• 2 months ago
Grab your popcorn and prepare for a cinematic disaster! We're diving deep into the most cringe-worthy, eye-rolling, and downright painful movies that graced (or disgraced) our screens between 2014 and 2024. From superhero flops to bizarre vanity projects, this countdown will have you questioning Hollywood's sanity!
00:00For the first time in my entire life, I feel... good.
00:04Welcome to WatchMojo,
00:06and today we're counting down our picks for the worst movies that were released between 2014 and 2024.
00:13You don't think that maybe in light of recent events, I could use a beer?
00:17Number 20. The Fifty Shades of Grey franchise.
00:20Christian Grey.
00:21I'm Anastasia Steele.
00:23Given how over-the-top E.L. James' books are,
00:26the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy could have been so bad it's good.
00:29Not unlike Showgirls.
00:31By removing Anastasia Steele's ridiculous narration, though,
00:34we're left with a vanilla romance that doesn't even deliver the eroticism the trailers promised.
00:39When you really think about it, there isn't that much BDSM in these movies.
00:43You bought the company I work for.
00:47This isn't a relationship, Christian, it's ownership.
00:50Most of the runtime is instead dedicated to beautiful people driving fancy cars,
00:54sailing yachts, flying in private planes, and essentially indulging in the 1% lifestyle.
00:59Then, when we do get to the sensual stuff, it's kept relatively tame.
01:04It all builds to arguably the dumbest ending of the decade in which Anna and Christian live happily ever after.
01:11Number 19. The Emoji Movie.
01:13Today is my first day on the phone.
01:15Oh boy, I'm gonna be so meh. What are you gonna do?
01:19In 1914, Winsor McCay premiered his animated short Gertie the Dinosaur,
01:24launching a groundbreaking art form into the mainstream.
01:28103 years later, this art form was used to turn Sir Patrick Stewart into a talking piece of poop.
01:35That's because I believe in you.
01:37Should we wash our hands?
01:42McCay would be so proud.
01:44The Emoji Movie doesn't even feel like a real animated feature, but rather a satire of one.
01:49Come to think of it, if smarter writers were involved,
01:52maybe this could have been a clever satire about product placement and Hollywood's creative bankruptcy.
01:57This feels very odd, and it smells.
01:59Since this is a movie about a society that inhabits a device, however,
02:03it's nothing more than a commercial, really.
02:05As Rotten Tomatoes will tell you,
02:07the whole movie can be summed up with a general prohibition sign emoji.
02:11She said wiped.
02:14Aim higher, Steven.
02:16Number 18. Holmes and Watson.
02:18Oh my God!
02:22Watson, stop panicking!
02:24We can disable the queen!
02:26After Talladega Nights and Step Brothers,
02:28we were all ready for another Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly collaboration to be a laugh riot.
02:33The only mystery in Holmes and Watson is how so many funny people produced such a clueless,
02:39not to mention elementary comedy.
02:41The movie basically follows the same formula as every other Will Ferrell star vehicle.
02:46An egotistical buffoon needs to learn the value of humility and friendship.
02:50Ah, the most obvious conclusion.
02:52This time, however, the formula is devoid of anything resembling charm, humor, or effort.
02:58In 2018, did the filmmakers seriously think that people would laugh at jokes about fake mustaches,
03:03the Titanic, and women being doctors?
03:06What does doctor mean in America?
03:08It means doctor.
03:10The fact that Sony couldn't even pawn this inevitable bomb off on Netflix says everything.
03:15Oh! Watson, look!
03:18It's Billy Zane!
03:22Wow, he's breathtaking.
03:25Number 17, Ghosted.
03:27Maybe your phone's broken.
03:28Yeah, maybe you should do a hard reset.
03:30There's nothing wrong with my phone.
03:32Oh, no, no, no. I meant with your life.
03:34There was a time when streaming originals seemed like the future.
03:37Now, we're not so sure, and most big movies are still being released in theaters.
03:42It's mostly thanks to silly straight-to-streaming junk like Ghosted.
03:45This movie seemingly had everything going for it.
