• 2 months ago
00:00college basketball team in eastern michigan that is being flagged for some suspicious sports betting
00:05and in fact suspicious sports betting in the first halves of games here so where do we stand with
00:12this because i've heard a lot of different opinions on it some people a lot smarter than me have been
00:16following this some saying it looks a little bit fishy others saying this is much really a do about
00:21nothing i don't know that we have the answer yet but they're investigating another game in this
00:26case yeah craig i think this is the case of even if it is a much to do about nothing it's kind of
00:32like what's the point of not doing it and investigating it i think sports books right now
00:37are you know just under ultra spot the ultra spotlight ultra scrutiny to try to make sure
00:43that they're getting out ahead of the stuff and preventing it so when you have something that
00:47happened uh last week when um the game between eastern michigan and central michigan um all of
00:53a sudden the first half spread jumped from uh three and a half to that six and a half that does
00:58happen in sports with big bets but um we're talking about you know uh a mid-major conference here and
01:05a regular season game between two lower high profile teams so when the first half spread
01:10jumps about three points just before a tip-off it's going to set off some alarm bells especially
01:14with everything else that's been going on over the past year in terms of suspicious betting activity
01:19so you had integrity compliance 360 which is one of these sports betting monitoring firms where
01:24it's their job to monitor the monitor this stuff and then alert a sports book about it alert the
01:29ncaa about it they contacted the schools and state regulators as well saying that they're now kind of
01:34looking at the wagering activity around this game this is the second eastern michigan basketball
01:40game to set off red flags at the sports betting integrity monitoring service um just a month ago
01:46you had a game against right state and eastern michigan where the first half spread jumped a
01:52considerable number of points against eastern michigan again so seems to be kind of be a theme
01:56here they're tracking um in the last uh in the last case of this kind of happening which is still
02:02under investigation uh the firm was able to monitor a couple of big bets that came specifically from
02:09accounts in connecticut um and tennessee that had previously been flagged for suspicious wagers in
02:15the past so that kind of ties into it as well it's not just big bets are coming in late it's
02:21sort of a theme going on here so uh they're going to continue to kind of investigate everything
02:25nothing's been determined yet uh state regulators are involved the ncaa is involved the school's
02:30involved they're kind of just trying to get the facts here and do their due diligence and
02:34uh we've seen unfortunately like you mentioned we've seen this happen a bunch over the past
02:38couple of years and usually the facts do come to the light uh right now you have a former temple
02:43basketball player who's under federal investigation for allegedly being involved in a similar point
02:49shaving uh scenario um he's sort of denied his lawyer at least has denied all the charges there
02:54but um it's definitely not a new thing in college sports and it seems to kind of be something that
02:58we're just unfortunately having to talk about continuously but i would want to you know hit
03:03home the fact that it is good that this stuff is coming to light it's good that we're talking about
03:07it at least exploring it figuring out if something happened um because the last thing you want to do
03:12is just you know let point shaving happen and that undermines the whole credibility of everything
