• 2 months ago
Supertars, Nora Fatehi & Jason Derulo have teamed up for an epic new track. Snake is their first collab, with the video shot in Moroco. They have the ultimate "snake hips" dance off in the awesome music video and admit that Nora is the QUEEN of the snake hips with her dance moves! They taught one another a thing or two! Jason also reflects on the TikTok ban in America and they both reveal their most embarrassing moments on stage! Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00I just started Snapchat and I've been liking it a lot.
00:02When I see you, it's on.
00:04You better watch out for my moves.
00:06I want to do unpolished better.
00:09Jason, Nora, welcome to London.
00:11I hope you like the way I've got some scones here for you.
00:14It's so cute.
00:15I've got some English breakfast tea.
00:17Yeah, I was going to ask what's in there.
00:18Is that coffee or...?
00:19It's tea.
00:20Do you want to pour yourself a little cheeky cup?
00:23It's tea. I love that.
00:24Oh, you're not really accustomed to tea over here yet.
00:26I'm a big tea guy, but I'm not the black tea guy.
00:31You're not?
00:32I've got some milk for you here.
00:33I kind of like the herbal teas.
00:35Like green tea, chamomile.
00:37Yeah, I'll take a little chamomile.
00:39Okay. Well, look, it looks nice.
00:40This looks good. I might have that after.
00:42Yeah, and I wanted to ask you if you're a jam and cream kind of person or a cream and jam.
00:46Because there is an order to this, by the way.
00:48Yeah, all of those look good to me.
00:50I'll take both.
00:51Just put it all in.
00:53So, I mean, this is so exciting that you two are together over here.
00:56How much of a fan are you guys of London?
00:58And how many times has it been now that you've both landed here?
01:01I mean, I've been here a million times.
01:03I feel like this is one of my second homes.
01:06I even considered moving here at one point.
01:08Oh, no way.
01:09Yeah, but I like the sun. I like the sun a lot.
01:13But the energy here is amazing.
01:16I always have some of the best shows here in the UK.
01:19The food, you can't get a bad meal in the UK.
01:22Whether you're eating Indian food, whether you're eating sushi.
01:25I mean, you literally can just have whatever you want here.
01:27That's true.
01:28Fish and chips?
01:29Fish and chips, for sure.
01:31Pie and mash?
01:32Not yet, but I will now.
01:35What about movies over here?
01:36Have you got any iconic movie scenes that you love that you try and reenact when you're over?
01:42No, but I shot a movie here.
01:43Yeah, in 2019. That was amazing.
01:45We were here for two months.
01:47We shot a movie called Street Dancer, and I had the time of my life here.
01:51Well, your dancing, guys, is unbelievable.
01:54I finally met someone that can take you on.
01:56I finally met someone who can.
01:58Honestly, it was crazy.
02:00I mean, I couldn't believe...
02:03I've seen Norah's videos before, but there's something to be said about being up close and personal
02:09to somebody that can really move and dance like that.
02:12I mean, you're just not going to see that.
02:14In 2025, it doesn't exist.
02:16So, do you remember the first time you saw each other online or on TikTok?
02:19Do you remember when it was and what it was, and how did it all come about?
02:24How is it happening?
02:25Well, look, my story is quite funny because Jason's been doing this for a long time.
02:30He's the biggest when it comes to pop music and dance.
02:34When I was in high school, the first dance collaboration I did with my group was to What You Say.
02:43Stop it.
02:44It's a banger.
02:45It's a banger, but we thought we were the most amazing dancers out there.
02:50But when I look back and I see the video, I'm like, what were we thinking?
02:52It was really bad.
02:53But I remember thinking his positioning as a dancing star who also has a beautiful voice,
02:59that whole appeal attracted me towards this world of music and dance.
03:05And I always thought, why is there no girl who has the same profile, can sing, can dance,
03:12and just so grand?
03:14And I thought there was something missing in the industry.
03:16And I always imagined, maybe it could be me one day who does it.
03:19And then, boom, we're collaborating together.
03:21It's so crazy.
03:22Hang on.
03:23Are you saying that Jason's the reason that you're kind of doing the singing and dancing?
03:28Definitely one of the reasons.
03:29Definitely one of the reasons.
