:05Delphine, an incredible in-ring athlete, has wrestled pretty much on almost every UKPW show in 2023.
21:13To be fair, and he's going to kill me for saying it, but he's not had the greatest ring offer.
21:18But, he is on the winning streak.
21:21He is on the winning streak.
21:23Let's have a look at the guy who's facing JJ Gale.
21:26The winner of the Break Stuff match earlier, earlier in the year, which entitles him to a title shot against any championship he chooses.
21:34Absolutely, I mean, what a confidence boost that's got to be for JJ Gale, knowing that you've got a championship match in your back pocket whenever you like.
21:42But that is why Delphine wanted this match against JJ Gale.
21:46Delphine has been slogging away, been slogging away at all of our shows.
21:51Often, some people call him an MVP of every show.
21:55Because he's there, he's entertaining, he shows up, he flies from America every single time.
21:59I mean, let's not talk about the air miles, that's a different story.
22:01But I think what happened here, the story of this match, is that JJ Gale was given a main event match, again on his reputation, he was given a main event match immediately.
22:11Delphine took a whole year of hard graft to get that chance.
22:15So this match is quite possible.
22:20Just think what this could do, if Delphine picks up the victory here, what does that look like?
22:24Does that make him a contender for any title?
22:27Now, I was in the board meeting the other day, yes, that's right, UKIP Loving had board meetings.
22:33And this discussion did come up, if Delphine beats JJ Gale, JJ Gale still has number one potential against any other title.
22:39But there is a real legal case, and I'm sure Lewis Basham will get on me on this one.
22:43There is a legal case that technically Delphine now gets a chance at something as well.
22:50Now, incredible in-ring wrestling here.
22:53Oh, seatbelt pin, oh my goodness, this is so hard to...
22:58Incredible, that was so...
23:01That hold is so hard to execute, but also to kick out of.
23:06For the record, anyone that's keeping log of Dale Jones matches, I've lost about ten matches to that seatbelt pin.
23:11I never figured out how to kick it out.
23:13And Delphine just did it there, so that shows you how good Delphine is.
23:18They're not behind Delphine on this one, they're definitely behind JJ Gale here.
23:23Oh, look at this.
23:26Now, Delphine, look, as your mentor and coach from a distance, that you're not aware of,
23:31don't let these people come to annoy you, don't let them get into your head.
23:36Wow, how did he do that?
23:39Oh, into the midsection, what's JJ going to do?
23:41Oh my God, rolls over, far side springboard.
23:44Oh my goodness, the momentum, and a deep arm drag into a dropkick.
23:49Oh, did you see that from JJ Gale?
23:51So good, that's incredible.
23:56JJ Gale, showing why he is in line for championship gold in UKPW.
24:01No way, don't, no, no, no.
24:03No, there's not enough room.
24:04It's not enough room.
24:05Oh my goodness.
24:06Oh, toe pace to a cedar.
24:09Into the aisle way.
24:11Oh, what a finish, and a dropkick.
24:13Oh, what a finish, and a dropkick.
24:15Oh, what a finish, and a dropkick.
24:17Oh, what a finish, and a dropkick.
24:20Oh, what a finish, and a dropkick.
24:22To a cedar, into the aisle way.
24:25JJ Gale there, thoroughly getting up close and personal with the UKPW crowd.
24:31Anything can happen in UKPW, and it usually does.
24:34The crowd here are loving this.
24:36They're loving every second of this.
24:38Oh, it's only match two, and I'm having a great time.
24:41We've seen so many things already.
24:43I think we've actually seen all the rushing moves.
24:45I don't think there's any more we can do.
24:46Oh, what's Gale going to do now?
24:48If there's anyone who can have a new move, it's JJ Gale.
24:51Geez, the height.
24:55Proposed pinfall there by JJ Gale.
24:57Kick out at two.
24:58That was an incredible, over-the-rope, senton-style guerrera,
25:02as some people like to call it.
25:05The crowd here, I am so impressed with how much the crowd here
25:08are absolutely in love with JJ Gale.
25:10Full head of steam.
25:11Oh, no.
25:12Oh, my goodness.
25:15That is a reminder why we try and put the matting on the outside.
25:18That could have been horrendous.
25:20There's this thing in pro wrestling where, at the end of the day,
25:24Delphine could have done a move there, but he just decided to shove JJ Gale.
25:27That was incredibly dangerous.
25:29And it just shows that Delphine, yes, he's fun-loving.
