• il y a 2 mois
00:00Well, advertising's dynamic duo, we are pivoting our focus on to Gen Z.
00:05You know, in certain lighting, I have been mistaken for Gen Z.
00:08What were you thinking for socials?
00:09Um, TikTok. Tic-Tacs.
00:11You know, we can create a Boppenberger filter.
00:13She's good.
00:14She's something.
00:17All our clients want is Gen Z.
00:20I think it's time for a regime change.
00:22So, Monica, you're fired.
00:24Call me boss now.
00:26Then, Crisco.
00:27Oh, Crisca.
00:27Right, so, Crisca will be our new CEO.
00:30Effective immediately.
00:32Monica, you're wearing sweats.
00:34With a drawstring.
00:36Grab a cheese puff.
00:37God, this can't be good.
00:39Today, we will create a friendly corporate culture.
00:41Here, you can be the version of yourself that Monica never allowed.
00:44How many weeks do you think until we're closed?
00:49You know what you're doing?
00:50No. You?
00:51Not a damn clue.
00:53We're starting our own agency.
00:55We're throwing chum in the water, dog.
00:57And these sharks will come a-swimming.
00:59And we're like, the chum?
01:02Monica would have had a mock commercial ready in about ten days.
01:05You've completely missed the mark.
01:07I'm good, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
01:09Is the good in the room with us right now?
01:11I'm gonna bring us back to the top.
01:13I am not gonna let a bunch of people who grunt when they get out of chairs ruin this for me.
01:21Fake it till we make it.
01:22We've got this, guys.
01:25Oh, wow.
01:27Look at you.
01:28I hope that by the time you're my age, things are different.
01:32But they probably won't be.
01:35Enjoy being 12 while you can.
01:37I'll see you guys all in hell.
01:39Mazel tov!