03:30He does it so well, and he's so successful at it.
03:33And then I see how he works, TikTok and social media.
03:37And he's so connected with his fans.
03:39And even though he has a beautiful voice, he's never left dance.
03:42He takes dance very seriously, and I respect that.
03:45I'm so connected with the dance community globally, and I know what it means to dancers,
03:50for artists to respect the craft and to actually implement it into their artistry.
03:55And he does it in the most amazing way possible.
03:57You're getting a big head over there.
03:59You okay?
04:01I'm not going to be able to fit out of the room.
04:02It really is the truth.
04:03And I think we're kind of missing that in the industry.
04:06Yeah, and you're bringing it, babe.
04:07I mean, unbelievable.
04:09Jason, when did you first discover Nora, and did you love the same dance moves?
04:14Actually, a friend of ours, Tommy, introduced me to the world of Nora.
04:22And I just got engulfed.
04:24So I was literally watching video after video, just trying to understand her artistry.
04:29And I was just blown away that in 2024, there was an artist that sang that well and danced that well.
04:36Because I honestly feel like performance is just such a lost art these days.
04:40So to have seen her videos and to be blown away by her dance.
04:44But not just that, but by the energy and the wherewithal to actually put on real music videos.
04:55Like her music videos look like movies.
04:58And I'm just like, yo, nobody's spending...
05:00First of all, nobody's spending this kind of money on music videos.
05:04And nobody's doing it this well.
05:07So, you know, reinvigorated, reinspired me.
05:10So, you know, my music videos, we got to take it up a notch.
05:16I love that you said that.
05:18You know, it's so important for me to up the visuals when it comes to all the music videos we shoot.
05:23And when it comes to how I position myself in the industry,
05:28I come from Toronto, Canada.
05:30And a lot of people don't even know that.
05:32But my family are from Morocco.
05:34So I'm African, but I also live in India.
05:36And India, Morocco, and Canada are embedded within my artistry as a performer.
05:41And I always try to bring that to life through the music, whether it's the melodies, the beats,
05:46or whether it's just the visuals or the dance styles.
05:49So a lot of the things he's seen is a mixture of all these worlds put together.
05:54But for me, I make sure dance and the way I perform and the energy is central to the entire packaging.
06:02So it's Bollywood meets Hollywood, right?
06:04So you're learning a lot about each other's cultures too.
06:06Yeah, Bollywood in a sense where what I bring from Bollywood would be the performance aspect.
06:12You know, the dancing aspect.
06:14But I also bring my Canadian background and the urban background into the singing and the aesthetic.
06:21Well, the video is unbelievable.
06:23Morocco was the destination.
06:25Was it boiling hot?
06:27No, actually it was cold.
06:29It was cold as hell.
06:31We were in the middle of the desert in Morocco.
06:33And it was in June.
06:35Even I was like, what's that about?
06:37It was windy, it was freezing.
06:39It's usually hot during that time.
06:41But the dance moves.
06:43Did you guys kind of meet up before and like, yeah, we're going to have a dance off.
06:46How did you get the whole thing together?
06:48I feel like there's a proper dance off going on in this video.
06:50When I see you, it's on. Just know.
06:52I'm like, yo, you better watch out for my moves.
06:55You raced each other the whole way through the video.
06:57I'm like, where does it go?
07:00The snake hips were just...
07:04Trust me, when I saw the snake hips...
07:06You know what I'm going to call it?
07:08I mean, it's pretty good.
07:10The snake hip challenge.
07:12That's fire.
07:14When I first saw it, she did it in the dance room.
07:16I was like, yo, she's going crazy right now.
07:18This is amazing.
07:20I want to know where that came from.
07:22Was that from you?
07:24That's definitely me.
07:26Because I've been doing that since middle school.
07:28That definitely wasn't no choreography.
07:30Nobody was like, you should do it like this.
07:32Because nobody can do that.
07:34That actually happened on the spot.
07:36I'm putting out a video that shows everyone
07:38how we put the moves together.
07:40We were actually just jamming.
07:42Suddenly, that move came.
07:44I'm like, this is the one.
07:46Could you believe the way your body was moving
07:48when you started dancing with Norah?
07:50You're like, I didn't know I could do this.
07:52It was new.