25:32Yes, he tries to have fun.
25:34It really is a killer instinct to him.
25:37And you've got to wonder, is the referee on Delphine's side here?
25:40I mean, judging by the face paint, she is dressed as a local artist
25:43from New York.
25:45Is it a plea, which isn't there?
25:47There might be.
25:48I'm glad you're here.
25:50Delphine, chiseled and cut, been in the gym every day.
25:56Really looking to raise his ranks in the UK.
25:59Look at that.
26:00He's just mocking JJ Gale.
26:06What's interesting to me is there are tons of people with their phones out
26:09filming JJ Gale.
26:11But the moment Delphine starts to win, the phones go away.
26:15I think that's really fun.
26:18Okay, okay.
26:20Delphine, you've done this before.
26:22It doesn't always work.
26:23I'm not sure if this is a good idea.
26:25Ah, it connects.
26:26It connects.
26:27Huge missile drop kick.
26:29One, two.
26:31Another near pinfall there.
26:33Another near pinfall.
26:35Delphine's really giving it to JJ Gale here.
26:37Incredible here, Clark Andrews.
26:38Oh, there was a harsh little slap across the back there.
26:40Like, come on.
26:41There's some showmanship here, but I don't think there's any sportsmanship.
26:47Now Delphine in control here.
26:50Delphine, unfortunately, was on the losing end this time last year in
26:54Tables by the Scares.
26:56He lost, unfortunately, to who's in the main event today?
27:00Theodore Powers.
27:02Oh, huge.
27:03Sorry, the reason why I hesitated was I could see what was about to happen.
27:06And Delphine, with all of his might, using the ring post.
27:10Essentially, the turnbuckle is to his advantage.
27:15Front face lock.
27:16Oh, hooks the leg.
27:18It's a nice bridging fisherman suplex.
27:22The great thing about the fisherman suplex is that you land,
27:26you're instantly in a pinfall.
27:28So you get impact, you get pinfall.
27:30But there's one shoulder that's not being covered,
27:32and that was the shoulder that JJ Gale kicked out.
27:35Go, Delphine, go, Delphine, go!
27:38Go, Delphine, go, Delphine, go!
27:41Delphine fully in control right now.
27:44And the people here in Southwood are not happy with this contest right now.
27:48They're firmly behind JJ Gale here.
27:53Now the referee here.
28:00JJ Gale looking to the crowd.
28:03Looking to get some of that adrenaline rush.
28:06That showmanship.
28:07Delphine loves to show off.
28:09He does.
28:17Double underhook.
28:18Butterfly position.
28:20We've seen Delphine do this before.
28:22It's an incredibly beautiful looking move.
28:24And finishes people off.
28:26It looks like JJ Gale is fighting out of it.
28:28He only had one finger hooked.
28:30Referee out the way.
28:31Maximum distance.
28:33Into the buckle.
28:35Into the other buckle.
28:37Jay with wheelbarrow position.
28:40A double stomp.
28:41It's so hard to keep up.
28:43The action is so fast paced here in UKPW.
28:46Fast and furious.
28:48It is fast and furious.
28:50Oh, my goodness.
28:51JJ Gale.
28:52He's lining Delphine up.
28:54Bam, right into the top buckle.
28:56That was a huge collision.
28:59Big impact.
29:02Spinning heel kick.
29:04That is going to be a severe knock to Delphine's head.
29:08Can't help but think you're going to be dizzy now.
29:14This is a family show for JJ Gale.
29:17This shows how personal this is.
29:19Oh, there's that sling blade.
29:24Another near pinfall there from JJ Gale.
29:28You can see he's getting a little bit wound up here.
29:30But the crowd firmly behind JJ Gale.
29:33Everybody's delping up.
29:35Rolls out.
29:36Big forearm.
29:38JJ knocks Silly there.
29:39Oh, no.
29:40Here we go.
29:41We've seen this before.
29:42Oh, JJ flips out.
29:43Drags the back elbow into the corner.
29:46Oh, my goodness.
29:47A 360 spinning European uppercut from the corner.
29:49Here comes the cover.
29:50Two and goal.
29:53That must have been a 2.9.
29:56I'm going to have to get in contact with them Formula 1
29:58counters, because that was so close.
30:00As you say, that was 2.999.
30:02I'll tell you, if Wrestling had VAR,
30:04we would definitely be referring to VAR on that one.
30:07I think we should.