03:48A star-studded cast with Chris Evans and Ana de Armas,
03:51a big Hollywood budget, and action-packed trailers that promised lots of fun.
03:55We don't know what the heck happened.
03:56Evans and de Armas have the chemistry of two mismatched Tinder dates,
04:00and the script was almost certainly written by Chat GPT under the direction,
04:04make the most derivative action rom-com imaginable.
04:07Ghosted certainly was that, by things like logic, charm, and quality assurance.
04:12When I thought that, uh, underneath it, there was, uh, something.
04:25I'm wrong, aren't I?
04:26Number 16, Serenity.
04:28I want you to take him out on your boat, let him get drunk,
04:35then drop him in the ocean for the sharks.
04:37This movie was so bad that distributor Averon Pictures knew it,
04:41and they didn't even bother with the marketing.
04:43So, despite a rather hefty budget of $25 million,
04:46and huge stars in Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway,
04:50the movie came and went.
04:51And they were right.
04:52It is bad.
04:53Horrible, even.
04:54Somehow, someway,
04:56director Stephen Knight managed to wrangle terrible performances
04:59out of both McConaughey and Hathaway.
05:01But it's not like they had a great script to work with.
05:03Complete with inane dialogue and one of the dumbest plot twists in recent memory,
05:08Serenity is one of those movies you need to see to believe.
05:11You know, don't you?
05:15Know what?
05:17Who the creator is.
05:18Number 15, Gods of Egypt.
05:20Steal from a god?
05:21Only a madman would try such a thing.
05:24Where do you suppose we could find someone so mad?
05:26We don't know how this movie had a budget of $140 million.
05:31Most of that cash must have gone to the cast
05:33because it sure didn't go to the visual effects.
05:35Despite a good, if non-Egyptian cast and a truckload of cash,
05:39Gods of Egypt is no better than a cheap movie you'd find on the SyFy channel.
05:43And it looks worse than most of them.
05:45Aside from the ugly visuals,
05:47Gods of Egypt also comes equipped with incompetent direction,
05:50a terrible script,
05:51and a weirdly uncomfortable Gerard Butler
05:53hamming it up as the Egyptian god of the desert.
05:56The gods are gonna give us a plague for this.
05:58Are you sure you're not a god?
06:00What would I be the god of?
06:05Number 14, The Mummy.
06:07Hey, what did I tell you?
06:08We are not looters.
06:10We are liberators of precious antiquities.
06:13We don't know why they had to remake The Mummy so soon.
06:16Well, we do know why.
06:19Only, no cha-ching in this case.
06:21The Mummy was supposed to kickstart a so-called dark universe
06:24involving all the classic universal monsters,
06:27because apparently we need to Avengers-ize every IP in existence.
06:31Tom Cruise could not be less interested,
06:33probably because he's working with a script so old
06:36it may as well be a mummy itself.
06:37The villain gets wrapped up in an awkward love triangle for some reason,
06:41and Russell Crowe pops up every so often to mumble about a secret society,
06:44so that's about as subtle as a sandstorm.
06:47It's less a movie and more a really expensive commercial for sequels
06:51that will never happen.
06:52Welcome to Prodigium, Mr. Morton.
06:55From the Latin,
06:57Monstrum Belle Prodigium.
07:00A warning of monsters.
07:02Number 13, Dirty Grandpa.
07:04You do know that I'm not a professor, right?
07:07Yeah, I know.
07:09You're just a dirty, dirty grandpa,
07:11and I'm just a girl from Long Island City.
07:13We can't imagine that Robert De Niro needs money,
07:16but then again, we don't know why else he'd agree to star in a movie like this.
07:19The two-time Oscar winner who has portrayed the likes of Vito Corleone and Travis Bickle
07:23now plays Dick Kelly,
07:25a horny old grandpa who attends spring break with his nephew.
07:28You can imagine the types of shenanigans that occur.
07:31The movie sacrifices things like story and character development for cheap shock laughs,
07:36an unrelenting barrage of cringy one-liners
07:38and stupid psych gags that make us yearn for the day of good old-fashioned fart jokes.
