• 3 weeks ago
Watch "The Color Purple" star Danielle Brooks, as she talks about her favorite getting-ready rituals (jam sessions with her glam team), red carpet bag essentials, and finding the perfect glam couture tulle gown for the evening awards!
00:00If you would have seen me on my first carpet, my red carpet for Orange is the New Black,
00:04I was freaking out.
00:19Well, hello, Who Would Wear.
00:20I'm Danielle Brooks, and I would love it if you came with me as I got ready for the Critics'
00:25Choice Awards.
00:28My favorite part about getting ready for the red carpet is probably the jam session that
00:34we have.
00:35Just, like, getting in the vibe of the day.
00:38What does it feel to be nominated for Best Supporting Actress?
00:43Ah, it feels great.
00:45It feels great.
00:46I think it's even better than what I imagined.
00:49You know, the little kid that's, like, watching it on TV and dreaming really big, and then
00:55you go through the process of, like, doing the work.
00:58I'm really, really excited.
01:03Sofia on the stage and Sofia in the film are completely...
01:07They're not completely different, but I'm a different person.
01:11So, I've learned and have changed and morphed in different ways that have added to the character.
01:17Like, Sofia's a mom, I'm a mom.
01:19Sofia's married, I'm married.
01:21The biggest change is, like, I'm actually in Georgia now.
01:25Like, I'm actually in a juke joint and, you know, at a dinner table.
01:29And when I did it on Broadway, we were just acting on a bare stage with chairs.
01:35So, at that time, I was just using my imagination.
01:38But now, like, I have all of the aspects that I need to bring her to life.
01:44Oh, my God.
01:45Oh, my God, getting to say that on film, you know, where it's in the canon forever,
01:51was wild because we just know how impactful that was when Miss Oprah said it.
01:59Just getting to, like, have the legacy, be a part of the legacy and have that passed on to me
02:05means a lot.
02:07But now it's cool because, like, you have the iconic lines that she brought,
02:12but now you have some new ones that I'm bringing, so that's pretty cool.
02:17Getting to be in Sofia's shoes with Oprah standing there is something I never in my wildest dreams thought would happen.
02:26I think that's, like, you dream big, but sometimes, like, what God has for you is way bigger than what you could ever imagine.
02:33And it's been so sweet to go on this journey with her and have her hold my hand throughout the process.
02:38My daughter is starting to comprehend what is going on with Mommy and what she does for a living.
02:44She is watching at home and wearing her dresses and getting all dolled up.
02:50It's super cute.
02:56You bought me more peanuts?
02:59The inspiration behind today's look for Danielle for her Critics' Choice,
03:04we wanted to do something different and play with silhouettes
03:07because every time when my clients are on the carpet,
03:10I love to do a different story, different silhouettes every time you see them.
03:14So today we're doing a glam couture version of a, say, of a sweet baby doll dress.
03:20The first thing about this look that caught my eye was just how beautiful it was.
03:25We wanted to really just play with different silhouettes.
03:27And so this Mansouri dress, as soon as she saw it,
03:30she instantly fell in love and knew that we had to wear it for the carpet.
03:33This awards season, our style story, we really wanted to really push the envelope
03:38when it comes to fashion, and especially plus-size fashion,
03:41to really show those silhouettes can be played along with any size, any range, in any occasion.
03:49In my bag today for Critics' Choice, I will be taking a fan, my Polaroid,
03:55and I will be taking a little snack, some nuts, because I don't know if they got food,
04:01and my flat shoes.
04:06Yeah, I think what's important more than anything is the people you see on the show,
04:10the people that you see on the show.
04:12My flat shoes.
04:14Yeah, I think what's important more than anything is the people you surround yourself with
04:19that, like, help keep your spirit where it should be on days like this.
04:26So, yeah, I'm kind of, like, chill.
04:28If you would have seen me on my first carpet, though, my red carpet for Orange is the New Black,
04:33I was freaking out.
04:35You know, these pictures live forever, and it was the first time people were being introduced to me,
04:41so I was really, really nervous.
04:43It turned out fine.
04:45I was thinking, like, just straight, like, down the center.
04:49Oh, I can't wait to see this back.
04:51What's this back giving?
04:56They not going to be ready.
04:58Ooh, what?
04:59Uh, yes.
05:02Okay, thank you for this day.
05:03Thank you for all of the joy that will come of this day.
05:06Thank you for the people that you have gathered today.
05:08I'm excited for what's to come.
05:10I accept what's to come.
05:12I thank you for all of the players in this story.
