• last month
'My mistakes are now causing the government damage', she said as she stepped down from her position as NSW Transport minister.


00:00As I said on Sunday, I've made some mistakes. People aren't perfect. I did not break the rules, but I acknowledge that that's not the only test here. I've let the public down and I'm very sorry for that.
00:22We were elected to be better than the last government. This morning I've told the Premier that I will resign my position as Minister for Transport. I will continue to serve this government as the Member for Summerhill.
00:38But I want to put on record and to pre-empt the questions you probably want to ask, I did take a trip last year with my husband to the Hunter Valley. It was not the same circumstances as the 25th of January. I was working on that day, but I do want to acknowledge that my use of my personal driver was an error of judgement by me.
01:00My mistakes are now causing the government damage. Politics is difficult. Expectations are high and I know that. From the very minute I was appointed a Minister, I have worked my arse off. You don't clock out from being a Minister. You work every single minute of the day, just like you don't clock out from being a mum.
01:28Combining those roles is difficult, but I'm not alone in that challenge. I've always prided myself on trusting in people and in the goodwill of people I'm lucky to serve. Treating people with respect and acting with integrity and that I am loyal and always will be. It kills me right now that some people might think otherwise of me.
01:58Government is a collective effort and our agenda is more important than one individual. When we came to government, we inherited a public transport system that was on its knees. I'm incredibly proud that we've managed to make public transport exciting again.
02:14People are voting with their feet. Patronage is up. Public transport is the great social equaliser. It doesn't matter how much money you make or where you live, you can get public transport, get to work, do your job and look after your family. It's core to our labour values.
02:34Great global cities of the world have great public transport systems and Sydney is well on its way. I'm disappointed I don't get to finish the job. I want to thank each and every member of the transport team. They are a committed workforce working each and every day for each and every one of us. They are led by the best Secretary in Government, Josh Murray, and I want to thank him for everything he has done and will continue to do.
03:04It has been a great honour serving as a Senior Minister in the Men's Labour Government. I want to thank the Premier for his trust in me and for his friendship. I want to thank my Cabinet colleagues for their support. I want to thank the best staff in the Parliament, my amazing team. They are led by my Chief of Staff, Kate Lee, and my loyal Deputy, Matt Howard, who has worked for me since 2015.
03:34I want to thank my husband and my kids. They are going to see a lot more of me very soon, as will the great people of Summerhill. See you all soon.