07:43And the less said about a 70-year-old man ogling young women, the better.
07:47Whoops, I guess they just slipped off.
07:51I want you to tear open my bra like it's a social security check.
07:54Number 12, Fantastic Four.
07:56This film is a beautiful exercise of studio interference ruining a director's vision.
08:02Well, beautiful certainly isn't the right word.
08:04The studio reportedly hated Josh Trank's finished product,
08:07so they hastily filmed some reshoots and hired Stephen E. Rivkin to alter the movie with a new edit.
08:12I'm going to fix this.
08:14You can't fix this.
08:18Nobody can.
08:20The behind-the-scenes drama resulted in a huge mess of a film.
08:23The plotting is all over the place and the pacing is incomprehensibly bad,
08:27with a dirge of a story and a climax that's over in five minutes.
08:31Seriously, this movie should be studied in film school for how not to edit a movie.
08:35And of course, there's the obviously rushed CGI,
08:38with atrocious-looking characters and a climactic battle that takes place in a green-screen void.
08:44The matter from Earth is being converted to energy!
08:47We need to stop Victor, he's the source!
08:49Number 11, The Exorcist Believer.
08:52I didn't actually witness it, you know, the exorcism.
08:56They wouldn't let me.
08:57Why not?
08:59In my opinion, it's because I'm not a member of their damn patriarchy.
09:03This movie represents everything that is wrong about the modern movie business.
09:08You've got your unnecessary sequel to an iconic movie that is now half a century old,
09:12you've got your legacy characters returning for a bit of unwanted fan service,
09:16and you've got your MCU-ification of it all,
09:18as Believer assembles an Avengers-like team of demon fighters to combat the evil forces.
09:23Seriously, we're getting sick just thinking about this movie.
09:26Believer does not understand what makes the original Exorcist so great,
09:30and it contains none of the thoughtful themes, clever scares, or shocking obscenities.
09:35It's just more of the same possessed-girl-screams-at-people stuff
09:38that has plagued every other Exorcist knockoff throughout the last 50 years.
09:41I come here to return life to this child from whom it is unwillingly taken.
09:47You don't know what happened to her.
09:50We do.
09:52She barks it out!
09:54Number 10, Uglies.
09:56Do you want to go to the kitchen? It's locked.
10:01How are we not already friends?
10:03This Netflix movie was about 15 years too late.
10:06The Uglies novel was published in 2005,
10:09so they really should have done this around 2012 when young adult dystopias were all the rage.
10:14Now it just comes across as dated despite being brand new.
10:17The undeniable talent of Joey King cannot save this ugly movie,
10:21which takes place in a future where teenagers undergo extensive plastic surgery
10:25in order to appear perfect.
10:27Subtlety isn't exactly the name of the game when it comes to these teen dystopias,
10:30but even by those low standards, Uglies is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.
10:35With TikTok-tier effects, derivative social commentary,
10:38and atrocious on-the-nose dialogue, you can't help but avert your gaze.
10:42Yeah, I don't know. Things are just different here.
10:45I didn't really know what we'd talk about.
10:48I mean, you'll get it when you're pretty.
10:50Number 9, Expendables 4.
10:52How are you?
10:58You don't gotta pretend, Lee.
11:00You know Barney wouldn't want to watch you sulking like this.
11:03Phoned in is the best way to describe Expendables 4.
11:06It's not often that you see movies so clearly unfinished as this.
11:10It's obvious that this ugly thing was stitched together at the last minute,
11:13and probably out of unusable footage.
11:15Sylvester Stallone was barely present, and even when he did bother to show up,
11:19he was clearly checked out.
11:21In fact, most of the beloved cast are painfully absent.
11:24Adding to the pain, the abysmal dialogue was almost certainly written by AI.
11:28And judging by the nightmarish lighting and visual effects,
11:32the whole movie was probably shot in a warehouse over a long weekend.
11:35It's a cheap and incompetently made movie,
11:37not to mention a disgrace to the Expendables name.
11:40Next time, take me on a pony ride, okay?
11:44Number 8, Borderlands.
11:46He only used to be a psycho.
