• 2 months ago
How lottery-funded boxing helps South Yorkshire youngsters
00:00So the mission is really, what we've found is we want to get everyone access to sport, free access.
00:09So when we first started this we realised that there were a lot of barriers to young people
00:14accessing sport and boxing in particular which obviously we're really proud of and we think can
00:19be a lot of work in communities. So we wanted to improve mental and physical health and give
00:27people opportunities that they might never have been able to access something like boxing.
00:31That's why the Money for the Watch was so important because when we look at sport
00:34and social economics involved in sport there's been a model for a long time where someone's
00:39social economic and financial standing grants opportunity. So with that money we can put
00:44everything on for free so anyone in the community regardless of where they are social economically
00:50or financially can access the club and allows us to level that playing field.
00:54What we're doing we're sort of doing something a little bit different so building gyms within
00:57school settings so making schools, academies partners in what they're doing
01:03and this is something that's not really been done anywhere in the country
01:07so we're looking at trying to build on that model right across Rotherham and beyond really.
01:14So there's a few individuals who access the club that we found in school, did the intervention
01:22work in school and now they've continued to access the club and partake in boxing at a further level
01:27moving towards the LHEC competition. That's a real good for the project so that's going to
01:34take care of our core team for the next two years and so we can really build on the good work
01:40we've already been doing this last few years so hopefully take us to the next level.
01:45Because it allows us to continue giving back to the community and to be honest like it enriches me
01:50as well doing what the position I've got today the opportunity DC boxing gives me
01:56you know it makes me feel like I've won the lottery.
