• 2 months ago
00:00It's a great privilege today to be part of the opening ceremony of Rio winning our beloved
00:27Jetty. It's been a long time coming. I'd like to thank everybody involved in ensuring that
00:40we have the funds through the Canal a Cardi UK SPF grant, which has allowed us as a town
00:48council to contact one of our talented blacksmiths in the area. Diolch o ganlon ni. Rhybh byrrel
01:03a'i cwmni yn y gors, yn New Cross, am y gwaith arbennig ar y greetings newydd. The work, if
01:15you have a chance, go down on the jetty when it's safe, where otherwise the new greetings
01:24they are really great and safe. Diolch o ganlon i'r cwmni am y gwaith. Yr un cwmni sydd wedi
01:31wneud coed Nadolig, the same company who also did our Christmas trees, so as a town council
01:40that we can support local businesses. Ma hwna'n bwysig i ni fel cynllod tre. Diolch arbennig
01:47hefyd i Bad Archib Aber. I'd like to thank the RNLI for their support in getting the grant as well.
01:56Mae'r jetty yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan yr RNLI. Os yw'r tywydd ddim yn gadael nhw mewn i'r harfwr,
02:03maen nhw'n gallu clymu lan fan hyn. Heb y jetty, maen nhw yn anodd iawn. So I'd like to thank the
02:09RNLI for their support in our bid to successfully get the funding for this. A jyst cyn torri,
02:17dwi eisiau diolch i staff y swyddfa. I'd like to thank our office staff for all their hard work.
02:22Will, Rolands, Will Clarke a Steve Williams sydd yn gofal yn sydd o fyny. I'd like to thank Steve
02:29and Will Clarke for all the work behind this. Mae e'n bleser mawr nawr.
02:39Mae e'n swyddogol i gael yr RNLI yn mynd i ddod i'r ifanc, i gael yr arosglwydd. Mae'r jetty ar agor!
03:00Everything you said is great and true. It's nice to see a local company being involved in the rebuild.
03:08It's a great asset to the RNLI. We can land casualties here, equipment and it's a safe haven
03:16for us if the seas are a bit rough around the other side. I'll be calling up for life up now
03:24and more up alongside, so you can see how it works that way. Again, thank you to the council
03:31for getting this up and running again.