11:48Now he's my big brother!
11:50How sweet! One of you kill the other, I'm gonna go get a coffee!
11:54We thought Eli Roth was in a new phase of his career,
11:57with Thanksgiving being a surprising and very welcome throwback to silly slasher movies.
12:01And then he did Borderlands.
12:03We're truly at a loss for words here,
12:05as Borderlands is awful in nearly every conceivable way.
12:09Even by the low, low standards of video game movies,
12:12this one was truly catastrophic.
12:14It's a baffling film,
12:16from the horrible casting all the way down to the stitched together post-production.
12:19About half the movie is just cheap insert shots and obvious reshoots,
12:23and the other half is visual goop
12:25accompanied by the most bombastic sound mixing you've ever heard in your life.
12:29Props if you walked out of the theater without a migraine.
12:32God, I hate this planet.
12:34Number 7, Cats.
12:35I don't haunt pubs, I have eight or nine clubs,
12:39for I'm the St. James' Street Cat.
12:42Sometimes you just have to stop and ask yourself,
12:45what were they thinking?
12:46No, seriously, what were they thinking?
12:48Cats was doomed from the start,
12:50owing to the baffling creative decision of putting human faces on CGI cat bodies.
12:55Just do what the musical does for crying out loud.
12:57And, you know, it wouldn't be so bad if they took their time and actually did it right.
13:01But no.
13:02The movie was released with a ton of obvious errors and unfinished CGI,
13:06forcing the studio to patch the film after it was already in theaters.
13:09Think about that for a second.
13:11We're now in an age where studios are patching movies
13:13because they have to rush them out for Christmas.
13:15We really are doomed.
13:17I remember the time I knew what happiness was.
13:28Number 6, Gotti.
13:30This life ends one of two ways, dead or in jail.
13:34I did both.
13:35Congratulations, John Travolta.
13:37You've made your silliest movie since Battlefield Earth.
13:40Are you not aware that I graduated top of my class?
13:43The script for this crime biopic reads like it was written by an AI bot
13:47that gathered all of its data from Italian-American stereotypes and gangster cliches.
13:51You got us into this mess.
13:54Get the f*** out of your range.
13:55Go on.
13:56Gotti hits all the familiar mob movie beats,
13:58but it's completely deprived of any humanity.
14:01When all's said and done,
14:02what do we really learn about John Gotti by watching this movie?
14:06Well, he was a mob boss.
14:08He had a family.
14:09He swore a lot.
14:10That's about it.
14:12There's no real insight into what made Gotti such a fascinating figure.
14:16The only thing more confused than the movie itself is the soundtrack,
14:20which includes the musical stylings of Pitbull and the theme from Shaft.
14:2435 years in the same house as his wife.
14:26I mean, that ain't right.
14:27That ain't right.
14:28Number 5, Craven the Hunter.
14:30I stared death in the face,
14:32and for the first time, I saw my true self.
14:36The superhero genre has been pretty stagnant ever since Endgame,
14:39and the trend of disappointing releases continued with Craven the Hunter.
14:43Taking place in Sony's Spider-Man universe,
14:45Craven plops a relatively unknown character into viewers' laps
14:48and desperately hopes the star power and abs of Aaron Taylor-Johnson can make him popular.
14:53Chiseled though they are, no, it does not.
14:55All the usual flaws are here.
14:57Bad special effects,
14:58obvious reshoots in ADR,
15:00horrible editing,
15:01bland script,
15:02and desperate attempts to be relevant.
15:04You know how it goes.
15:05We can't say we're Craven anymore of this.
15:08They say he uses a connection with animals to track his prey.
15:13And once you're on his list,
15:16there's only one way off.
15:17Number 4, LaQuisha.
15:20You live with LaQuisha.
15:22Welcome to the first episode.
15:24LaQuisha is the tale of a white man who cannot get a job in radio.
15:28So, he impersonates a sassy black woman to get on the airwaves.
15:33Because we all know how hard it is for white males in the workforce
15:36and how women of color have everything handed to them.