07:54I think that's what's beautiful about it.
07:56Throughout my entire career,
07:58I think that's been my favorite part.
08:00To pull from other cultures,
08:02pull from other genres.
08:04To me, it just makes things more fun.
08:06Talking about sponges,
08:08you love to eat one as well.
08:10We've seen your challenges, mate.
08:12Oh, my goodness, mate.
08:14In a sponge?
08:16The chocolate sponge.
08:18The Milly challenges.
08:20Oh, my goodness.
08:22You must run out of ideas for your TikToks
08:25and your food.
08:27I don't know how you do it.
08:29My one big question is,
08:31how do you both have the storage on your phones?
08:33I don't.
08:35That's why I have two phones.
08:37That's why.
08:39I'm going through deleting my calendar,
08:41my calculator.
08:43I've got nothing left on my phone.
08:45How do you do it?
08:47A battery pack as well.
08:49You must have your phone constantly plugged in.
08:51I'm not recording everything,
08:53but it's not many at all.
08:55Do you want to be a TikToker?
08:57Three phones.
08:59I've got a bonus clip for you, Jason.
09:01I've googled Jason Derulo's snake.
09:03The only thing that comes up
09:05is videos of you being terrified of snakes.
09:07Your new single is called Snake.
09:09Is it in homage to the fact
09:11that you are petrified?
09:13Or are you trying to make amends with the animal?
09:15You know what's crazy?
09:17Over the years, I've definitely gotten over that fear.
09:19I'm definitely not afraid of snakes anymore.
09:21Which kind of snakes?
09:23The actual animal or humans?
09:25Because humans can be snakes.
09:27That takes me nicely
09:29onto my little game.
09:31You've heard of snakes on a plane, right?
09:33Snakes in a suite.
09:35Here we go.
09:37We've got a little game for you.
09:39Am I okay to throw a snake at you, Jason Derulo?
09:43Can you tell me the name of that snake?
09:47What's the name on the back of it?
09:50This is a grass snake.
09:52Yeah, a grass snake.
09:54Have you ever snitched anyone up?
09:56When have you been a grass in your lifetime?
09:58Oh, are we doing that?
10:00What does that mean?
10:02Someone's annoying
10:04and so you tell your boss or whatever.
10:06Like a snitch?
10:08Yeah, a proper snitch.
10:10I didn't know that's where you were going with it.
10:12I snitch on my brother
10:14all the time.
10:16All the time.
10:18I'm not even going to lie.
10:20He gets in trouble for it?
10:22Yeah, he does.
10:24That's the best part.
10:26No, I didn't do too much snitching
10:28if I'm being completely honest.
10:30Snitching was not okay.
10:32It's not.
10:34It's street code.
10:36You can't snitch.
10:38That's why I snitch only in the home.
10:40I don't snitch outside.
10:42Even in the home it was not allowed.
10:44I could snitch on my brother
10:46and it was going to be hell to pay after if I did that.
10:48Okay, next one.
10:50Ready, Nora?
10:52What's this one?
10:54This one is a boa constrictor.
10:56Okay, what really winds you up?
10:58What really tightens your neck and really annoys you?
11:00Oh my god, when someone doesn't know how to do their job.
11:02I hate lack of efficiency.
11:06Told, okay.
11:08I can agree with that for sure.
11:10But another thing is a liar.
11:14I don't like a liar.
11:16You can do a lot of things to me, but just don't lie to me.
11:18Love it.
11:20Ready, catch.
11:22What's that one?
11:26Okay, Anaconda, biggest snake on the planet.
11:28Who do you believe, apart from yourselves, is the biggest
11:30musical artist right now?
11:34I would have to say...
11:38I would have to say Beyonce.
11:40Oh my god, I was going to say the same thing.
11:43When can we get her involved with this, guys?
11:45When can we get her third wheeling?
11:47At this point, anytime please.
11:49Love it.
11:51Next one.
11:53This is a elephant trunk.
11:55Elephants never forget.
11:57What's been the most embarrassing moment on stage?
11:59Elephant trunk snake.
12:01Most embarrassing moment on stage, guys?
12:03Nobody knows this, but I know this.
12:05I was performing for
12:07FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
12:09This was for the FIFA FanFest performance.
