• 2 months ago
El Presidente | One Bite
00:00What's your name, sir?
00:11You can call me Facundo.
00:13All right.
00:14Here you go.
00:15Thank you, sir.
00:16Feature review time.
00:17We'll go back here some way.
00:18We are at Beludo, which started in Minnesota.
00:19So what do you have?
00:20Four locations?
00:21Four locations.
00:24So this...
00:28Four in Minnesota.
00:33And then the next logical step, obviously, you go Minnesota to Miami.
00:37Argentinian pizza.
00:39This guy, first of all, what I knew going in, I'm like, they're going to have messy stuff everywhere.
00:44He's wearing a messy shirt.
00:46I tried to buy a messy shirt off the rack so I could use it to review.
00:52He almost cut my balls off when I do so you can't have that he gave me a hat this pizza now
00:58If you know my style
01:00Way over the top for what I like like I like a clean light easygoing pizza this guy did this up
01:07This is the type of pizza you put in an award show
01:10He said when his hair is that when I say this when it's ours what it's ours
01:16Wait, sorry, he said I gotta go he says they got pizzas and Ria's every five seconds
01:21So I didn't know that one bite ever knows the rule
01:24This is shockingly white for how it looks good undercarriage. Let's see here. I don't wanna make a fool out of myself
01:48also had
01:50Epinadas as an appetizer, which he says is what they do in Buenos Aires
01:56Argentinian so that's where we're getting up and you got empanadas. So I'm gonna do a bonus empanada review, which they forced on my throat
02:03I was just waiting for the pizza
02:05So here's the bonus review. This one's cheese. This one's meat. I have no scale
02:09I don't think I've ever done an empanada review little light eating
02:16We make everything out really good really good. No, I love it, but I don't it doesn't go with pizza to me
02:28Great that's great. I don't know how you go from that for pizza, but that's heavy. That's good. Totally different by
02:36On an empanada scale, which I have none. So anytime you start early, that's like a nine-two empanada to me now
02:45If there's nothing to judge it
02:47There's that one. There's nothing else. Well spicy
02:50You try the cheese. This guy looks like a whale like deep-seek like that. Uh AI thing that's disrupting the world
02:58See what we got here
03:08Also really go by much prefer the meat that was bland just cheese in a roll. So that one's like I don't
03:16Seven nine the meat one that they serve you empanadas, which is crazy me because that's a heavy thing
03:22I love the empanada and then they give you a pizza and then you just go. I don't know how you move
03:39This is great
03:41Now there's me what this point what I see is that I don't I won't put this on my pizza because I like it
03:53Like I said, this is an artisan pizza
03:55There's like the type of pizza you see in like Las Vegas and like the pizza award
04:01very very good, I
04:03Didn't know they made pizza like this in Argentina. I'm gonna go with
04:13Really good
04:19If you like artisan pizza
04:22You'll put this in the night
04:24Or hi, I'm not an artisan pizza guy, I'm gonna go 7-8 on it just because
04:35Pizza I don't put all the stuff, you know, I like it
04:39But you can tell how fresh white it is and it's great and I highly recommend it
04:44It's a pizza even if you're not that style. I recommend trying it
04:48It's a very unique different pizza, but you can tell it's great and it's just what your style is so in the empanadas
04:57I'll come for just that so a lot. Oh, you got
05:12All right, so there you go that's review what a unique place Miami coming up in the food scene with the pizza
05:17There you go. So make my scale again. If you like artisan pizza and all the stuff you're gonna rank it higher
05:23That's our view great