15:38I think you want me to sign off on this victim act
15:41and find it charming and tell you you've been wrong.
15:44And then, you want me to indict half a species
15:47based on the actions of a couple of unevolved members of said species.
15:51Honestly, how did a movie like this get made in the modern world?
15:54It'd be one thing if this was intended to be in poor taste,
15:57but the film actually tries to seriously tackle themes like cultural identity,
16:01gender inequality, and self-harm.
16:03Adding insult to injury,
16:05our protagonist is portrayed as a, quote,
16:07wise, gentle, and kind individual who has all the answers.
16:12Writer, slash, producer, slash, director, slash, star,
16:15Jeremy Sable has made the modern equivalent of 1986's Soul Man.
16:19Congratulations, Mr. Watson.
16:21And good luck at Harvard.
16:23Thank you, sir.
16:24I'll do my best.
16:25Number three, Morbius.
16:27So, what do you say?
16:30Wanna go out with a fight?
16:31Sometimes, a movie is so terrible that it brings the internet together
16:35through a lovable collection of fantastic memes.
16:37Morbius was that movie,
16:39and it was the welcome bomb that we needed after two years of COVID.
16:43You know those fake trailers at the start of Tropic Thunder?
16:45This time, it's different.
16:51Who left the fridge open?
16:53Morbius is like one of those trailers,
16:55but real and 100 minutes long.
16:57It's terrible, awful, unwatchable.
17:00But enough about the movie.
17:01Let's talk about how the entire thing was posted to Twitter
17:04in 52 two-minute-long videos,
17:06or how the whole script was uploaded through individual tweets.
17:09That is just genius,
17:11and way more fun than Morbius could ever hope to be.
17:13I've become something different.
17:17I feel a kinship with these creatures.
17:19They would tear anyone else apart,
17:22but they welcome me like a brother.
17:25Number two, Madam Web.
17:27Okay, well, this is what we're gonna do, okay?
17:29We're just gonna, like, lay low for a little bit,
17:32and, um, I'll figure out how to get out of this.
17:36Seriously, what is Sony doing?
17:38Craven, Morbius, and Madam Web
17:40had to be the trifecta of terrible superhero movies,
17:43the terrible trilogy from hell.
17:45Once again, we have an obscure superhero character
17:47hoping to make her big break in the movies,
17:49and once again, it flounders
17:51thanks to some truly inept filmmaking.
17:53Madam Web has what could be the worst script in modern memory,
17:57full of gaping plot holes and truly terrible lines
18:00that we can't believe someone actually wrote,
18:02let alone agreed to say.
18:04They actually had the nerve to reword
18:06the iconic speech from Spider-Man,
18:08and the less said about the atrocious editing and ADR,
18:11the better.
18:12Sony must be stopped.
18:13This can't go on much longer.
18:15And when you take on the responsibility,
18:18great power will come.
18:20Before we continue,
18:22be sure to subscribe to our channel
18:24and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
18:26You have the option to be notified
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18:43Never before had we watched an entire movie
18:45with our mouths hanging open.
18:47That changed after Music,
18:49the barbaric vanity project from Sia.
18:51The singer's longtime buddy and dancer,
18:53Matty Ziegler, stars as Music Gamble,
18:55a nonverbal autistic girl
18:57who comes under the care of her troublesome half-sister.
18:59Music is enormously offensive
19:01in virtually every capacity.
19:03Ziegler's casting was controversial,
19:05as was the movie's depiction of autism
19:07and its use of restraints.
19:09And even ignoring that
19:10and the bizarre Twitter firestorm that resulted,
19:12the movie itself is also just rash,
19:14using autism as a tool to tell a schmaltzy story
19:17filled with terrible dialogue.
19:19Maybe its heart was in the right place,
19:21but that doesn't count for much
19:22when you manage to offend everyone watching.
19:24In Ghana, my younger brother was the same way.
19:27He liked to be held to feel safe.
19:31Where is he now?
19:33He is dead now.
19:35Oh, I see.
19:36That's alright.
19:37What other crappy movies did we miss?
19:39Let us know in the comments below.
19:41This is embarrassing.
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