12:11The crowd was 70,000 people.
12:13I was on stage,
12:15and my outfit rips.
12:17Like, from the back.
12:19From the back.
12:21And I'm like, oh my god, my outfit rips.
12:23And the boots rip.
12:25But I had to keep going.
12:27But thankfully, nobody noticed, because I had layers.
12:29But I knew it happened.
12:33I did a TikTok the other day.
12:35When I was on tour,
12:37I faked like I had to go to the bathroom
12:39when I was on stage.
12:41So then TMZ and all these sites
12:43picked it up like it was an actual thing that happened.
12:45It was like, Jason couldn't hold it on the stage.
12:47That was, you know,
12:49embarrassing and funny as hell
12:51at the same time.
12:53But an actually embarrassing moment
12:55was at Wembley Stadium here.
12:57I dropped the mic,
12:59because I was trying to take off this leather jacket.
13:01I had to be like 21 years old.
13:03And I was trying to take off this leather jacket.
13:05It was hot.
13:08It was hot as hell.
13:10I was trying to take off this leather jacket.
13:12And one of the dancers is right next to me.
13:14I'm like, hey, shorty, help me take this off.
13:16She's just in her own world,
13:18doing her own thing.
13:20Finally, the mic drops on the floor.
13:22And I'm like, damn.
13:24In front of 90,000 people.
13:26It's cool.
13:28Yeah, but you always look great.
13:30You just styled it out.
13:32I got one more.
13:34This is the big one.
13:40That's a good one, isn't it?
13:42By the way, we have a cobra in our music video.
13:44And it's real.
13:48I want to know who's the biggest TikToker on the planet.
13:50Who do you want to aspire to be?
13:54I'm not even going to lie.
13:56I have to study him.
13:58He's a course.
14:00Can we get a Jason Derulo TikTok course going on?
14:02Oh, absolutely.
14:04I live in America.
14:06It seems like TikTok is going to be banned in America.
14:08Maybe I can give you guys
14:10like a
14:12Snapchat course.
14:14This happens, Jason.
14:16Are you going to move to the UK?
14:18I can't imagine your life without TikTok in it.
14:20What's your thoughts on it?
14:22You know what?
14:24I just started Snapchat, and I've been liking it a lot.
14:26Really? I'm not on it.
14:28You better get on it.
14:30I honestly feel like it's the next wave.
14:33I'm really into it.
14:35And I think people really love the live aspect.
14:37People like the unpolished aspect of it.
14:41I think it's the next wave.
14:43If we're not on it, then we're just going to get left behind.
14:45No, I don't want to be left behind.
14:47And you only do polished.
14:49I mean, come on. You are the Don.
14:51You're the best at it.
14:53You know, I want to do unpolished better.
14:55I can teach you if you want.
14:57There's no one ever.
14:59No, I promise you.
15:01I don't know why I want to curse so much this morning.
15:03I didn't have no coffee this morning.
15:05That was me also this morning.
15:07But I think the new age is live.
15:09It's just live.
15:13Unfiltered live.
15:15Yeah, love that.
15:17And just finally, LA fires.
15:19Everything okay? Are you alright?
15:21Yeah, I got out in time.
15:23And obviously, it was really scary.
15:25I was shooting influencer videos for Snake.
15:27And we ended up having to evacuate.
15:29But I just hope everyone's okay.
15:31It's really, really unfortunate.
15:33But yeah, I mean,
15:35sending my heart out to everybody for sure.
15:37It's pretty crazy.
15:39You know, LA is like one of those places
15:41that, you know,
15:43you think that maybe an earthquake will happen.
15:45That's what I was thinking too, yeah.
15:47And then the fires will happen.
15:49But it's usually like in an obscure,
15:51more obscure area.
15:53But like some of the biggest cities,
15:55most well-known places,
15:57have been burned down to the ground.
16:01So it's a pretty crazy situation.
16:03Send your love to everyone.
16:05Thank you so much, guys.
16:07The tune's amazing. The video's amazing.
16:09You're amazing.
16:11And I'm looking forward to seeing the unpolished version of you.
16:13Yeah, absolutely.
16:15I have a lot of footage of you.
16:17Thanks, guys.
16:19Thank you. Appreciate it.
