• 2 months ago
We ask Londoners if going to the pub is a luxury, and do they seem to be disappearing?
00:00I definitely feel like bars and restaurants are less so kind of closing but kind of rotating a lot
00:07so I feel like there's a lot of bars especially around the triangle here that have kind of been
00:11closing down and a few of them have actually stayed closed. I think that's because of like
00:15rental highs and stuff like that or they're just being replaced actually by a lot of like barbers
00:20and stuff so actually yeah I'd say it's it's definitely slowing down a bit. I do read that
00:26our great British pub is having a very stressful time and that I forget what the statistics were
00:34but it was really quite awful how many pubs were closing. And as for me and like my partner going
00:40out for dinner and stuff for sure we're we've been making plans for the last year to like
00:46go to Sainsbury's more, cook at home more, have it more as like a treat thing before it was like
00:50quite a regular thing that we used to do. No kids or anything like that so we are going out you know
00:55a lot together on on dates and stuff but now we're having to like reel that in quite a lot.