30:08Maybe I'll speak to management about it.
30:10See if we can do that.
30:13What's JJ going for?
30:15We saw this before.
30:16Springboard into a cutter.
30:17Not quite.
30:20Huge German suplex.
30:23Oh, my goodness.
30:25Delphine with a picture perfect German suplex.
30:29All of the pressure was on the shoulders.
30:31The fact that JJ Gale was able to roll his shoulder out of that
30:35position is incredible.
30:39A picture perfect German suplex all the way from New York,
30:42New York.
30:44And that is very well traveled.
30:45Very well traveled is Delphine.
30:48Delphine on the floor here.
30:50Referee is counting.
30:51Will they make the ten count?
30:54They're up to four.
30:57So many people here in Falconwood today enjoying the action.
31:03People booing Delphine.
31:06People cheering JJ Gale.
31:12I'm sure our audio.
31:14That was just harsh.
31:22JJ building up some momentum.
31:26Vicious, vicious forearms.
31:29Somebody stop that.
31:31Super kick.
31:33Oh, my goodness.
31:36He reversed it.
31:37It's got to be it.
31:39It's got to be it.
31:40It's got to be it.
31:42Another 2.9.
31:47Incredible Delphine's incredible ability.
31:51His resilience cannot be denied.
31:53But can the victory for JJ Gale be denied?
31:57JJ looking in the corners.
32:00I wonder if he's looking for a big springboard.
32:02I think he's going for the springboard maneuver.
32:04We keep seeing Delphine up here.
32:06Oh, my goodness.
32:08He drop kicked JJ.
32:10No way.
32:11From his knees.
32:13How did he do that?
32:15That's it.
32:17It's done.
32:21That must have been a 2.9999999.
32:26That's incredible.
32:27I can't get my head around what we've just seen there, Clark Andrews.
32:30Delphine suplexed JJ Gale from his knees.
32:34The strength needed to do that is insane.
32:38And he kicked out.
32:40Delphine's not happy now.
32:41He's going to go for that butterfly maneuver again.
32:44He's going to go for that finish.
32:46JJ Gale resisting.
32:49Spins out.
32:50Watch JJ.
32:52Oh, no.
32:53Goes for that kick again.
32:54Blocks it.
32:55What are we going to see?
32:57Into a urinage.
32:59Nips up.
33:01Oh, my goodness.
33:02And a hooking kick.
33:04What is JJ Gale doing?
33:05Oh, my goodness.
33:06And a falcon arrow in the middle.
33:08Falcon arrow right here at the Falcon World Community Center.
33:11And oh, my goodness.
33:14That could have been a 2.999, a 2.911.
33:17Who knows anymore?
33:19I can't believe what we've just seen, Clark Andrews.
33:21This is incredible.
33:22The action here in UKPW does not stop.
33:26These two are putting on a wrestling clinic.
33:31Where's JJ going?
33:33Going up top.
33:34No way.
33:35What's JJ doing here?
33:37What's JJ going to go for?
33:39You can't.
33:40Surely not.
33:42Rolls through.
33:45Watch it.
33:46Oh, no.
33:47I think JJ was a bit discombobulated where he was.
33:49Delphine with that kick.
33:50Oh, no.
33:51He's going to go for that butterfly.
33:52Here we go.
33:53Up he goes.
33:54Oh, nice.
33:55He's done.
33:58Oh, my goodness.
34:00Oh, jeez.
34:01Here it comes.
34:02He's going to go for that springboard.
34:03Spinning cutter.
34:04Oh, he gets it.
34:05It's done.
34:06Surely that must be it.
34:08He's got it.
34:11Incredible match-up.
34:17I'm going to leave you with Clark Andrews with the announcement.
34:21Your winner, the heart and soul of British wrestling, JJ Riddell.
34:33What an incredible match-up, Grapple fans.
34:37Let's just have a look at some of the highlights of this match.
34:39I mean, there are tons to go through.
34:41JJ Gale kept going for that big move, and Delphine kept blocking it.
34:45Delphine also got some incredible shots in.
34:48However, we're going to get Clark Andrews in the ring.
34:52Let's get a word from JJ Gale live.
34:56Give it up once again for JJ Gale.
35:06JJ, as we all know, you are the number one contender for any title.
35:12You decide what you want to break stuff.
35:15So, the question is, who's going to win this match-up?
35:21Malcolm Wood, thank you very much.
