An adorable pub dog is proving a hit with locals after being adopted by a kind-hearted landlord when his owner died in a car cash.
Two-year-old Shih Tzu Rex dashed into a busy bar after surviving a car accident which sadly killed his original owner last September.
Regulars at The Leaping Wolf in Wolverhampton were left startled when the lost pooch ran into the pub during a football match.
Manager Dan Morris, 33, caught the runaway hound and took him to the vets to see if he was OK and where he needed to be returned to.
But he was left shocked after being told by the vets that Rex's owner had passed away and he had nowhere else to go.
Refusing to let the poor pup find his own way, Dan saved Rex by adopting him and he has been living at the pub ever since.
Two-year-old Shih Tzu Rex dashed into a busy bar after surviving a car accident which sadly killed his original owner last September.
Regulars at The Leaping Wolf in Wolverhampton were left startled when the lost pooch ran into the pub during a football match.
Manager Dan Morris, 33, caught the runaway hound and took him to the vets to see if he was OK and where he needed to be returned to.
But he was left shocked after being told by the vets that Rex's owner had passed away and he had nowhere else to go.
Refusing to let the poor pup find his own way, Dan saved Rex by adopting him and he has been living at the pub ever since.