For the sake of etiquette and to support your friend's decision, here are some things you should avoid saying to someone taking on dry January. Veuer’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has the story.
00:00Oh dry January, the controversial decision to cut all alcohol out of one's life for
00:05one month that can split friendships apart.
00:08I'm kidding, but for the sake of etiquette, and to support your friend's decision, here
00:12are some things you should avoid saying to someone taking on the challenge.
00:17Can't you have just one drink?
00:19No bueno amigos, your buddy needs to feel respected in his or her decision.
00:23Peer pressure is the last thing they need to start off the year.
00:27Don't you dare say, do you have a problem?
00:30If they did, they wouldn't be able to do dry January in the first place.
00:33For those that don't see it, the HuffPost says dry January is not a replacement for
00:37Alcoholics Anonymous or recovery programs.
00:41In fact, you should try it too.
00:42The Cleveland Clinic found it'll help you sleep better, have more time for other hobbies,
00:47and save you money.
00:48Another thing not to ask is, how are you doing to de-stress without alcohol?
00:52Think about it.
00:53When you say something like this, you're suggesting their only adequate coping mechanism
00:58is alcohol.
00:59Do you miss alcohol?
01:01Would you like being asked if you miss your ex?
01:04There's nothing to miss when you have a goal in mind that doesn't include feeling
01:08nauseated and hungover.
01:10Be supportive of your friends, try dry January, and if you can't, then at least admire those
01:15who do while taking them out for a coffee.