00:00Woody was asked about Aaron Rodgers as well.
00:04Of course, there was all those reports that Woody doesn't like Aaron anymore and wanted
00:07to bench him and all that during last year.
00:09Woody says he's going to let Aaron Glenn and Darren Mugee decide what they want to do.
00:15He's allegedly staying out of it when it comes to the story.
00:19Darren Mugee.
00:20Good luck.
00:21Mugee, Mugee, Mugee, baby.
00:22We're going to hear from him in a second, but first here's Woody.
00:25So why are things going to be different this time?
00:29Another coach, another general manager.
00:31What do you say, Woody?
00:32We've been here before.
00:33Why will it be different this time?
00:34Why will there be winning as far as the New York Jets are concerned?
00:41Did you see the two guys that we just introduced?
00:44That's why.
00:45And it starts tonight.
00:46We've got to build.
00:49It's with people.
00:50You know, if you want to have sustained success, you have to have the right people in the locker
00:55And so it's the right people and motivated and led by the right coach and coaches.
01:01And so that's why we're changing it.
01:03I feel very good about it.
01:04I think there is talent on the team and we'll see how that all organizes itself in the next
01:09few weeks.
01:10But I feel very good about it.
01:13I don't deny that Glenn is a strong choice.
01:19He's got, you know, Jet vibes.
01:22He's been there.
01:23He's played for the Jets.
01:24He's the perfect guy to give it a try.
01:27Now I am not going to sit here and act like they've made.
01:31Did you see these two guys that we just had in there?
01:33No one's ever heard of Mushi.
01:35No one.
01:36People in Denver don't even know who he is.
01:39He was not the GM.
01:40He was the GM in training.
01:42And that's what these teams do.
01:43They go recycle guys that are assistant somewhere else.
01:48It's the same way with head coaching.
01:50They hire assistants.
01:52They just hired Glenn.
01:53He was an assistant.
01:54He was a defensive coordinator and the GM.
01:58No one's ever heard of him.
01:59So now all of a sudden he's a world changing executive and he's going to turn the Jets
02:04on their ear and make them a champion.
02:07Calm down.
02:08I give Glenn and let me say this.
02:12I give him a better chance than the other guy.
02:15And here's another thought.
02:16I don't believe for one minute that Aaron Glenn wanted that white nerd GM they hired
02:23to be his GM.
02:24I bet for the life of me he wanted some brother that he knows in the NFL.
02:30You heard me.
02:31A brother to be the GM of the Jets.
02:34He didn't want some nerdy white guy he's never heard of.
02:36He hadn't heard of him either.
02:38I will bet my bottom dollar that he's never heard of Mushi.
02:42He didn't have time to hear who Mushi is out in Denver going through, you know, potty training
02:48with the Broncos.
02:50He only knows Dan Campbell and coaching the Lions defense.
02:54And he did a damn good job at that.
02:55I guarantee he wanted nothing to do with that white boy.
02:58I bet my life on it.
02:59All that phony ass photo sessions yesterday with him and that white guy.
03:04Who are you kidding?
03:05Like, you're not fooling me.
03:08Here is Darren Mushi.
03:11Expect the Jets to win immediately, he says.
03:14Shut up.
03:15Darren, can this team win now?
03:17I believe so.
03:18I believe so.
03:19I mean, now, what level do you think you can win at?
03:23We're going to win games.
03:24I think you felt that from AG, the talented players, we're going to win games here.
03:29We're going to win games.
03:30We're going to win games here.
03:31This guy better watch his step.
03:34He better watch his step because they will eat him alive.
03:38First of all, you know, you might as well go to a cowboy ranch out in the Rockies in
03:43Estes Park and ride on a horse and let the horse eat hay all day than to think that you're
03:49waltzing into this town and you're going to start guaranteeing wins in New York City
03:54when you've been living in the thin air.
03:56Man, you have breathed too much of that high altitude air, fresh air, to think you're coming
04:01into this cesspool and winning anything.
04:03We're going to win games.
04:04We're going to win a touch.
04:05Shut up.
04:06Like, honestly, they will literally, they will eat him alive, alive.
04:11They will eat him like he'll be gone.
04:14One minute he'll be there.
04:15The next minute, they'll be in, literally in the media's stomach.
04:19They'll eat him alive like cannibals.
04:22I'm not kidding.
04:23Like, he must be tripping.
04:24You don't come into this town and guarantee anything because you will die a very quick