35:27I'm astounded every time I come here by the passion, the love that you give to me.
35:34You people get me through this.
35:36You are the heart and soul of British wrestling.
35:38And I live for this.
35:40I live for this.
35:42The love that you give to me.
35:45You people get me through this.
35:47You are the heart and soul of British wrestling.
35:49And I live through you.
36:05Later tonight, there's going to be a Tables, Ladders and Scares match.
36:09And the winner of that match will be the champion that I face next month on November 26th.
36:20Now, I, more than anyone else, knows what it takes to win a match like that.
36:24Because the last time I was here, that's exactly what I did.
36:27So, whoever walks out deserves to be champion.
36:30And you enjoy it for the next month, whoever that champion is.
36:33Because come November 26th, I continue this hot run of momentum that I've been on in 2023.
36:39And I walk out of UKPW on November 26th the new UKPW champion.
36:48They are some fighting words.
36:52What? That's just... Wait.
36:57Oh, I know a man that's not keen on that.
37:01There were some interesting words there.
37:03Whoever walks out the champion.
37:13Thank you, Clark Andrews, for the introduction.
37:15Here's a man that's taken exception to that challenge.
37:18As it stands, it could be JJ Gale against any five of the people in the TLS match.
37:22It's the first time the UKPW championship has ever been defended in a TLS match.
37:28Oh, Roth is not scared. He loves a challenge.
37:31Oh, it looks like Roth's going to... Oh, I didn't...
37:33Okay, I'm going to be quiet. Roth's going to give me a fine.
37:37People here in Falconwood absolutely adore Alexander Roth.
37:43Hi, how are you all? What's happening?
37:51JJ here, alright?
37:54Not what I can tell you about the UKPW championship, huh?
37:58Not a problem.
38:12They are some incredible...
38:15And the next one to accept it, it could be Alexander Roth versus JJ Gale.
38:22That... Oh, they are some big fighting words.
38:24Roth is saying that... Oh!
38:27Oh, I know someone that doesn't like those words.
38:30And certainly has a different intended finish of today.
38:34Here's the return of true grit.
38:37Connor Mills making his intentions clear.
38:40Intentions clear.
38:41The end of this, this is...
38:43Oh, no, no, guys, guys, guys, seriously, don't...
38:45Not now, not now, no, no, no, no.
38:47We might have to get some security in there because this is not good.
38:52What is... Connor's got the belt.
38:54That's not...
38:56Okay, Roth seems chilled, so...
39:11It will be.
39:18Strong words.
39:31We did.
39:41World Championship from you.
39:58Those are some strong words.
40:02Oh, no.
40:04Oh, there's a... There's a... Oh, are we... Seriously?
40:07I mean, I like this guy. I'm also lost to this guy.
40:09But it's... It's the entertainer Theodore Powers.
40:13Who, again, looks like has taken exception to the words that have been said in that ring.
40:18I don't know if the camera got that, but me and Theodore got a bit of a bond.
40:21Got a bit of love.
40:22I really respect this man, a former UKW Champion himself.
40:25Knows how to get to the top and is planning on making his way up there.
40:28Looks like Theodore's gonna say a few words.
40:31Connor Evans is strong.
40:32Of course he is.
40:42Are you for the show?
40:45Are you looking forward to the next...
40:47When that later number offers his championship, right up there?
40:52He's doing such a good job, he will, he will.
40:54And he is Theodore Powers!
41:04Now, I'll get James, who's gonna come out here for this.
41:07But, why don't you say a bit about history?
41:10You and I have a lot of history.
41:12You and I have a lot of history.
41:14Now, there's JJ.
41:15One day, we will have history when I win this match and face you.
41:19Well, stop flirting and get to the point!
41:23Oh, Conor.
41:26Now, the thing with you, Conor.
41:27Nobody else in this match understands the weight that it is to be UKW Champion.
41:34And the last time I was champion, I had hair on the top of my head and no one had shit.
41:39I was just a boy.
41:40I understand the responsibility of weight.
41:42And it was to carry a company on your shoulders.
41:46And you've done such a good job.
41:48So, you're back.
41:53Take a compliment.
41:59Oh, no.
42:00Oh, no.
42:01Oh, no.
42:03This is getting out of hand.
42:06This is getting out of hand now.
42:08Oh, no.
42:10The man is essentially undefeated in 2023.
42:15People know him as The Law.
42:17Lewis Basham.
42:21This is outrageous.
