• 2 months ago
Rising pub prices are making nights out more expensive than ever. We ask locals how often they go out, whether they’ve turned to budget pubs, and if the rising cost has made going to the pub a luxury.


00:00I pop in the pub about five days a week, you know, and my main two nights are Tuesdays
00:08and Thursdays, you know, my social nights out. But like when I'm out shopping, like
00:15today, I'll just pop in the local pub and have one pint.
00:20I've got quite a big problem with going out, not alcoholic or anything, but I like going
00:25out a lot. It's part of being young. The price increase certainly does hit your bank
00:30though, and if people don't have enough money, it will take a massive toll. Hence the reason
00:34some pubs are shutting down. A lot of pubs are shutting down, a lot of nightclubs, because
00:38they're going out of business, because prices just can't hold it.
00:41No, we do go out quite a bit actually.
00:43We do go out quite a bit, but we have a local Batham's pub, where my husband is happy to
00:48pay £3.50 a pint, as opposed to a local Posh pub, which is about £7 a pint. So yes, we
00:55have changed the way we go out. But we still go out.
