• vor 2 Monaten
Die Thrillerserie Yellowjackets handelt von einer Gruppe junger Fußballspielerinnen, die vor 25 Jahren mit einem Flugzeug in der Wildnis abstürzten. Hier spaltete sich das Team in wilde Klans. In der Gegenwart haben sie als erwachsene Frauen noch immer mit den tragischen Ereignissen von damals zu kämpfen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/yellowjackets


00:00The only way to be safe is to be the only one
00:10Once upon a time a
00:15Bunch of teenage girls got stranded in the wilderness
00:19They hunted their friends
00:22Feast upon their flesh
00:25And they went completely nuts
00:35People are willing to do some messed up stuff just to see another day. I
00:39Think Natalie knows what coach Scott is does she deserve to be the leader?
00:43Instead of doing what was right for us. She did what she wanted to do so tonight. We'll give the wilderness what it wants
00:50Are you worried about what we're gonna have to tell people if we get back?
00:59Guess please will follow us for the rest of our lives
01:05Someone wants us dead don't think for a second. I won't get to the bottom of this
01:12Are you hiding something
01:17Think about how screwed up we would be if we had survived a plane crash only to end up eating each other
01:23How I do
01:26The only people that know about this or either us or bed
01:34The only way to truly be safe is to be the only one left this is not healthy
01:51You really are insane
01:57Secrets will be spilled yellow jackets new season streaming February 14th on the Paramount Plus with Showtime plan