42:23We've got all the competitors.
42:25We've nearly got all the competitors in the TLS match.
42:28Basham making his way to the ring.
42:29Certainly has something on his mind.
42:36Guys, seriously.
42:39Don't fight.
42:41This is getting a bit tense.
42:44I'm not sure.
42:46I appreciate.
42:47Guys, don't.
42:50Basham knows every rule in the book.
42:52Don't hit him.
42:59People here are calling you Boring Basham.
43:10It's all a bunch of fun and games.
43:12Calling each other names.
43:14And just.
43:15Why are you still here?
43:16You had your match 10 minutes ago.
43:18Go back.
43:19We'll see you in November.
43:23You're lucky me.
43:24I'll see you in November when I win this TLS match.
43:28It doesn't matter what it's called, Rob.
43:30Because all you call this sort of band around here.
43:34You lost the last time you were here.
43:36Still waiting to beat you, Rob.
43:40You lost.
43:41And you know what?
43:42I don't lose.
43:44You have stepped into the UK WWE ring.
43:46In a year.
43:47And here you are.
43:48In the main event.
43:49Of the UK WWE title match.
43:51And you.
43:52Got a point.
43:54You have the worst legal offender ever.
43:57And I don't know why you're still here.
44:01I mean Basham's legal.
44:03Ladies and gentlemen.
44:04Get used to it.
44:06The new UK WWE champion.
44:08Will be the Law.
44:12They are some strong words.
44:14We are missing one more.
44:16Wait, hang on.
44:17Did I just.
44:25I know.
44:26People are firmly behind JJ Gale.
44:35Oh, we've got one more.
44:36What's that one about?
44:38Oh, hang on.
44:39There is one more person missing.
44:41There is.
44:46Of course.
44:47The fifth competitor.
44:49In the TLS match.
44:55What are you still doing here?
44:58This is a statement.
45:00This is a statement.
45:03Scotty Raw.
45:06No respect for JJ Gale.
45:09And then Kira just walking by.
45:10Not even giving any eye contact.
45:12JJ Gale has done an incredible job of keeping calm.
45:16But I'm intrigued as to why Kira.
45:19Has made her presence known here.
45:21Last time in Falconwood we had.
45:23The exhibition champion versus champion match.
45:26And Kira Chimera did win.
45:28That contest.
45:31By vicarious means.
45:33Roth has got to have eyes in the back of his head.
45:36He's got four competitors.
45:37JJ Gale and Kira Chimera.
45:50This is combustible elements.
45:51This is combustible elements.
45:52Roth is a man of many words.
45:55Considering the last time we were here.
45:58It was me.
45:59And Kira Chimera.
46:02Over your rocket arches.
46:04In this ring.
46:05Holding your title.
46:06Above your head.
46:08That is true.
46:09That is true.
46:17You want to talk about cheating.
46:18You want to talk about injustice.
46:19You want to talk about injustice.
46:20Within the union.
46:21You know you.
46:23I walked in here.
46:25Down the doors.
46:26I lost.
46:27In this regional championship.
46:29And I'm still.
46:30In this main event.
46:31Taking that strap.
46:33From Falconwood.
46:34To Brutally.
46:35From the Empire.
46:36To put it here.
46:38Them fighting words.
46:39From Scotty Roth.
46:41Making his intentions fully clear.
46:43The walls were all green.
46:46But let me tell you.
46:47Walls were made of packs.
46:49Of our special gear.
46:51With Kira Chimera.
46:54Your title reign.
46:56Is in danger.
46:58Because I raise my hand.
47:00And you.
47:01You made a purely show of it.
47:03At the tables.
47:05And chairs.
47:06You know I'm here.
47:08You know I'm here.
47:09Lose to me now.
47:10Lose to me now.
47:12You know that.
47:13So you thought we'd get on with it.
47:14I thought we'd get on with it.
47:15All the way.
47:17Come on what is that for?
47:22Look at all these people.
47:25Is Roth gonna
47:26What's Roth gonna do?
47:27I mean
47:28Give it over to Clark Andrews.
47:37There we go.
47:39Roth has handed
47:40Oh my goodness.
47:41Grapple fans.
47:42Alexander Roth
47:43Has handed the championship
47:44Later today, in our main event, we have tables, ladders, and scares.
47:48Five competitors, one championship, high above.
47:51The tensions have never been higher.
47:53Rebel fans, I cannot wait for this main event, but we've got to wait.